157 research outputs found

    The Philippine View of Indonesian Independence: As Reported in Philippine Newspapers

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    For the Filipinos, seeing Indonesia become independent was like seeing themselves. Filipinos themselves as inspiring their neighbors and at the same time they saw what their country could be. There are various parallelisms not only on the day Indonesia formally entered the community of nations but also through that nations struggle for freedom and independence. Here the Filipinos can see the various paths they may have taken, an armed struggle or a peaceful political negotiation, or both. Indonesians too saw themselves among the Filipinos. Like many Asians, they observed events from the 19th century to the recognition of Philippine sovereignty by the United States. At the same time, both countries entered a neocolonial period with the Philippines entering various agreements with its former colonizer which tied up its prerogatives. The Hague Agreement tried to impose a neocolonial condition by constructing a Netherlands-Indonesian union similar to that of the British Commonwealth of Nations. At the same time, the Netherlands played an old tactic of divide and rule by setting up what appeared to be puppet governments in the various regions of Indonesia in support for itself and denying Indonesia the western part of New Guinea by alleging that the region was not culturally affiliated with the central and western halves of the archipelago. It was an attempt to retain the Netherlands as an Asian power. Like the Philippines Indonesia faced new challenges after independence and most of these involved its former colonizer

    The Philippines Typhoon Alley: The Historic Bagyos of the Philippines and Their Impact

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    Setiap tahun Filipina dilanda hampir selusin badai tropis. Badai yang dibarengi turunnya hujan lebat ini menyebabkan kerusakan berat dan merenggut kehidupan warga Filipina. Selama kurun satu tahun, badai tropis ini mengalami proses beberapa tahap di atas permukaan laut sebelum melintasi daratan. Beberapa wilayah di Filipina rentan terhadap badai topis dan taifun ini. Sementara wilayah lain tidak begitu parah terkena dampak dan potensi kerusakannya. Terkait perubahan iklim, badai yang sangat kuat dalam bentuk super taifun menjadi sedikit lumrah. Tulisan ini bertutur tentang bagaimana pembentukan badai tropis yang berlangsung setiap tahunnya di wilayah Pasifik Barat dan dampaknya bagi kehidupan warga. Tulisan ini juga mengaitkan data historis tentang badai ini di Filipina, termasuk badai super Yolanda yang dideskripsikan sebagai badai terkuat pernah melintas di permukaan bumi.Kata kunci: Badai tropis, taifun, rehabilitasi, rekonstruksi

    The Philippine view of the first Hari Merdeka as reported in Philippine newspapers

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    The Federation of Malaysia celebrates its national day on the 31st of every August during which it commemorates its independence from British rule. It is the most widespread holiday in the country and it is called as Hari Merdeka (Day of Freedom) or Hari Kebangsaan (National Day) in the Malay language.On this day in 1957 the territories in the Malayan Union which were all located in the Malay Peninsula formed themselves as the Federation of Malaya.That federation was first created in 1948.The federation became independent on August 31, 1957.Later on September 16, 1963, Malaya would be joined with Sarawak, North Borneo (now Sabah) and Singapore to form Malaysia.Two years later Singapore would leave the federation of Malaysia to form the independent Republic of Singapore.The independence of new states especially those in the Southeast Asian region are given frontpage and editorial attention by Philippine newspapers like the Manila Times and the Manila Daily Bulletin.The independence of former colonies is viewed in the context of the postwar era when decolonization was taking place around the world.Some countries achieved their independence after a period of armed struggle such as in the case of Indonesia and Vietnam.Others gain it through a gradual process such as in Malaya and the Philippines.The Philippines and Malaysia share a common experience in gaining their independence from their colonizers.Both achieved it through a gradual and negotiated process and they share the same problems of a communist insurgency and the lingering influence of their former colonizers.The Philippine interest in the emerging new nation of Malaya has geographical, ethnic and historical bases.Located in the Southeast Asian region, Malaya including the territories still under British protection is practically a neighbor of the Philippines.Majority of the Malay inhabitants are ethnically related to the Filipinos who are separated only by means of colonial accident and difference in religion.Historically events in the Philippines and Malaya affect each other.The royal houses in Sulu and Mindanao are linked to some of the royal families in Johore and in Singapore. Some peoples in the Philippines like the Samas of Sulu trace their origin from the Malay Peninsula like Johore. Events in the Philippines like the 1896 Philippine Revolution were monitored in the newspapers of the Straits Settlements.Following the execution of Jose Rizal in 1896 many Malays named their sons after him. This practice is still being followed today.At the time of its independence, Malaya had a population of almost four million people encompassing Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups with the majority having Islam as its main religion.There are also a significant Hindu and Christian minorities. Malaya at the time of its independence was the one of world’s leading supplier of rubber and the largest producer of tin.The Philippines on the other hand achieved its independence eleven years earlier.By `1957 it had a population of more than 20 million people.The Philippines was struggling from the problem of post World War II reconstruction and like Malaya it was fighting a serious communist insurgency led by the Hukbong Magpalaya ng Bayan (HMB).1 Massive military and economic aid from the United States kept the rebellion at bay and military operations and government reformed weakened the movement by 1955.It was still however a serious threat.At the time of Malaya’s independence in 1957 the Philippines was headed by President Carlos P. Garcia who succeeded President Ramon Magsaysay who died in a plane crash on March 17 that year.CG as the Philippine press called him, was Magsaysay’s Vice President before the latter’s death. Aside from being Vice President Garcia was the administration’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs and a staunch advocate of establishing closer relations with the Philippines’ neighbors

