38 research outputs found


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    Di Indonesia, mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu yang wajib dipelajari. Peserta didik telah mengikuti pembelajaran minimal selama 6 tahun di tingkat SMP dan SMA, pada tingkat Perguruan Tinggi, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris diberikan dengan tujuan menghadapi persaingan global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hambatan atau kesulitan mahasiwa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, menggunakan metode observasi dan rekam data.  Analisis data penelitian dilakukan melalui tiga cara yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek penelitian menghadapi kesulitan belajar bahasa Inggris pada masing-masing keterampilan berbahasa. Hal tersebut terjadi akibat faktor tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang berbeda-beda.  DOI : http://doi.org/10.33005/adv.v7i1.113

    Minuman Probiotik dari Limbah Kulit Nanas sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Imunitas dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 di Kelompok PKK RT.06/RW.03 Rungkut Barata Surabaya

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    Covid-19 has been declared as pandemic and has spread in 216 countries around the world. WHO’s distribution data obtained on May 31, 2020 that there were 5,891,182 positive cases of Covid-19 in the world with 365,966 deaths. The condition in Indonesia is classified as serious as well, which  25,773 positive cases with 1,573 deaths. Covid-19 has the potential to attack humans with poor immunity, so that a healthy lifestyle plays a role in increasing endurance, such as eating healthy food like probiotics. One of the media that can be used to grow probiotics is pinneapple peel. The community service partner was PKK RT. 06/RW.03 Rungkut Barata residents, the majority of whom are middle aged and elderly. This age is classified as vulnerable to being exposed to Covid-19, so in this acrivity we plan to carry out activity related to probiotics by utillizing pineapple skin waste. Futhermore, the location of the partners is strategic because near the market and sorrounded by several pineapple sellers.  The method activity was preparation and coordination with the partner, then continues with conselling and training on making probiotic product. The output was probiotic product, training moduls and documentation

    Empowering Surabaya Creative Communities and Start-Ups through Human-Centered Design

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    Objective - Creative communities have the potential to increase a city�s social, economic, and touristic values. Despite their evident existence in Surabaya, these communities lack support in terms of public spaces and exhibition facilities with suitable designs that could accommodate their unique activities and communicate their aspirations to the public. This research-design project aims to prove the social and economic benefits of the human-centered design process by implementing various human-centered design approaches in the interior design of creative community spaces (CCS) so that they can accommodate the unique activities of existing creative communities and serve as assembly points for entrepreneurial or start-up groups. Methodology/Technique � Two teams of interior designers were tasked to design a community space and exhibition facility for two creative communities in Surabaya. A combined method based on different human-centered design approaches of applied ethnography, participatory design, co-design, contextual design, emphatic design, and lead user approach was conducted through six stages of design process consisting of: Empathize, Point of View, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Findings & Novelty - The results of this research-design project are novel designs of community co-working spaces and exhibition facilities based on the unique human values, hobbies, and characteristics of the creative community that proved the social and economic benefits of human-centered design in the practice of interior design. Through the design of the creative community spaces yielded, interior and building designers can promote the activities and aspirations of existing creative communities such that they may, in turn, contribute to the development of Surabaya�s social, economic, and touristic values


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    UPN Veterans East Java as a State Defense Campus is a manifestation of the implementation of Article 27 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution regarding the form of a state defense system to deal with non-military threats. One of the actual forms in general is the existence of Indonesian Language courses for Foreign Speakers (BIPA). The values ​​of nationalism can be traced to the five precepts contained in Pancasila, namely, Belief in One God, just and civilized humanity, Indonesian unity, democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberation, and social justice for all Indonesian people. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the application of practical methods. The practical method was chosen because it is in accordance with BIPA learning activities, namely coloring pictures related to state symbols, culture, customs, and traditions in Indonesia that contain nationalism values. The unit of research analysis is the values ​​of nationalism originating from Pancasila in BIPA learning for Yemeni students at UPNVJT. Triangulation of data sources was used as data validation. The research data analysis technique used was the interactive model of Miles and Huberman (1984). The results of the research related to the introduction of the values ​​of nationalism include the introduction of the 5 precepts in Pancasila, the introduction of symbols and symbols of Pancasila, the meaning of Pancasila and its relation to nationalism, as well as attitudes that reflect nationalism during Yemeni students study at UPN Veterans, East Java. Obtained results of research related to the stages in the practical method with coloring pictures media, namely, (1) Delivery of the initial objectives, (2) Explanation of practical material, (3) Demonstration of how to work, (4) Practice exercises/simulations, (5) Transfer training to test students' understanding regarding the introduction of nationalism values

