348 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Background: Apart from waist circumference, other adiposity measures, such as subscapular skin fold (SST), arouse growing interest due to their relationship to metabolic complications and cardiovascular risk. The Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-1 system is deregulated in obese subjects in proportion to their degree of visceral adiposity. Aim : To examine the association among IGF-1, IGF-Binding Protein (BP)1 and 3 levels and different measures of adiposity in a sample of adult male population in Southern Italy. Materials and Methods: A complete database for this analysis was available for 229 (age range 50–82 years) participating at 2002-2004 Olivetti Heart Study follow-up. Results: After adjustment for age, IGF-1 was inversely associated with BMI and waist circumference (p<0.05). IGFBP1 was inversely associated with BMI, waist circumference, SST, Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) index, Fat Mass (FM). HOMA index, age and SST significantly predicted the IGFBP1 plasma levels, with 24% of IGFPB-1 variability explained at a linear regression analysis. Conclusions: IGFBP1 inversely correlated to adiposity and HOMA index. Among adiposity indexes, SST was the best predictor of IGFPB-1 levels. The evaluation of some components of the IGFs system, and simple measures of body adiposity, such as SST, may represent a further tool to better evidence phenotype profiles associated to the pathogenetic mechanism of cardiovascular risk factor clustering in male adults

    A score including ADAM17 substrates correlates to recurring cardiovascular event in subjects with atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis disease is a leading cause for mortality and morbidity. The narrowing/rupture of a vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque is accountable for acute cardiovascular events. However, despite of an intensive research, a reliable clinical method which may disclose a vulnerable patient is still unavailable

    Chitosan/glycosaminoglycan scaffolds for skin reparation

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    Burns and chronic wounds, often related to chronic diseases (as diabetes and cancer), are challenging lesions, difficult to heal. The prompt and full reconstitution of a functional skin is at the basis of the development of biopolymer-based scaffolds, representing a 3D substrate mimicking the dermal extracellular matrix. Aim of the work was to develop scaffolds intended for skin regeneration, according to: fabrication by electrospinning from aqueous polysaccharide solutions; prompt and easy treatment to obtain scaffolds insoluble in aqueous fluids; best performance in supporting wound healing. Three formulations were tested, based on chitosan (CH)and pullulan (P), associated with glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin sulfate - CS or hyaluronic acid \u2013 HA). A multidisciplinary approach has been used: chemico-physical characterization and preclinical evaluation allowed to obtain integrated information. This supports that CS gives distinctive properties and optimal features to the scaffold structure for promoting cell proliferation leading tissue reparation towards a complete skin restore

    p63 isoforms regulate metabolism of cancer stem cells

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    p63 is an important regulator of epithelial development expressed in different variants containing (TA) or lacking (\u394N) the N-terminal transactivation domain. The different isoforms regulate stem-cell renewal and differentiation as well as cell senescence. Several studies indicate that p63 isoforms also play a role in cancer development; however, very little is known about the role played by p63 in regulating the cancer stem phenotype. Here we investigate the cellular signals regulated by TAp63 and \u394Np63 in a model of epithelial cancer stem cells. To this end, we used colon cancer stem cells, overexpressing either TAp63 or \u394Np63 isoforms, to carry out a proteomic study by chemical-labeling approach coupled to network analysis. Our results indicate that p63 is implicated in a wide range of biological processes, including metabolism. This was further investigated by a targeted strategy at both protein and metabolite levels. The overall data show that TAp63 overexpressing cells are more glycolytic-active than \u394Np63 cells, indicating that the two isoforms may regulate the key steps of glycolysis in an opposite manner. The mass-spectrometry proteomics data of the study have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium (http://proteomecentral. proteomexchange.org) via the PRIDE partner repository with data set identifiers PXD000769 and PXD000768
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