348 research outputs found

    Intergenerational entrepreneurship to foster sustainable development: A methodological training proposal

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    Intergenerational entrepreneurial initiatives are aimed at addressing the needs and opportunities of certain social groups and have the potential of becoming successful business projects. Moreover, they are a key to undertake sustainability practices that may represent a competitive advantage for the companies and an example to imitate when creating businesses. The objective of the study is to propose an intergenerational training methodology so that young people and seniors can create companies together, generating social cohesion and sustainable development in response to generational challenges. Intergenerational entrepreneurship seems to be a novel research area, especially when referring to developing methodologies of collaborative entrepreneurship projects. For this purpose, our literature review focuses on, first, the matching theories and experiences applied for intergenerational cooperation; then, literature about training methodologies for entrepreneurship is reviewed; finally, the main theories on training skills for entrepreneurship are approached. Focus groups were conducted as they serve as the main sources of data and are very appropriate for the generation of new ideas within a social context. In general, results show that, for achieving a successful intergenerational cooperation, some specific training is needed for both generations. This paper is a starting point for future research approaching intergenerational entrepreneurship, or entrepreneurial initiatives with singular characteristics, such as rural contexts or people with disabilitiesThis research was funded by IVI project (2018-1-FR01-KA204-047946). Erasmus+ Key Action 204, funded with support from the European Commissio

    CSIC libraries authorities catalog as a knowledge management tool : towards an unrestricted accesibility

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    Los trabajos realizados para la puesta en funcionamiento de una interfaz de consulta web para el catálogo de autoridades CIRBIC (Catálogos Informatizados de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC) han despertado el interés por conocer otros catálogos similares y poder establecer mediante su análisis una comparación de sus distintas características. El estudio se ha realizado sobre una serie de parámetros que han permitido conocer la funcionalidad de cada catálogo con interfaz web y a su vez situar el catálogo de autoridades CIRBIC en este panorama

    Magic SMTP

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    Desarrollo de un API por el protocolo SMTP. A través de este API los clientes podrán conectar sus programas cliente de correo electrónico. Conectando los clientes podrán enviar emails y ver estadísticas de los propios envíos a través de la interfaz webDesenvolupament de una API per el protocol SMTP. A través d'aquesta API els clients podrán conectar els seus programes clients de correu electrònic. Connectant els seus clients podrán enviar emails y veure estadístiques dels mateixos enviaments aDevelopment of an API for the SMTP protocol. Through this API customers can connect their email client programs. Connecting customers can send emails and view statistics of their own shipments through Eolica web interface. It's about giving value t

    Teoría de la complejidad en la atención del paciente con dolor musculoesquelético

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    Los sistemas no lineales no son susceptibles de ser investigados con métodos reduccionistas. En este sentido, la teoría de la complejidad ofrece un enfoque alternativo para cuantificar la importancia de los factores contextuales en el paciente con dolor musculoesquelético. El resultado del uso positivo (placebo) o negativo (nocebo) de factores contextuales en el entorno terapéutico, podría ser responsable de gran parte de un componente inespecífico en la eficacia del tratamiento, afectando directamente la calidad de los resultados relacionados con la salud del paciente (por ejemplo, dolor, funcionalidad o satisfacción). En los últimos años, se ha incrementado la comprensión del valor de estos efectos. A pesar del creciente interés, el conocimiento y el reconocimiento de los efectos terapéuticos, continúan siendo limitados y heterogéneos entre los fisioterapeutas, lo cual reduce su valor traslacional en el campo de la fisioterapia. El propósito de este estudio es presentar el abordaje el paciente con dolor musculoesquelético desde la perspectiva la teoría de la complejidad

    SIMBA: a simulator for business education and research

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    Business simulators are used for decision-making since different scenarios can be evaluated without risk. They are also used in business management education. The main goal of this paper is to introduce SIMBA (SIMulator for Business Administration), a new simulator that serves as a web-based platform for business education, permitting both classroom and distance education. This paper also adds a research aspect in business intelligence because SIMBA can be used as a fieldwork tool for the development and evaluation of intelligent agents. The simulator creates a more complex competitive environment in which intelligent agents play the role of business decision makers.This work has been partially sponsored by a regional project CCG08-UC3M/TIC-4141 of the Comunidad de Madrid, a national project TIN2008-06701-C03-03 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and a contract with Simuladores Empresariales S.L.Publicad

    Direct formation of InAs quantum dots grown on InP (001) by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy

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    We have developed a growth process that leads to the direct formation of self-assembled InAs quantum dots on InP(001) by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy avoiding the previous formation of quantum wires usually obtained by this technique. The process consists of a periodically alternated deposition of In and As correlated with InAs(4×2)(2×4) surface reconstruction changes. Based on the results obtained by in situ characterization techniques, we propose that the quantum dots formation is possible due to the nucleation of In droplets over the InAs(4×2) surface during the In deposition step and their subsequent crystallization under the As step.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MICINN (TEC2008-06756-C03-01), Consolider-QOIT (CSD2006-0019), and CAM (S-505/ESP/000200). P.A.G. and A.R. thank the I3P program. B.A. thanks the Ramón y Cajal program.Peer reviewe

    Origin and distribution of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the water and sediments of El Hito Lake (Cuenca, Central Spain)

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    Determination of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the waters and sediments of El Hito Lake and its drainage basin was carried out. Distribution maps for REEs concentrations show increasing values in the lake sediments from the center to the eastern edge reaching 166.5 mg/kg. In the drainage basin, higher values were observed with a maximum of 350.9 mg/kg in the southern part. Concentrations in the water were considerably lower with a maximum value of 1.3 µg/L. Ce, La and Nd were the most abundant elements. When normalized REE concentrations against NASC (North American Shale Composite), a positive anomaly of Eu in the water and of Nd in the sediments (lake and basin) was observed. The (La/Gd)NASC and (La/Yb)NASC ratios determined the predominance of light REE (LREE) over medium (MREE) and heavy REE (HREE)Se llevó a cabo el estudio de Tierras Raras (REEs) del agua y los sedimentos de la Laguna de El Hito así como de su cuenca de recepción. Los mapas de distribución de las concentraciones de REE en los sedimentos de la laguna mostraron valores crecientes desde el centro hacia el margen este alcanzando 166,5 mg/kg. En la cuenca se midieron valores más elevados llegando hasta 350,9 mg/kg en la mitad sur. Los valores en el agua fueron notablemente inferiores, con un máximo de 1,3 µg/L. El elemento más abundante fue el Ce seguido del Nd. Se normalizaron las concentraciones de REEs frente a las del NASC (North American Shale Composite), observándose una anomalía positiva de Eu en el agua, así como de Nd en los sedimentos (laguna y cuenca). Mediante los índices (La/Gd)NASC y (La/Yb)NASC se determinó el predominio de las REEs ligeras (LREEs) frente a las medias (MREE) y pesadas (HREE
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