295 research outputs found

    Reflexões sobre a Sala de Aula Ampliada e o Comodale: Polígono Fedathi em Ação

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    The evolution of technologies has redefined educational approaches, providing innovative opportunities to enhance teaching and learning. In fact, web conferences stand out, key tools in Distance Education, which relativizes the relationships, time and space of the educational reality. Comodale Teaching proposes the use of web conferences to carry out simultaneous classes, that is, that take place in parallel in the face-to-face and distance modality. This procedure offers students the flexibility to participate, without any prejudice, in academic activities in person or virtually. Based on these comments, the objective was to show Comodale MultiMeios, which uses the Fedathi Polygon and the precepts of Comodale Teaching to promote flexibility, interaction, and active participation of students. The study is classified as action research, in which participant observation was used as data collection. Thus, a postgraduate course was offered in the face-to-face modality, jointly carrying out simultaneous transmissions through a web conferencing platform inserted in Moodle MultiMeios. The teacher's commitment to valuing and encouraging the participation of all students was proven, whether they are in a virtual situation or in a face-to-face state. In addition, Comodale MultiMeios promoted the continuity of the discussions after the end of the synchronous class, through asynchronous means, such as the forum, enabling a continuous and parallel evaluation. It was concluded that this study contributes to new approaches in the educational field, expanding the possibilities and promoting an education compatible with the contemporary state of affairs.   Keywords: Teaching. Technologies. Comodale. Fedathi sequence. A evolução das tecnologias redefiniu as abordagens educacionais, proporcionando oportunidades inovadoras que visam aprimorar o ensino-aprendizagem. Destacam-se, com efeito, as webconferências, ferramentas-chave na Educação a Distância, que relativiza as relações, o tempo e o espaço da realidade educacional. O Ensino Comodale propõe o uso de webconferências para a realização de aulas simultâneas, ou seja, que ocorrem paralelamente na modalidade presencial e a distância. Mencionado procedimento oferece aos estudantes a flexibilidade para participar, sem qualquer prejuízo, das atividades acadêmicas presencial ou virtualmente. Com suporte nesses comentários, objetivou-se mostrar o Comodale MultiMeios, que se utiliza do Polígono Fedathi e dos preceitos do Ensino Comodale para promover flexibilidade, interação e participação ativa dos estudantes. O estudo é classificado como pesquisa-ação, em que a observação participante foi utilizada como coleta de dados. Desse modo, uma disciplina de pós-graduação foi ofertada na modalidade presencial, realizando, conjuntamente, transmissões simultâneas por meio de uma plataforma de webconferência inserida no Moodle MultiMeios. Comprovou-se o comprometimento do docente em valorizar e incentivar a participação de todos os estudantes, estejam esses sob situação virtual ou estado presencial. Ademais, o Comodale MultiMeios promoveu a continuidade das discussões após a finalização da aula síncrona, por intermédio de meios assíncronos, como o fórum, possibilitando uma avaliação contínua e paralela. Concluiu-se que este estudo contribui com novas abordagens no âmbito educacional, ampliando as possibilidades e promovendo uma educação compatível com o estado de coisas contemporâneo.   Palavras-chave: Ensino. Tecnologias. Comodale. Sequência Fedathi

    TeleMeios as a Virtual Environment and their possibilities in Hybrid Education

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    The discussion contemplates the construction and development of collaborative digital tools to support distance teaching, with its origins still in the 2000s, within the scope of the Multimeios Research Laboratory, linked to the Faculty of Education (FACED) of UFC, located at city of Fortaleza / Ceará / Brazil. Thus, it aims to analyze the experiences of construction and (re) structuring of the TeleMeios Virtual Teaching Environment (VTE) and its adaptive possibilities in a hybrid context, with a view to subsidizing formative actions in which learners and teachers can have access to virtual experiences in the learning environment which play the role of protagonists. As theoretical reference, there are the studies of Borges (2009), Jucá (2011), Moran (2015), Bacich; Tanzi Neto; Trevisani (2015) among others, which discuss about teaching and hybrid education, digital information and communication technologies, as well as other themes involving teaching and virtual and classroom learning. The research is bibliographical, of a qualitative nature, anchored in Lakatos and Marconi (2002), which makes use of publications such as textbooks, scientific articles, reviews, which deal with the subject. Among the findings, it can be highlighted that the TeleMeios environment has a formative potential to be explored and investigated, focusing on the structural and pedagogical design of virtual environments that surpass the concept of content repository and the idea of students as receptacles of knowledge. and teachers, as sole holders of knowledge

