236 research outputs found

    Reflexos da saúde planetária no processo transdisciplinar entre profissionais de saúde

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    Planetary Health has been consolidated as a transdisciplinary area of knowledge grounded in characterizing and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on the health of human beings and earth systems. The capitalist lifestyle drives environmental degradation and its consequences (such as climate emergency and biodiversity loss), and is related to the high prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases. This information, however, usually lacks the necessary emphasis in health teaching and learning process. Thus, this essay aims to systematize information that correlates environmental factors and human health from a systemic thinking perspective, highlighting the importance of reflecting on systemic health within health professions. As the bridge between scientific knowledge and society, health professionals can play the role of integral care agent and knowledge curator. Moreover, we must encourage systemic thinking in health education to achieve these roles, both in individual and collective attitudes.A saúde planetária vem se consolidando como área transdisciplinar do conhecimento, fundamentada na caracterização e mitigação dos impactos antropogênicos sobre a saúde do ser humano e dos sistemas terrestres. O estilo de vida em sociedades capitalistas impulsiona a degradação ambiental e suas consequências (como emergência climática e perda de biodiversidade), relacionando-se também à alta prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. No entanto, essas questões não costumam receber a atenção necessária no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos profissionais de saúde. Assim, este ensaio objetiva contribuir para sistematização das informações que correlacionam os fatores ambientais e a saúde humana na perspectiva do pensamento sistêmico, destacando a importância de se pensar a saúde sistêmica no âmbito das profissões da saúde. Observa-se que o profissional de saúde, sendo ponte entre o conhecimento científico e a sociedade, pode desempenhar os papéis de mediador do cuidado integral e curador do conhecimento. Além disso, é preciso incentivar o pensamento sistêmico no processo formativo em saúde para que esses papéis sejam alcançados, tanto em atitudes individuais quanto coletivas

    O uso de indicadores para a análise da participação na conservação e no uso sustentável dos oceanos: a aplicação no contexto do ODS 14.c

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    This work questions how SDG 14.c.1 can foster, through indicators, the participation of different actors involved in the protection of marine environment. The paper examined Stakeholders' access to forums for periodic discussion and review of treaties and Experts' participations in international scientific committees. The research was limited to the treaties indicated by DOALOS so far and used the complementary bibliographic review methodology.Esse trabalho questiona como o ODS 14.c.1 pode fomentar, por meio de indicadores, a participação de todos os diversos atores envolvidos no meio ambiente marinho. Foram examinados o acesso de atores a fóruns de discussão e de revisão periódicos de tratados e a participação de indivíduos especializados em comitês científicos internacionais. A pesquisa limitou-se aos tratados indicados pelo DOALOS até o momento e utilizou a metodologia complementar de revisão bibliográfica

    Perfil epidemiológico das internações por Leucemia no Brasil, entre 2017 e 2021

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    A investigação do perfil epidemiológico da leucemia no Brasil é fundamental para melhor compreender a dinâmica da doença, suas implicações na saúde pública e os desafios que o sistema de saúde enfrenta. O objetivo deste estudo é traçar o perfil epidemiológico da leucemia no Brasil no intervalo de 2017 a 2021. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, cujos dados foram colhidos por meio de consulta ao DATASUS, no endereço eletrônico http://www.datasus.gov.br. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e reorganizados em novas tabelas. O total do número de internações por leucemia no Brasil, no período de 2017-2021, foi de 189.649, sendo o atendimento de urgência 65,7% do total, equivalente 124.599,40. Entre os sexos, a prevalência do masculino é de 57,3%. Já na faixa etária, foram observados três picos, de 1-4 anos (16%), de 5-9 anos (16%) e de 10-14 anos (11,6%). Dessa forma, a leucemia no Brasil representa um notório problema de saúde, principalmente no sexo masculino e em crianças e adolescentes

    Choosing the Criteria for Clinical Evaluation of Composite Restorations: An Analysis of Impact on Reliabilty and Treatment Decision

