2,721 research outputs found

    Theory of Weak Hypernuclear Decay

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    The weak nonmesonic decay of Lambda-hypernuclei is studied in the context of a one-meson-exchange model. Predictions are made for the decay rate, p/n stimulation ratio and the asymmetry in polarized hypernuclear decay.Comment: Standard 41 page Latex fil

    Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A Review from Basic Research to Clinical Applications

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    Placenta-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (PMSC) present several aspects that make them more attractive as cellular therapy than their counterparts from other tissues, such as MSC from bone marrow or adipose tissue in regenerative medicine. Placenta-derived MSC have been used to treat a variety of disorders, such as, cancer, liver and cardiac diseases, ulcers, bone repair, and neurological diseases. Placenta-derived MSC are relatively new types of MSC with specific immunomodulatory properties and whose mechanisms are still unknown. Placenta-derived MSC secrete some soluble factors that seem to be responsible for their therapeutic effects, i.e., they have paracrine effects. On the other hand, Placenta-derived MSC can also serve as cellular vehicles and/or delivery systems for medications due to their migration capacity and their tropism for injury sites. Nanotechnology is an important field, which has undergone rapid development in recent years for the treatment of injured organs. Due to the special characteristics of placenta-derived MSC, the combination of these cells with nanotechnology will be a significant and highly promising field that will provide significant contributions in the regenerative medicine field in the near future

    How much do needlestick injuries cost? a systematic review of the economic evaluations of needlestick and sharps injuries among healthcare personnel

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    objective. To provide an overview of the economic aspects of needlestick and sharps injury (NSI) management among healthcare personnel (HCP) within a Health Technology Assessment project to evaluate the impact of safety-engineered devices on health care methods. A systematic review of economic analyses related to NSIs was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement and by searching PubMed and Scopus databases (January 1997–February 2015). Mean costs were stratified by study approach (modeling or data driven) and type of cost (direct or indirect). Costs were evaluated using the CDC operative definition and converted to 2015 International US dollars (Int).results.Atotalof14studieswereretrieved:8datadrivenstudiesand6modelingstudies.Amongthem,11studiesprovideddirectandindirectcostsand3studiesprovidedonlydirectcosts.Themedianofthemeansforaggregate(direct+indirect)costswasInt). results. A total of 14 studies were retrieved: 8 data-driven studies and 6 modeling studies. Among them, 11 studies provided direct and indirect costs and 3 studies provided only direct costs. The median of the means for aggregate (direct + indirect) costs was Int747 (range, Int199Int199–Int1,691). The medians of the means for disaggregated costs were Int425(range,Int425 (range, Int48–Int1,516)fordirectcosts(9studies)andInt1,516) for direct costs (9 studies) and Int322 (range, Int152Int152–Int 413) for indirect costs (6 studies). When compared with data-driven studies, modeling studies had higher disaggregated and aggregated costs, but data-driven studies showed greater variability. Indirect costs were consistent between studies, mostly referring to lost productivity, while direct costs varied widely within and between studies according to source infectivity, HCP susceptibility, and post-exposure diagnostic and prophylactic protocols. Costs of treating infections were not included, and intangible costs could equal those associated with NSI medical evaluations. conclusions. NSIs generate significant direct, indirect, potential, and intangible costs, possibly increasing over time. Economic efforts directed at preventing occupational exposures and infections, including provision of safety-engineered devices, may be offset by the savings from a lower incidence of NSIs

    Strategies of the Spanish press in the face of the Twitter algorithm change. Analysis of tweets published between 2018-2020

