454 research outputs found

    Specializations and a local homeomorphism theorem for real Riemann surfaces of rings

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    Let phi : k --> A and f : A --> R be ring morphisms, R a real ring. We prove that if f : A --> R is etale, then the corresponding mapping between real Riemann surfaces S-r(f) : S-r(R/k) --> S-r(A/k) is a local homeomorphism. Several preparatory results are proved, as well. The most relevant among these are: (1) a Chevalley's theorem for real Riemann surfaces on the preservation of constructibility via S-r(f), and (2) an analysis of the closure operator on real Riemann surfaces. Constructible sets are dealt with by means of a suitable first-order language

    Tropical linear maps on the plane

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    In this paper we fully describe all tropical linear maps in the tropical projective plane, that is, maps from the tropical plane to itself given by tropical multiplication by a real 3×3 matrix A. The map fA is continuous and piecewise-linear in the classical sense. In some particular cases, the map fA is a parallel projection onto the set spanned by the columns of A. In the general case, after a change of coordinates, the map collapses at most three regions of the plane onto certain segments, called antennas, and is a parallel projection elsewhere (Theorem 3). In order to study fA, we may assume that A is normal, i.e., I A 0, up to changes of coordinates. A given matrix A admits infinitely many normalizations. Our approach is to define and compute a unique normalization for A (which we call lower canonical normalization) (Theorem 1) and then always work with it, due both to its algebraic simplicity and its geometrical meaning. On , any , some aspects of tropical linear maps have been studied in [6]. We work in , adding a geometric view and doing everything explicitly. We give precise pictures. Inspiration for this paper comes from [3,5,6,8,12,26]. We have tried to make it self-contained. Our preparatory results present noticeable relationships between the algebraic properties of a given matrix A (idempotent normal matrix, permutation matrix, etc.) and classical geometric properties of the points spanned by the columns of A (classical convexity and others); see Theorem 2 and Corollary 1. As a by-product, we compute all the tropical square roots of normal matrices of a certain type; see Corollary 4. This is, perhaps, a curious result in tropical algebra. Our final aim is, however, to give a precise description of the map . This is particularly easy when two tropical triangles arising from A (denoted and ) fit as much as possible. Then the action of fA is easily described on (the closure of) each cell of the cell decomposition ; see Theorem 3. Normal matrices play a crucial role in this paper. The tropical powers of normal matrices of size satisfy A n-1=A n=A n+1= . This statement can be traced back, at least, to [26], and appears later many times, such as [1,2,6,9,10]. In lemma 1, we give a direct proof of this fact, for n=3. But now the equality A 2=A 3 means that the columns of A 2 are three fixed points of fA and, in fact, any point spanned by the columns of A 2 is fixed by fA. Among 3×3 normal matrices, the idempotent ones (i.e., those satisfyingA=A 2) are particularly nice: we prove that the columns of such a matrix tropically span a set which is classically compact, connected and convex (Lemma 2 and Corollary 1). In our terminology, it is a good tropical triangl

    Biochar and vermicompost use as peat based growing media partial replacement to produce containerized ornamentals

