6,644 research outputs found

    Explaining labor productivity differentials on Italian regions

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    Labor productivity convergence is a key factor in the catching up process of less developed regions. For the regional economies as a whole labor productivity differentials can be traced back to three distinct determinants: - composition effects due to the peculiar structure of the regional economy; a lower than average productivity level could, for instance, be due to the fact that a greater share or the regional labor force is employed in sectors that are denoted by lower productivity at the aggregate level; - different regional endowments, within each given industry, of physical and human capital per worker; - differing levels of total factor productivity (TFP). The study aims at explaining substantial and persistent regional differentials in labor productivity in Italy providing: 1. an assessment of the role played by the three factors above outlined in the variuos regions; 2. an empirical evaluation of the role played by some of the relevant factors suggested in the related literature (e.g., public and social capital, R&D expenditure, international openness, financial markets development, agglomeration and diversification economies, geographic factors), in explaining regional TFP differentials. The empirical analysis makes use of a particularly rich data set including annual regional accounts and capital stock data for 17 industries covering the period 1970-1994. Estimates of human capital broken down by region and industry are produced by the authors pooling information from the Labor force survey and Bank of Italy’s Survey of households income and wealth. The analysis of structural composition effects is carried out by means of the shift-share technique proposed by Esteban (2000), while a cointegrated panel model is used to estimate total factor productivity by region and sector. In an attempt to assess the relevance of spatial externalities in explaining regional TFP levels the final regression analysis makes use of spatial econometric techniques.

    A between-cluster approach for clustering skew-symmetric data

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    In order to investigate exchanges between objects, a clustering model for skew-symmetric data is proposed, which relies on the between-cluster effects of the skew-symmetries that represent the imbalances of the observed exchanges between pairs of objects. The aim is to detect clusters of objects that share the same behaviour of exchange so that origin and destination clusters are identified. The proposed model is based on the decomposition of the skew-symmetric matrix pertaining to the imbalances between clusters into a sum of a number of off-diagonal block matrices. Each matrix can be approximated by a skew-symmetric matrix by using a truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) which exploits the properties of the skew-symmetric matrices. The model is fitted in a least-squares framework and an efficient Alternating Least Squares algorithm is provided. Finally, in order to show the potentiality of the model and the features of the resulting clusters, an extensive simulation study and an illustrative application to real data are presented

    Etnografie Letterarie e Migrazioni: Scritture di Donne Migranti

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    This study explores the relationship between the new migration literature and reflective anthropology. The relationship between literature and anthropology becomes more and more significant and provides fruitful reading keys for transcultural ethnography. Migration literature in Italian is investigated through first and second generation migrant writers, so much so as to define a post-colonial Italian literature. Gender, ethnicity and migration configure as the keystones of the new plural and transcultural subjectivities of post-modern Italy

    Approdi e rotte. Un esempio di trasmigrazioni mediterranee: il caso Cetara

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    This paper aims to demonstrate how the threads of a specific Mediterranean migration, which shares the dynamics of current transmigrations, can be pulled together through the study migrations and memories of a site that has become a tourist attraction. The displace-ment of the Mediterranean people, that engendered a koiné and produced a true European creolization, is the result of flights, raids, exodus and continuous migrations that have given life to Europe and to the definition of the West. Within this logic is Cetara, a city that puts together, in about a century and a half, both the ancient migration (of sea crossing, the knowledge and technique that go with it), and the postmodern transformations of tourism, of the revitalization of the city and a new economy. This virtuous circle, that continually releases innovative aspects, has put in touch the various shores of the Mediterranean that are constantly replenishing the language and the habits that can be a symptom to identify differences, but above all similarities with current transmigrations. Here outlined are the results of a three-year period fieldwork, and identify the changes that a particular form of transmigration and tourism is causing in the community. Migrations and tourism are still the characterizing mode of movement of the people. Cetara puts together these two aspects as a country of migrants but that also welcomes and promotes forms of tourist encounter and creation of identity totems related to nutrition and food

    The impact of presence of mycotoxins in feed mixtures on production results of laying hens

