792 research outputs found

    Gas chromatography olfactometry (gc-o) for the (semi)quantitative screening of wine aroma

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    This review discusses the different approaches developed by researchers in the last 40 years for the qualitative and semi-quantitative screening of odorants, with special emphasis in wine aroma profiling. In the first part, the aims and possibilities of Gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) as odour-screening and aroma profiling technique are discussed. The critical difference between approaches is whether the ranking of odorants is carried out on an extract containing all the odorants present in the product, or on an extract representative of the odorants contained in the vapour phases that cause the odour and flavour. While the second alternative is more direct and can be more efficient, it requires a good understanding of the factors affecting orthonasal olfaction, handling volatiles (purging, trapping, eluting, and separating) and about the sensory assessment of GC effluents. The review also includes an updated list compiling all the odorants detected in wine by GC-O, including retention indexes and odour descriptions with a general guideline for the identification of odorants

    Sustainability based-approach to determine the concrete type and reinforcement configuration of TBM tunnels linings. Case study: Extension line to Barcelona Airport T1

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    Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) is a suitable alternative to the traditional reinforced concrete used in the manufacture of precast segments used to line tunnels excavated with a tunnel boring machine (TBM). Moreover, its use as a structural material has been approved by several national codes and by the current fib Model Code (2010). The use of FRC in segmental linings confers several technical and economic advantages, evidenced by the fact that structural fibres have been used to partially or entirely replace reinforcing bars in many TBM tunnels built over the past 20 years or currently under construction. FRC could also have been used in other tunnels, which are currently in the planning stage or under construction. However, despite its technical suitability and approval in current codes, the use of FRC was not possible in some cases. The impediment has sometimes been an incomplete understanding of the structural behaviour of the material, but a more general motive has been that comparisons of materials have taken into account only direct material costs and have not considered indirect costs or social and environmental factors. The aim of the present research is to develop a method for analysing the sustainability of different concrete and reinforcement configurations for segmental linings of TBM tunnels using the MIVES method (a multi-criteria decision making approach for assessing sustainability). This MCDM method allows minimising subjectivity in decision making while integrating economic, environmental and social factors. The model has been used to assess the sustainability of different alternatives proposed for manufacturing the segmental tunnel lining for the extension of the rail line of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) to Terminal 1 of El Prat Airport in Barcelona.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Structural safety analysis of the aqueducts 'Coll de foix' and 'Capdevila' of the Canal of Aragon and Catalonia

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    The Canal of Aragon and Catalonia (CAC) is 134 km long and irrigates 105,000 ha (131 irrigation user communities) and it is owned by the River Ebro’s Water Agency. The aqueducts are located between km 67 and 71 of the canal and were designed by the civil engineer Félix de los Ríos Martín in 1907. The cross-section of both aqueducts, Coll de Foix and Capdevila, was extended within the framework of the project by Fernando Hué Herrero in 1962 in order to reach design flows of 26.1 m3/s and 25.7 m3/s, respectively. The structural performance of the aqueducts has been satisfactory; nevertheless, the hydraulic capacity has reduced over the years. As a result, the irrigation user communities have expressed the need to extend the cross-section of the aqueducts to meet the irrigation demands. Given the age of the structure and the different design considerations at the time, it is paramount to verify the structural reliability of the aqueducts in the new load configuration. Therefore, the objective of this contribution is to present the structural safety analysis conducted and to describe the new extended cross-section for both aqueducts (maintaining the original structural typology).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aplicación de la Metáfora-Juguete en la Terapia Existencial: Un estudio de caso sobre maltrato psicológico en pareja.

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    En este estudio de caso, se presenta una nueva herramienta terapéutica cuyos componentes son el uso de metáforas-juguete dentro de una orientación existencial apoyada en el análisis fenomenológico. La dimensión existencial de los problemas del cliente dentro de su contexto vital explica la aparición de síntomas como parte de una estructura jerárquica con múltiples conexiones. Así, la terapia promueve la localización de los puntos de asentamiento del conflicto y su traducción simbólica en una metáfora-juguete. A partir de ahí, la relación entre símbolo y realidad reorienta el cambio tomando su fuerza del discurso colaborativo entre el cliente y el terapeuta. Con esta nueva técnica terapéutica y teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de género, se aborda el caso de una joven universitaria que sufre las secuelas traumáticas de una relación en la que fue maltratada por su pareja. Se tomaron medidas pre-post tratamiento y se realizó un seguimiento a los dos meses. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de la terapia disminuyó los síntomas de ansiedad, somatizaciones e indicadores de estrés postraumático

