95 research outputs found

    Selinexor overcomes hypoxia-induced drug resistance in multiple myeloma

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    Increased levels of the nuclear export protein, exportin 1 (XPO1), were demonstrated in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Targeting XPO1 with selinexor (the selective inhibitor of nuclear export; SINE compound KPT-330) demonstrates broad antitumor activity also in patient cells resistant to bortezomib; hence, it is a promising target in MM patients. Hypoxia is known to mediate tumor progression and drug resistance (including bortezomib resistance) in MM cells. In this study, we tested the effects of selinexor alone or in combination with bortezomib in normoxia and hypoxia on MM cell survival and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, selinexor alone decreased survival and increased apoptosis, resensitizing MM cells to bortezomib. In vivo, we examined the effects of selinexor alone on tumor initiation and tumor progression, as well as selinexor in combination with bortezomib, on tumor growth in a bortezomib-resistant MM xenograft mouse model. Selinexor, used as a single agent, delayed tumor initiation and tumor progression, prolonging mice survival. In bortezomib-resistant xenografts, selinexor overcame drug resistance, significantly decreasing tumor burden and extending mice survival when combined with bortezomib

    El humor, clave para la enseñanza de la expresión oral en los últimos niveles de la Educación Primaria

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    [ES] Tomando como punto de partida la reproducción y comprensión de los discursos reales —la dimensión del habla— y la existencia de un entramado complejo de mensajes, se hace hincapié en la vivacidad y la expresividad del habla coloquial, destinada a escolares del último nivel de Ed. Primaria. El estímulo que se propone para la enseñanza de la lengua oral es la vía del humorismo —su capacidad de sorpresa—, como el vehículo más idóneo propugnado por la psicología moderna. Para dar crédito a esta propuesta se aducen variados ejemplos de recursos expresivos: gradaciones parafrásticas, onomatopeyas, calambures, jitanjáforas, etc., así como los recursos expresivos relacionados con el paralenguaje. [EN] SUMMARY: Taking as a starting point the reproduction and comprehension of real discourses —the speech dimension— and the existence of a complex network of messages, emphasis is placed on the liveliness and expressivity of colloquial speech in classes of the highest level of Primary Education. The stimulus proposed for the teaching of spoken language is humour —its capacity to surprise— as the most suitable vehicle advocated by modern psychology. To validate this proposal, several examples of expressive resources are provided: parapharaphastic gradations, onomatopoeias, puns, etc., as well as expressive resources related to paralanguage

    The role of hypoxia in cancer progression, angiogenesis, metastasis, and resistance to therapy

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    Hypoxia is a non-physiological level of oxygen tension, a phenomenon common in a majority of malignant tumors. Tumor-hypoxia leads to advanced but dysfunctional vascularization and acquisition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype resulting in cell mobility and metastasis. Hypoxia alters cancer cell metabolism and contributes to therapy resistance by inducing cell quiescence. Hypoxia stimulates a complex cell signaling network in cancer cells, including the HIF, PI3K, MAPK, and NFĸB pathways, which interact with each other causing positive and negative feedback loops and enhancing or diminishing hypoxic effects. This review provides background knowledge on the role of tumor hypoxia and the role of the HIF cell signaling involved in tumor blood vessel formation, metastasis, and development of the resistance to therapy. Better understanding of the role of hypoxia in cancer progression will open new windows for the discovery of new therapeutics targeting hypoxic tumor cells and hypoxic microenvironment

    Molecularly targeted therapies in multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy that remains incurable because most patients will eventually relapse or become refractory to the treatments. Although the treatments have improved, the major problem in MM is the resistance to therapy. Novel agents are currently in development for the treatment of relapsed/refractory MM, including immunomodulatory drugs, proteasome inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, cell signaling targeted therapies, and strategies targeting the tumor microenvironment. We have previously reviewed in detail the contemporary immunomodulatory drugs, proteasome inhibitors, and monoclonal antibodies therapies for MM. Therefore, in this review, we focused on the role of molecular targeted therapies in the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma, including cell signaling targeted therapies (HDAC, PI3K/AKT/mTOR, p38 MAPK, Hsp90, Wnt, Notch, Hedgehog, and cell cycle) and strategies targeting the tumor microenvironment (hypoxia, angiogenesis, integrins, CD44, CXCR4, and selectins). Although these novel agents have improved the therapeutic outcomes for MM patients, further development of new therapeutic agents is warranted