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    The use of organic materials as compost, vermicompost, and biochar as peat substitutes in the ornamental containerized bedding plant production is an interesting biotic strategy to store carbon in garden soil. In the case of biochar the stored C could be maintained for centuries improving the life cycle analysis of this process. Severa! studies have produced interesting results, but additional research is needed to evaluate those materials and how to combine them as compost-biochar or vermicompost-biochar which may produce similar or better plants while also similarly or better support the transplanting process. This research aims to contrast the hypothesis that is possible to grow commercial quality plants of Petunia. hybrida and Pelargonium peltatum using biochar as partía! substitute of peat based growing media. Those plants also will be able to adapt themselves conveniently to a garden soil after being transplanted. Finally will contrast the hypothesis that is possible to diminish nutrients leachate when growing both species using biochar and vermicompost as peat based substrate partial substitute. To contrast these hypothesis three different comparative greenhouse studies were conducted to assess the suitability of biochar and vermicompost as partial substitutes for peat-based growing media for ornamental plant production The three trials mentioned above were therefore defined. After finishing the first experiment it has been possible to affirm categorically that it is possible to cultivate bedding ornamental plants such as petunia and geranium in container with good commercial quality using different mixtures of biochar / vermicompost with a substrate based on peat. The calculation made about potential storage in soil, suggests that it would be possible for long periods of time to store first in the plant 's container and then in urban garden 's soil after transplanting, up to 88.74 g of CO,e per 800 cm3 container. The second experiment has demonstrated that Petunia and Pelargonium plants, grown with the best biochar / vermicompost substrate mixtures of the first experiment, showed a similar or better physiological response than the plants grown on a substrate based on a commercial peat that was used as control. In the third experiment it has been seen that by using these better mixtures, it is possible to reduce both the volume of leachate from the irrigation and the amount of nitrates contained therein, by including biochar / vermicompost in the mixture with the control substrate. It was also verified that the incorporation of biochar to the substrate can suppose an extra source of potassium fertilization that can be considered when planning the fertilization of the crop. These results obtained with different mixtures of biochar and vermicompost may be of interest to those producers of bedding ornamental plants in container who wish to: • reduce the consumption of peat for the production of ornamental plants in containers. • reduce the carbon footprint , and incorporate the owners of gardens where bedding plants can grow to the global biotic strategy of carbon sequestration in soil for long periods of time to compensating in this way the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and thus contribute to the mitigation of climate change. • reduce nitrate 's leachate of in this productive sector. In this context it has to be indicatively noted, that if we consider that around 11 million metric tons of peat in horticulture are consumed every year in the world. If it is also considered that 50 o/o of this amount was used in floriculture and 20 o/o in container production, then it would be possible to store carbon in urban gardening soil for long periods of time for a maximum value of one million metric tons per year, just by partially replacing the neat of the usual substrate with a mixture of 20 o/o vermicomoost and 12 o/o biochar.El uso de materiales orgánicos como compost, vermicompost y biochar usados como sustitutos de turba en la producción de plantas ornamentales en contenedor, es una estrategia biótica interesante para almacenar carbono en el suelo de los jardines. En el caso del biochar, la cantidad de almacenado podría mantenerse durante siglos, mejorando el análisis del ciclo de vida de este proceso. Varios estudios han producido resultados interesantes, pero se necesita investigación adicional para evaluar esos materiales y cómo combinarlos como compost-biochar o vermicompost-biochar de forma que puedan producir plantas similares o mejores y al mismo tiempo que respalden el proceso de trasplante también de manera similar o mejorada. Esta investigación pretende contrastar la hipótesis de que es posible cultivar plantas de calidad comercial de Petunia hybrida y Pelargonium pe!tatum utilizando biochar como sustituto parcial de sustratos basados en turba. Esas plantas también podrán adaptarse convenientemente a un suelo de jardín después de ser trasplantadas. Finalmente, se contrastará la hipótesis de que es posible disminuir los lixiviados de nutrientes al cultivar ambas especies utilizando biochar y vermicompost como un sustituto parcial de sustrato a base de turba. Para contrastar estas hipótesis, se realizaron tres estudios comparativos de invernadero diferentes para evaluar la idoneidad de biochar y vermicompost como sustitutos parciales de los medios de cultivo basados en turba para la producción de plantas ornamentales. El grupo de estudios expuesto anteriormente ha generado una serie de conclusiones que se detallan a continuación. El estudio de revisión que informa sobre el estado del arte en este tema, concluyó con la necesidad de llevar a cabo ensayos de investigación dirigidos a verificar la viabilidad del uso combinado de vermicompost y biochar para la sustitución parcial de turba en la producción de plantas ornamentales en contenedor. Los principales resultados del primer experimento fueron que es posible cultivar plantas ornamentales de arriate como la petunia y el geranio en contenedores, con calidad comercial, utilizando diferentes mezclas de biochar / vermicompost añadidos al sustrato con base de turba. Con este cambio en el sustrato sería posible almacenar hasta 88,74 g de C02e por contenedor de 800 cm3 durante largos períodos de tiempo, primero en el contenedor donde se ha multiplicado la planta y luego en el suelo después del trasplante de la misma. En el segundo experimento, las plantas de Petunia y de Pelargonium cultivadas en las mezclas de sustratos con biochar / vermicompost que mejor rendimiento mostraron en el primer estudio tuvieron, además, una respuesta fisiológica similar o mejor que las plantas cultivadas en el sustrato comercial basado en turba utilizado como control. Finalmente, en el tercer experimento se confirmaron una reducción en el volumen de lixiviados y también una disminución en la cantidad de los nitratos en los mismos debido a la inclusión de biochar / vermicompost en los sustratos empleados. Por otra parte se verificó que la adición de biochar puede ser una fuente de fertilizante de potasio. Estos resultados obtenidos con diferentes mezclas de biochar y vermicompost pueden ser de interés para aquellos que desean: • reducir el consumo de turba para la producción de plantas ornamentales en contenedor. • reducir la huella de carbono, e incorporar a los poseedores de jardines donde puedan crecer plantas de arriate a la estrategia biótica global de secuestro de carbono en suelo por largos periodos de tiempo para compensar de este modo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmosfera y así contribuir a la mitigación del cambio climático. • reducir los lixiviados de nitratos de este sector comercial productivo. Además, a modo indicativo, se puede señalar que considerando que cada año se consumen 11 millones de toneladas de turba en la horticultura. Si el 50 o/o fuera en floricultura y el 20 o/o en contenedor y si la turba fuera reemplazada por una mezcla de 20 o/o de vermicompost y 12 o/o de biochar, habría un posible almacenamiento máximo de carbono en suelo de un millón de toneladas por año

