1,368 research outputs found

    A importância de Memórias do Cárcere, de Graciliano Ramos enquanto carater denunciativo / The importance of Graciliano Ramos' Memories of Prison as a denunciative character

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    Na presente pesquisa, abordamos o livro “Memórias do Cárcere” do autor Graciliano Ramos, com o objetivo de investigar a importância que tal obra tem no conjunto de produção geral do escritor, assim como seu caráter denunciativo. Para a realização do objetivo, embasamos teoricamente nos autores: Afrânio Coutinho (1968); Alfredo Bosi (1994), Simini (2010), dentre outros. Quanto a metodologia, trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico. Este trabalho está vinculado ao projeto: Memórias do encarceramento na literatura alagoana, em parceria com o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação Cientifica -PIBIC/FAPEAL/UNEAL.  É necessário salientar que a temática das memórias é um campo ainda muito emblemático no cenário acadêmico, desse modo, faz-se necessária a continuação dos estudos para a devida compreensão e análise da obra, contribuindo assim para construção do conhecimento. Os resultados apontam que a obra é de suma importância para a produção geral do escritor, assim como representa um registro da ditadura Vargas, descrito no interior das páginas em forma de denúncia

    Speech, hearing and swallowing in Richieri-Costa Pereira syndrome clinical report

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    Background: Richieri-Costa and Pereira (1992) described a autosomal recessive condition involving acrofacial dysostosis, often associated with Robin sequence. Phenotypic findings include facial, skeletal, genetic, laryngeal and auditory anomalies, with no specific reports regarding hearing, speech or swallowing. Purpose: To describe speech, hearing and swallowing in a patient with Richieri-Costa Pereira syndrome (RCPS). Clinical report: 8-year-old boy with cleft palate and mandible, supported by the institution since 2 months, requiring tracheotomy and gastrostomy. Palatoplasty was performed at 2 years. At age 4, mandibular osteogenic distraction was performed and tracheotomy removed. Epiglottis agenesis was confirmed at 6 years. Gastrostomy was removed when he was 7 years old and is currently with exclusive oral intake. Speech was assessed since age 2, with articulatory mistakes due to anatomical limitations and later dysphonia was also observed. He underwent some periods of speech therapy and in the last assessment no impairment of speech intelligibility was observed, despite the presence of nasal rustle in some phonemes. The first hearing evaluation (tonal audiometry and immitance measures) was performed when the patient was 5 years old, and repeated one year later with similar results: mild conductive hearing loss in the left ear. Two years later, hearing evaluation revealed normal hearing with a type A tympanometric curve bilaterally. Conclusion: Speech and hearing follow-ups showed initial impairment in speech intelligibility and hearing sensitivity, which improved with speech therapy, surgical reconstructive procedures and structural growing. Swallowing was impaired due to larynx malformations, but a compensatory mechanism was developed for airway protection

    Genetic diversity among colored cotton genotypes to obtain potential parent plants

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity among colored cotton fiber genotypes using technological characteristics of the fiber, seed cotton yield and percentage of fiber, to identify potential parents with high performance. The experiment was conducted in the Brazilian city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, during the 2016/2017 harvest. Twelve colored fiber genotypes were used in a randomized block design. The characteristics that were evaluated included micronaire, maturation, fiber length, length uniformity, short fiber index, fiber resistance, elongation, seed cotton yield and percentage of fiber. Genetic divergence was estimated using the Mahalanobis generalized matrix with Unweighted Pair Group with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) and the Tocher method. The Singh method was used to evaluate the relative contributions of the characteristics in the divergence. In detecting divergence, fiber length and maturation were observed to have contributed the most. In order to obtain segregant populations with greater genetic variability and greater productive potential, hybridizations between UFUJP-17 and UFUJP-16 with commercial cultivars could be promising. Crossing UFUJP-16 with commercial controls would have a higher chance of success of producing superior fiber quality

