73 research outputs found
Políticas municipais de preservação: perspectivas de participação social na proteção do patrimônio cultural
Iniciativas municipais de preservação do patrimônio cultural no âmbito das políticas públicas vêm ocorrendo no Brasil desde ao menos os anos 1970, inicialmente incentivadas pelo IPHAN e posteriormente consolidadas na Constituição Federal de 1988 e no Estatuto da Cidade em 2001. Por estar mais próximas das comunidades em sua relação cotidiana com o espaço que habitam, a municipalidade se apresenta assim como uma instância privilegiada para a participação social também no âmbito da preservação do patrimônio cultural. Nesse sentido, esse artigo tem como objetivo problematizar as políticas municipais de preservação no que diz respeito à sua capacidade de atender às demandas sociais sobre o patrimônio cultural e também assinalar algumas de suas contribuições para a reflexão sobre a preservação do patrimônio cultural no Brasil
O Compahc de São Bernardo do Campo - no curso das políticas municipais de preservação
Este artigo é uma leitura da trajetória do Conselho Municipal do Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural de São Bernardo do Campo, o Compahc-SBC, analisando aspectos como a origem do órgão, seus critérios de atuação e suas medidas de preservação com ênfase na prática do tombamento à luz de uma discussão mais ampla sobre práticas de preservação do patrimônio cultural
O patrimônio cultural do ABC Paulista: horizontes possíveis nas políticas municipais de preservação
This artcle aims to emphasize the relavance of local cultural heritage preservation initiatives, especially municipal councils, under the perspective of public policies in Brazil taking as a case study the ABC Paulista region.Esse artigo visa ressaltar a relevância das iniciativas locais de preservação do patrimônio cultural, sobretudo conselhos gestores municipais, sob a perspectiva das políticas públicas no Brasil tomando como estudo de caso a região do ABC Paulista
Detection of Masses in Digital Mammograms using K-means and Support Vector Machine
Breast cancer is a serious public health problem in several countries. Computer Aided Detection/Diagnosis systems (CAD/CADx) have been used with relative success aiding health care professionals. The goal of such systems is contribute on the specialist task aiding in the detection of different types of cancer at an early stage. This work presents a methodology for masses detection on digitized mammograms using the K-means algorithm for image segmentation and co-occurrence matrix to describe the texture of segmented structures. Classification of these structures is accomplished through Support Vector Machines, which separate them in two groups, using shape and texture descriptors: masses and non-masses. The methodology obtained 85% of accuracy
First report of an Onchocercidae worm infecting Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai sandfly, a putative vector of Leishmania braziliensis in the Amazon
Sandflies are insects of public health interest due to their role as vectors of parasites of the genus Leishmania, as well as other pathogens. Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai is considered an important sylvatic vector of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in Amazonia. In this study, sandflies were collected in a forested area in the Xapuri municipality, in the State of Acre (Northern Brazil). Two Ps. carrerai carrerai females were found parasitized with a larval form of a filarial worm, one in the labium of the proboscis, the other after the head was squashed, suggesting they were infective larvae. Sandflies were identified through morphological characters as well as amplification and sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase gene (COI). This was the first sequence obtained for Ps. carrerai carrerai for this marker. The obtained nematodes were also characterized through direct sequencing of a fragment of COI and 12S genes, both mitochondrial, and ITS1, a nuclear marker. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the filarial nematodes belong to a species without sequences for these markers in the database, part of family Onchocercidade and closely related to genus Onchocerca (12S tree). Although sandfly infection with nematodes including members of the Onchocercidae has been reported in the Old World, this is the first report of sandfly infection by a member of the Onchocercidae family in the New World, to the best of our knowledge. Considering that the phylogenetic relationships and location in the insect, it can be expected that this is a parasite of mammals and the transmission cycle should be clarified.publishersversionpublishe
“O direito de estudar”: capacitação de professores para o combate a evasão escolar
Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A Constituição Federal determina que “a educação é direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família”. O problema da evasão escolar é um grande desafio enfrentado pela educação na atualidade, mas já estão presentes na história da educação escolar brasileira há décadas, tornando-se fenômenos crônicos e ainda demandando respostas e ações capazes de combatê-los. As maiores causas da evasão escolar são: desemprego dos pais e baixos salários, falta de motivação dos pais para enviar os filhos a escola, a baixa autoestima das crianças e adolescentes que não consideram a escola capaz de prepará-los para o mercado de trabalho, além de casos de gravidez afastando jovens da escola precocemente. O objetivo desta ação foi discutir entre os professores a problemática e as causas da evasão escolar, analisar qual o papel do professor nesse contexto e apresentar estratégias para reduzir o índice de evasão escolar e aumentar a assiduidade dos alunos as aulas e demais eventos escolares. A ação, que teve como público os professores da rede municipal da cidade de Itupiranga-PA, foi realizada em dois momentos. No primeiro momento, foi apresentada uma palestra expositiva sobre o tema da evasão escolar suas causas e consequências. No segundo momento os professores foram divididos em grupos e cada grupo descreveu as causas e os enfrentamentos relacionados à evasão escolar no seu local de trabalho. Com estas informações relatadas foi criado um quadro apontando os principais problemas e o seu grau de governabilidade. A partir destes apontamentos foi produzido um documento direcionando os principais pontos discutidos, com objetivo de ser encaminhados aos órgãos competentes do município para multiplicação da discussão de forma intersetorial. Concluiu-se que combate à evasão escolar deve ser um compromisso não só dos educadores, mas de toda a sociedade, criando oportunidades capazes de minimizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelo alunado e suas famílias quanto ao acesso, permanência e seguimento nos estudos nos anos seguintes. Assim, esta oficina mostrou a necessidade da reflexão sobre as causas e consequências da evasão escolar, relacionando-as as respectivas ações capazes de combatê-las
An Approach for Construction of Augmented Reality Systems using Natural Markers and Mobile Sensors in Industrial Fields
This paper presents a methodology for the development of augmented reality (AR) visualization applications in industrial scenarios. The proposal presents the use of georreferenced natural markers detected in real time, which enables the construction of AR systems. This use of augmented visualization allows the creation of tools that can aid on-site maintenance activities for operators. AR use makes possible including information about the equipment during a specific procedure. In this work, the detection of natural markers in the scene are based on Haar-like features associated with equipment geolocalization. This approach enable the detection of equipment in multiple user’s viewpoints in the industrial scenario and makes it possible the inclusion of real information about those equipment in real time as AR annotations. In this way, beyond a methodology approach, this paper presents a new way for Power System information visualization in the field that can be used in both for training and for control operations
Connections among Land Use, Water Quality, Biodiversity of Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish Behavior in Amazon Rivers
Rivers in the Amazon have among the greatest biodiversity in the world. The Xingu River, one of the tributaries of the Amazon River, has a length of 1640 km, draining 510,000 km2 in one of the most protected regions on the planet. The Middle Xingu region in Brazil has been highly impacted by mining and livestock farming, leading to habitat fragmentation due to altered water quality. Therefore, comparing two rivers (the preserved Xingu River and the impacted Fresco River) and their confluence, the aims of the present study were to (1) assess the land uses in the hydrographic basin; (2) determine the water quality by measurements of turbidity, total solids, and metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Hg); (3) compare the zooplankton biodiversity; and (4) to evaluate the avoidance behavior of fish (Astyanax bimaculatus) when exposed to waters from the Xingu and Fresco Rivers. Zooplankton were grouped and counted down to the family level. For the analysis of fish avoidance, a multi-compartment system was used. The forest class predominated at the study locations, accounting for 57.6%, 60.8%, and 63.9% of the total area at P1XR, P2FR, and P3XFR, respectively, although since 1985, at the same points, the forest had been reduced by 31.3%, 25.7%, and 27.9%. The Xingu River presented almost 300% more invertebrate families than the Fresco River, and the fish population preferred its waters (>50%). The inputs from the Fresco River impacted the water quality of the Xingu River, leading to reductions in local invertebrate biodiversity and potential habitats for fish in a typical case of habitat fragmentation due to anthropic factors.Fil: Silva de Sousa, Rodrigo. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Silva, Gilmar Clemente. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Bazzan, Thiago. Earth Observation And Geoinformatics Division, National; BrasilFil: de la Torre, Fernando Roman. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Nebo, Caroline. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Siqueira Silva, Diógenes Henrique. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Cardoso Silva, Sheila. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Martins Pompêo, Marcelo Luiz. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Brazil de Paiva, Teresa Cristina. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Teixeira da Silva, Flávio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vieira Rêgo da Silva, Daniel Clemente. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; Brasi
