1,344 research outputs found

    Chromosome numbers, meiotic behavior and pollen fertility in a collection of Paspalum nicorae Parodi accessions

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    Chromosome number, meiotic behavior and pollen viability were evaluated in a collection of 53 Paspalumnicorae Parodi accessions, which are part of a breeding project of the species. All accessions are tetraploid, with 2n=4x=40.Despite the invariable chromosome numbers, there was variation among accessions in the frequencies of different chromosomeconfigurations at diakinesis and metaphase I, such as univalents, trivalents and quadrivalents. Other abnormalities asbridges and laggards were also observed at anaphase and telophase I. Meiotic indexes ranged from 82.00 to 99.50% andpollen viability from 88.99 to 95.06%. As the species is pseudogamous apomictic, fertile pollen is necessary for endospermformation. Results show that all plants are meiotically stable and have enough fertile pollen to be used as male parents incontrolled crosses

    Variação morfológica em acessos de Paspalum nicorae Parodi, forrageira promissora

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    Paspalum nicorae Parodi é uma forrageira perene, apomítica, tetraplóide, nativa no Rio Grande do Sul, com tolerância ao pastejo e adaptada a solos arenosos e a secas moderadas. Como passo inicial para o melhoramento, uma caracterização morfológica considerando pilosidade da folha, cor da bainha, da folha e da nervura central, hábito de crescimento, altura da planta, número e comprimento de racemos, comprimento e largura da folha foi realizada em 53 acessos coletados no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que são parte de um programa de melhoramento de espécies de Paspalum. Os resultados mostraram que 35,84% dos acessos tinham folhas completamente pilosas, 73,58% tinham bainha verde, 54,71% venação central esbranquiçada e 50,94% hábito decumbente. A cor da folha foi estimada por dois métodos, cartela de cores e colorímetro Os acessos foram classificados como 76,92% verdes, 13,45% amarelo esverdeados e 9,62% como verde acinzentados pelo primeiro, e 59,62% acinzentados, 32,69% amarelo acinzentados, 5,77% amarelos e 1,92% cinza escuros pelo segundo método. O comprimento do racemo variou de 9,40 a 1,30 cm, o número de racemos de um a seis (sendo que 48,73% dos acessos tinham quatro racemos), o comprimento e a largura da folha de 36,13 a 13,06 cm e 0,67 a 0,36 cm, respectivamente e a altura da planta de 115,70 a 29,00 cm. Portanto, grande variação morfológica foi detectada entre os acessos, sem relação com localização geográfica, mas indicando alta potencialidade de utilização em programas de melhoramento.Paspalum nicorae Parodi is a perennial, apomictic tetraploid forage species, native in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with grazing tolerance and adapted to sandy soils and moderate droughts. As a first step to future breeding, a morphological characterization regarding leaf hairiness, sheath, leaf and central venation color, growing habit, plant height, raceme number and length, and leaf length and width was performed in 53 accessions from Rio Grande do Sul that are part of a Paspalum species breeding program. 35.84% of the accessions had completely hairy leaves, 73.58% had green sheath, 54.71% whitish central venation, 50.94% decumbent habit. Leaf color was estimated by two methods, color chart and colorimeter. The accessions were classified as 76.92% green, 13.45% greenish yellow and 9.62% as grayish green by the first, and 59.62% grayish, 32.69% grayish yellow, 5.77% yellow and 1.92% dark grayish by the second method. Raceme length ranged from 9.40 to 1.30 cm, number of racemes from one to six (48.73% of the accessions had four racemes), leaf length and width from 36.13 to 13.06 cm and 0.67 to 0.36 cm, respectively, and plant height from 115.70 to 29.00 cm. Therefore, a large morphological variation among accessions was detected, with no relation to geographical location but indicating a high potential use in plant breeding programs

    Severe Rhabdomyolysis Due To Adipsic Hypernatremia After Craniopharyngioma Surgery.

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    The association of diabetes insipidus and adipsia after craniopharyngioma surgery has high morbidity. Hypernatremia can be caused by adipsia and be aggravated by diabetes insipidus. Rhabdomyolysis rarely occurs. This is the first report of a diabetic patient with craniopharyngioma who developed diabetes insipidus and adipsia after surgery, evolving with severe hypernatremia that caused considerable rhabdomyolysis. The importance of the evaluation of muscle integrity when under hypernatremic states is pointed out. Although adipsia may have a simple solution through volunteer water ingestion, serious consequences such as repeated severe hypernatremia episodes and intense rhabdomyolysis with high morbidity could occur, if adipsia is not diagnosed.511175-


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    The relationship between networks and tourism: a bibliometric analysis about the emergence of a new paradigm in tourism planning

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    O turismo constitui um setor fragmentado, multifacetado e sua composição é em quase todos os segmentos por pequenas e médias empresas (PME’s) prestadoras dos mais variados tipos de serviços. A falta de um planejamento compartilhado entre as empresas do setor turístico e a necessidade por dados que subsidiem as tomadas de decisão a empresários e aos governos locais têm levado ao enfraquecimento do poder competitivo de destinos. Os aglomerados (clusters) aparecem como uma alternativa de promoção do desenvolvimento regional. Este artigo tem como objetivo ressaltar, através da relação entre os conceitos de redes, redes de PME’s e o turismo, como o entendimento das relações entre os atores de um destino pode proporcionar sua qualificação da oferta turística. Ademais, procura-se verificar como está a produção acadêmica sobre o tema em epígrafe. Tal objetivo pôde ser alcançado por meio de uma revisão teórica e aplicação da bibliometria na ISI Web of Science do índice de citações ISI Citation Indexes.Tourism is a fragmented and multifaceted sector. It is consisted in almost all segments of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which provide the most varied services types. The lack of a shared planning among the companies in the tourism sector and the need for data that support the decisions of businessmen and local government has led to the weakening of the competitive power of destinations. So, clusters appear as an alternative of regional development promotion. The aim of this article is to show a relation among the concepts of networks, networks of SMEs and tourism, and how the understanding of relations among the actors of a destination can provide local tourism qualification. So it also tried to identify how the academic production is on this subject. This goal could be achieved through a theoretical review and application of bibliometrics technique in ISI Web of Science in the citation index ISI Citation Indexes