765 research outputs found

    «Sapientia Fidei»: una nueva serie teológica

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    Design for all as a research and education strategy

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    The biggest challenge for the education of designers lies in the fact that graduates will have to work in a context that is still ina process of definition. To meet this challenge, a collaborative and participatory strategy that develops two fundamental competencesfor the future is proposed: capacity to research and, therefore, to produce knowledge, and to meet needs other than thetraditional ones. This strategy gathers three areas: Research developed by professors; Interaction between theory and practice ofintegral design and universal design; Research and practice focused on the needs of people with disabilities. The specific objectivesof this proposal are: to educate designers based on the perspective of research-action; to pay attention to human rights; toconfront students with real situations; to encourage co-design between users and designers. Examples of designs developed bystudents in final projects are described.Keywords: design for all, strategy, design education

    La irrupción del estribo en la caballería romana de la antigüedad tardía y su aplicación táctica durante el reinado del emperador Heraclio (610-641 d.C.). Una aproximación historiográfica

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    Tactical innovation has been one of the fundamental engines of war change and development as an activity throughout history. These changes have sealed the fate of empires and entire nations, as well as have made the difference between life and death for thousands of combatants. The objective of this article is to analyze, through historiography, the tactical importance of the use of the stirrup for the forces on horseback of the Eastern Roman Empire, and how the appropriation and application of this element established a tactical advantage against its contenders for the domination of the Middle East during the century VII A. D. Without leaving behind the importance that the stirrup has had from its massification during the wars between Romans and Sassanids to our context, where wars were fought and countries became independent fighting on horseback with or without stirrups.La innovación táctica ha sido uno de los motores fundamentales del cambio y desarrollo de la guerra como actividad a lo largo de la historia. Estos cambios han sellado el destino de imperios y naciones enteras, así como han significado la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte para miles de combatientes. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, a través de la historiografía, la importancia táctica del uso del estribo para las fuerzas a caballo del Imperio romano de oriente y cómo la apropiación y aplicación de este elemento estableció una ventaja táctica contra sus contendientes por la dominación del medio oriente durante el siglo VII d.C. Esto sin dejar atrás la importancia que el estribo ha tenido desde su masificación durante las guerras entre romanos y sasánidas hasta nuestro contexto, en donde se libraron guerras y se independizaron países luchando a caballo con o sin estribos

    Lecciones de filosofía : Luis José de la Peña : 1827

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    Con la creación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 1821 Luis José de la Peña (1798-1871) fue allí el segundo profesor de filosofía en la cátedra llamada Ideología en la que también se desempeñaron Juan Manuel Fernández de Agüero y Diego Alcorta. El texto aquí publicado corresponde en su cuerpo central a las "Lecciones" que dictara en 1827. Consta de una Introducción y setecientos noventa y seis parágrafos (sobre Metafísica, Moral, Lógica, y Retórica), más un Extracto Analítico. En décadas posteriores les antepuso cuatro conferencias sobre Gramática y la dedicatoria, también incluidas en esta edición. El manuscrito completo fue donado por el autor a la Universidad de Montevideo en 1850 y se halla depositado en el Archivo General del Uruguay

    A Supplemental computer-assisted intervention to prevent early reading difficulties in spanish learners: a randomised controlled trial

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    Difficulties implementing effective instruction for at-risk students arise from two challenges: evidence-based knowledge transfer and lack of economic resources. Computer-assisted programs can offer a suitable solution, providing quality instruction with low cost resources. Thirty first grade students with learning difficulties were identified and paired on at least four pretest reading measures (reading efficiency of monosyllabic and disyllabic items, words, pseudowords, and texts). Each pair was assigned to two different intervention programs: a computer-assisted instructional program (CAP) focused on developing phonological route versus to the Spanish public school assistance services (AS). Computer-assisted instruction consisted of four individual 12-15 minute sessions per week focused on syllable decoding plus a collective comprehension session per week of 1 hour. CAP was delivered by university students. The assistance services typically consisted of one hour per week, individually or in small groups, delivered by trained teachers. Both programs were applied during eleven weeks. 9 of 15 subjects from the AS condition showed resistance to treatment, while only 5 of 15 subjects were treatment resisters on the CAP condition.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The impact of economic policy uncertainty and monetary policy on R&D investment: An option pricing approach

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper adopts a real options approach to investigate the effects of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and monetary policy on R&D investment. Using a panel of U.S. firms over the period 2000-2019, we show that higher (lower) EPU and contractionary (expansionary) monetary policy exert a positive (negative) and significant influence on R&D investment. Our findings shed light on the counter-intuitive behavior of R&D investments, which may help policymakers to anticipate such collateral effects.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project PID2020-114797GB-I00