71 research outputs found

    Burnout syndrome in nursing professionals in COVID -19 intensive care

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 evidenció un escenario de mayores exigencias a los profesionales de la salud que puede derivar en desgaste profesional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el Síndrome de Burnout (BS) y factores asociados en los profesionales de enfermería en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante la pandemia. Los 157 profesionales fueron evaluados con relación a las variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y condiciones de trabajo, y se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). La prevalencia del SB fue del 45,2%, distribuidos: agotamiento emocional (28,7%), despersonalización (3,8%) y baja realización profesional (24,8%). El análisis de regresión logística mostró que el sexo femenino, no tener hijos, la relación laboral reglamentaria, los profesionales que contrajeron COVID-19 y que declararon querer salir del entorno de la UCI tuvieron un mayor riesgo de presencia de SB. Los resultados mostraron SB en profesionales de enfermería y que se agregaron nuevos factores de riesgo con el advenimiento de la pandemia.The COVID-19 pandemic evidenced a scenario of increased demands on health professionals that can lead to professional burnout. This study aimed to investigate Burnout Syndrome (BS) and associated factors in nursing professionals working in intensive care units (ICU) of the public service during the COVID-19 pandemic. 157 professionals were evaluated regarding sociodemographic, occupational and working conditions variables, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used. The prevalence of BS was 45.2%, distributed: emotional exhaustion (28.7%), depersonalization (3.8%) and low professional fulfillment (24.8%). Logistic regression analysis in the final model showed that female gender, not having children, statutory bond, professionals who had COVID-19 and declared wanting to leave the ICU environment had a higher risk of BS. The results showed BS in nursing professionals and that new risk factors were added with the advent of the pandemic.A pandemia de COVID-19 evidenciou um cenário de acréscimo de demandas aos profissionais de saúde que pode levar ao esgotamento profissional. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a Síndrome de Burnout (SB) e fatores associados em profissionais de enfermagem nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Foram avaliados 157 profissionais em relação às variáveis sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e condições de trabalho, e o Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) foi utilizado. A prevalência da SB foi de 45,2%, distribuídos: exaustão emocional (28,7%), despersonalização (3,8%) e baixa realização profissional (24,8%). Análise de regressão logística no modelo final mostrou que o gênero feminino, não ter filhos, vínculo estatutário, profissionais que tiveram COVID-19 e que declararam querer sair do ambiente de UTI tiveram maior risco de presença da SB. Os resultados evidenciaram SB nos profissionais de enfermagem e que novos fatores de risco foram acrescidos com o advento da pandemia

    Ensiling of Forage Crops in Semiarid Regions

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    Edaphoclimatic condition of the semiarid region is unfavorable for the forage production of livestock. Silage is considered a better alternative to conserve forage crops. Ensiling is a technique for preserving forage, in which the ensiled mass is acidified under anaerobic conditions. The lactic acid bacteria present in the environment produce lactic acid, thereby making the environment acidic, and convert soluble substrates into organic acids. Many microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process of silage and their development depends on the characteristics of ensiled materials, such as dry matter, water-soluble carbohydrate content, buffering capacity and presence of indigenous microbial. Ensiling is a favorable technque used in the semiarid region because it preserves the nutritional values of the crops and the water. Some plant species are produced in semiarid regions because they are resistant to water deficit and high solar radiation. The main crops of semiarid regions are sorghum, pearl millet, grasses, cactus pear, and leguminous. Due to agronomic conditions available for their production during periods of rain, for ensiling these plants are important for the fermentation profile of each species because the ratio of the dry matter to water-soluble carbohydrate content and buffering capacity directly influence the end product of silage

    Factors Associated with Excess Weight in a Sample Population of School Adolescents

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    Introduction: Overweight has been reported as a public health problem. Consequently, this suggests epidemiological studies for nutritional surveillance.Objective:  To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with overweight among high school students in Capital of the Brazilian Western Amazon.Methods: cross-sectional study of 2694 adolescents from public and private schools. They collected demographic, socioeconomic and sedentary behavior through self-responded questionnaire. Overweight rating followed the recommendations of the World Health Organization (2007). The prevalence rates were calculated, odds ratio and their confidence intervals were calculated at 95%. They identified the factors associated with excess weight by multiple binary logistic regression.Results: The overall prevalence of overweight was 24.2% and 26.3% for males and 22.4% for females. After adjustment factors associated with overweight were economic class A / B (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.45), private school type (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1,02-1.46) and poor health perception (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.58). It was concluded that excess weight showed high prevalence in economy class adolescents and B and private schools in Porto Velho, RO, Brazil.Conclusion: Therefore, the practice of physical activity associated with a diet should be encouraged, in addition to reducing sedentary behavior, to prevent the development of overweight and obesity

    Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques to Solve the Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problem Using Various Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms

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    The main objective of thermoelectric power plants is to meet the power demand with the lowest fuel cost and emission levels of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, considering the operational restrictions of the power plant. Optimization techniques have been widely used to solve engineering problems as in this case with the objective of minimizing the cost and the pollution damages. Heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms have been extensively studied and used to successfully solve this multi-objective problem. This chapter, several optimization techniques (simulated annealing, ant lion, dragonfly, NSGA II, and differential evolution) are analyzed and their application to economic-emission load dispatch (EELD) is also discussed. In addition, a comparison of all approaches and its results are offered through a case study

    Preliminary comparision between phalangeal quantitative ultrassonography and bone densitometry for bone mass evaluation in adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between quantitative ultrasonography at hand phalanges (QUS) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and between these methods with food intake and history of bone fractures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:After two years of follow up of 270 schoolchildren, 10 of them, who showed bone mass below - 2 SD in QUS, were included in the present study. Laboratory results and DXA data were analyzed. RESULTS: Bone mass evaluated by DXA at L1-L4 ranged from -2.8 to -1.1 SDS, and whole body bone mass, from -2.9 to -1.2 SDS. Three children had history of non-pathological bone fractures. Dietary assessment showed low intake of calcium in 10 cases, of phosphorus in 6, and of vitamin D in 8 cases. There were no differences among the cases of bone mass below-2 SD in any of the three used methods. There was no association between history of bone fractures and food intake, and between these evaluations and bone mass. CONCLUSION: In this small group of schoolchildren there was an association between the methods QUS and DXA. However, there was no association between bone mass and the history of bone fractures, or calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake.OBJETIVO: Avaliar associação entre ultrassonografia quantitativa de falanges da mão (QUS) e a densitometria por absorção de raio-X de dupla energia (DXA) e desses com os históricos alimentar e de fraturas. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Após dois anos de acompanhamento de 270 escolares, 10 com massa óssea por QUS abaixo de -2 DP foram incluídos no estudo e avaliados com DXA. RESULTADOS: A massa óssea por DXA de L1-L4 variou de -2,8 a -1,1 DP e de corpo inteiro -2,9 e -1,2. Três estudantes apresentaram fraturas. Baixa ingestão de cálcio foi observada nos 10 casos, de fósforo em 6 e de vitamina D em 8. Não houve diferença entre os casos com massa abaixo de -2 DP nos três métodos de avaliação. Não foi observada associação entre as fraturas e o histórico alimentar, nem com os valores de massa óssea. CONCLUSÃO: Neste pequeno grupo de adolescentes houve associação entre QUS e DXA, porém sem associação entre essas avaliações e as fraturas e a ingestão de cálcio, fósforo e vitamina D.1924Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    This study aimed to analyze and compare the agronomic characteristics and development of the root system by means of image processing of different cultivars of tropical grasses of the genera Brachiaria and Panicum. The experiment carried out at the experimental station of the Research, Rural extension and land regularization company of Paraiba – EMPAER in Alagoinha - PB, in a rainfed agriculture system. In June 2019 to 45 days after sowing, the grasses were cut for aerial part evaluation: biomass composition, forage yield, root system: volume and surface area of the cultivars Mombaça, Tamani, Zuri, Massai, Piatã and Ipyporã. There was a difference between cultivars for all variables analyzed, except for the leaf: stem ratio. The cv. Mombaça was the one that presented the best agronomic and root results, being the one that best adapted the edaphoclimatic conditions of the region, in contrast to Ipyporã was the least expressive for forage yield and water efficiency. These aerial characteristics and their relationship with root diagnosis are of great importance for choosing the cultivar that best suits certain environmental conditions at the time of cultivation.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar e comparar as características agronômicas e o desenvolvimento do sistema radicular por meio do processamento de imagens de diferentes cultivares de gramíneas tropicais dos gêneros Brachiaria e Panicum. O experimento foi realizado na estação experimental da empresa de Pesquisa, Extensão Rural e Regularização Fundiária da Paraíba - EM PAER em Alagoinha - PB, em um sistema de sequeiro. Em junho de 2019 a 45 dias após a semeadura, as gramíneas foram cortadas para avaliação das partes aéreas: composição da biomassa, produção de forragem, sistema radicular: volume e área superficial das cultivares Mombaça, Tamani, Zuri, Massai, Piatã e Ipyporã. Houve diferença entre as cultivares para todas as variáveis ​​analisadas, exceto para a relação folha: caule. O cv. Mombaça foi a que apresentou os melhores resultados agronômicos e radiculares, sendo a que melhor adaptou as condições edafoclimáticas da região, ao contrário de Ipyporã, foi a menos expressiva para rendimento de forragem e eficiência da água. Essas características aéreas e sua relação com o diagnóstico radicular são de grande importância para a escolha da cultivar que melhor se adapte a determinadas condições ambientais no momento do cultivo