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    Plijesni su skupina mikroskopskih gljivica od kojih veliki broj proizvodi jake toksine, odnosno mikotoksine. Oni mogu biti uzročnici mnogih poremećaja kod ljudi i životinja. Kako bi se spriječio učinak mikotoksina na organizam koriste se adsorbensi koji na sebe vežu mikotoksine te se zajedno s njima izlučuju iz organizma prije nego se prošire po njemu i prouzroče štetan utjecaj. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak dodatka adsorbensa u krmnu smjesu na proizvodne pokazatelje kokoši nesilica i fizikalne pokazatelje kakvoće jaja. U istraživanju je korišteno 90 Hisex brown kokoši nesilica, starosti 20 do 32 tjedna. Kokoši su bile podijeljene slučajnim odabirom u 3 hranidbena tretmana: T1(kontrolna skupina hranjena komercijalnom krmnom smjesom), T2 (T1 + 2 kg adsorbensa po toni krmne smjese), a T3 (T1 + 20 kg adsorbensa po toni krmne smjese). Na temelju rezultata dobivenih u istraživanju možemo konstatirati da nije utvrđena značajna razlika između tretmana. Odnosno, dodatak adsorbenata nije imao učinak na proizvodne rezultate (konzumaciju, konverziju, nesivost, mortalitet) kao ni fizikalne pokazatelje kakvoće jaja (masa, indeks oblika, čvrstoća ljuske, visina bjelanjka, HU, udijele pojedinih dijelova u jajetu). Razlog takvih rezultata treba pripisati higijenskoj i zdravstvenoj ispravnosti krmne smjese koja se koristi u komercijalnoj proizvodnji jaja, a koja je korištena i u ovom istraživanju. Stoga bi ovakva istraživanja ubuduće trebali provesti korištenjem krmne smjese u kojoj je utvrđena prisutnost mikotoksina.Molds are cluster of microscopic fungi from which a large number produce strong toxins, or mycotoxins. They may be the cause of many pathological disorders of people and animals. To prevent the effect of mycotoxins on the body adsorbens are used and they attach mycotoxins and together with them excrete from the body before they can spread and cause damage. The aim was to determine the effect of addition of adsorbens into feed micture on egg production indicators and physical indicators of egg quality of laying hens. Testing carried out used 90 Hisex brown laying hens, aged 20 to 32 weeks. Hens were randomly selected and placed within 3 dietary treatments: T1 (control group fed with commercial feed mixture), T2 (T1 + 2 kg of adsorbens per ton of feed) and T3 (T1 + 20 kg of adsorbens per ton of feed). Based on the results obtained from this study we can conclude that there is no significant difference between treatments. Regarding that, the addition of adsorbens had no effect on production results (consumption, conversion, egg production, mortality) as well as physical indicators of egg quality (weight, shape index, shell strength, height of albumin, HU, the percentage of certain parts inside of the egg). The reason for such results should be attributed to the hygienic and sanitary safety of compound feed used in commercial egg production, which was used in this research. Therefore, this kind of research, in the future, should be carried out using a feed mixture in which was indicated the presence of mycotoxins


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    L'obiettivo principale del lavoro è stato di valutare il ruolo della neurostimolazione e della multimodalità (intesa come la presentazione visiva di un modello che esegue un movimento assieme a una musica sincrona) nell’apprendimento motorio, indagando sia gli effetti sugli adulti sani sia su pazienti affetti da Morbo di Parkinson (MP). Per raggiungere tale obiettivo, sono state condotte tre ricerche sperimentali e longitudinali, utilizzando diversi strumenti, come tDCS, biofeedback e KinectTM. Partendo da una sistematica revisione della letteratura nel campo della riabilitazione neuromotoria, sono state identificate tre forme di trattamento che sembrano efficaci contro i sintomi motori del MP. Tuttavia, pur riconoscendo la loro efficacia, non sono mai stati combinati nella pratica riabilitativa: l’Action Observation Learning (basato sulla teoria del sistema dei neuroni specchio), la neurostimolazione anodica non-invasiva sulla zona motoria primaria e l'uso della musica. I risultati dimostrano un chiaro sostegno della multimodalità e della neuro stimolazione nella fase di encoding e un loro supporto nel migliorare le funzioni motorie, anche a distanza di un mese. Questo lavoro offre nuove indicazioni per lo sviluppo di approcci innovativi ed efficaci nel campo dell’apprendimento motorio.The main objective was to assess the role of neurostimulation and multimodality (namely the presentation of a visual model together with a synchronized musical track) in motor learning, by considering both healthy adults and Parkinsonian patients (PD). In order to achieve this goal, three experimental and longitudinal studies were carried out, using different tools such as tDCS, biofeedback and KinectTM. Starting with a systematic review, three innovative approaches which seem to be effective in treating the motor symptoms of PD, were identified. However, while recognizing the effectiveness of these three promising approaches, they have never been combined: Action Observation Learning (based on the theory of mirror neuron system), the non-invasive anodal neurostimulation on the primary motor area and the use of music. The results showed a clear support of multimodality and neurostimulation during the encoding phase and in improving motor functions, even after one month. This work provides new suggestions for innovative and effective treatments in motor learning field

