48 research outputs found

    Effects of auriculotherapy on nausea and vomiting in pregnant women:a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Pregnancy induces physiological changes, commonly marked by nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, posing risks for both mother and baby. This study evaluates the effects of auriculotherapy on nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy.Materials and Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted in two primary health care centers with 56 Brazilian pregnant women who reported nausea or vomiting in the first trimester. The participants were divided into an intervention group (auriculotherapy with seeds) and a placebo group (sham auriculotherapy). The intervention was divided into three moments: pre-intervention with assessment of nausea and vomiting and application of questionnaires, and two follow-ups conducted on the fourth and seventh day of the intervention, with reassessment of nausea and vomiting.Results: Both groups experienced a decrease in nausea and vomiting over time, with no statistically significant differences between groups in the within-group analyses at various time points. The intervention group had a greater reduction in symptoms. Within the intervention group, symptoms were more common among ferrous sulfate users and those without reported dietary disturbances. In addition, a higher incidence of nausea and vomiting was associated with the use of analgesics, morning snacks, and low intake of protein, vegetables, and fruits.Conclusions: The intervention did not affect the between-group differences in the incidence of nausea and vomiting and vomiting effort in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a greater reduction was observed in the intervention group

    Brown seaweed extract enhances rooting and roots growth on Passiflora actinia Hook stem cuttings

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    Passiflora actinia Hook (common name: ‘maracujá do mato’) is an important medicinal species due to significant sedative and anxiolytic activities. In order to commercially exploit the plant, however, studies on propagation to improve rooting in stem cuttings are needed. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of the brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol.) extract when applied on P. actinia stem cuttings bases. Five concentrations of the extract in distilled water were evaluated: 0% (pure distilled water), 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The experimental design was completely randomized with 4 repetitions and 12 cuttings per experimental unit. Cuttings were evaluated 45 days from planting. Data were analyzed through polynomial regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated for all the variables. On average, 51.27% rooting was achieved. Rooting percentage increased linearly according to the brown seaweed extract concentrations. When compared to the control treatment, about 10% increase in rooting was observed at the treatment with 40% seaweed extract. Leaf retention response to A. nodosum increasing concentrations was also adjusted in a positive linear model. A 15.6% increase in leaf retention was observed at the 40% seaweed concentration when compared to the control. Positive correlations were observed for leaf retention and rooting percentage and leaf retention and roots length. The immersion of P. actinia stem cuttings bases in A. nodosum extract at a concentration of 40% promote positive effects on rooting and facilitate the species propagation

    Espelho Obscuro E Social Da Jovem Mãe: Uma Revisão De Literatura

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    RESUMO: Devido as transformações vivenciadas durante a gravidez faz-se fundamental que o organismo da mulher esteja preparado psicologicamente e fisiologicamente, o que nem sempre é possível em mães jovens. A presente revisão de literatura avalia a propensão de desenvolvimento de transtornos psicológicos nessas jovens mães. Esta mini revisão foi realizada a partir de pesquisa em bases de dados eletrônicos, selecionando-se cinco artigos, que se utilizaram de entrevistas, questionários e uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Os seguintes bancos de dados foram utilizados: U.S National Library of Medicine (PubMed) e Google Acadêmico. Os resultados demonstraram que mães jovens tem propensão de desenvolvimento de transtornospsicológicos quando levados em consideração fatores como: relações sociais, dificuldades financeiras e violência. Nesse contexto, apresentam de 2 até 4 vezes mais chances de desenvolverem psicoses comparado a mães mais velhas. Além disso, percebeu-se que a ocorrência dos casos de aborto foi maior em gravidezes resultantes de relações instáveis e com parceiros diferentes, em condições de dificuldades financeiras. Sendo assim, ficou evidente através dos resultados obtidos que mães jovens têm maior propensão a desenvolverem tais transtornos

    A plasticidade enrustida em intervenções cirúrgicas padronizantes e suas implicações físicas e psíquicas: uma revisão de literatura

