3,068 research outputs found

    Revealing the role of past and current climate in shaping the distribution of two parapatric European bats, Myotis daubentonii and M. capaccinii

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    In this contribution, we aim at determining the role of climate in shaping the current and historical (Last Glacial Maximum and Middle Holocene) distributions of two parapatric bat species (Myotis daubentonii and Myotis capaccinii) in Europe, using ensemble Habitat Suitability Modelling (HSM). Model projection to current climatic conditions predicted distributions largely coherent with the ones observed for the two species in the study area. Temperature- and precipitation-linked variables well accounted for the observed parapatry of the two target species. Moreover, areas of co-occurrence turned out to be those where the main ecological needs concerning the most important range-limiting variables are met for both species. Model projections to past scenarios allowed us to hypothesize the effects of climatic oscillations over the distribution of the two species during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Extreme range contractions during the Last Glacial Maximum and the subsequent expansions during Middle Holocene were predicted, consistently with general patterns of post-glacial recolonization routes of many temperate bat species in Europe. Our findings are largely coherent with recent phylogeographic studies investigating the two target species, thus corroborating the validity of potential distribution scenarios obtained from the models and, more importantly, confirming the great influence that glacial cycles had in shaping the biogeography of the European fauna

    Information networks and power: confronting the "wicked problem" of REDD+ in Indonesia

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    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a priority issue for forest and climate policy in Indonesia, and REDD+ policy-making activity has been characterized by considerable public consultation. Despite this engagement, discussions on REDD+ in Indonesia are reported to have remained top-down, a disconcerting pattern when adaptive governance and transformational change require cross-scale and cross-sectoral communication. Explicitly modeling the patterns of information exchange related to REDD+ can clarify these claims and help identify potential barriers to the transformational change needed to implement REDD+. We used data obtained through semistructured and structured interviews held in 2011 with representatives from a broad range of organizations (N = 64), formally or informally involved in the national REDD+ policy processes in Indonesia, to study REDD-related information exchange. Adopting a social network analysis approach, we found that (1) organizations perceived as most influential in REDD+ policy formulation, often, but not exclusively, those with institutional authority over particular aspects of REDD+, tend not to seek information from other actors and (2) organizations exchange information primarily within three clusters of similar organizations, with weak connections between clusters. This evidence suggests weak information exchange between the national government, national civil society, and transnational actors. We contend that the emergence of brokers able to connect these different clusters will be crucial for effective and inclusive REDD+ governance in Indonesia

    Resting state alpha oscillatory activity is a valid and reliable marker of schizotypy

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    Schizophrenia is among the most debilitating neuropsychiatric disorders. However, clear neurophysiological markers that would identify at-risk individuals represent still an unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate possible alterations in the resting alpha oscillatory activity in normal population high on schizotypy trait, a physiological condition known to be severely altered in patients with schizophrenia. Direct comparison of resting-state EEG oscillatory activity between Low and High Schizotypy Group (LSG and HSG) has revealed a clear right hemisphere alteration in alpha activity of the HSG. Specifically, HSG shows a significant slowing down of right hemisphere posterior alpha frequency and an altered distribution of its amplitude, with a tendency towards a reduction in the right hemisphere in comparison to LSG. Furthermore, altered and reduced connectivity in the right fronto-parietal network within the alpha range was found in the HSG. Crucially, a trained pattern classifier based on these indices of alpha activity was able to successfully differentiate HSG from LSG on tested participants further confirming the specific importance of right hemispheric alpha activity and intrahemispheric functional connectivity. By combining alpha activity and connectivity measures with a machine learning predictive model optimized in a nested stratified cross-validation loop, current research offers a promising clinical tool able to identify individuals at-risk of developing psychosis (i.e., high schizotypy individuals)