    Abortion Due to Neospora caninum in Dairy Cattle in Southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Background: Neosporosis is a cosmopolitan disease known as the main infectious cause of abortion in cattle, reported in several states in Brazil. The transplacental transmission in cattle is responsible for perpetuating the disease in the herd. In the state of Santa Catarina, previous studies on this protozoan in cattle are mostly serological surveys. To increase information about this reproductive disorder, this work describes the diagnosis of abortions due to Neospora caninum in dairy cattle from state of Santa Catarina and the follow-up for 4 years in a farm affected by neosporosis.Case: From 2015 to 2019, necropsy was performed on 10 aborted bovine fetuses, between fifth and eighth month of pregnancy, with 1 fetus aborted in 2015, 3 in 2016, 2 in 2017 and, 4 in 2019, all originating from the same dairy property in the southern region of state of Santa Catarina. No macroscopic lesions were found. Histopathology revealed mild to moderate multifocal mononuclear necrotizing encephalitis in 5 fetuses, and multifocal mild mononuclear myositis and myocarditis in 4 and 3 fetuses, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using primers based on the Nc-5 gene was positive for N. caninum in five fetuses. Three visits were performed in the farm for epidemiological evaluation and blood samples collection for IgG antibodies anti-N. caninum (IFAT). The total herd was 170 Jersey, Holstein and crossbred cattle, raised in a semi-confined system with mechanical milking system. Since 2014, there has been a significant increase in abortions cases, approximately 20 cows had abortions; in the year 2015, approximately 10; in 2016, less than 5; in 2017, 4 cows aborted; in 2018, 11 abortions and, in 2019, there were 4 abortions. An increase in the rate of return to estrus was also reported, and both primiparous and multiparous cows had reproductive disorders. Abortions were recorded throughout the year and occurred predominantly between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy. In 2016, an Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction (IFAT) was performed on sera from 26 cows (13 with a history of reproductive disorders and another 13 without disorders). Of these, 50.0% (13/26) were seropositive, with titers ranging from 100 to 1600 (cutoff ≥100). The Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA) of the entire herd was carried out in 2017, with 26.54% (43/162) of seropositivity, 8.02% (13/162) suspect, and 30.4% (17/56) had reproductive disorders. It was observed that only animals born on the property were used for replacement, there was less possibility of direct contact between dogs on the property with milking facilities, placental and fetal remains, properly disposing of these, incinerating or burying. Thirty animals were discarded from the property, 25 of which had reproductive disorders. All young female daughters of seropositive cows remained on the property for replacement. During the evaluation period, all dogs were eliminated.Discussion: In this study, the diagnosis of neosporosis was made through epidemiology, histopathological lesions characterized by mononuclear encephalitis, myocarditis and myositis, and detection of the agent by PCR, associated with serological techniques. The lesions observed are indicative of N. caninum infection and are compatible with lesions observed in other studies. Serological screening is important to complement the diagnosis of abortion by N. caninum and to help control the agent in herds. From this report it is concluded that N. caninum is an important agent of reproductive disorders in cattle in the southern region of Santa Catarina, the different serological analyzes showed a good screening index for the inclusion of control strategies. In addition, the monitoring of reproductive rates of affected properties becomes necessary over the years, allowing better observation of control strategies.Keywords: reproductive disorder, fetal death, protozoan, parasitology.Descritores: distúrbio reprodutivo, morte fetal, protozoário, parasitologia.


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    A Púrpura Trombocitopênica Idiopática (PTI) é uma doença autoimune, que afeta diretamente as plaquetas, sua causa ainda se mantém desconhecida. A veemência dos sintomas pode variar de um individuo para outro, podendo manifestar-se de forma assintomática ou de forma grave. Para diagnosticar um doente de Púrpura, o médico hematologista deve solicitar exames que possam excluir doenças mais graves como, por exemplo, Leucemias,HIV/AIDS e algumas infecções por vírus, pois estas também podem deixar o indivíduo imunodeprimido e consequentemente reduzir o número de plaquetas do sangue

    DA CAPITAL FEDERAL AO NORDESTE BRASILEIRO: EDUCAÇÃO PATRIMONIAL EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: From the Federal Capital to Brazil’s Northeast: Heritage Education in pandemic times

