9,644 research outputs found

    Testicular endocrine activity is upregulated by D-Aspartic acid in the green frog Rana esculenta

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    This study investigated the involvement of D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) in testicular steroidogenesis of the green frog Rana esculenta and its effect on stimulation of thumb pad morphology and glandular activity, a typical testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristic in this amphibian species. In the testis, D-Asp concentrations vary significantly during the reproductive cycle: they are low in pre- and post-reproductive periods, but reach peak levels in the reproductive period (140-236 nmol/g wet tissue). Moreover, the concentrations of D-Asp in the testis through the sexual cycle positively match the testosterone levels in the gonad and the plasma. The racemase activity evaluated during the cycle expresses its peak when D-Asp and testosterone levels are highest, that is, during the reproductive period, confirming the synthesis of D-Asp from L-Asp by an aspartate racemase. Short-term in vivo experiments consisting of a single injection of D-Asp (2.0 micro mol/g body weight) demonstrated that this amino acid accumulates significantly in the testis, and after 3 h its uptake is coupled with a testosterone increase in both testis and plasma. Moreover, within 18 h of amino acid administration, the D-Asp concentration in the testis decreased along with the testosterone titer to prestimulation levels. Other amino acids (L-Asp, D-Glu and L-Glu) used instead of D-Asp were ineffective, confirming that the significant increase in testicular testosterone was a specific feature of this amino acid. In long-term experiments, D-Asp had been administered chronically to frogs caught during the three phases of the reproductive cycle, inducing testosterone increase and 17beta-estradiol decrease in the gonad during the pre- and post-reproductive period, and vice versa during the reproductive period

    Relationships among GnRH, substance P, prostaglandins, sex steroids and aromatase activity in the brain of the male lizard Podarcis sicula sicula during reproduction.

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    The release of PGF2 alpha and PGE2, progesterone, androgens and oestradiol in vitro, and the aromatase activity in the brain of the male lizard Podarcis sicula sicula during three different phases of the reproductive period were evaluated. In addition, the effects of salmon GnRH, substance P, salmon GnRH antagonist, substance P antagonist, PGF2 alpha, PGE2 and acetylsalicylic acid on the release of prostaglandins and sex steroids and on aromatase activity in the brain were evaluated during the same three phases. PGF2 alpha, oestradiol and aromatase activity were higher during the refractory phase, androgens during the fighting phase, and progesterone during the mating phase, while PGE2 was lower during the refractory phase. Treatment with salmon GnRH increased PGF2 alpha, oestradiol and aromatase activity, but decreased the amount of androgens released. Substance P decreased PGF2 alpha, oestradiol and aromatase activity, but increased the amount of androgens released. PGF2 alpha increased oestradiol and aromatase activity, but decreased the amount of androgens released. Acetylsalicylic acid decreased PGF2 alpha, oestradiol and aromatase activity, but increased the amount of androgens released. These data suggest that salmon GnRH and substance P have different roles in reproductive processes, with opposite mechanisms, in the central nervous system of this male lizard: salmon GnRH seems to be involved in regulating the refractory phase, while substance P plays a role in regulating the fighting phase

    Nonclassical Light in Interferometric Measurements

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    It is shown that the even and odd coherent light and other nonclassical states of light like superposition of coherent states with different phases may replace the squeezed light in interferometric gravitational wave detector to increase its sensitivity. (Contribution to the Second Workshop on Harmonic Oscillator, Cocoyoc, Mexico, March 1994)Comment: 8 pages,LATEX,preprint of Naples University, INFN-NA-IV-94/30,DSF-T-94/3

    Prestress and experimental tests on fractional viscoelastic materials

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    Creep and/or Relaxation tests on viscoelastic materials show a power-law trend. Based upon Boltzmann superposition principle the constitutive law with a power-law kernel is ruled by the Caputo's fractional derivative. Fractional constitutive law posses a long memory and then the parameters obtained by best fitting procedures on experimental data are strongly influenced by the prestress on the specimen. As in fact during the relaxation test the imposed history of deformation is not instantaneously applied, since a unit step function may not be realized by the test machine. Aim of this paper, it is shown that, the experimental procedure, and in particular the initial ramp to reach the constant stress (or strain) strongly influences the best fitting procedure and the coefficients of the power-law

    Earth modeling and estimation of the local seismic ground motion due to site geology in complex volcanoclastic areas