    The nero lucano pig breed: Recovery and variability

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    The Nero Lucano (NL) pig is a black coat colored breed characterized by a remarkable ability to adapt to the difficult territory and climatic conditions of Basilicata region in Southern Italy. In the second half of the twentieth century, technological innovation, agricultural evolution, new breeding methods and the demand for increasingly lean meat brought the breed almost to extinction. Only in 2001, thanks to local institutions such as: the Basilicata Region, the University of Basilicata, the Regional Breeders Association and the Medio Basento mountain community, the NL pig returned to populate the area with the consequent possibility to appreciate again its specific cured meat products. We analyzed the pedigrees recorded by the breeders and the Illumina Porcine SNP60 BeadChip genotypes in order to obtain the genetic structure of the NL pig. Results evidenced that this population is characterized by long mean generation intervals (up to 3.5 yr), low effective population size (down to 7.2) and high mean inbreeding coefficients (FMOL = 0.53, FROH = 0.39). This picture highlights the low level of genetic variability and the critical issues to be faced for the complete recovery of this population

    BCR-ABL1 doubling-times and halving-times may predict CML response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), successful treatment requires accurate molecular monitoring to evaluate disease response and provide timely interventions for patients failing to achieve the desired outcomes. We wanted to determine whether measuring BCR-ABL1 mRNA doubling-times (DTs) could distinguish inconsequential rises in the oncogene’s expression from resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Thus, we retrospectively examined BCR-ABL1 evolution in 305 chronic-phase CML patients receiving imatinib mesylate (IM) as a first line treatment. Patients were subdivided in two groups: those with a confirmed rise in BCR-ABL1 transcripts without MR3.0 loss and those failing IM. We found that the DTs of the former patients were significantly longer than those of patients developing IM resistance (57.80 vs. 41.45 days, p = 0.0114). Interestingly, the DT values of individuals failing second-generation (2G) TKIs after developing IM resistance were considerably shorter than those observed at the time of IM failure (27.20 vs. 41.45 days; p = 0.0035). We next wanted to establish if decreases in BCR-ABL1 transcripts would identify subjects likely to obtain deep molecular responses. We therefore analyzed the BCR-ABL1 halving-times (HTs) of a different cohort comprising 174 individuals receiving IM in first line and observed that, regardless of the time point selected for our analyses (6, 12, or 18 months), HTs were significantly shorter in subjects achieving superior molecular responses (p = 0.002 at 6 months; p < 0.001 at 12 months; p = 0.0099 at 18 months). Moreover, 50 patients receiving 2G TKIs as first line therapy and obtaining an MR3.0 (after 6 months; p = 0.003) or an MR4.0 (after 12 months; p = 0.019) displayed significantly shorter HTs than individuals lacking these molecular responses. Our findings suggest that BCR-ABL1 DTs and HTs are reliable tools to, respectively, identify subjects in MR3.0 that are failing their assigned TKI or to recognize patients likely to achieve deep molecular responses that should be considered for treatment discontinuation

    Food quality and nutraceutical value of nine cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits grown in Mediterranean subtropical environment

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    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) quality is strongly influenced by genotype but individuating the most appropriate harvesting time is essential to obtain high quality fruits. In this trial we studied the influences of the ripening stage at harvest (mature-ripe or green-ripe) on quality of ready to eat mango fruits from nine cultivars (Carrie, Keitt, Glenn, Manzanillo, Maya, Rosa, Osteen, Tommy Atkins and Kensington Pride) grown in the Mediterranean subtropical climate through physicochemical, nutraceutical, and sensory analysis. Our results show a large variability among the different observed genotypes and in dependence of the ripening stage at harvest. With the exception of Rosa, mature-ripe fruits are well-colored, sweet and aromatic, and better suited for short supply chains. On the other hand, post-harvest ripened fruits are firmer, frequently (Carrie, Glenn, Keitt, Manzanillo, Maya) possess interesting nutraceutical value and, in the case of Glenn, Maya, Osteen, and Kensington Pride, they can reach market standard quality

    Comparing carriers as a support media of white-rot fungi in natural tannins removal

