23 research outputs found

    Consensus-based recommendations for the management of juvenile localised scleroderma

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    In 2012, a European initiative called Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe (SHARE) was launched to optimise and disseminate diagnostic and management regimens in Europe for children and young adults with rheumatic diseases. Juvenile localised scleroderma (JLS) is a rare disease within the group of paediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD) and can lead to significant morbidity. Evidence-based guidelines are sparse and management is mostly based on physicians' experience. This study aims to provide recommendations for assessment and treatment of JLS. Recommendations were developed by an evidence-informed consensus process using the European League Against Rheumatism standard operating procedures. A committee was formed, mainly from Europe, and consisted of 15 experienced paediatric rheumatologists and two young fellows. Recommendations derived from a validated systematic literature review were evaluated by an online survey and subsequently discussed at two consensus meetings using a nominal group technique. Recommendations were accepted if ≥80% agreement was reached. In total, 1 overarching principle, 10 recommendations on assessment and 6 recommendations on therapy were accepted with ≥80% agreement among experts. Topics covered include assessment of skin and extracutaneous involvement and suggested treatment pathways. The SHARE initiative aims to identify best practices for treatment of patients suffering from PRDs. Within this remit, recommendations for the assessment and treatment of JLS have been formulated by an evidence-informed consensus process to produce a standard of care for patients with JLS throughout Europe

    Guidelines for the management and treatment of periodic fever syndromes Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (cryopyrinopathies – CAPS)

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    AbstractObjectiveTo establish guidelines based on cientific evidences for the management of cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes.Description of the evidence collection methodThe Guideline was prepared from 4 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation.Results1215 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 42 articles were selected to support the recommendations.Recommendations1. The diagnosis of CAPS is based on clinical history and clinical manifestations, and later confirmed by genetic study. CAPS may manifest itself in three phenotypes: FCAS (mild form), MWS (intermediate form) and CINCA (severe form). Neurological, ophthalmic, otorhinolaryngological and radiological assessments may be highly valuable in distinguishing between syndromes; 2. The genetic diagnosis with NLRP3 gene analysis must be conducted in suspected cases of CAPS, i.e., individuals presenting before 20 years of age, recurrent episodes of inflammation expressed by a mild fever and urticaria; 3. Laboratory abnormalities include leukocytosis and elevated serum levels of inflammatory proteins; and 4. Targeted therapies directed against interleukin-1 lead to rapid remission of symptoms in most patients. However, there are important limitations on the long-term safety. None of the three anti-IL-1β inhibitors prevents progression of bone lesions

    Performance of current guidelines for diagnosis of macrophage activation syndrome complicating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Rheumatology.Results The study sample included 362 patients with systemic JIA and MAS, 404 patients with active systemic JIA without MAS, and 345 patients with systemic infection. The best capacity to differentiate MAS from systemic JIA without MAS was found when the preliminary MAS guidelines were applied. The 3/5-adapted HLH-2004 guidelines performed better than the 4/5-adapted guidelines in distinguishing MAS from active systemic JIA without MAS. The 3/5-adapted HLH-2004 guidelines and the preliminary MAS guidelines with the addition of ferritin levels ≥500 ng/ml discriminated best between MAS and systemic infections. Conclusion The preliminary MAS guidelines showed the strongest ability to identify MAS in systemic JIA. The addition of hyperferritinemia enhanced their capacity to differentiate MAS from systemic infections. The HLH-2004 guidelines are likely not appropriate for identification of MAS in children with systemic JIA. Objective To compare the capacity of the 2004 diagnostic guidelines for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH-2004) with the capacity of the preliminary diagnostic guidelines for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) to discriminate MAS complicating systemic JIA from 2 potentially confusable conditions, represented by active systemic JIA without MAS and systemic infection. Methods International pediatric rheumatologists and hemato-oncologists were asked to retrospectively collect clinical information from patients with systemic JIA-associated MAS and confusable conditions. The ability of the guidelines to differentiate MAS from the control diseases was evaluated by calculating the sensitivity and specificity of each set of guidelines and the kappa statistics for concordance with the physician's diagnosis. Owing to the fact that not all patients were assessed for hemophagocytosis on bone marrow aspirates and given the lack of data on natural killer cell activity and soluble CD25 levels, the HLH-2004 guidelines were adapted to enable the diagnosis of MAS when 3 of 5 of the remaining items (3/5-adapted) or 4 of 5 of the remaining items (4/5-adapted) were present.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    PANDAS: uma nova doença? PANDAS: a new disease?