    The impact of presence of mycotoxins in feed mixtures on production results of laying hens

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    Plijesni su skupina mikroskopskih gljivica od kojih veliki broj proizvodi jake toksine, odnosno mikotoksine. Oni mogu biti uzročnici mnogih poremećaja kod ljudi i životinja. Kako bi se spriječio učinak mikotoksina na organizam koriste se adsorbensi koji na sebe vežu mikotoksine te se zajedno s njima izlučuju iz organizma prije nego se prošire po njemu i prouzroče štetan utjecaj. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak dodatka adsorbensa u krmnu smjesu na proizvodne pokazatelje kokoši nesilica i fizikalne pokazatelje kakvoće jaja. U istraživanju je korišteno 90 Hisex brown kokoši nesilica, starosti 20 do 32 tjedna. Kokoši su bile podijeljene slučajnim odabirom u 3 hranidbena tretmana: T1(kontrolna skupina hranjena komercijalnom krmnom smjesom), T2 (T1 + 2 kg adsorbensa po toni krmne smjese), a T3 (T1 + 20 kg adsorbensa po toni krmne smjese). Na temelju rezultata dobivenih u istraživanju možemo konstatirati da nije utvrđena značajna razlika između tretmana. Odnosno, dodatak adsorbenata nije imao učinak na proizvodne rezultate (konzumaciju, konverziju, nesivost, mortalitet) kao ni fizikalne pokazatelje kakvoće jaja (masa, indeks oblika, čvrstoća ljuske, visina bjelanjka, HU, udijele pojedinih dijelova u jajetu). Razlog takvih rezultata treba pripisati higijenskoj i zdravstvenoj ispravnosti krmne smjese koja se koristi u komercijalnoj proizvodnji jaja, a koja je korištena i u ovom istraživanju. Stoga bi ovakva istraživanja ubuduće trebali provesti korištenjem krmne smjese u kojoj je utvrđena prisutnost mikotoksina.Molds are cluster of microscopic fungi from which a large number produce strong toxins, or mycotoxins. They may be the cause of many pathological disorders of people and animals. To prevent the effect of mycotoxins on the body adsorbens are used and they attach mycotoxins and together with them excrete from the body before they can spread and cause damage. The aim was to determine the effect of addition of adsorbens into feed micture on egg production indicators and physical indicators of egg quality of laying hens. Testing carried out used 90 Hisex brown laying hens, aged 20 to 32 weeks. Hens were randomly selected and placed within 3 dietary treatments: T1 (control group fed with commercial feed mixture), T2 (T1 + 2 kg of adsorbens per ton of feed) and T3 (T1 + 20 kg of adsorbens per ton of feed). Based on the results obtained from this study we can conclude that there is no significant difference between treatments. Regarding that, the addition of adsorbens had no effect on production results (consumption, conversion, egg production, mortality) as well as physical indicators of egg quality (weight, shape index, shell strength, height of albumin, HU, the percentage of certain parts inside of the egg). The reason for such results should be attributed to the hygienic and sanitary safety of compound feed used in commercial egg production, which was used in this research. Therefore, this kind of research, in the future, should be carried out using a feed mixture in which was indicated the presence of mycotoxins

    Napoli allo specchio. Itinerari napoletani tra etnografia, letteratura e riflessioni antropologiche

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    The present reflection is devoted to the relationship between ethnography and literature, in particular to the images of Naples in the words of writers, philosophers and anthropologists. The relationships and boundaries between these fields of interest have sometimes been difficult to draw, but in recent years the fruitful and mutual need for comparison has been recognized by the different - despite contiguous - horizons of each of these disciplines. The theme is: how is it possible to recognize and identify Naples, how can this city be defined, described, told and experienced by those who breathe its perennial and fascinating contradictions, both those who are overwhelmed and involved as external observers, or even foreigners? In terms of cultural anthropology, we are dealing with the relationship between emic and etic and the possibility of defining, through writing, useful materials to interpret the complexity of cultures in post-modernity