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    A procura por padrões estéticos na afirmação da identidade do indivíduo moderno, que se encontra pressionado por paradigmas de corpo ideal, culmina nas consequências desse contexto para a saúde física e psicológica da sociedade, uma vez que as intervenções cirúrgicas estão sendo amplamente difundidas e provocam efeitos diversos. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo é esclarecer a influência dos padrões estéticos sociais vigentes na busca por cirurgias plásticas e os potenciais riscos ou benefícios dessas intervenções cirúrgicas. A metodologia usada baseia-se na busca dos artigos nas bases de dados eletrônicos National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (PUBMED), The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e a plataforma do Google Acadêmico, nos quais foram filtrados 20 artigos. Estes responderam à questão norteadora “Como o padrão estético social predominante promove riscos e benefícios em intervenções cirúrgicas? ”. Os resultados foram divididos em quatro categorias: autores que indicaram que o padrão estético vigente interfere na decisão de se submeter a cirurgias plásticas; dados que apresentaram melhoras físicas não relacionados diretamente a melhora psicológica; pacientes que não apresentaram melhoras psicológicas após procedimentos estéticos; dados que trouxeram achados técnicos das cirurgias plásticas. Dessa forma a conclusão do estudo aponta para a realidade de que os benefícios das cirurgias plásticas são convenientes a todos com insatisfações estéticas devido as grandes probabilidades de melhorias de autoestima e bem-estar após estas intervenções. Entretanto, deve-se cuidar para desconstruir os malefícios causados pela consciência cultural generalizada de depressão e auto insuficiência, devido aos danos físicos e psicológicos da construção social que busca na cirurgia plástica sua solução imagética

    O Ateliê da infância como espaço de interações e brincadeiras

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoO Ateliê da Infância, projeto que está vinculado ao Programa de Extensão Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação da Infância - NEPE, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG, foi proposto com o objetivo de oportunizar um espaço privilegiado para a brincadeirae a vivência de múltiplaslinguagens pelos bebês e crianças da Educação Infantil, bem como para a formação de professoras de creches epré-escolas da rede pública de ensino do Rio Grande - RS. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram definidas 10 ações desenvolvidas em 2016 e 2017. Dentre elas, destacamos as visitas realizadas pelas turmas de Educação Infantil ao Ateliê da Infância, que é planejado para que as crianças possam brincar e vivenciar múltiplas linguagens,tendo em vistaque as interações com outras crianças e adultos são possibilidades ricas de ampliação de conhecimentos nas mais diversas dimensões, como, estética, cultural, corporal, artística, oral, escrita, entre outras.Destacamos, ainda, as oficinas pedagógicas para professoras de Educação Infantil e estudantes dos cursos de Pedagogia, Educação Física e Artes Visuais.A partir das oficinas realizadas e das visitas das escolas ao Ateliê,percebemos a contribuição deste espaço para as reflexões acerca da infância e da importância das múltiplas linguagens na Educação Infanti

    Redox regulation of the proteasome via S-glutathionylation

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    The proteasome is a multimeric and multicatalytic intracellular protease responsible for the degradation of proteins involved in cell cycle control, various signaling processes, antigen presentation, and control of protein synthesis. The central catalytic complex of the proteasome is called the 20S core particle. The majority of these are flanked on one or both sides by regulatory units. Most common among these units is the 19S regulatory unit. When coupled to the 19S unit, the complex is termed the asymmetric or symmetric 26S proteasome depending on whether one or both sides are coupled to the 19S unit, respectively. The 26S proteasome recognizes poly-ubiquitinylated substrates targeted for proteolysis. Targeted proteins interact with the 19S unit where they are deubiquitinylated, unfolded, and translocated to the 20S catalytic chamber for degradation. The 26S proteasome is responsible for the degradation of major proteins involved in the regulation of the cellular cycle, antigen presentation and control of protein synthesis. Alternatively, the proteasome is also active when dissociated from regulatory units. This free pool of 20S proteasome is described in yeast to mammalian cells. The free 20S proteasome degrades proteins by a process independent of poly-ubiquitinylation and ATP consumption. Oxidatively modified proteins and other substrates are degraded in this manner. The 20S proteasome comprises two central heptamers (β-rings) where the catalytic sites are located and two external heptamers (α-rings) that are responsible for proteasomal gating. Because the 20S proteasome lacks regulatory units, it is unclear what mechanisms regulate the gating of α-rings between open and closed forms. In the present review, we discuss 20S proteasomal gating modulation through a redox mechanism, namely, S-glutathionylation of cysteine residues located in the α-rings, and the consequence of this post-translational modification on 20S proteasomal function.FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo)Instituto Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação de Processos Redox em BioMedicinaConselho Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (CNPq)CAPE

    Factors affecting compliance with the measles vaccination schedule in a Brazilian city