    Efectos del programa neurocientífico Fast Forword en el mejoramiento de la memoria de trabajo en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de un centro educativo privado de Lima

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    La memoria de trabajo es una función ejecutiva necesaria para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, lectura y escritura (Engle, Tuhoiski, Laughlin & Conway, 1999). En el Perú, tenemos una alta tasa de estudiantes que no pueden entender lo que leen o incluso no pueden leer correctamente para su grado escolar a pesar de estar en secundaria (MINEDU, 2014). En este estudio demostramos cómo el uso de la tecnología mediante el programa neurocientífico Fast ForWord aumenta significativamente los niveles de memoria de trabajo en sus tres dimensiones: agenda visoespacial, ejecutivo central y bucle fonológico en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de un centro educativo privado del distrito de Santiago de Surco de Lima. Los resultados de este estudio podrían ser replicados y así lograr un impacto positivo para realidades como la nuestra, donde se necesita una propuesta para reducir el bajo rendimiento lector y matemático reflejado en las pruebas PISA 2012 (MINEDU, 2014). El estudio se realizó a lo largo de 8 semanas en las cuales el grupo experimental (24 estudiantes) estuvo expuesto a 40 minutos diarios, durante 5 días de la semana al programa Fast ForWord en comparación con el grupo control (24 estudiantes) que continuó con el periodo de lectura libre durante 40 minutos diarios. Consideramos que es necesario continuar con más investigaciones con estudiantes monolingües para ver el efecto de Fast ForWord en niños que no están en entornos de habla inglesa, así como estudiar el efecto del programa en otras funciones ejecutivasWorking memory is an executive function needed to learn math, reading and writing (Engle, Tuhoiski, Laughlin y Conway, 1999). In Peru, we have a high rate of children who can not understand what they read or even can not read as they should for their grade level even though they are at secondary (MINEDU, 2014). In this study we demonstrate how the use of technology through the Fast ForWord neuroscientific program significantly increases working memory levels in its three dimensions, visuospatial pad, central executive and phonological loop in fifth grade students of a private bilingual school in Santiago de Surco, Lima. The results of this study could be replicated and thus achieve a positive impact for realities like ours, where a proposal is needed to reduce the low reading and mathematical performance reflected in the PISA 2012 test (MINEDU, 2014). The study was carried out throughout 8 weeks in which the experimental group (24 students) was exposed for 40 minutes daily during 5 days a week to the Fast ForWord program compared to the control group (24 students) that continued with the free reading period during 40 minutes daily. We consider, it is necessary to continue with more research with monolingual students to see the effect of Fast ForWord on children who are not in English speaking environments, as well as to study the effect of the program on other executive functions


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    Desde el descubrimiento de las propiedades conductoras del poliacetileno (PA)1 han sido muchas las modificaciones en la síntesis química que, manteniendo la estructura de enlaces conjugados, es decir, alternancia de dobles y sencillos, han buscado mejorar los niveles de movilidad o rendimientos cuánticos, modulación de absorciones y emisiones o estabilidad entre muchas cualidades. Probada la eficacia de incluir grupos vinileno entre anillos de tiofeno a nivel de -conjugación2, en esta comunicación presentamos la caracterización de una nueva serie oligómeros constituida por cadenas de tienileno-vinileno (nTV) de distinta longitud (dímero a tetrámero) con las posiciones beta de los tiofenos funcionalizadas con grupos etilendioxi (EDO) (Figura 1). El objetivo de este nuevo diseño químico es reforzar la estabilidad de la cadena conjugada de los nTV a través de las interacciones intramoleculares asociadas a los grupos EDO3, así como mejorar las propiedades de las especies oxidadas. De este modo, se detallarán las conclusiones más relevantes obtenidas de los estudios realizados de espectroscopia de absorción y emisión, para evaluar las propiedades del estado excitado, espectroscopia Raman con el fin de caracterizar la estructura molecular de esta nueva serie, así como voltametrías cíclicas y medidas de espectro- y espectroelectroquímica UV-VIS-NIR, que nos ayudaran a profundizar en la naturaleza de las especies oxidadas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of sex and sampling site on the relative proportion of pesticides in uropygial gland secretions of European Blackbirds (Turdus merula)