    The food patterns of a multicenter cohort of Brazilian nulliparous pregnant women

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    Assessment of human nutrition is a complex process, in pregnant women identify dietary patterns through mean nutrient consumption can be an opportunity to better educate women on how to improve their overall health through better eating. This exploratory study aimed to identify a posteriori dietary patterns in a cohort of nulliparous pregnant women. The principal component analysis (PCA) technique was performed, with Varimax orthogonal rotation of data extracted from the 24-h dietary recall, applied at 20 weeks of gestation. We analysed 1.145 dietary recalls, identifying five main components that explained 81% of the dietary pattern of the sample. Dietary patterns found were: Obesogenic, represented by ultra-processed foods, processed foods, and food groups rich in carbohydrates, fats and sugars; Traditional, most influenced by natural, minimally processed foods, groups of animal proteins and beans; Intermediate was similar to the obesogenic, although there were lower loads; Vegetarian, which was the only good representation of fruits, vegetables and dairy products; and Protein, which best represented the groups of proteins (animal and vegetable). The obesogenic and intermediate patterns represented over 37% of the variation in food consumption highlighting the opportunity to improve maternal health especially for women at first mothering

    Profile of calories and nutrients intake in a Brazilian multicenter study of nulliparous women

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    Objective: To assess the calorie intake and nutritional content of the maternal diet in regions with different culinary traditions and typical foods, and to understand the nutritional profile so as to provide information about the consumption of this population and promote maternal and perinatal health. Methods: From a cohort of 1145 pregnant women with diverse socio-backgrounds we analyzed the dietary characteristics profile according to three guidelines and compared the differences between regions of Brazil. Results: Women from the northeast had the lowest level of income, occupation, education, and age (P < 0.001). Intakes of unprocessed/minimally processed foods and processed foods were more prevalent in women from the northeast than in southern/southeastern women (P < 0.001). The consumption of dairy products and vegetables was less than the recommended intake, with lower intake in southern/southeastern women (P < 0.001). This study showed a lower consumption of dairy and vegetables, with a shortfall of vitamins K and D, iron, calcium, folate, magnesium, and chromium from natural and fortified foods. We observed a greater consumption of unprocessed or minimally processed food in women from the northeast of Brazil. Conclusion: Our findings indicate the importance of differentiating the source of calorie intake between regional nutritional guidance and the diversity of local cuisine

    Solar radiation use effi ciency by soybean under fi eld conditions in the Amazon region

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da soja (Glycine max) em interceptar e usar a radiação solar em condições naturais de campo, na região Amazônica do Brasil. Os dados de crescimento e área foliar da soja e dados meteorológicos foram obtidos em um experimento agrometeorológico realizado em Paragominas, PA, em 2007 e 2008. A eficiência do uso da radiação (ERU) foi obtida pela razão entre a produção de massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e o acúmulo da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa interceptada (RFA), até os 99 e 95 dias após a semeadura, em 2007 e 2008, respectivamente. As condições climáticas durante o experimento foram muito distintas, com redução na precipitação em 2007, iniciada na metade do ciclo de cultivo de soja, em consequência do fenômeno El Niño. Observou-se uma importante redução no índice de área foliar e na produção de massa de matéria seca durante 2007. Em tais condições de campo na região Amazônica, os valores de EUR foram de 1,46 e 1,99 g MJ-1 RFA, nos experimentos de 2007 e 2008, respectivamente. A provável razão para as diferenças encontradas entre os anos pode estar associada à redução de água em 2007, em conjunto com a elevada temperatura do ar e o deficit de pressão de vapor, e também ao aumento na fração de radiação difusa que atingiu a superfície do solo em 2008.The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of soybean (Glycine max) in intercepting and using solar radiation under natural field conditions, in the Amazon region, Brazil. The meteorological data and the values of soybean growth and leaf area were obtained from an agrometeorological experiment carried out in Paragominas, Pará state, during 2007 and 2008. The radiation use efficiency (RUE) was obtained from the ratio between the above-ground biomass production and the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) accumulated to 99 and 95 days after sowing, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Climatic conditions during the experiment were very distinct, with reduction in rainfall in 2007, which began during the soybean mid-cycle, due to the El Niño phenomenon. An important reduction in the leaf area index and biomass production was observed during 2007. Under natural field conditions in the Amazon region, the values of RUE were 1.46 and 1.99 g MJ-1 PAR in the 2007 and 2008 experiments, respectively. The probable reason for the differences found between these years might be associated to the water restriction in 2007 coupled with the higher air temperature and vapor pressure deficit, and also to the increase in the fraction of diffuse radiation that reached the land surface in 2008