346 research outputs found

    Memória Episódica e Idoso: Principais Alterações a partir de Diferentes Intervenções Cognitivas

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    Aging entails many cognitive changes, including episodic memory, which may be potentiated depending on the lifestyle of the elderly person and stimulated through cognitive interventions. The objective of this study was to verify whether there are differences in episodic memory and mood in different interventions. A total of 46 elderly people, of both sexes, with an average age of 68.7 years (SD = ± 6.82) participated in the study, being divided in two groups, stimulation (Stimullus = 21) and training (MEMO = 25), and tests of diagnostic and memory measures were applied before and after intervention. A difference in episodic memory was observed between the interventions, as well as an improvement in their mood, regardless of the type of intervention.O envelhecimento acarreta uma série de alterações cognitivas, incluindo a memória episódica, que pode ser potencializada a depender do estilo de vida do idoso e estimulada através de intervenções cognitivas. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se há diferenças relacionadas à memória episódica e ao humor em diferentes intervenções. Participaram do estudo 46 idosos, de ambos sexos, com idade média igual a 68,7 anos (Dp= ± 6,82). Foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo um estimulação (Stimullus = 21) e outro treino (MEMO = 25), e aplicados testes de medidas diagnósticas e de memória nos momentos pré e pós-intervenção. Foi observado que há diferença de memória episódica entre as intervenções e melhora no estado de humor, independentemente do tipo de intervenção

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Vriesea reitzii (Bromeliaceae), a species from the Southern Brazilian Highlands

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    The Southern Brazilian Highlands are composed by a mosaic of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest (MOF) and grassland formations, an interesting landscape for the study of population structure. We analyzed the genetic diversity within and among populations of the MOF-endemic bromeliad Vriesea reitzii by genotyping seven nuclear microsatellite loci in 187 individuals from six populations. We characterized levels of genetic diversity and assessed the genetic structure among populations. Vriesea reitzii populations showed high levels of genetic variation (number of alleles 28 - 43, allelic richness 3.589 - 5.531) and moderate levels of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.123, RST = 0.096). The high levels of genetic diversity may be explained by species life-history traits, such as habit and mating system. The moderate structure may be a product of the combination of ancient and contemporary gene flow, resulting from the expansion of the forest in the Holocene, and/or due to facilitated dispersal mediated by the MOF’s mosaic landscape. The genetic results indicated no imminent threat to this bromeliad. However, the species is highly associated with the MOF, putting landscape conservation at the center of conservation efforts for the species’ maintenance

    Avaliação da concentração de retinol em leite UHT ("Ultra High Temperature") comercializado em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

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    Deficiency of micronutrients is a public health problem. Cow milk is a source of retinol. The objective of this study is to evaluate the retinol concentration in milk commercialized in Natal/RN. Ten samples were taken of each brand of UHT milk. Vitamin content was determined by HPLC using the Shimadzu LC-10 AD Chromatograph, coupled to the Shimadzu SPD 10 A UV-VIS Detector and the Shimadzu C-R6A Chromatopac Integrator with Shim-pack CLC-ODS (M) column, measuring 4.6 mm x 25 cm. The mobile phase was 100% methanol, with a flow of 1 mL/min. The mean retinol concentration varied between 22.7 &plusmn; 4.9 µg/100 mL and 44.1 &plusmn; 4.1 µg/100 mL, with the differences statistically significant (p<0.001). Only one of the 7 brands had retinol concentration below the normal requirements for human consumption

    Occupational stressors and work accidents among health workers

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    OBJECTIVE To test the association between occupational stressors and work accidents due to exposure to biological material (ATbio) in health workers, considering the isolated and combined analysis of the dimensions of two models, the demand-control model (DCM) and the effort-reward imbalance model (ERI). METHODS Cross-sectional study in a representative sample of workers with higher, technical and secondary education, including health agents from primary and medium-complexity care units in five cities in Bahia. Random sampling was selected, stratified by geographic area, level of service complexity and occupation. The outcome variable was ATbio; The main exposure was occupational stressors, assessed by the DCM and ERI. Incidences and relative risks were estimated as a function of the acute, short-term nature of the outcome of interest. Associations between ATbio and isolated and combined DCM and ERI dimensions were tested. RESULTS A total of 3,084 workers participated in the study. The global incidence of ATbio was 3.4% and was associated with high psychological demand, high effort and high commitment to work, adjusted for sex, age, education and work shift. High-strain work and a situation of imbalance between efforts and rewards were associated with ATbio. With the combination of the models, an increase in the measure of association with the outcome was observed. Significant associations of greater magnitude were observed in the complete combined models. ATbio’s risk was 5.23 times higher among those exposed in both complete models compared to the absence of exposure in both models. CONCLUSIONS Occupational stressors were associated with ATbio. Advantages in using the combined models were observed. The approach of different psychosocial dimensions has expanded the ability to identify exposed groups, offering a solid basis for interventions for ATbio’s prevention in health.OBJETIVO Testar associação entre estressores ocupacionais e acidentes de trabalho por exposição a material biológico (ATbio) em trabalhadores da saúde, considerando a análise isolada e combinada das dimensões de dois modelos, o modelo demanda-controle (MDC) e o modelo de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa (ERI). MÉTODOS Estudo de corte transversal em amostra representativa de trabalhadores de nível superior, técnico, médio, incluindo agentes de saúde de unidades da atenção básica e média complexidade em cinco cidades da Bahia. Selecionou-se amostragem aleatória, estratificada por área geográfica, nível de complexidade do serviço e ocupação. A variável desfecho foi ATbio; a exposição principal foram os estressores ocupacionais, avaliados pelo MDC e ERI. As incidências e os riscos relativos foram estimados em função do caráter agudo, de curta duração, do desfecho de interesse. Testaram-se associações entre ATbio e as dimensões do MDC e ERI isolados e combinados. RESULTADOS Participaram do estudo 3.084 trabalhadores. A incidência global de ATbio foi de 3,4% e mostrou-se associada a alta demanda psicológica, alto esforço e alto comprometimento com o trabalho, com ajuste por sexo, idade, escolaridade e turno de trabalho. Trabalho de alta exigência e situação de desequilíbrio entre esforços e recompensas estavam associados aos ATbio. Com a combinação dos modelos, observou-se incremento da medida de associação com o desfecho. As associações significantes e de maior magnitude foram observadas nos modelos combinados completos. O risco de ATbio foi 5,23 vezes maior entre os expostos em ambos os modelos completos em comparação com a ausência de exposição nos dois modelos. CONCLUSÕES Estressores ocupacionais mostraram-se associados aos ATbio. Observaram-se vantagens no uso dos modelos combinados. A abordagem de diferentes dimensões psicossociais ampliou a capacidade de identificação de grupos expostos, oferecendo base sólida para intervenções de prevenção dos ATbio em saúde

    Práticas sexuais e o comportamento de jovens universitários frente à prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis.

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    Objective: To analyze the sexual practices and the behavior of university students regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted at a private university in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 768 students, aged 18 to 29 years, and regularly enrolled in the institution participated in the study. Results: University students were mostly single (58.72%), heterosexual (85.80%), sexually active (85.16%), had initiated sexual life in the age group of 12-17 years (76.9%), reported having a steady partnership (77.83%), did not use condoms (54.62%), reported multiplicity of sexual partners (50.31%), and did not use condoms in all sexual intercourses (62.84%). The students reported using alcohol (66.41%), although sporadically (50.39%), but they had not used before the last sexual intercourse (69.42%). Regarding health care, 57.81% sought care in the last 12 months, and the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections was reported by 4.82% of them. Conclusion: The adoption of risky behaviors by young people makes them vulnerable to STIs. Health education actions and encouragement of self-care are relevant to reduce the sexual health problems of this population contingentObjetivo: Analizar las prácticas sexuales y el comportamiento de jóvenes universitarios frente a las Infecciones Sexualmente Transmisibles. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en abordaje cuantitativo realizado en una universidad privada en Río de Janeiro. Participaron 768 estudiantes, con edades entre 18 y 29 años, regularmente matriculados. Resultados: Los universitarios son solteros (58,72%), heterosexuales (85,80%) y sexualmente activos (85,16%); iniciaron actividades sexuales en el grupo de edad de 12-17 años (76,9%); el 77,83% relató tener una alianza fija y de esos 54,62% no utilizan preservativo; 50,31% informaron una multiplicidad de asociaciones sexuales, y el 62,84% no usa el preservativo en todas las relaciones sexuales. Los estudiantes informaron consumir alcohol (66,41%), siendo uso esporádico (50,39%), sin embargo, añaden que no tomaron antes de la última relación sexual (69,42%). En cuanto a los cuidados con la salud, el 57,81% buscó atención en los últimos 12 meses, siendo informada por 4,82% jóvenes la ocurrencia de infecciones sexualmente transmisibles. Conclusión: La asunción del comportamiento de riesgo por los jóvenes los hace vulnerables a las IST. Las acciones de educación en salud y estímulo para el autocuidado del grupo son relevantes para reducir perjuicios a la salud sexual de ese contingente poblacional.Objetivo: Analisar as práticas sexuais e o comportamento de universitários de uma instituição privada frente às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, em abordagem quantitativa realizado em uma universidade privada no Rio de Janeiro. Participaram 768 estudantes, com idades entre 18 – 29 anos, regularmente matriculados. Resultados: Os universitários são solteiros (58,72%), heterossexuais (85,80%) e sexualmente ativos (85,16%); iniciaram atividades sexuais na faixa etária de 12-17 anos (76,9%); 77,83% relatou ter parceria fixa e desses 54,62% não utilizam preservativo; 50,31% informaram multiplicidade de parcerias sexuais, e 62,84% não usa o preservativo em todas as relações sexuais. Os estudantes informaram fazer uso de álcool (66,41%), sendo uso esporádico (50,39%), contudo, acrescentam que não utilizaram antes da última relação sexual (69,42%). Quanto aos cuidados com a saúde, 57,81% buscou atendimento nos últimos 12 meses, sendo informada por 4,82% jovens a ocorrência de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Conclusão: A assunção do comportamento de risco pelos jovens torna-os vulneráveis às IST. Ações de educação em saúde e estímulo para o autocuidado do grupo são relevantes para reduzir agravos à saúde sexual desse contingente populacional