Microcephaly prevalence after the 2015 to 2016 Zika outbreak in Tangará da Serra, Brazil: a population-based study
Objective: Prenatal infection with the Zika virus (ZIKV) can lead to congenital Zika syndrome (CZS), characterized by microcephaly and brain injury. However, there are questions regarding the prevalence of microcephaly/CZS after the ZIKV outbreak in defined geographic areas. This study aimed to identify adverse outcomes in live births of fetuses exposed in utero to the ZIKV, compared to unexposed births, as well as maternal sociodemographic, delivery, and birth characteristics. Methods: Here, we conducted a cross-sectional observational study to investigate the characteristics of all live births in the city of Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, in 2016, after the outbreak of ZIKV infection in late 2015. All live births of children to women residing in the municipality of Tangará da Serra between January 1 and December 31, 2016, were evaluated, and head circumference was measured at birth and after 24 hours. Children born with microcephaly or a maternal history of confirmed or suspected prenatal ZIKV infection were evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. The outcomes of the exposed and non-exposed children were compared. Prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated for sociodemographic, delivery, and live birth characteristics. Results: Of 1,441 live births, 106 (7.3%) were from mothers with confirmed or highly probable exposure to ZIKV. The prevalence of severe congenital microcephaly (41.7/10,000) in Tangará da Serra in 2016 was ten-fold higher than that in Latin America before 2015. Conclusion: This study may serve as a model to investigate possible outbreaks of infections in a defined geographical space in the future
Physiological response of Conilon coffee clone sensitive to drought grafted onto tolerant rootstock
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar alterações fisiológicas e de tolerância à seca em clones de café Conilon (Coffea canephora) contrastantes quanto à sensibilidade ao deficit hídrico. Foram avaliadas as enxertias recíprocas entre os clones 109A, sensível ao deficit hídrico, e 120, tolerante – 120/109A, 120/120, 109A/120, 109A/109A –, além de seus respectivos pés-francos. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 12 L em casa de vegetação. Após seis meses, metade das plantas foi submetida ao deficit hídrico por meio da suspensão da irrigação, até que as folhas atingissem o potencial hídrico de antemanhã de -3,0 MPa. Quando o clone 120 foi usado como porta-enxerto, as plantas apresentaram sistema radicular mais profundo, mas com menor massa, retardaram por mais tempo a desidratação celular das folhas e apresentaram maior eficiência no uso da água. Sob seca severa, os teores de amido e sacarose decresceram em todos os tratamentos, enquanto os teores de glicose, frutose, aminoácidos totais e prolina aumentaram, particularmente nos tratamentos 109A pé-franco, 109A/109A e 120/109A. Essas plantas apresentaram menor eficiência no uso da água. O acúmulo de solutos não foi associado à tolerância à seca. O uso de porta-enxertos tolerantes à seca contribui para a maior tolerância das plantas ao deficit hídrico.The objective of this work was to determine alterations in physiology and those due to drought tolerance on Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) contrasting clones regarding the sensitivity to hydric stress. The reciprocal grafting between clones 109A, drought sensitive, and 120, drought tolerant, – 120/109A, 120/120, 109A/120, 109A/109A – along with their ungrafted control plants (109A and 120) were evaluated. Plants were cultivated in 12-L vases in greenhouse. Six months after grafting, half of the plants was subjected to water deficit, by suspending irrigation until leaves reached the hydric potential of -3,0 MPa. When clone 120 was used as rootstock, plants presented deeper roots, although with lower root-biomass, higher ability to postpone leaf dehydration and higher instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE). Under severe drought, starch and sucrose contents decreased similarly, regardless of the treatment, whereas leaf concentrations of glucose, fructose, total amino acids and proline were higher in non-grafted 109A, 109A/109A, and 120/109A plants. These plants showed the lowest WUE values. Solute accumulation was not primarily related to drought tolerance. The use of drought tolerant rootstocks improves to drought tolerance in coffee
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