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    Twitter recently celebrated its 15th anniversary. During this period, the platform has gone through several phases, culminating in a record number of subscribers and profits in 2021. Twitter is a household name all over the world and people know what it can or cannot provide, independent of the future growth that it may experience with new investments and updates. This article aims to verify two interrelated hypotheses, namely: the Spanish press already knows how to optimise the social network Twitter, as three decades have elapsed since its launch; and, secondly, the algorithm modification implemented by Twitter in 2018 has triggered a change in the positioning of the headers studied in this social network. In order to demonstrate both, the object of analysis will be conducted by a mixed approach through quantitative statistical processes (which will study the number of impacts and retweets and likes obtained), and inductive qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a more complete and in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. The research focuses on the period between 2018 and 2020, and addresses the participation on Twitter of the four main traditional newspapers (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Mundo) as well as four native digital newspapers (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es and El Huffpost). The analysis comprises more than 1.5 million tweets among the eight chosen newspapers.Twitter acaba de celebrar su decimoquinto aniversario. Durante este periodo, la plataforma ha pasado varias fases que han culminado con un récord de suscriptores y beneficios en 2021. El mundo conoce Twitter y sabe qué es lo que puede o no proporcionar, aparte de las posibilidades de crecimiento que pueda experimentar en caso de potenciales inversiones. En el presente artículo se pretende comprobar dos hipótesis interrelacionadas, a saber: la prensa española en castellano ya sabe cómo optimizar la red social Twitter, por haber transcurrido tres lustros desde su puesta en marcha; y, en segundo lugar, el cambio de algoritmo implementado por Twitter en 2018 que ha desencadenado un cambio de posicionamiento de las cabeceras estudiadas en esta red social. Con el propósito de demostrar ambas, se abordará el objeto de análisis desde un enfoque mixto a través de procesos cuantitativos estadísticos (que estudiarán el número de impactos y de retuits y likes obtenidos), y métodos cualitativos inductivos como entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de redes de los medios involucrados. Esta aproximación mixta proporcionará un análisis más completo y profundo sobre el fenómeno. La investigación se centra en el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2020, y aborda la participación en Twitter de cuatro periódicos tradicionales (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC y El Mundo), así como de cuatro periódicos nativos digitales (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es y El Huffpost). El análisis comprende más de 1,5 millones de tuits entre los ocho periódicos elegidos

    Estados emocionais agudos em residentes mexicanos durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate acute emotional states in Mexicans during the Covid-19 pandemic. Non-experimental-cross-sectional design. 585 Mexicans between 18 and 67 years of age participated. The DASS-21 scale was used to measure the variables of stress, anxiety and depression; and a questionnaire on situations related to confinement by COVID-19. The results show that a small percentage of the sample manifested negative emotional symptoms ranging from severe to very severe, as well as fear and anguish of contagion from a relative. Similarly, significant differences were identified between men and women, and age groups. The findings show the importance of designing and implementing psychological interventions aimed at reducing negative emotions during the coronavirus pandemic.El propósito del estudio fue evaluar los estados emocionales agudos en mexicanos durante la pandemia por Covid-19. Se tuvo un diseño no experimental-transversal. Participaron 585 mexicanos entre 18 y 67 años. Se utilizó la escala DASS-21 para medir las variables de estrés, ansiedad y depresión, y un cuestionario sobre situaciones relacionadas al confinamiento por COVID-19. Los resultados arrojan que un pequeño porcentaje de la muestra manifestó sintomatología emocional negativa de severa a muy severa, así como temor y angustia al contagio de un familiar. De igual manera, se identificaron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres, y grupos de edad. Los hallazgos muestran la importancia de diseñar e implementar intervenciones psicológicas dirigidas a minorar las emociones negativas durante la pandemia por coronavirus.Le but de l'étude était d'évaluer les états émotionnels aigus chez les Mexicains pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. Conception en coupe transversale non expérimentale. 585 mexicains âgés de 18 à 67 ans y ont participé. L'échelle DASS-21 a été utilisée pour mesurer les variables du stress, de l'anxiété et de la dépression; et un questionnaire sur les situations liées au confinement par COVID-19. Les résultats montrent qu'un petit pourcentage de l'échantillon manifestait des symptômes émotionnels négatifs allant de graves à très graves, ainsi que la peur et l'angoisse de contagion d'un proche. De même, des différences significatives ont été identifiées entre les hommes et les femmes et les groupes d'âge. Les résultats montrent l'importance de concevoir et de mettre en œuvre des interventions psychologiques visant à réduire les émotions négatives pendant la pandémie.O objetivo do estudo era avaliar os estados emocionais agudos nos mexicanos durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Desenho transversal não experimental. Participaram 585 mexicanos entre 18 e 67 anos. A escala DASS-21 foi utilizada para medir as variáveis ​​de estresse, ansiedade e depressão; e um questionário sobre situações relacionadas ao confinamento por COVID-19. Os resultados mostram que uma pequena porcentagem da amostra manifestou sintomas emocionais negativos que variam de graves a muito graves, além de medo e angústia de contágio de um familiar. Da mesma forma, foram identificadas diferenças significativas entre homens e mulheres e grupos de idade. Os resultados mostram a importância de projetar e implementar intervenções psicológicas destinadas a reduzir as emoções negativas durante a pandemia

    Escuelas y aulas creativas. Reflexiones y experiencias

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    VI Forum Internacional de Innovación y Creatividad: Escuelas y Aulas CreativasEscuelas y aulas creativas recoge las aportaciones más significativas del VI Forum sobre Innovación y creatividad centrado en Escuelas y Aulas creativas. Este Encuentro de profesionales de la Educación es continuidad de cinco Encuentros anteriores con los que se intenta compartir, conocer y propiciar el cambio y la mejora a través de la innovación y la creatividad. Pero no como una innovación instrumental y metodológica, sino trasformadora que genere cambios actitudinales y de conciencia que comporten compromiso individual y colectivo. Han sido característicos de este Forum: El diálogo entre los diferentes ámbitos de construcción de conocimiento; la creatividad como eje transversal, valor educativo y social y estrategia de cambio en la educación; el aula como escenario formativo y transformador de la persona y todo ello gracias a la interacción del docente y del discente en el contexto del centro, la familia y la comunidad educadora..