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Strategi Branding Produk bagi UMKM di Kelurahan Gununganyar Kota Surabaya

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    Branding training and mentoring activities were carried out in Gununganyar District, Surabaya City. This activity is in the form of training and direct assistance for MSMEs. This training and mentoring activity combines aspects that can be used to support the branding process, such as packaging and labeling, product photography, and e-commerce. The initial stage in this activity is to know the obstacles and efforts that have been made by MSME actors. Then proceed with the process of socialization and training in the form of theory and practice and then carry out branding assistance directly at MSME locations. Based on the activities that have been carried out, several MSMEs can be encouraged to improve branding and develop their creativity so as to update product packaging designs and expand online sales. In its implementation, this activity received a positive response from both the community and village officials as partners, seen from the amount of enthusiasm and support given during the activity. The results of this activity are expected to be able to encourage the level of economy and creative entrepreneurial activities in Gununganyar District which in the end will also be able to have an influence on the process of empowering human resources.Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan branding dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Gununganyar, Kota Surabaya. Kegiatan ini berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan secara langsung bagi para UMKM. Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan ini mengkombinasikan aspek-aspek yang dapat digunakan utnuk menunjang proses branding seperti pada packaging dan labelling, fotografi produk, dan e-commerce. Tahapan awal dalam kegiatan ini adalah harus mengetahui kendala dan usaha yang telah dilakukan pelaku UMKM. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses sosialisasi serta pelatihan berupa teori dan praktik kemudian melakukan pendampingan branding secara langsung di lokasi UMKM. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, beberapa UMKM dapat terdorong untuk meningkatkan branding dan mengembangkan kreativitasnya sehingga melakukan pembaruan desain kemasan produk dan merambah penjualan secara daring. Dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon positif baik dari masyarakat maupun perangkat kelurahan sebagai mitra, dilihat dari besarnya antusias dan dukungan yang diberikan selama kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu mendorong tingkat perekonomian dan kegiatan wirausaha kreatif di Kelurahan Gununganyar yang pada akhirnya juga akan mampu memberikan pengaruh pada proses pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki

    Participatory Method and Regionalism Approach of Furniture Design for Nginden Jangkungan Herbal Library Surabaya

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    Surabaya�s vision to become a literacy city, initiated by the mayor, Tri Rishmaharini, led to the opening of 533 regional libraries by 2019. In 2020, Nginden Jangkungan Herbal Library was chosen as the best regional library in Surabaya, with facilities and infrastructure supporting various literacy activities. However, there is much that still can be developed, in terms of the visual and functional quality of its interior design. This research used the participatory design method combined with a regionalism approach. This method was used to engage the community to develop their library with their own strengths and resources. Meanwhile, a regionalism approach was adopted to develop the local potential of the library within a global perspective. The objective of this research was to enrich the use of local resources by utilizing them as part of the furniture design for the herbal library. There are many herbal plants on the surrounding site that can be used by the local community. Therefore, eco-print training was held to educate the community and provide a transfer of knowledge about the benefits of herbal plants other than for consumption. The results of this eco-print training were then used as a part of the library�s furniture, such as for the upholstery, and were designed in a modern way. Through the participatory method, the community can further develop this eco-print potential for the development of various products that can support the literacy activities of the public library