    Artificial Spatial Cognition for Robotics and Mobile Systems: brief survey and current open challenges

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    Remarkable and impressive advancements in the areas of perception, mapping and navigation of artificial mobile systems have been witnessed in the last decades. However, it is clear that important limitations remain regarding the spatial cognition capabilities of existing available implementations and the current practical functionality of high level cognitive models [1, 2]. For enhanced robustness and flexibility in different kinds of real world scenarios, a deeper understanding of the environment, the system, and their interactions -in general terms- is desired. This long abstract aims at outlining connections between recent contributions in the above mentioned areas and research in cognitive architectures and biological systems. We try to summarize, integrate and update previous reviews, highlighting the main open issues and aspects not yet unified or integrated in a common architectural framework

    El desarrollo del ámbito corporal en una escuela de educación infantil

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    La educación corporal es un ámbito poco conocido por las maestras de educación infantil. Los estudios realizados relacionados corroboran la importancia que conlleva trabajar la corporeidad del alumnado. Distintos especialistas, desde diferentes perspectivas, han centrado sus investigaciones en la educación del ámbito corporal y cómo el trabajo de éste es beneficioso para el desarrollo del alumnado de educación infantil. El cuerpo esta presente durante todo el recorrido educativo del ser humano, educar la corporeidad es educar a los niños y niñas de una forma global, teniendo en cuenta todos los ámbitos que conciernen su educación. La maestra tutora debe ser la principal artífice de que este hecho se lleve a cabo, y como se trata de un área tan especializado, se requiere la adquisición de una serie de competencias relevantes en este hecho. Este trabajo consigue conocer el funcionamiento de una clase de educación infantil y las presencias corporales que pueden observarse a lo largo de la jornada escolar. La inclusión del trabajo corporal dentro del aula y el TEáC (Tratamiento Educativo del ámbito Corporal) en las lecciones en la sala gimnasio.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Artificial Spatial Cognition for Robotics and Mobile Systems: very brief survey and current open challenges