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    Objective: To assess the reproducibility of two clinical criteria for the evaluation of restorations in primary teeth and the impact on treatment decision. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed selecting 71 resin-based composite restorations placed in primary molars of children who had sought dental treatment at a dental school. Two trained examiners evaluated independently the restorations using modified FDI and USPHS criteria. All restorations were assessed separately with each system in random order to avoid memory bias. Kappa statistics were used to determine inter-examiner reliability considering each parameter of both criteria and score final about treatment decision. McNemar test was used to compare the treatment decision with two criteria. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Kappa values ranged from 0.28 to 0.93 with USPHS and 0.28 to 0.88 with FDI, considering each parameter separately. Inter- examiner agreement for treatment decision was excellent for both criteria (Kappa: 0.85-0.90). For clinical decision-making, no difference between criteria was found, irrespective of examiner. Conclusion: Low inter- examiner agreement for evaluation of each parameter of USPHS and FDI criteria does not reflect on reproducibility for treatment decision. Both criteria may be suitable for evaluation of composite restorations in primary teeth

    Reflexos da saúde planetária no processo transdisciplinar entre profissionais de saúde

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    Resumo A saúde planetária vem se consolidando como área transdisciplinar do conhecimento, fundamentada na caracterização e mitigação dos impactos antropogênicos sobre a saúde do ser humano e dos sistemas terrestres. O estilo de vida em sociedades capitalistas impulsiona a degradação ambiental e suas consequências (como emergência climática e perda de biodiversidade), relacionando-se também à alta prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. No entanto, essas questões não costumam receber a atenção necessária no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos profissionais de saúde. Assim, este ensaio objetiva contribuir para sistematização das informações que correlacionam os fatores ambientais e a saúde humana na perspectiva do pensamento sistêmico, destacando a importância de se pensar a saúde sistêmica no âmbito das profissões da saúde. Observa-se que o profissional de saúde, sendo ponte entre o conhecimento científico e a sociedade, pode desempenhar os papéis de mediador do cuidado integral e curador do conhecimento. Além disso, é preciso incentivar o pensamento sistêmico no processo formativo em saúde para que esses papéis sejam alcançados, tanto em atitudes individuais quanto coletivas

    View of students in higher education institution on homosexuality

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    Objective: To describe and analyze the views of graduates from an institution of higher education on homosexuality. Method: A qualitative, descriptive study, carried out with 11 undergraduate students of courses in nursing and medicine, University Center of Health - UNINOVAFAPI, Teresina-PI. The interview was semi-structured, with a thematic content analysis. Results: Three categories emerged: homosexuality as sexual choice and question of gender; the bias imposed by society and holistic care without discrimination. The study shows that some undergraduates feel they are prepared to care for the homosexual clientele, using as a parameter, the lack of prejudice and the respect for others, points considered important in conducting a consultation. Conclusion: There is a need to invest in the training of teachers in the pursuit of articulated knowledge, capable of reducing the prejudices and prepare future health professionals to lead with this reality

    Environmental impacts of university restaurant menus : a case study in Brazil

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    The production of collective meals in institutional restaurants demands a great use of natural resources. The search for strategies to reduce negative environmental impacts in this sector is essential to offer meals that are not only healthy but also sustainable. In this study the evaluation of water footprint (WF) of menus offered in a public university restaurant located in the northeast of Brazil and the verification of the origin of foodstuff purchased to compose the menus in 2 months were carried out. The study is transversal, descriptive, and exploratory and the data were collected between March and April 2018. Water footprint of 112 traditional and vegetarian menus was calculated and the results showed that the WF of traditional menus was higher (p < 0.0001) than the vegetarian menus. Weekly average per capita of WF was 2752.0 L for traditional menus and 1113.9 L for the vegetarian option, with animal protein intake in the traditional version being the main factor for this difference. It was identified that 49.47% of the foods used in the studied period originated from the same state where the restaurant is located, with fresh vegetables being the food group with the highest contribution. Thus, we conclude that although the restaurant purchases local food products, the environmental impact of the choice of foods that is included in the menus must be taken into account. The utilization of local foodstuff and the decrease of animal protein in the menus can be a good strategy to encourage sustainable actions in food services meal production

    The influence of inspiratory muscle training combined with the Pilates method on lung function in elderly women: A randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Aging is progressive, and its effects on the respiratory system include changes in the composition of the connective tissues of the lung that influence thoracic and lung compliance. The Powerbreathes K5 is a device used for inspiratory muscle training with resistance adapted to the level of the inspiratory muscles to be trained. The Pilates method promotes muscle rebalancing exercises that emphasize the powerhouse. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of inspiratory muscle training combined with the Pilates method on lung function in elderly women. METHODS: The participants were aged sixty years or older, were active women with no recent fractures, and were not gait device users. They were randomly divided into a Pilates with inspiratory training group (n=11), a Pilates group (n=11) and a control group (n=9). Spirometry, manovacuometry, a six-minute walk test, an abdominal curl-up test, and pulmonary variables were assessed before and after twenty intervention sessions. RESULTS: The intervention led to an increase in maximal inspiratory muscle strength and pressure and power pulmonary variables (po0.0001), maximal expiratory muscle strength (po0.0014), six-minute walk test performance (po0.01), and abdominal curl-up test performance (po0.00001). The control group showed no differences in the analyzed variables (p40.05). CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest inspiratory muscle training associated with the Pilates method provides an improvement in the lung function and physical conditioning of elderly patients