    Las situaciones administrativas de los funcionarios

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    Este TFG va a versar principalmente sobre las Situaciones administrativas, entendiéndolas como las distintas vicisitudes en las que puede encontrarse el vínculo que une al funcionario con su administración por voluntad de alguno de los 2, pero también atendiendo todo aquello que rodea a estas situaciones como puede ser su regulación, requisitos, procesos de selección y cuestiones inherentes a los funcionarios una vez se encuentran ya en dichas situaciones administrativas como son sus derechos y deberes. La situación común de los funcionarios es la de servicio activo pero dentro de la función pública podrá encontrarse en otras posiciones jurídicas en relación con la administración pública en la que presta servicio sin perder su condición de funcionario.Departamento de Derecho PúblicoGrado en Derech

    Ictericia Neonatal

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    El motivo que ha llevado a la realización de este trabajo fin de grado sobre el tema de la ICTERICIA NEONATAL se debe a la elevada frecuencia de su aparición en la población. Un porcentaje elevado de RN la padecen al nacer siendo, en la mayor parte de los casos, un proceso fisiológico resuelto con facilidad debido a una inmadurez del sistema hepático y a una hiperproducción de bilirrubina. La ictericia neonatal es la pigmentación de color amarillo de la piel y mucosas en el RN debido al aumento de los niveles de bilirrubina en sangre por encima de los valores normales. Este aumento puede ser por causas fisiológicas o no y en función de su desarrollo, se aplicarán diferentes tratamientos. Con el paso del tiempo tanto los diagnósticos como los tratamientos han ido evolucionando. El aumento de la utilización de la lactancia materna también aumenta el porcentaje de casos de ictericia fisiológica en el RN. En este trabajo se refleja una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema de la ictericia neonatal ya que, a pesar de ser un proceso muy frecuente desarrollado en los RN, la población conoce bien las causas de su aparición y las complicaciones importantes que pueden desarrollarse si no se realiza un buen diagnóstico.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    Influence of the type of fiber on the structural response and design of FRC slabs

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    Most codes for the design of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) structures are based on the experience achieved throughout the years with steel fibers. Recent codes include the possibility of applying the same considerations for FRC structures with plastic fiber. However, the consequences of assuming identical design considerations regardless of the type of fiber is scarcely known in terms of the structural behavior of full-scale elements. The main goal of this paper is to assess the influence of the type of fiber on the performance of full-scale concrete slabs, emphasizing on the consequences of using a common design approach. For that, a comparative experimental study was conducted in order to expose differences regarding the crack pattern and load-deflection behavior. Then, finite element simulations were performed using the constitutive equations from the Model Code 2010. The results indicate distinct levels of overestimation of the structural behavior measured experimentally, confirming that specific design considerations are required depending on the type of fiber used. Based on the findings, correction factors are proposed for the design of FRC slabs with each fiber.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Measuring the efficiency of large pharmaceutical companies: an industry analysis

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    This paper evaluates the relative efficiency of a sample of 37 large pharmaceutical laboratories in the period 2008-2013 using a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. We describe in detail the procedure followed to select and construct relevant inputs and outputs that characterize the production and innovation activity of these pharmaceutical firms. Models are estimated with financial information from Datastream, including R&D investment, and the number of new drugs authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considering the time effect. The relative performances of these firms –taking into consideration the strategic importance of R&D– suggest that the pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive sector given that there are many laboratories at the efficient frontier and many inefficient laboratories close to this border. Additionally, we use data from S&P Capital IQ to analyze 2,071 financial transactions announced by our sample of laboratories as an alternative way to gain access to new drugs, and we link these transactions with R&D investment and DEA efficiency. We find that efficient laboratories make on average more financial transactions, and the relative size of each transaction is larger. However, pharmaceutical companies that simultaneously are more efficient and invest more internally in R&D announce smaller transactions relative to total assets