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    In the last decades, White-rot Fungi bioremediation potential has been widely investigated, providing remarkable results toward several recalcitrant molecules. However, full-scale applications based on fungi are not employed yet and little is known about their optimal operating conditions, such as (i) their ability to grow without sterile conditions, (ii) co-substrate requirements and (iii) the accurate carrier design for fungal growth. In this study, several batch tests were performed as preliminary steps to evaluate the possible design of a pilot-scale reactor based on fungal biomass to be operated under not-sterile conditions in the removal of Quebracho natural tannin. The tests were performed to verify fungal affinity, including Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes for innovative cellulose-containing carriers compared to commonly employed PolyUrethane Foam Cubes. In particular, four fungi, including three Basidiomycetes White-rot Fungi, Bjerkandera adusta, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Tyromyces chioneus and the Ascomycota strain Aspergillus tubingensis, were employed. As a first step, fungi were tested to evaluate their ability to attach and grow onto 12 types of innovative carriers made by High-Density PolyEthylene and containing cellulose in different percentages. Other tests were performed without sterile conditions. In particular, fungal abilities (i) to attach and grow onto two different types of support, including cellulose-containing carrier and polyurethane foam cubes and (ii) to biotransform recalcitrant molecules (Quebracho natural tannin) (iii) to grow and operate synergistically in a consortium of two fungi, were evaluated. The main parameters evaluated were soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (sCOD) reduction and dry weight increase. Basidiomycetes showed high affinity for cellulose-containing carrierswith the highest cellulose percentage (7%) achieving full colonization and 60% coverage, in sterile conditions and not- sterile conditions, respectively. These results were associated with a Quebracho sCOD removal of 25 ± 4%, without sterility. When combined, the two selected strains, Bjerkandera adusta and Aspergillus tubingensis were able to grow on carriers and to remove up to 15 ± 4% of tannins recalcitrant sCOD. This study provides evidence of (i) Basidiomycetes high affinity for cellulose-containing carriers that could favour fungi attachment in sterile and not-sterile conditions and (ii) the feasibility of a combined use of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes in bioremediation

    All-oral metronomic DEVEC schedule in elderly patients with peripheral T cell lymphoma

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    Purpose: Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCLs) have an overall poor prognosis. Indeed, registry data in elderly patients show that the median progression-free survival (mPFS) following first- and second-line therapies are only 6.7 and 3.1 months, respectively. The aim of the study is to show the activity of metronomic chemotherapy, a regular administration of low chemotherapeutic drug doses allowing a favourable toxicity profile, on elderly PTCL patients. Methods: We report a series of 17 PTCL patients, treated with the all-oral metronomic schedule DEVEC (prednisolone–etoposide–vinorelbine–cyclophosphamide) in four Italian centres. Patients 5/17 (29.4%) were treatment-naïve (naïve) and 12/17 (70.6%) were relapsed-refractory (RR), respectively. The median age was 83 years (range 71–87) and 71.5 years (range 56–85) for naïve and RR, respectively. In vitro activity of metronomic vinorelbine (VNR), etoposide (ETO) and their concomitant combination on HH, a PTCL cell line, was also assessed. Results: Histology: PTCL-not-otherwise-specified = 12; angioimmunoblastic = 2; NK/T nasal type = 1; adult-type leukaemia lymphoma = 1, transformed Mycosis Fungoides = 1. The overall response rate was 80 and 58% in naïve and RR, respectively; whereas the PFS was 20 in naïve (95% CI 0–43) and 11 months (95% CI 4.2–17.8) in RR. The occurrence of relevant adverse events was 23.5%, which was managed with ETO dose reduction. In vitro experiments showed that both metronomic VNR and ETO caused a significant inhibitory activity on HH cells and a strong synergism when administered concomitantly. Conclusion: All-oral DEVEC showed an encouraging activity and acceptable toxicity. This schedule deserves further studies in elderly PTCL also for assessing combinations with targeted drugs
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