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar as bases diagnósticas e analisar as evidências que têm sido apontadas para a etiopatogenia, tratamento e profilaxia de PANDAS. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão de literatura científica através do MEDLINE no período de 1989 a 2006. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os critérios diagnósticos para PANDAS foram estabelecidos há quase 10 anos, mas ainda há muita controvérsia sobre a real existência desta nova doença pediátrica. A escolha deste nome para uma nova doença, supostamente de origem pós-estreptocócica, baseia-se no acrônimo de P (pediátrico, porque ocorre em crianças), A (auto-imune), N (neuropsiquiátrico), D (doença), A (associada) e S (Streptococcus). Os tiques e os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos são as principais manifestações clínicas da doença e surgem após infecções estreptocócicas, provavelmente por mecanismos auto-imunes. Apesar de estes sintomas neuropsiquiátricos serem comuns na coréia reumática, também de etiologia pós-estreptocócica, em PANDAS faltam os movimentos clássicos da coréia e as outras manifestações de febre reumática. As possibilidades de terapia antimicrobiana e imunológica estão sendo pesquisadas e demonstram viabilidade de uso em alguns casos. CONCLUSÕES: Pesquisas ainda são necessárias para responder à pergunta-título. Enquanto isso não ocorre, a identificação de casos de tiques e transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo em crianças deve considerar a possibilidade de PANDAS, buscando a evidência de infecção estreptocócica precedendo os episódios.OBJECTIVE: To establish the diagnostic criteria for PANDAS and to analyze the existing evidence regarding its etiopathogenesis, treatment and prophylaxis. SOURCES: Review of the scientific literature through a MEDLINE search carried out between 1989 and 2006. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The diagnostic criteria for PANDAS were established nearly 10 years ago, but a lot of controversy still exists over the actual existence of this new pediatric disease. The name of this new disease, supposedly of poststreptococcal etiology, derives from an acronym that stands for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disease associated with streptococcal infection. Tics and obsessive-compulsive symptoms are the major clinical signs of the disease, which develop after streptococcal infections, probably through autoimmune mechanisms. Even though these neuropsychiatric symptoms are common in rheumatic chorea, whose etiology is also poststreptococcal, the classic choreiform movements and other symptoms of rheumatic fevers are absent in PANDAS. The use of antimicrobial and immunologic therapy has been investigated and considered feasible in some cases. CONCLUSIONS: Further research is still necessary in order to answer the question posed in the title of this article. In the meantime, the identification of tic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders in children should include the possibility of PANDAS, seeking to provide evidence of previous streptococcal infection

    PANDAS: uma nova doença?

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    Edema hemorrágico agudo da infância: uma variante da púrpura de Henoch-Schönlein?

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    O edema hemorrágico agudo da infância (EHAI) é uma vasculite leucocitoclástica rara, com aproximadamente 100 casos descritos na literatura de língua inglesa. As lesões cutâneas características são púrpuras palpáveis, que se localizam em face, orelhas e extremidades, e lembram a figura de um medalhão. É uma vasculite de pequenos vasos, característica de crianças menores de dois anos de idade. Na maioria das vezes, tem curso autolimitado e benigno, apesar da aparência das lesões. Relatamos o caso de uma lactente, que iniciou edema de mãos e pés, lesões purpúricas na face e febre, e comparamos a outros já descritos, de acordo com a revisão da literatura acerca do assunto. A raridade da doença pode estar associada ao subdiagnóstico ou ao diagnóstico equivocado de púrpura de Henoch-Schönlein (PHS). EHAI é precedido na maioria dos casos por infecções, imunizações ou drogas. O envolvimento de mucosas e vísceras raramente ocorre. Nenhum tratamento é recomendado atualmente. O alerta para essa vasculite tem como objetivo auxiliar o diagnóstico, tornando-o mais precoce, e evitar tratamentos e preocupações desnecessárias

    Perfil da doença de Kawasaki em crianças encaminhadas para dois serviços de reumatologia pediátrica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    OBJETIVOS: Descrever uma população de crianças com diagnóstico de doença de Kawasaki (DK) atendida em centros de reumatologia pediátrica do Rio de Janeiro. Analisar o período de atraso no diagnóstico e início do tratamento, devido à dificuldade de distinguir DK de outras doenças febris comuns da infância; e o impacto deste atraso na frequência de sequelas coronarianas. MÉTODOS: Os dados analisados incluíram: nome, sexo, idade, data do inicio dos sintomas e da admissão no serviço especializado, sintomatologia, evolução clínica, uso de Imunoglobulina Endovenosa (IGEV) e complicações coronarianas. RESULTADOS: Dos 125 casos estudados, 63% eram meninos. 40% tinham menos de 2 anos no momento do diagnóstico. O intervalo médio entre o inicio dos sintomas e o diagnóstico de DK foi de 12 dias (duração média da febre = 14 dias). Dos casos estudados, 22,4% receberam o diagnostico de DK antes do atendimento em serviço especializado; nos demais, as hipóteses diagnosticas iniciais incluíam: infecções bacterianas (60%), virais (12%), outras doenças reumatológicas (4%) e reações adversas à vacinação (1,6%). Em 85.6 % dos casos registrou-se o tratamento realizado, sendo administrada IGEV em 46,7%, e a partir do 10º dia em 21,5% dos casos. Dos 20 pacientes apresentando sequelas coronarianas, 9 tiveram diagnóstico tardio, incluindo 3 iniciando tratamento após o 10º dia e 6 sem tratamento. Não encontramos associação significativa entre a frequência de sequelas coronarianas e: sexo; idade; critérios clínicos; tratamento com IGEV antes ou depois do 10º dia de doença. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico de DK pode ser atrasado pela dificuldade em diferenciá-lo de outras doenças febris da infância