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    Volcanic areas often show complex behaviour as far as seismic waves propagation and seismic motion at surface are concerned. In fact, the finite lateral extent of surface layers such as lava flows, blocks, differential welding and/or zeolitization within pyroclastic deposits, introduces in the propagation of seismic waves effects such as the generation of surface waves at the edge, resonance in lateral direction, diffractions and scattering of energy, which tend to modify the amplitude as well as the duration of the ground motion. The irregular topographic surface, typical of volcanic areas, also strongly influences the seismic site response. Despite this heterogeneity, it is unfortunately a common geophysical and engineering practice to evaluate even in volcanic environments the subsurface velocity field with monodimensional investigation method (i.e. geognostic soundings, refraction survey, down-hole, etc.) prior to the seismic site response computation which in a such cases is obviously also made with 1D algorithms. This approach often leads to highly inaccurate results. In this paper we use a different approach, i.e. a fully 2D P-wave Çturning rayÈ tomographic survey followed by 2D seismic site response modeling. We report here the results of this approach in three sites located at short distance from Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei and characterized by overburdens constituted by volcanoclastic deposits with large lateral and vertical variations of their elastic properties. Comparison between 1D and 2D Dynamic Amplification Factor shows in all reported cases entirely different results, both in terms of peak period and spectral contents, as expected from the clear bidimensionality of the geological section. Therefore, these studies suggest evaluating carefully the subsoil geological structures in areas characterized by possible large lateral and vertical variations of the elastic properties in order to reach correct seismic site response curves to be used for engineering projects

    Effects of anodizing surface treatment on the mechanical strength of aluminum alloy 5083 to fibre reinforced composites adhesive joints

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    In this study, the anodizing process based on the use of tartaric sulfuric acid solution (TSA) was carried out on metal substrate to evaluate for the first time its effect on the adhesion strength and corrosion resistance of aluminium alloy (i.e., AA5083) to fibre (i.e., basalt or glass) reinforced composite adhesive joints for nautical applications. Furthermore, some TSA anodized samples were soaked in a NaOH solution to investigate the influence of this post-immersion step on the joint performances. With the aim to improve the fibre-matrix adhesion in the composite substrate thus further increasing the overall mechanical response of the joint, glass and basalt fibres were treated with a silane coupling agent solution. The corrosion behaviour of the aluminium alloy was studied by electrochemical techniques. Samples morphology was analysed by scanning electron microscopy, while the interaction between aluminium alloy substrate and epoxy resin was studied through contact angle analysis and resin uptake tests. The effectiveness of the silane treatment was examined by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and quasi-static tensile tests carried out on dry glass and basalt fabrics. The mechanical response of the resulting joints was evaluated by means of quasi-static tensile tests in accordance to ASTM D3528 standard

    Seismic reflection data processing in active volcanic areas: an application to Campi Flegrei and Somma Vesuvius offshore (Southern Italy)

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    The Campanian volcanism develops near the sea. Therefore, the geophysical study of the marine environment is a key to a better understanding of the tectonic evolution and the origin of volcanism in the area. An abundance of high quality seismic data in the marine sector, where little direct information is available, is critical to the study of Campanian volcanism. This paper concerns the reprocessing of a seismic reflection dataset acquired in Naples Bay and processed during 1973. Even though the overall data quality was high for that time, of course their acquisition technological limits have been overcome by the new processing. Our reprocessing aimed at: 1) reduction of random noise in the data; 2) removal of unwanted coherent events; 3) reduction of spatial aliasing by means of trace interpolation on Commod Shot Point (CSP) gathering; 4) improvement of resolution of the seismic wavelet with spiking deconvolution algorithms and finally 5) reposition of reflectors in their correct locations in the space-TWT domain by means of dip moveout and post-stack time migration. A comparison between the new and old data shows that the new sections are characterized by a much higher S/N ratio. Diffraction hyperbole has been collapsed. Reverberations, ghosts and multiples have been removed or greatly attenuated, especially between the reflectors of interest, allowing us to follow them with more detail and with greater continuity. Furthermore, data resolution has been boosted by the reprocessing, allowing the interpreter to evaluate reflector position and continuity in greater detail. The reinterpretation phase of such lines, that is already in an advanced stage, will therefore allow us to gain new insights into the structural setting of the bay, with the aim of exploring the connection between tectonics and volcanism