    Assessing the ability of novel ecosystems to support animal wildlife through analysis of diurnal raptor territoriality

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    Novel ecosystems have emerged through human intervention and are rapidly expandingaround the world. Whether they can support animal wildlife has generated considerable controversy.Here we developed a new approach to evaluate the ability of a novel forest ecosystem,dominated by the exotic tree species Eucalyptus globulus, to support animal wildlife inthe medium and long term. To evaluate this ability, we took advantage of the fact that speciesterritory size decreases with increasing habitat quality, and we used territoriality of araptor guild composed of Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), Eurasian Sparrowhawk(A. nisus) and Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) as indicator. We compared the territorialityof these species in the novel ecosystem with that in other ecosystems found in the literature.Average distances between con-specifics in the novel ecosystem were similar, or evenshorter, than those in other ecosystems. Average distances between Goshawk con-specificswere among the shortest described in the literature. All three species nested preferably in mixed stands abundant in large exotic trees, with high structural complexity and abundance of native species within the stand. Key factors supporting this diverse and dense raptor community were the special forest management system implemented in the study area and the agricultural matrix located close to forest plantations that complements the supply of prey. Our results suggest that forest management that promotes a complex and suitable forest structure can increase the ability of novel forest ecosystems to support wildlife biodiversity, particularly a diverse nesting community of forest-dwelling raptors and their preys. The results further suggest the suitability of territoriality for assessing this potential of novel ecosystemsMinisterio de Ciencia y TecnologíaUniversidad de AlcaláMinisterio de Educación y Cienci

    Higher reproductive success of small males and greater recruitment of large females could explain the strong reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) in the northern goshawk

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    Abstract Reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD), whichoccurs when the female of a species is larger than the male,is the rule for most birds of prey but the exception amongother bird and mammal species. The selective pressuresthat favour RSD are an intriguing issue in animal ecology.Despite the large number of hypotheses proposed to explainthe evolution of RSD, there is still no consensus about themechanisms involved and whether they act on one or bothsexes, mainly because few intrapopulation studies havebeen undertaken and few raptor species have been investigated.Using the strongly size-dimorphic northern goshawk(Accipiter gentilis L.) as a model, we studied a populationwith one of the highest densities of breeding pairs reportedin the literature in order to understand selective pressuresthat may favour RSD. We evaluated life-history processes,including recruitment of adult breeders and reproductivesuccess, and we explored the mechanisms thought to act oneach sex, including hunting efficiency, diet, body conditionand mate choice. We found that smaller males producedmore fledglings than larger ones, but there was no relationshipbetween size and reproductive success for femalesMinisterio de Educación y Cienci

    Anything for a quiet life: shelter from mobbers drives reproductive success in a top-level avian predator

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    17 p.Understanding how habitat structure relates to reproductive performance of species can help identify what habitats are of the highest quality for a given species and thereby guide effective management. Here, we compared the influence of prey abundance and the amount of shelter area on the relationship between habitat and breeding performance. We focused on the forest-dwelling northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis in an agroforestry system. Using structural equation modelling, we tested the associations between reproductive performance and three explanatory factors: habitat structure, abundance of food resources or levels of mobbing disturbance, and prey supply to the nest. Our results suggest that habitat structure influences reproductive performance through shelter rather than through prey abundance. During the study period, forested habitats in the breeding territories provided shelter to the goshawk, reducing disturbance by carrion crows Corvus corone, which acted as large, aggressive, social mobbers. Decreased disturbance increased prey supply to the nest, probably because it favored food accessibility and male goshawk foraging efficiency. Habitat was not significantly associated with quality of the breeders, both in terms of body size and seniority in the territories. Our findings suggest that reproductive performance, and therefore habitat quality, may depend more on sheltered access to food resources than on the amount of food available. Our observation that mobbers decrease predator foraging efficiency highlights the possibility of designing effective, socially acceptable predator management strategies to protect sensitive domestic prey.Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto DemográficoMinisterio de Educación y CienciaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal