10,095 research outputs found

    Numerical equilibrium analysis for structured consumer resource models

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    In this paper, we present methods for a numerical equilibrium and stability analysis for models of a size structured population competing for an unstructured resource. We concentrate on cases where two model parameters are free, and thus existence boundaries for equilibria and stability boundaries can be defined in the (two-parameter) plane. We numerically trace these implicitly defined curves using alternatingly tangent prediction and Newton correction. Evaluation of the maps defining the curves involves integration over individual size and individual survival probability (and their derivatives) as functions of individual age. Such ingredients are often defined as solutions of ODE, i.e., in general only implicitly. In our case, the right-hand sides of these ODE feature discontinuities that are caused by an abrupt change of behavior at the size where juveniles are assumed to turn adult. So, we combine the numerical solution of these ODE with curve tracing methods. We have implemented the algorithms for ā€œDaphnia consuming algaeā€ models in C-code. The results obtained by way of this implementation are shown in the form of graphs

    Predator persistence through variability of resource productivity in Tritrophic systems

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    The trophic structure of species communities depends on the energy transfer between trophic levels. Primary productivity varies strongly through time, challenging the persistence of species at higher trophic levels. Yet resource variability has mostly been studied in systems with only one or two trophic levels. We test the effect of variability in resource productivity in a tritrophic model system including a resource, a size-structured consumer, and a size-specific predator. The model complies with fundamental principles of mass conservation and the body-size dependence of individual-level energetics and predator-prey interactions. Surprisingly, we find that resource variability may promote predator persistence. The positive effect of variability on the predator arises through periods with starvation mortality of juvenile prey, which reduces the intraspecific competition in the prey population. With increasing variability in productivity and starvation mortality in the juvenile prey, the prey availability increases in the size range preferred by the predator. The positive effect of prey mortality on the trophic transfer efficiency depends on the biologically realistic consideration of body sizeā€“dependent and food-dependent functions for growth and reproduction in our model. Our findings show that variability may promote the trophic transfer efficiency, indicating that environmental variability may sustain species at higher trophic levels in natural ecosystems

    The cholesterol-raising diterpenes from coffee beans increase serum lipid transfer protein activity levels in humans

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    Cafestol and kahweolā€“diterpenes present in unfiltered coffeeā€” strongly raise serum VLDL and LDL cholesterol and slightly reduce HDL cholesterol in humans. The mechanism of action is unknown. We determined whether the coffee diterpenes may affect lipoprotein metabolism via effects on lipid transfer proteins and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase in a randomized, double-blind cross-over study with 10 healthy male volunteers. Either cafestol (61ā€“64 mg/day) or a mixture of cafestol (60 mg/day) and kahweol (48ā€“54 mg/day) was given for 28 days. Serum activity levels of cholesterylester transfer protein, phospholipid transfer protein and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase were measured using exogenous substrate assays. Relative to baseline values, cafestol raised the mean (Ā±S.D.) activity of cholesterylester transfer protein by 18Ā±12% and of phospholipid transfer protein by 21Ā±14% (both P<0.001). Relative to cafestol alone, kahweol had no significant additional effects. Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activity was reduced by 11Ā±12% by cafestol plus kahweol (P=0.02). It is concluded that the effects of coffee diterpenes on plasma lipoproteins may be connected with changes in serum activity levels of lipid transfer proteins

    Scaling ansatz, four zero Yukawa textures and large Īø13\theta_{13}

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    We investigate 'Scaling ansatz' in the neutrino sector within the framework of type I seesaw mechanism with diagonal charged lepton and right handed Majorana neutrino mass matrices (MRM_R). We also assume four zero texture of Dirac neutrino mass matrices (mDm_D) which severely constrain the phenomenological outcomes of such scheme. Scaling ansatz and the present neutrino data allow only Six such matrices out of 126 four zero Yukawa matrices. In this scheme, in order to generate large Īø13\theta_{13} we break scaling ansatz in mDm_D through a perturbation parameter and we also show our breaking scheme is radiatively stable. We further investigate CP violation and baryogenesis via leptogenesis in those surviving textures.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cannibalism as a life boat mechanism

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    Under certain conditions a cannibalistic population can survive when food for the adults is too scarce to support a non-cannibalistic population. Cannibalism can have this lifeboat effect if (i) the juveniles feed on a resource inaccessible to the adults; and (ii) the adults are cannibalistic and thus incorporate indirectly the inaccessible resource. Using a simple model we conclude that the mechanism works when, at low population densities, the average yield, in terms of new offspring, due to the energy provided by one cannibalized juvenile is larger than one

    Physical activity knowledge, attitudes and practices of the elderly in Bloemfontein old age homes

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe physical activity knowledge, attitudes and practices of the elderly in Bloemfontein old age homes. Methods: Three hundred and ninety residents (65 years and older) from 11 Bloemfontein old age homes participated in the study. All participants gave informed oral consent before answering a structured questionnaire. Results: The participants had a good general knowledge of the influence of physical activity on life quality, but had less knowledge of the influence of exercise on cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension. Most of the participants (80.5%) enjoyed exercising and 60% had a positive attitude towards exercise. Most participants (62.8%) felt that they had not received enough information about physical activity from their doctor. Few participants (3.8%) took part in prescribed exercise programmes. Conclusions: The participants had a positive attitude towards physical activity, but lacked sufficient knowledge of the practice of physical fitness to be able to understand adequate physical fitness programmes. Elderly people who do not exercise because of a specific health problem may be motivated to exercise in a way that improves quality of life. SA Fam Pract 2004;46(8): 17-1
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