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    ETHICS AND PERMISSIONS This project was undertaken with all the necessary permits issued by the Regional Department of the Environment (Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía) and CSIC bio-ethics commit- tee. Ringing licences 66 042 and 660 019. Bio- Ethics permit: 25–05–15-254. Regional Depart- ment of the Environment Permit 2013_21_22- 2011_15 DGGMN 2014_2015.Data Availability Statement All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article. Data availability: the sequences from parasite lineages generated dur- ing the current study are available in MALAVI repository ( html) and GenBank (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/). The lineages submitted are from Plasmodium SYAT05 (Plasmodium vaughani) and LINN1 (= pSPHUjJ 2), and three different lineages of Leucocy- tozoon: TUMER01, TUMER02 and NEVE01. The GenBank numbers are as follows: Leucocytozoon: ON730883 – Lineage NEVE01, ON730884 – Line- age TUMER02 and ON730885 – Lineage TUMER01; Plasmodium: ON730886 – Linage LINN1 and ON730887 – Lineage SYAT05.This study was funded by project P11-RNM-7038 from the Junta de Andalucía and projects CGL2015-65055-P and PGC2018-095704-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). A.D.F. was supported by a Severo- Ochoa grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SVP-2014-068571). L.G. was supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (grant number 747729, EcoEvoClim).Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a pesticide that was commonly used for decades worldwide. The use of DDT was banned in the 1970s and 1980s in Europe because of its high toxicity and persistence in the environment, bioaccumulation in living organisms and biomagnification through food webs. However, monitoring using both invasive and non-invasive methods has routinely reported the occurrence of DDT metabolites such as dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) in wild birds, providing valuable information about the exposure to pesticides and potential differences between species and over time. Here, we analysed the relative proportion of DDE in the uropygial gland secretions of European Blackbirds Turdus merula from two localities in southern Spain. Given the negative effects of this pollutant on animal immunity, we also tested for associations between the prevalence of haemosporidians and the relative proportion of DDE in their secretions. Relative proportions of DDE varied between sampling sites and were higher in females than in males, regardless of their age. In spite of the potential immunosuppressive effect of DDE, haemosporidian infection was not associated with DDE presence.Project P11-RNM-7038 from the Junta de AndalucíaProjects CGL2015-65055-P and PGC2018-095704-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)Severo Ochoa grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SVP-2014-068571)Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (grant number 747729, EcoEvoClim

    Gold(III) Porphyrin Was Used as an Electron Acceptor for Efficient Organic Solar Cells

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    [EN] The widespread use of nonfullerene-based electron-accepting materials has triggered a rapid increase in the performance of organic photovoltaic devices. However, the number of efficient acceptor compounds available is rather limited, which hinders the discovery of new, high-performing donor:acceptor combinations. Here, we present a new, efficient electron-accepting compound based on a hitherto unexplored family of well-known molecules: gold porphyrins. The electronic properties of our electron-accepting gold porphyrin, named VC10, were studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy and by cyclic voltammetry (CV) , revealing two intense optical absorption bands at 500-600 and 700-920 nm and an optical bandgap of 1.39 eV. Blending VC10 with PTB7-Th, a donor polymer, which gives rise to an absorption band at 550-780 nm complementary to that of VC10, enables the fabrication of organic solar cells (OSCs) featuring a power conversion efficiency of 9.24% and an energy loss of 0.52 eV. Hence, this work establishes a new approach in the search for efficient acceptor molecules for solar cells and new guidelines for future photovoltaic material design.F.L. and P.d.l.C. thank MCI (Spain) (PID2019-105049RB-I00), MICIU (RED2018-102815-T), the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, and the European Social Fund (SBPLY/17/180501/000254) for financial support. V.C. thanks MECD for an FPU grant (FPU15/02170). G.D.S. thanks the Government of India SERI-DST (DST/TMD/SERI/D05(c)) for financial support. J.M. thanks the MICINN for grant PGC2018-094620-A-I00