    Temperature variation under continuous light restores tomato leaf photosynthesis and maintains the diurnal pattern in stomatal conductance

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    The response of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Aromata) to continuous light (CL) in relation to photosynthesis, abscisic acid (ABA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) was investigated to improve the understanding of the development and/or alleviation of CL-induced leaf injury in constant and diurnal temperature fluctuations with similar daily light integral and daily mean temperature. The plants were grown in three photoperiodic treatments for 15 days; One treatment with a 16/8 h light/dark period and a light/dark temperature of 27/17°C (Control), two CL treatments with 24 h photoperiods, one with a constant temperature of 24°C (CLCT) and the other one with variable temperature of 27/17°C for 16/8 ho, respectively (CLVT). A diurnal pattern of stomatal conductance (gs) and [ABA] was observed in the plants grown in the control and CLVT conditions, while the plants in CLCT conditions experienced a significant decrease in stomatal conductance aligned with an increase in ABA. The net photosynthesis (A) was significantly reduced in CLCT, aligned with a significant decrease in the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax), the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 (gm) in comparison to the control and CLVT. An increased production of H2O2 and O2•- linked with increased activities of antioxidative enzymes was seen in both CL treatments, but despite of this, leaf injuries were only observed in the CLCT treatment. The results suggest that the diurnal temperature fluctuations alleviated the CL injury symptoms, probably because the diurnal cycles of cellular mechanisms were maintained. The ROS were shown not to be directly involved in CL-induced leaf injury, since both ROS production and scavenging was highest in CLVT without leaf chlorotic symptoms

    Occurrence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in scavenging black vultures (Coragyps atratus) in Brazil

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    Este e o primeiro relato de infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em urubus (Coragyps atratus) que são aves carniceiras obrigatórias, encontradas no continente americano. Amostras de soro de 121 urubus, capturados em área urbana da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram testadas quanto a presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondii pelo teste de aglutinação modificada (MAT, ponto de corte de 1:5). Anticorpos foram encontrados em 16 (13,2%) aves com títulos de 1:5 (6 aves), 1:10 (8 aves) e 1:20 (2 aves).This is the first report of Toxoplasma gondii infection in black vultures (Coragyps atratus), which are obligate scavengers found throughout the Americas. Serum samples from 121 wild black vultures caught in urban areas of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were tested for the presence of T. gondii antibodies using the modified agglutination test (MAT; cutoff point 1:5). T. gondii antibodies were found in 16 birds (13.2%), with titers of 1:5 (6 birds), 1:10 (8 birds), and 1:20 (2 birds)

    Avaliação do processo de extração do cobre e prata contidos em placas de circuito impresso via lixiviação ácida e recuperação por oxirredução / Evaluation of the copper and silver extraction process in printed circuit boards via acid lixiviation and oxirreduction recovery

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    O acentuado crescimento do setor industrial eletrônico ocasiona, ao mesmo tempo, o crescimento dos resíduos de equipamentos eletrônicos, tanto industriais quanto domésticos como, por exemplo, o descarte de equipamentos obsoletos. Esses resíduos eletrônicos por sua vez podem ser reciclados e os metais neles contidos, recuperados, possibilitando redução no impacto ambiental gerado pelo seu descarte inadequado, além de promover economia na exploração das reservas naturais. Dentro desse contexto, o presente trabalho, avaliou a recuperação do cobre e da prata a partir de placas de circuito impresso de equipamentos eletrônicos por meio de processos físicos e químicos, reduzindo o tamanho das placas e posteriormente realizando a lixiviação em meio ácido, utilizando ácido nítrico diluído, tendo como resultado uma lixiviação acima de 75% do cobre e 90% da prata contidos nas placas. Esses metais solubilizados foram recuperados com técnica de oxirredução, utilizando ferro metálico, possibilitando a recuperação acima de 90% do cobre e 99% da prata emsolução. Para quantificar os metais em solução e o recuperado foi utilizada a técnica de espectrofotometria de absorção atômica.   

    Correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer: an epidemiological analysis

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    Objective: To establish correlations between risk factors for prostate cancer. Method: 155 Medical records of patients with prostate cancer were analyzed regarding the tumor characteristics and risk factors. Results: The patients on average were 70 years of age, incomplete grade school (70%), exposed to pesticides (68,56%), non-smokers (93,8%), and alcohol consumption (71,2%), patients with adenocarcinoma (98,71%) and metastases (12,90%). Positive correlations (0.001) were evidenced with occupational exposure (r= 0,588), use of medications (r= 0,569) and radiation exposure (r= 0.609). No correlations were observed for diet, smoking and alcoholism. Conclusion: The data show that for associations between genetic factors and occupational exposure, with emphasis to the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity
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