    Regionalism and Co-Design Approach in the Redesign of a Literacy Stage at the Nginden Jangkungan Herbal Library in Surabaya

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    In recent years, regional libraries in Surabaya have been encouraged to support Gerakan Literasi Nasional (GLN), a national program to cultivate literacy in Indonesia. One of these libraries is the Herbal Library on Nginden Jangkungan street in Surabaya that provides various active literacy activities through a literacy stage facility. However, this facility was lacking identity in terms of visual and spatial character and more sub-facilities were needed to accommodate activities for performing, presenting, conducting workshops and other literacy activities. This research aimed to redesign the literacy stage facility of the Nginden Herbal Library using a regionalism approach combined with a community co-design method. The co-design method is a collaborative process between designers and the community to produce designs that truly answer the needs of the community, promote transfer of knowledge and create a shared sense of ownership. The result of this study is an iconic design of a literacy stage that could accommodate the flexibility of literacy activities while representing the local culture of the community. The regionalism approach was adopted through the implementation of natural elements (leaves, bamboo, red ginger, etc.) originating from the herbal library’s site, and the use of Javanese language and culture. Crafts from plastic waste were also co-designed with the community’s art works. It is hoped that the design product can support the Herbal Library to become a new literacy icon in Surabaya. Keywords: literacy stage, regionalism, co-design, local cultur

    Regionalism Approach with Co-Design Method in the Redesign of Literacy Stage at Herbal Library Nginden Jangkungan Surabaya

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    In the recent years, regional libraries in Surabaya have been encouraged to support Gerakan Literasi Nasional (GLN), a national program to cultivate literacy in Indonesia. One of the potential libraries is the Herbal Library on Nginden Jangkungan Street in Surabaya that provides various active literacy activities through a literacy stage facility. However, this facility was lacking identity in terms of visual and spatial character and more sub-facilities were needed to accommodate activities for performing, presenting, conducting workshops and other literacy activities. This research aims to redesign the literacy stage facility of Herbal Library Nginden with Regionalism approach combined with Co-design method, to implement the regional identity and community potentials into the designing process and result. The Co-design method is a collaborative designing process between designers and the community to produce designs that truly answer the needs, transfer knowledge and create a sense of ownership. The result of this study is an iconic design of a literacy stage that could accommodate the flexibility of literacy activities while representing the local culture of the community in terms of visual and spatial character. Regionalism approach was adopted through the implementation of natural elements (leaves, bamboo, red ginger, etc) originating from the herbal librarys site, crafts from plastic waste that were co-designed with the communitys art works, and the use of Javanese language and culture. Through this research design project, hopefully the design intervention product can support Herbal Library Nginden Jangkungan to become new literacy icon in Surabaya

    Participatory Method and Regionalism Approach to Design Furniture for the Nginden Jangkungan Herbal Library in Surabaya

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    Surabaya’s vision to become a literacy city, initiated by the mayor, Tri Rishmaharini, led to the opening of 533 regional libraries by 2019. In 2020, Nginden Jangkungan Herbal Library was chosen as the best regional library in Surabaya, with facilities and infrastructure supporting various literacy activities. However, there is much that still can be developed, in terms of the visual and functional quality of its interior design. This research used the participatory design method combined with a regionalism approach. This method was used to engage the community to develop their library with their own strengths and resources. Meanwhile, a regionalism approach was adopted to develop the local potential of the library within a global perspective. The objective of this research was to enrich the use of local resources by utilizing them as part of the furniture design for the herbal library. There are many herbal plants on the surrounding site that can be used by the local community. Therefore, eco-print training was held to educate the community and provide a transfer of knowledge about the benefits of herbal plants other than for consumption. The results of this eco-print training were then used as a part of the library’s furniture, such as for the upholstery, and were designed in a modern way. Through the participatory method, the community can further develop this eco-print potential for the development of various products that can support the literacy activities of the public library. Keywords: literacy, participatory, regionalism, library, eco prin