579 research outputs found

    Payload Enhancement on Least Significant Bit Image Steganography using Edge Area Dilation

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    This research proposes a method to enhance the payload message by embedding messages on the dilated edge areas by the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. To add security aspects to messages, messages are not embedded directly on the LSB but encrypted with XOR operations with Most Significant Bit (MSB). The experimental results of the test in this study showed that the dilation process to some extent can increase the payload of 18.65% and the average bpp is 1.42 while maintaining the imperceptibilty quality of stego image with an average PSNR value of about 47 dB, SSIM is 0.9977 and MSE is 1.13

    Payload Enhancement on Least Significant Bit Image Steganography using Edge Area Dilation

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    This research proposes a method to enhance the payload message by embedding messages on the dilated edge areas by the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. To add security aspects to messages, messages are not embedded directly on the LSB but encrypted with XOR operations with Most Significant Bit (MSB). The experimental results of the test in this study showed that the dilation process to some extent can increase the payload of 18.65% and the average bpp is 1.42 while maintaining the imperceptibilty quality of stego image with an average PSNR value of about 47 dB, SSIM is 0.9977 and MSE is 1.13

    Evaluation of the emotional quotient of the students in the 6th grade of Primary Education in a public school from the city of Badajoz

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    En los últimos años, la parte afectiva de los individuos ha sido fundamental para comprender la inteligencia humana. En el ámbito educativo, las habilidades emocionales del alumnado tienen gran importancia, llegando a ser decisivas en la formación académica. Generalmente, se ha relacionado a la persona inteligente con un elevado coeficiente intelectual; sin embargo, esto no es suficiente para garantizar una vida exitosa. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el coeficiente emocional del alumnado utilizando el cuestionario de “Inventario de Inteligencia Emocional de Bar-On” para jóvenes siendo la muestra recogida 47 alumnos procedentes de dos clases de sexto curso de educación primaria de un colegio público de Badajoz.In recent years, the emotional part of individuals has been critical to understand human intelligence. In education, the emotional skills of students are of great importance, becoming crucial in education. Generally, the intelligent person has been linked to a high IQ. However, this is not sufficient to guarantee a successful life. The aim of this study is to evaluate the emotional quotient of students using the questionnaire “Inventory of Emotional Intelligence Bar-On” for youngsters, being the sample gathered 47 students from two classes of sixth year of primary education in a public school from Badajoz.peerReviewe


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    Abstract: Cyberbullying is a complex problem because it produces a large impact on the individuals who experience it. Furthermore, cyberbullying is a problem that may not have found the right solution in this day and sometimes, there is no problem-solving. Furthermore, this research is a development from three research: The Development and Implementation of Wise Netizens (E-Comments) in Indonesia and journals; the journal Developing "Culture Intelligence (CI3) Framework" Inside Social Media Using Johari Window Methods and the journal Developing "Leadership Intelligence (CI2) Framework" Inside Social Media to Develop an Ethical Leader using the Johari Window Method. Moreover, the method used in this research is the Johari window and Ken Watanabe-Problem Solving. The results of this research are the formula CB = P.B2 and the cyberbullying methodology framework 2020-2025 that is useful for overcoming cyberbullying problems in several categories. Key Words: Cyberbullying, Social media, Traditional bullying, Ken Watanabe, Johari Window


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    As one of the major rice producers, Indonesia faces significant challenges related to plant diseases such as blast, brown spot, tugro, leaf smut, and blight. These diseases threaten food security and result in economic losses, underscoring the importance of early detection and management of rice diseases. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has proven effective in detecting diseases in rice plants. Specifically, transfer learning with CNN, particularly the Xception model, has the advantage of efficiently extracting automatic features and performing well even with limited datasets. This study aims to develop the Xception model for rice disease recognition based on leaf images. Through the fine-tuning process, the Xception model achieved accuracies, precisions, recalls, and F1-scores of 0.89, 0.90, 0.89, and 0.89, respectively, on a dataset with a total of 320 images. Additionally, the Xception model outperformed VGG16, MobileNetV2, and EfficientNetV2

    Robust and Imperceptible Image Watermarking by DC Coefficients Using Singular Value Decomposition

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    Main problem frequently encountered in all schemes transform domain watermarking technique is the robustness and imperceptibility. Due to achieved optimal result most algorithms of image watermarking using combination two or more transformation domain. This paper proposed Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to embed binary watermark to color Image. Before the message embedded in the color images, we converting RGB to YCbCr color space. Luminance component will be split into sub- block and it has been transformed by DCT to produce DC and AC coefficients. DC coefficients selected as embedding place because it is perceptually usefulness and robust against various attacks. DC coefficients will be collected from every sub-block to create a reference image. Then apply SVD on reference image and embed message in singular values. Various attacks have been implemented and tested due to achieve robustness using Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) and imperceptibility tested using Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). High values of the measurement results show the feasibility of the proposed method. A highest PSNR value resulted 42.3009 dB, whereas a highest NCC values 0.9993 after JPEG Compression

    Enfrentamento, saúde mental e perfeccionismo no ensino superior: diferenças entre músicos e estudantes universitários

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    Students prepare themselves for university through high levels of commitment and compromise, throughout extensive compulsory study. Musical studies also require an extensive compulsory study stage, but with different levels of commitment and compromise. Taking in account similarities and differences between both degrees, this study aims to analyse coping strategies, mental health, perfectionism, and the concept of sacrifice that different undergraduates from university degrees, music degrees and both have. For this purpose, 60 students participated, a mixed methodology was used, and results show no significant statistical differences between the three groups, but it discusses the relevance of them, and the need of support so this student body can be successful in their studies.Los estudios universitarios requieren altos niveles de exigencia y compromiso que suponen una etapa educacional obligatoria muy extensa. Los estudios superiores musicales requieren también una preparación previa muy extensa, pero con otros niveles de exigencia y compromiso que colocan a sus estudiantes en situaciones muy diversas. Considerando diferencias y similitudes, estudio tiene como intención analizar las distintas estrategias de afrontamiento ante el estrés, el perfeccionismo, la salud mental y la valoración del sacrificio que tienen distintos estudiantes universitarios, musicales y de ambas. Para ello, se ha recabado una muestra de 60 estudiantes de ambos tipos, se empleó metodología mixta y los resultados muestran ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los grupos, pero se discute la importancia de estos hallazgos.Os estudos universitários requerem elevados níveis de exigência e empenho que envolve uma etapa escolar obrigatória muito extensa. Os estudos musicais superiores também requerem uma preparação prévia extensa, mas com outros níveis de exigência e empenho que colocam os alunos em situações muito diferentes. Considerando as diferenças e semelhanças, o estudo pretende analisar as diferentes estratégias de enfrentamento frente ao estresse, perfeccionismo, saúde mental e a valorização do sacrifício que diferentes universitários, musicais e ambos possuem. Para isso, foi coletada uma amostra de 60 alunos de ambas as modalidades, foi utilizada uma metodologia mista e os resultados mostram a ausência de diferenças significativas entre os grupos, mas a importância desses achados é discutida

    Análise crítica da função social da propriedade rural

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    O presente trabalho se inicia com a introdução do conceito de propriedade contemporânea, seguida da exposição dos dispositivos legais que regulam os requisitos para a manutenção do direito de propriedade. Assim, restará identificada a importância da implementação de uma reforma agrária concreta, baseada na aplicação dos preceitos constitucionais para a transformação do contexto fático. O estudo traz o apontamento das causas e consequências da atuação jurisdicional à aplicação do instituto da função social da propriedade. Por fim, a pesquisa busca revelar as ideias implícitas presentes nos julgados analisados, bem como a incipiência das respectivas decisões quanto à aplicação efetiva do instituto da função social da propriedade no âmbito rural