    Incontinencia urinaria en el adulto mayor y rehabilitacion kinesica

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    115 p.En Chile en los últimos años se ha generado un cambio acelerado en la distribución demográfica y por lo mismo un aumento de la población adulto mayor. Lo que ha generado cambios en el perfil epidemiológico con un aumento de la instauración de procesos crónicos degenerativos y síndromes geriátricos como lo es la incontinencia urinaria. La “International Continence Society” (ICS), define este síndrome como; “la pérdida involuntaria de orina, objetivamente demostrable, que genera problemas higiénicos y sociales” (2005). Si bien existe una amplia gama de alternativas de tratamiento para el problema de incontinencia urinaria, resulta importante mencionar que ningún tratamiento es perfecto para todos, ya que depende no sólo del tipo y severidad de la IU, sino también de las características personales del individuo que padece la patología. Según la información recopilada a través de la literatura, se encuentra evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de tratamientos conservadores para la incontinencia urinaria de estrés, urgencia y mixta, destacando la técnica de reentrenamiento perineal como efectiva en la reducción y resolución de los síntomas de incontinencia urinaria leve a moderada en mujeres adultas mayor que siguen y respetan un protocolo de tratamiento. Así como también la terapia conductual que es recomendada como alternativa de primera línea para algunas mujeres AM que sufren de incontinencia por urgencia. La combinación de terapias vale decir, terapia conductual con técnicas suplementarias (biofeeback, electroestimulación), resultan efectivas en cuanto a la reducción y/ resolución de los síntomas. Según la información encontrada, se concluye que las técnicas conductistas (entrenamiento y educación vesical), de entrenamiento vesical con biofeddback y la farmacoterapia son los tratamientos de elección para los pacientes ancianos a condición de que sea posible evaluar la recuperación del paciente. Por otra parte, el tratamiento quirúrgico, es la alternativa más invasiva y riesgosa, por lo mismo constituye usualmente la última opción de tratamiento. La alta prevalencia subdiagnosticada de la incontinencia urinaria, el gran impacto que tiene a nivel biológico, en la percepción del propio estado de salud, en lo emocional, psicológico, social y de calidad de vida en general, así como también, el escaso conocimiento del quehacer kinésico en esta área es lo que suscita nuestro interés para el desarrollo de esta revisión bibliográfica. Tomando en cuenta que la kinesiterapia tiene una importancia fundamental en la prevención y mejoría de las deficiencias fisiológicas de los ancianos en proceso de involución biológica, resulta de gran importancia en esta memoria, exponer los distintos métodos de tratamiento kinésico para la incontinencia urinaria en el adulto mayor, a través de la revisión en la literatura actual sobre los últimos avances de tratamiento existentes para esta patología. También pretende ser una fuente de información confiable que apoye, fundamente y contribuya al conocimiento del rol kinésico en la rehabilitación de la IU en el adulto mayor. Con el fin de lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se realizó una revisión de la literatura disponible, confiable y pertinente respecto fisiopatología de la IU, situación de la enfermedad, diferentes alternativas de tratamiento en el adulto mayor y su efectividad. La información se extrajo de estudios realizados entre los años 1999 y 2007, disponibles desde fuentes confiables como: - ISI web of de Science. - Scielo. - Pub Med. - Elsevier. - Cochrane. - Revistas y libros de la Universidad de Talca y UCM. La búsqueda On line se realizó por medio de palabras claves: Urinary incontinence, Prevalence of urinary incontinence, Treating urinary incontinence in the elderly, autores y asociación de palabras

    3D Magnetotelluric Modeling Using High-Order Tetrahedral Nédélec Elements on Massively Parallel Computing Platforms

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    We present a routine for 3D magnetotelluric (MT) modeling based upon high-order edge finite element method (HEFEM), tailored and unstructured tetrahedral meshes, and high-performance computing (HPC). This implementation extends the PETGEM modeller capabilities, initially developed for active-source electromagnetic methods in frequency-domain. We assess the accuracy, robustness, and performance of the code using a set of reference models developed by the MT community in well-known reported workshops. The scale and geological properties of these 3D MT setups are challenging, making them ideal for addressing a rigorous validation. Our numerical assessment proves that this new algorithm can produce the expected solutions for arbitrarily 3D MT models. Also, our extensive experimental results reveal four main insights: (1) high-order discretizations in conjunction with tailored meshes can offer excellent accuracy; (2) a rigorous mesh design based on the skin-depth principle can be beneficial for the solution of the 3D MT problem in terms of numerical accuracy and run-time; (3) high-order polynomial basis functions achieve better speed-up and parallel efficiency ratios than low-order polynomial basis functions on cutting-edge HPC platforms; (4) a triple helix approach based on HEFEM, tailored meshes, and HPC can be extremely competitive for the solution of realistic and complex 3D MT models and geophysical electromagnetics in general.This project has been 65% cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain–France– Andorra program (POCTEFA2014-2020). POCTEFA aims to reinforce the economic and social integration of the French–Spanish–Andorran border. Its support is focused on developing economic, social and environmental cross-border activities through joint strategies favoring sustainable territorial development. BSC authors received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, grant agreement N◦828947 and N◦777778, and from the Mexican Department of Energy, CONACYT-SENER Hidrocarburos grant agreement N◦B-S-69926