    Gestão da qualidade nos serviços de hemoterapia do interior do Rio Grande do Norte: análise dos efeitos de um ciclo de melhoria

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    Introduction: Quality management in hemotherapy services is a crucial element for transfusion safety. However, the implementation of quality management is still a challenge  in the Brazilian context. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a cycle of improvement in hemotherapy services in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, in compliance with the quality management criteria, elaborated based on the Potential Risk Assessment Method in Hemotherapy Services. Method: Quasi-experimental study, before and after, that verified the  compliance of 13 quality criteria, elaborated based on the Potential Risk Assessment Method  in Hemotherapy Services. Eight hemotherapy services from the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte participated in the study, being four Transfusion Agencies, two Collection and Transfusion Units and two Regional Blood Centers. Descriptive statistics and Pareto charts were  used to analyze the quality criteria. Results: After the improvement cycle, there was a 36.4% reduction in noncompliance. In the analysis by service, there was an increase in compliance with the criteria, varying between 7% and 50%. The implementation of protocols, internal  audit procedures and quality monitoring were the criteria that registered relatively greater adherence after the intervention, however they remained the main causes of non-conformities, both before and after the intervention. Conclusions: The improvement cycle proved to be a valid intervention in increasing the adherence of services to the quality management activities recommended by health legislation, with health surveillance having an important role in reaching the established standards.  . Introdução: A gestão da qualidade em serviços de hemoterapia é um elemento crucial para a segurança transfusional. A implementação das atividades de gerenciamento da qualidade é um desafio no contexto brasileiro. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um ciclo de melhoria nos serviços de hemoterapia do interior do Rio Grande do Norte, na conformidade com os critérios de gestão da qualidade, elaborados com base no Método de Avaliação de Risco Potencial em Serviços de Hemoterapia (MARPSH). Método: Estudo quase-experimental, antes e depois, que avaliou 13 critérios de qualidade, elaborados com base no MARPSH  da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Participaram do estudo oito serviços de hemoterapia do interior do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo quatro Agências  Transfusionais, duas Unidades de Coleta e Transfusão e dois Hemocentros Regionais. Estatísticas descritivas e gráficos de Pareto foram utilizados. Resultados: Observou-se redução de 36,4% dos problemas de qualidade após a realização do ciclo de melhoria. Na análise por serviço, houve um aumento no cumprimento dos critérios variando entre 7,0% e 50,0%. A implementação de protocolos, os procedimentos de auditoria interna e o monitoramento da qualidade foram os critérios que registraram relativamente uma maior adesão após a intervenção, todavia permaneceram como as principais causas de não conformidades, tanto antes quanto após a intervenção. Conclusões: O ciclo de melhoria demonstrou ser uma intervenção válida no aumento da adesão dos serviços às atividades de gestão da qualidade preconizadas pela legislação sanitária, tendo a Vigilância Sanitária um importante papel para alcance dos padrões estabelecidos

    Infectious Causes of Abortion, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death in Bitches

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    Problems in gestational development in dogs can be determined by infectious and non‐infectious causes. Among the non‐infectious causes, trauma during pregnancy, genetic characteristics of the animal, deficit nutrition, thyroid dysfunction, maternal problems and hormonal disorders are found. The majority of the cases are in relation to infectious diseases, one should consider viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoal, which can interfere directly or indirectly in the foetal development. The progression of foetal development may be affected by the direct action of the microorganisms to overcome the placenta, but they are also able to affect pregnancy and release placental toxins by inflammatory processes and, may still cause maternal pathologies, which entail problems such as hyperthermia, hypoxia and endotoxemia, which can result in abortion. Several diseases can trigger pregnancy loss in dogs. This action can be direct by microorganisms, as well as indirectly triggering other problems that lead to abortion. This chapter discusses the infectious aetiologies of reproductive failures (abortion, stillbirth and neonatal death) in bitches