    The dream of Malayan unity: President Macapagal and the Maphilindo

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    In July 1962, a proposal to form a greater Malayan Confederation was proposed by President Diosdado Macapagal.This proposal was to include the Philippines, the Federation of Malaya and the British territories of Singapore, Brunei, Sarawak and North Borneo. The proposal would have been a realization of a Malaya Irredenta which was dreamed of by visionaries like Wenceslao Vinzons who once made an oration advocating for the unity of Malayan people working toward a common destiny. The opportunity came near as colonial powers were liquidating their possessions in post-World War II Asia, Already an earlier association, the Association of Southeast Asia was formed in 1961 and this association included non-Malay countries. The Malayan confederation which would be called MAPHILINDO was to be different.On August 5, President Macapagal issued his declaration calling for the creation of MAPHILINDO.The formation of the MAPHILINDO was met with jubilation as it was the realization of a centuries-old vision and the culmination of the anti-colonial struggle. The organization however floundered because of significant problems among the three countries. It led into a diplomatic crisis that had the possibility of widespread armed conflict.MAPHILINDO floundered and was later superseded by the present Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).Despite its stillbirth the formation of the MAPHILINDO demonstrated fraternal relations in dealing with problems and issues among the three states of Malay origin

    Análise do Mercado de Oncológicos e Novas Substância Ativas para o Tratamento do Câncer / Oncology Market Analysis and New Active Substances for Cancer Treatment

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    O presente trabalho buscou analisar o comportamento do mercado farmacêutico de oncológicos e aspectos do planejamento de novos fármacos quimioterápicos para o tratamento do câncer aprovados pelo FDA no período 2015-2020. A análise do mercado de oncológicos demonstrou tendência de crescimento para os próximos anos e um aumento no lançamento de drogas órfãs.  Foram analisadas 50 Novas Substâncias Ativas obtidas a partir de síntese química, observando o tipo de câncer, alvo terapêutico, grupos heterocíclicos e aderência às regras de Lipinski. O principal alvo dos novos oncológicos foram as quinases (especialmente com atuação em tirosina quinases) e os principais grupos heterocíclicos foram anéis nitrogenados, com prevalência de piridinas e pirimidinas. A avaliação das regras de Lipinski demonstrou que 19 substâncias violaram ao menos uma das regras de Lipinski e três substâncias violam duas regras. A análise dos novos fármacos oncológicos demonstra a importância do desenvolvimento dos quimioterápicos e dos grupamentos heterocíclicos com a presença de nitrogênios. O estudo também oferece insumos que contribuem para o planejamento e desenvolvimento de novas moléculas que ofereçam opções seguras e eficazes para o tratamento do câncer

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio