27 research outputs found

    Inativação dos microrganismos indicadores Escherichia coli, colifagos e Clostridium perfringens empregando ozônioInactivation of the microrganisms indicators Escherichia coli, coliphages and Clostridium perfringens with ozone

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    Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de desinfecção com ozônio, utilizando água sintética preparada em laboratório inoculada com os microrganismos indicadores Escherichia coli cepa ATCC 11229, colifagos e Clostridium perfringens cepa ATCC 13124. As dosagens aplicadas de ozônio foram: 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 e 5,0 mg/L e os tempos de contato empregados foram: 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos. O ozônio foi considerado efetivo para a inativação dos três microrganismos indicadores empregados, com destaque para a inativação dos colifagos.Abstract The present work deals with disinfection trials of a laboratory prepared synthetic water with the use of ozone. The synthetic water was inoculated with Escherichia coli strain ATCC 11229, Clostridium perfringens strain ATCC 13124 and coliphages microrganism indicators. The applied concentrations of ozone were of 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 and 5,0 mg/L. The ozone was considered effective for the inactivation of all the three indicator microorganisms, presenting better results for the inactivation of coliphages

    Fenton Coagulation/Oxidation Using Fe2+ and Fe3+ Íons and Peracetic Acid for the Treatment of Wastewater

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    The Fenton coagulation/oxidation process is divided into two steps: coagulation, in alkaline pH and oxidation, in acid pH. This configuration provides a reduction in oxidant concentration, due to the pretreatment conducted in the coagulation step. This study proposes the substitution of hydrogen peroxide (HP) by peracetic acid (PAA) in a Fenton coagulation process to treat sanitary sewage and provide its disinfection. The new combination is proposed in a single step and presented good results in removing turbidity (98.5%), apparent color (95.4%), phosphorus (100%) and COD (58.2%) even at the effluent natural pH, besides demonstrating higher reduction in E. coli when compared with the process that employs hydrogen peroxide. The formation of Fe3+ ions was shown to be responsible for the removal of the particulate material. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i3.62

    Tratamento de água de lavagem de filtro de ETA empregando coagulante recuperado e desinfecção por radiação UV

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    A produção de água potável nas estações de tratamento de água (ETA) gera resíduos que se constituem fontes de poluição ambiental, requerendo a implantação de sistemas de tratamento que visem ao seu melhor aproveitamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a tratabilidade da água de lavagem dos filtros (ALF) de uma ETA do tipo ciclo completo, por meio da aplicação de coagulante recuperado do lodo da própria estação e subsequente desinfecção empregando-se radiação ultravioleta (UV). Foi obtida concentração de 793,7 mg Al L-1 a partir do coagulante recuperado, que aplicado na etapa de clarificação da ALF permitiu a redução da turbidez em 98% (30 mg Al L-1). A eficiência da desinfecção foi avaliada por meio da inativação das bactérias indicadoras: Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens e coliformes totais em doses que variaram de 49,6 a 297,3 mWs cm-2, atingindo remoções de 1,3 log para Escherichia coli, 2,6 log para Clostridium perfringens e 2,0 log para coliformes totais

    Tecnologias avançadas de tratamento visando à remoção de cor e fenol de efluente de indústria de celulose e papel

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    This paper analyzes the removal of colour and phenol found in pulp and paper industry wastewater using advanced technologies: (i) coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, (ii) granular activated carbon fltration, (iii) combination of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation and granular activated carbon fltration. Jar tests and bench-scale column tests were performed. The main results obtained were: removals of 89% and 60% for colour and phenol, respectively, using coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation; for activated carbon fltration, overall colour and phenol removal of 45% and 47%, respectively; and maximum removals obtained were 99% for colour and above 93% for phenol, when the complete cycle (coagulation-flocculationsedimentation combined with fltration) was tested. Along with this last treatment, it was possible to obtain a high quality fnal efuent and to comply with the environmental regulations in several aspects.Na produção de celulose e de papel são utilizados elevados volumes de água, madeira e ampla variedade de produtos químicos, gerando efluentes com características diversas em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, a depender do processo produtivo empregado. Trata-se de um efluente parcialmente biodegradável, entretanto, parte considerável dos componentes presentes nesses efluentes são dificilmente removidos em processos biológicos convencionais de tratamento de águas residuárias. Assim, estudar formas de melhoria da qualidade final desses efluentes, a partir de tecnologias mais avançadas de tratamento, vai de encontro à inovação tão almejada por esse setor altamente competitivo e globalizado, que é o mercado da celulose e papel. O presente artigo teve como enfoque a remoção de cor e fenol a partir do emprego da coagulação/floculação/sedimentação empregando tanino vegetal como agente coagulante, em detrimento ao uso de coagulantes sintéticos convencionais e filtração em carvão ativado granular (CAG). Os principais resultados obtidos foram remoções de: 89% da cor e 60% do fenol no tratamento por coagulação, floculação e sedimentação; 45% da cor e 47% do fenol no tratamento por filtração em carvão ativado e 99% da cor e acima de 93% de fenol ao tratar o efluente por ciclo completo (coagulação, floculação, sedimentação seguido de filtração). Com esse último tratamento foi possível obter efluente final com elevada qualidade e atender à legislação ambiental sob diversos aspectos

    Estudo de caso das condições de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário dos moradores da estação ecológica de Fernandes Pinheiro (PR)Case about water supply and wastewater services of residents from the ecological station of Fernandes Pinheiro

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    As ações de saneamento ambiental devem prover sanidade aos locais onde são praticadas as atividades humanas, a fim de promover a saúde da população, interrompendo o ciclo de transmissão de doenças. A saúde pública participa como ferramenta para as ações coletivas de saúde. Após constatar problemas de saúde em um grupo de famílias, moradoras de uma zona rural do Paraná, na Estação Ecológica de Fernandes Pinheiro, o presente trabalho dedicou-se a identificar a ocorrência de doenças infecciosas parasitológicas e alguns aspectos de saneamento básico presentes na área estudada. Foram verificados os fatores físicos, abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário de 4 famílias dessa população. O estudo realizado foi descritivo-observacional e procurou verificar a precariedade do saneamento básico com a prevalência de diarreia nos sujeitos envolvidos. Para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo foram realizadas entrevistas, visitas de campo, análises de laboratório e revisão bibliográfica. Estes procedimentos possibilitaram verificar inter-relação entre o indicador de saúde diarreia e a contaminação da água dos poços e rio. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a ocorrência de 27% de prevalência de diarreia, sendo a maioria entre crianças, além da contaminação da água por excretas, devido à falta de fatores de proteção dos locais de captação e à ausência da prática de desinfecção da água. A conclusão desta pesquisa deve incentivar a realização, por parte dos atores envolvidos no problema, quer seja o Órgão Municipal Competente e/ou a população, que sejam implementadas ações preventivas e de infraestrutura que resultem em melhorias na saúde pública.AbstractThe actions of environmental sanitation must provide sanity to the places where human activities are practiced in order to promote the health care for population, breaking the cycle of disease transmission. The public health care participates as a tool for collective actions of health care. After checking health problems in a family group who were residents in rural area in Paraná, in ecological station in Fernandes Pinheiro city, this current work was supposed to identify the relation between the occurrence of parasitological infectious diseases and some aspects of basic sanitation system present in the studied area. It was checked physical factors, water supplying and sanitation sewage for 4 families of this population. This study was descriptive-observational and was supposed to relate the precarious situation to the basic sanitation with the prevalence of diarrhea in involved individuals. For the development of this present study, interviews were performed, visits in field, lab analysis and bibliographic review. Those proceedings became possible to check the interrelation among the health indicator diarrhea and the water contamination from wells and river. The obtained results indicated the occurrence of 27 % of prevalence of diarrhea, being the major part among children, besides contamination in water through excretion, due to the lack of protection factors in caption locations and the absence of practice in water disinfection. The completion of this research should motivate an accomplishment for the involved actors in this problem, whether it is in the public organ from the city or the population, which can be implemented preventive action and infra-structure to outcome improvements in public health care


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    A desinfecção de esgotos sanitários tem como objetivo a inativação de microrganismos patogênicos visando a minimizar a proliferação de doenças de veiculação hídrica. No presente estudo, investigou-se o uso do ácido peracético (APA) como agente desinfetante de efluente secundário de Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos (ETE). Os microrganismos indicadores empregados para verificar a eficiência da desinfecção foram coliformes totais (CT) e Escherichia coli. Verificouse efetiva inativação de CT e E. coli para as concentrações aplicadas de APA de 5,0 e 10,0 mg.L-1, para os tempos de contato de 10 e 20 minutos. Palavras-chave: tratamento de esgoto; desinfecção; ácido peracético; Escherichia Coli; coliformes totais ABSTRACT Experimental model of wastewater disinfection using peracetic acid. The sanitary wastewater disinfection has as its objective the inactivation of pathogens in order to minimize disease proliferation of hydric vehiculation. In the current study, it was investigated the use of peracetic acid (PAA) as a disinfecting agent of effluent from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The indicator microorganisms applied to check the disinfection efficiency were total coliforms and Escherichia coli. Na effective inactivation of total coliforms and Escherichia coli was checked for the applied concentrations of PAA of 5.0 and 10.0 mg.L-1 for contact time from 10 and 20 minutes. Key words: wastewater treatment, disinfection, peracetic acid, Escherichia coli, total coliform

    Fenton Coagulation/Oxidation Using Fe2+ and Fe3+ Íons and Peracetic Acid for the Treatment of Wastewater

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    The Fenton coagulation/oxidation process is divided into two steps: coagulation, in alkaline pH and oxidation, in acid pH. This configuration provides a reduction in oxidant concentration, due to the pretreatment conducted in the coagulation step. This study proposes the substitution of hydrogen peroxide (HP) by peracetic acid (PAA) in a Fenton coagulation process to treat sanitary sewage and provide its disinfection. The new combination is proposed in a single step and presented good results in removing turbidity (98.5%), apparent color (95.4%), phosphorus (100%) and COD (58.2%) even at the effluent natural pH, besides demonstrating higher reduction in E. coli when compared with the process that employs hydrogen peroxide. The formation of Fe3+ ions was shown to be responsible for the removal of the particulate material. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i3.62

    Water and Wastewater Disinfection with Peracetic Acid and UV Radiation and Using Advanced Oxidative Process PAA/UV

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    The individual methods of disinfection peracetic acid (PAA) and UV radiation and combined process PAA/UV in water (synthetic) and sanitary wastewater were employed to verify the individual and combined action of these advanced oxidative processes on the effectiveness of inactivation of microorganisms indicators of fecal contamination E. coli, total coliforms (in the case of sanitary wastewater), and coliphages (such as virus indicators). Under the experimental conditions investigated, doses of 2, 3, and 4 mg/L of PAA and contact time of 10 minutes and 60 and 90 s exposure to UV radiation, the results indicated that the combined method PAA/UV provided superior efficacy when compared to individual methods of disinfection

    Post-treatment of Anaerobic Reactor Effluent by Double Filtration with Gravel and Clinoptilolite and Ozone Disinfection

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    Anaerobic reactors are an excellent alternative in the treatment of domestic effluents. However, this system presents the disadvantage of requiring post-treatment. Many technologies have been studied and rapid filtration systems have proven to be a viable alternative for the post-treatment of anaerobic reactor effluents. This study evaluates the efficacy of an anaerobic reactor effluent post-treatment system using double filtration (DF), which consists of an upward gravel filter and a downward filter of clinoptilolite, and disinfection by ozonation. The system was evaluated using physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The lowest ozone dose (0.4 mg L-1) indicated possible oxidation of fractions of biodegradable organic matter with BOD removals above 95%. Higher ozone concentrations (5.0 and 7.0 mg L-1) improved COD removal and total nitrogen removal. Regarding microbiological parameters, over 87% E. coli and 89% total coliforms could be removed only with the use of DF, while total inactivation was observed using doses above 5.0 mg L-1 ozone. The results showed that following the proposed treatment, the effluent treated with the DF/Ozonation combination meets the guidelines for reuse in toilets, irrigation of orchards, cereals, pastures, and other crops through runoff or by punctual irrigation system according to the NBR 13969/97. According to these results, DF using clinoptilolite followed by ozonation is a promising technology for the anaerobic reactor effluent post-treatment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.161

    Post-treatment of Anaerobic Reactor Effluent by Double Filtration with Gravel and Clinoptilolite and Ozone Disinfection

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    Anaerobic reactors are an excellent alternative in the treatment of domestic effluents. However, this system presents the disadvantage of requiring post-treatment. Many technologies have been studied and rapid filtration systems have proven to be a viable alternative for the post-treatment of anaerobic reactor effluents. This study evaluates the efficacy of an anaerobic reactor effluent post-treatment system using double filtration (DF), which consists of an upward gravel filter and a downward filter of clinoptilolite, and disinfection by ozonation. The system was evaluated using physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The lowest ozone dose (0.4 mg L-1) indicated possible oxidation of fractions of biodegradable organic matter with BOD removals above 95%. Higher ozone concentrations (5.0 and 7.0 mg L-1) improved COD removal and total nitrogen removal. Regarding microbiological parameters, over 87% E. coli and 89% total coliforms could be removed only with the use of DF, while total inactivation was observed using doses above 5.0 mg L-1 ozone. The results showed that following the proposed treatment, the effluent treated with the DF/Ozonation combination meets the guidelines for reuse in toilets, irrigation of orchards, cereals, pastures, and other crops through runoff or by punctual irrigation system according to the NBR 13969/97. According to these results, DF using clinoptilolite followed by ozonation is a promising technology for the anaerobic reactor effluent post-treatment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.161