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    O presente artigo relata a ação conjunta de Educação Patrimonial entre as atividades de Extensão pertencentes a duas instituições de ensino com contextos distintos: o “Pé na Estrada”, da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidadede Brasília e o Núcleo de Extensão de Prática em Projetos de Edificações (NUPPE), do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), campus São Gonçalo do Amarante. As duas realidades aproximam-se de maneira colaborativa através do desenvolvimento de atividades on-line e materiais para famílias em isolamento social, na Semana PÉ+NUPPE. Como resultado, tor nou-se possível, portanto, uma viagem virtual em que o “Pé na Estrada” e o NUPPE exploram um pouco da produção arquitetônica potiguar, através dos “jogos sérios”, como meio de fortalecer a identidade cultural local e reforçar o papel social das duas instituições de ensino no momento de distanciamento social

    Consumer profile and acceptability of cooked beef steaks with edible and active coating containing oregano and rosemary essential oils

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    Fresh animal products are highly perishable and characterized by a short shelf-life. Edible coatings with natural antioxidants (essential oils: EOs) could improve stability, ensure quality, and increase the shelf-life of fresh products. Due to the strong flavor of EOs, their use should consider consumer preferences and sensory acceptability. This study evaluated the effects of edible coating (with oregano and rosemary essential oil) on beef in relation to consumer preferences, besides the determination of habits of consumption and buying intentions of consumers. Acceptability scores from three clusters of consumers was described. Coating with oregano was the preferred. The higher consumer acceptance and willingness to buy this product indicate a great potential and possibility of using coatings with essential oils in fresh animal products

    Do lixo para a indústria: recuperação de enzimas colagenolíticas obtidas a partir de resíduos intestinais de peixes para aplicação industrial/ From waste to the industry: recovery of collagenolytic enzymes obtained from fish intestinal residues for industrial application

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    O aumento da produção e consumo de peixes têm gerado uma grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos: ossos, pele, escamas e vísceras digestivas (intestino, fígado, estômago). Com o intuito de aproveitar esses subprodutos, são extraídas diversas biomoléculas, entre elas, a colagenase, enzima capaz de clivar o colágeno. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar e extrair enzimas colagenolíticas a partir de resíduos de peixes como potencial para aplicação biotecnológica. O material biológico das espécies em estudo passou pelos processos de separação, maceração e homogeneização. O de robalo-flecha (Centropomus undecimalis) (102,41 ± 0,00 U/mg) foi a espécie que apresentou maior atividade colagenolítica dentre as demais espécies: anchova (Pomatomus saltatrix) (82,24 ± 0,00 U/mg), xixarro amarelo (Caranx bartholomaei (26,66 ± 0,00 U/mL), pampo (Trachinotus carolinus) (89,00 ± 0,07 U/mg), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (78,23 ± 0,00 U/mg) e tilápia-do-Nilo Oreochromis niloticus (81,96 ± 0,01 U/mg). A partir desses resultados observou-se que o robalo-flecha (C. undecimalis) apresenta um possível potencial para aplicação biotecnológica, aumento do lucro das indústrias de pescados, além de reduzir o descarte inadequado ao meio ambiente

    Novel Zinc-Related Differentially Methylated Regions in Leukocytes of Women With and Without Obesity

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    INTRODUCTION: Nutriepigenetic markers are predictive responses associated with changes in “surrounding” environmental conditions of humans, which may influence metabolic diseases. Although rich in calories, Western diets could be linked with the deficiency of micronutrients, resulting in the downstream of epigenetic and metabolic effects and consequently in obesity. Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient associated with distinct biological roles in human health. Despite the importance of Zn in metabolic processes, little is known about the relationship between Zn and epigenetic. Thus, the present study aimed to identify the epigenetic variables associated with Zn daily ingestion (ZnDI) and serum Zinc (ZnS) levels in women with and without obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a case-control, non-randomized, single-center study conducted with 21 women allocated into two groups: control group (CG), composed of 11 women without obesity, and study group (SG), composed of 10 women with obesity. Anthropometric measurements, ZnDI, and ZnS levels were evaluated. Also, leukocyte DNA was extracted for DNA methylation analysis using 450 k Illumina BeadChips. The epigenetic clock was calculated by Horvath method. The chip analysis methylation pipeline (ChAMP) package selected the differentially methylated regions (DMRs). RESULTS: The SG had lower ZnS levels than the CG. Moreover, in SG, the ZnS levels were negatively associated with the epigenetic age acceleration. The DMR analysis revealed 37 DMRs associated with ZnDI and ZnS levels. The DMR of PM20D1 gene was commonly associated with ZnDI and ZnS levels and was hypomethylated in the SG. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide new information on Zn's modulation of DNA methylation patterns and bring new perspectives for understanding the nutriepigenetic mechanisms in obesity