    Luigi Pirandello: um teatro para Marta Abba

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    Em dezembro de 2016 foi publicada a lei nº 13.409 que dispôs sobre a reserva de vagas para pessoas com deficiência nos cursos superiores e técnicos de nível médio das instituições federais de ensino (Ifes). Desde então, as Ifes têm enfrentado o desafio de incluir em seus espaços escolares alunos com diversas necessidades educacionais específicas. Este artigo teve por objetivo investigar a inclusão de alunos surdos sob a perspectiva de professores de um curso técnico de nível médio integrado do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alagoas (Ifal). Para tanto, foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, com base na pesquisa-ação, por meio da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Os resultados apontaram lacunas no processo de inclusão de alunos surdos, como a carência de profissionais tradutores e intérpretes de Libras, a falta de conhecimento sobre a Cultura Surda no planejamento pedagógico e a necessidade de formação continuada para os professores voltada à inclusão escolar. Por fim, os professores também indicaram possíveis ações para minimizar tais dificuldades, de forma que a prática docente se revista, de fato, dos princípios que integram a Educação Inclusiva.In December 2016, Law No. 13,409 was published, which provided for the reservation of vacancies for people with disabilities in higher education and high school technical courses at federal educational institutions (Ifes). Since then, Ifes have faced the challenge of including students with different specific educational needs in their school spaces. This article intends to investigate the inclusion of deaf students according to teacher’s perspective from an integrated high school technical course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Alagoas (Ifal). Therefore, the qualitative methodology was used, based on action research, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The results pointed out blanks in the inclusion process for deaf students, such as the lack of professional translators and interpreters of Libras, the lack of knowledge about Deaf Culture in pedagogical planning and the need for continuing education for teachers focused on school inclusion. Finally, teachers also indicated possible actions to minimize such difficulties, so that teaching practice is, in fact, based on the principles that make up Inclusive Education.En diciembre de 2016 se publicó la Ley N ° 13.409, que dispuso la reserva de vacantes para personas con discapacidad en los cursos técnicos de educación superior y bachillerato en las instituciones educativas federales (Ifes). Desde entonces, Ifes se ha enfrentado al desafío de incluir a estudiantes con diferentes necesidades educativas específicas en sus espacios escolares. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo investigar la inclusión de estudiantes sordos desde la perspectiva de los docentes de un curso técnico integrado de bachillerato en el Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alagoas (Ifal). Para ello se utilizó la metodología cualitativa, basada en la investigación acción, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario semiestructurado. Los resultados evidenciaron brechas en el proceso de inclusión de estudiantes sordos, como la falta de traductores e intérpretes profesionales de Libras, el desconocimiento de la cultura de las personas sordas en la planificación pedagógica y la necesidad de una formación continua para los docentes enfocada en la inclusión escolar. Finalmente, los docentes también señalaron posibles acciones para minimizar tales dificultades, de manera que la práctica docente se base, de hecho, en los principios que componen la Educación Integrada

    Research interest on dental sealant in dentistry based on the 100 most cited articles: bibliometric analysis

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles about dental sealants (DS) in dentistry. In September 2023, a search was performed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS-CC) database. The following information was extracted from each article: number and density of citations, year of publication, authorship, journal, impact factor, keywords, study design, theme, continent, country, and institution. The citations of the WoS-CC were compared with those of the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The VOSviewer software was used to generate collaborative networks. The number of citations ranged from 33 to 205. The articles were published between 1961 and 2016. Buonocore MG (7%) was the most prominent author among the most cited. The Journal of the American Dental Association was the most frequent journal (25%) and Journal of Dental Research (7.6) had the highest impact factor. Most studies had interventional (41%) and laboratory (31%) designs, mainly addressing DS effectiveness in the prevention and control of dental caries (86%). There was a predominance of publications from North America (46%) and the USA was the country with the highest number of articles (44%). The most frequent institutions were the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) and the University of Rochester (USA) (6% each). “Retention” was the most frequent keyword. In conclusion, the 100 most cited articles were mostly interventional and laboratory studies, addressing the retention and efficacy of DS. Most of the articles were concentrated in North America and Europe, demonstrating a little collaboration from other continents

    Emissão de óxido nitroso em cultivo de arroz inundado em área tropical do Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilizers on the N dynamics and grain yield in flooded rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation in Brazilian tropical wetland. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with six treatments, as follows: common and protected urea; topdressing application of N doses (30, 70, and 150 kg ha-1); and one control treatment, without N fertilization. Emissions of N2O-N, global warming potential (pGWP), emission factors (EF) for mineral fertilizers, grain yield, emission intensity, nitrate, ammonium, pH, and potential redox were quantified. Gas sampling was carried out in two crop seasons of rice cultivation and in one off-season. During the flooded period of the two crop seasons, N2O fluxes did not exceed 862.41 μg m-2 h-1 N2O-N; in the off-season, the fluxes varied from -52.95 to 274.34 μg m-2 h-1 N2O-N. Consistent emission peaks were observed in soil draining before harvest, when the highest rate of both N sources was used, and also in the control treatment in the off-season. Protected urea does not reduce N2O emissions or EF. Nitrogen increases the grain yield. Protected urea does not have any effect on the pGWP. The concentrations of NO3- and NH4+ in the soil are not related to N2O fluxes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos dos fertilizantes nitrogenados na dinâmica do N e na produtividade de arroz (Oryza sativa) inundado em áreas úmidas tropicais Brasileiras. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos: ureia comum e protegida; doses de N (30, 70 e 150 kg ha-1) em cobertura; e controle, sem fertilização com N. Foram quantificados emissões de N-N2O, potencial de aquecimento global (pGWP), fatores de emissão (EF) para fertilizantes minerais, rendimento de grãos, intensidade de emissão, nitrato, amônio, pH e potencial redox. As amostragens foram realizadas em duas safras e na entressafra do arroz. Durante o período de inundação das duas safras, os fluxos de N-N2O não excederam 862,41μg m2 h1; no período de entressafra, os fluxos variaram de -52,95 a 274,34 μg m-2 h-1 N-N2O. Observaram-se picos de emissão consistentes na drenagem do solo, antes da colheita, quando a dose mais alta de ambas as fontes de N foi utilizada, e também no controle na entressafra. A ureia protegida não reduz as emissões de N2O ou EF. O nitrogênio aumenta o rendimento de grãos. A ureia protegida não afeta o pGWP. As concentrações de NO3- e NH4+ no solo não estão relacionadas aos fluxos de N2O