    Consensus-based recommendations for the management of juvenile systemic sclerosis

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    Juvenile systemic sclerosis (JSSc) is a rare disease of childhood and currently no international consensus exists with regard to its assessment and treatment. This SHARE (Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe) initiative, based on expert opinion informed by the best available evidence, provides recommendations for the assessment and treatment of patients with JSSc with a view to improving their outcome. Experts focused attention not only on the skin assessment but also on the early signs of internal organ involvement whose proper treatment can significantly affect the long-term outcome. A score for disease severity is proposed in order to perform a structured assessment of outcome over time but a validation in a wider patient population is recommended. Finally, a stepwise treatment approach is proposed in order to unify the standard of care throughout Europe with the aim to reduce morbidity and mortality in this disease

    Consensus-based recommendations for the management of juvenile localised scleroderma

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    In 2012, a European initiative called Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe (SHARE) was launched to optimise and disseminate diagnostic and management regimens in Europe for children and young adults with rheumatic diseases. Juvenile localised scleroderma (JLS) is a rare disease within the group of paediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD) and can lead to significant morbidity. Evidence-based guidelines are sparse and management is mostly based on physicians' experience. This study aims to provide recommendations for assessment and treatment of JLS. Recommendations were developed by an evidence-informed consensus process using the European League Against Rheumatism standard operating procedures. A committee was formed, mainly from Europe, and consisted of 15 experienced paediatric rheumatologists and two young fellows. Recommendations derived from a validated systematic literature review were evaluated by an online survey and subsequently discussed at two consensus meetings using a nominal group technique. Recommendations were accepted if >= 80% agreement was reached. In total, 1 overarching principle, 10 recommendations on assessment and 6 recommendations on therapy were accepted with >= 80% agreement among experts. Topics covered include assessment of skin and extracutaneous involvement and suggested treatment pathways. The SHARE initiative aims to identify best practices for treatment of patients suffering from PRDs. Within this remit, recommendations for the assessment and treatment of JLS have been formulated by an evidence-informed consensus process to produce a standard of care for patients with JLS throughout Europe

    Diretrizes de conduta e tratamento de síndromes febris periódicas associadas à criopirina (criopirinopatias – CAPS)

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    Resumo Objetivo: Estabelecer diretrizes baseadas em evidências científicas para manejo das síndromes periódicas associadas à criopirina (criopirinopatias – Caps). Descrição do método de coleta de evidência: A diretriz foi elaborada a partir de quatro questões clínicas que foram estruturadas por meio do PICO (Paciente, Intervenção ou Indicador, Comparação e Outcome), com busca nas principais bases primárias de informação científica. Após definir os estudos potenciais para sustento das recomendações, esses foram graduados pela força da evidência e pelo grau de recomendação. Resultado: Foram recuperados, e avaliados pelo título e resumo, 1.215 artigos e selecionados 42 trabalhos para sustentar as recomendações. Recomendações: 1. O diagnóstico de Caps é baseado na anamnese e nas manifestações clínicas e posteriormente confirmado por estudo genético. Pode se manifestar sob três fenótipos: FCAS (forma leve), MWS (forma intermediária) e Cinca (forma grave). Avaliações neurológica, oftalmológica, otorrinolaringológica e radiológica podem ser de grande valia na distinção entre as síndromes; 2. O diagnóstico genético com análise do gene NLRP3 deve ser conduzido nos casos suspeitos de Caps, isto é, indivíduos que apresentam, antes dos 20 anos, episódios recorrentes de inflamação expressa por urticária e febre moderada; 3. As alterações laboratoriais incluem leucocitose e elevação nos níveis séricos de proteínas inflamatórias; 4. Terapias alvo dirigidas contra a interleucina 1 levam a rápida remissão dos sintomas na maioria dos pacientes. Contudo, existem limitações importantes em relação à segurança em longo prazo. Nenhuma das três medicações anti-IL1β evita progressão das lesões ósseas