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    Remarkable and impressive advancements in the areas of perception, mapping and navigation of artificial mobile systems have been witnessed in the last decades. However, it is clear that important limitations remain regarding the spatial cognition capabilities of existing available implementations and the current practical functionality of high level cognitive models [1, 2]. For enhanced robustness and flexibility in different kinds of real world scenarios, a deeper understanding of the environment, the system, and their interactions -in general terms- is desired. This long abstract aims at outlining connections between recent contributions in the above mentioned areas and research in cognitive architectures and biological systems. We try to summarize, integrate and update previous reviews, highlighting the main open issues and aspects not yet unified or integrated in a common architectural framework

    Una buena exploración, cómo conseguirla

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podología, Escola Universitaria d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Montse Marugán de los BueisEn este trabajo se hace una recopilación de las técnicas exploratorias actualizadas, tanto de extremidad inferior como de columna, más útiles en nuestra práctica diaria con el paciente. Hemos utilizado dos métodos en nuestra recopilación: secuencia gráfica o texto. Con esta recopilación se pretende facilitar las técnicas básicas a realizar para hacer una correcta exploración y, en base a ello, facilitar el diagnóstico de nuestros pacientes. Además, mediante la encuesta que se ha llevado a cabo, se concluye que los alumnos de tercero y cuarto curso del Grado de Podología de la Universidad de Barcelona les es útil esta guía para centrarse e iniciarse en la práctica clínica. De esta forma, los alumnos podrán solventar posibles errores de concepto para enfocar una buena exploración y llegar a un diagnóstico certero y, además, escoger las pruebas clínicas y de diagnóstico por la imagen más adecuado ante una patología en concreto

    Differential effects of vegetation restoration in Mediterranean abandoned cropland by secondary succession and pine plantations on bird assemblages

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    Las figuras y tablas que contiene el documento se localizan al final del mismoTwo contrasting trajectories for vegetation restoration in agricultural landscapes are secondary succession following cropland abandonment that can regenerate woodlands (passive restoration) and conversion of cropland to tree plantations (active restoration), which have mostly focused on pine species in the Mediterranean Basin. We compared the effects of these two contrasting trajectories of vegetation restoration on bird assemblages in central Spain. Vegetation structure differed in the two restoration trajectories, pine plantations attaining higher tree cover and height (31% and 4.1 m, respectively) but lower strata complexity than secondary shrubland and holm oak woodland (which attained 10% and 1.4 m of tree cover and height, respectively). Bird species richness differed in stands under active or passive restoration trajectories, the former collecting a higher total number of species (4.2 species per 0.78 ha plot) than the latter (3.5 species per plot). The number of forest species increased with vegetation maturity in both restoration trajectories, but especially in stands under active restoration. The occurrence of woodland generalist species increased and of species inhabiting open habitats decreased in actively restored stands, being some of these latter species of high conservation priority in the European context but relatively common at the regional level. Bird species inhabiting pine plantations had broader habitat breadth at the regional level than those inhabiting secondary shrublands and woodlands. Maximum regional density did not differ between both restoration trajectories, but it increased with development of the herbaceous layer only at the secondary succession trajectory. The relative importance of species of European biogeographic origin was higher in mature pine plantations (58.9% of total bird abundance) than in mature holm oak woodlands (34.4%), whereas that of Mediterranean species was considerably higher in the latter (40.1%) than in the former (20%). Bird assemblages of relatively small patches of pine plantations are unable to reflect the regional avifauna, in contrast with the relationships between local and regional assemblage characteristics that can be found in isolated natural forests. We conclude that programs of vegetation restoration should base upon a range of approaches that include passive restoration, active restoration with a variety of tree and shrub species, and mixed models to conciliate agricultural production, vegetation restoration and conservation of target species