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The success of vaccination campaigns depends on the degree of adherence to immunization initiatives and schedules. Risk factors associated with children's failure to receive the measles vaccine at the correct age were studied in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case-control and exploratory study, in the metropolitan area of São Paulo. METHODS: The caregivers of 122 children were interviewed regarding their perceptions and understanding about the measles vaccination and the disease. RESULTS: The results showed that age, region of residence, marital status and education level were unrelated to taking measles vaccines adequately. Most individuals remembered being informed about the last annual vaccination campaign by television, but no communication channel was significantly associated with vaccination status. The answers to questions about knowledge of the disease or the vaccine, when analyzed alone, were not associated with taking measles vaccinations at the time indicated by health agencies. The results showed that, when parents felt sorry for their children who were going to receive shots, they delayed the vaccination. Most of the children did not take the measles vaccination on the exactly recommended date, but delayed or anticipated the shots. CONCLUSION: It is clear that there is no compliance with the government's recommended measles vaccination schedule (i.e. first dose at nine and second at 15 months of age, as recommended in 1999 and 2000). Feeling sorry for the children receiving shots can delay vaccination taking

    CK2 Phosphorylation of Schistosoma mansoni HMGB1 Protein Regulates Its Cellular Traffic and Secretion but Not Its DNA Transactions

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    parasite resides in mesenteric veins where fecundated female worms lay hundred of eggs daily. Some of the egg antigens are trapped in the liver and induce a vigorous granulomatous response. High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1), a nuclear factor, can also be secreted and act as a cytokine. Schistosome HMGB1 (SmHMGB1) is secreted by the eggs and stimulate the production of key cytokines involved in the pathology of schistosomiasis. Thus, understanding the mechanism of SmHMGB1 release becomes mandatory. Here, we addressed the question of how the nuclear SmHMGB1 can reach the extracellular space. eggs of infected animals and that SmHMGB1 that were localized in the periovular schistosomotic granuloma were phosphorylated.We showed that secretion of SmHMGB1 is regulated by phosphorylation. Moreover, our results suggest that egg-secreted SmHMGB1 may represent a new egg antigen. Therefore, the identification of drugs that specifically target phosphorylation of SmHMGB1 might block its secretion and interfere with the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis

    Os aspectos semiológicos do acidente vascular encefálico: uma abordagem neurológica

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    O Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVC) é um evento neurológico súbito, com um foco de isquemia ou hemorragia. Ambos, qualificados pelo déficit neurológico focal abrupto. Ressaltando, que estes déficits podem ocorrer, sendo a ocorrência espontânea, perduração de 15 minutos, autoresolutiva é denominada como Ataque Isquêmico Transitório (AIT), no entanto, toda insuficiência neural que não melhorar pós esse período deve ser manejado como AVC. O artigo objetivou descrever os principais aspectos clínicos do AVC. O AVC é uma emergência para a saúde pública, em razão de ser um potencial em gerar morbimortalidades para os portadores e prejuízos para os sistemas de saúde. O AVC do tipo isquêmico representa a maioria das ocorrências, o quadro clínico do paciente é correspondente ao tecido neural afetado, inicialmente a tomografia computadorizada sem contraste é o primeiro exame, por ser crucial para descartar a etiologia hemorrágica, a condução terapêutica se baseia em medidas neuroprotetoras através da estabilização da glicemia, temperatura e sódio, adequar os níveis pressóricos, mediante o prazo estipulado impor terapia antitrombótica. A manifestação hemorrágica, pode ocorrer por torção de aneurisma sacular originando o sangramento subaracnóideo ou por hipertensão gerando o sangramento intraparenquimatoso. A partir da análise das informações coletadas, elucida-se que o diagnóstico precoce e o período transcorrido até o manejo terapêutico são cruciais para o desfecho clínico do portador, ou seja, é possível a normalização ou ocorrer sequelas neurais e óbito

    Analysis of Myelinating Schwann Cells in Human Skin Biopsies

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    The human skin is richly innervated by nerve fibers of different calibers and functions, including thickly myelinated large fibers that act as afferents for mechanoreceptors in the dermal papillae. Skin biopsies offer minimally invasive access to these myelinated fibers, in which each internode represents an individual myelinating Schwann cell. Using this approach, human myelinated nerve fibers can be analyzed by several methods, including immunostaining, morphometric and ultrastructural analysis, and molecular biology techniques. This analysis can reveal important aspects of human Schwann cell biology in health and disease, such as in the case of demyelinating neuropathies. This technique has revealed Schwann cell phenotypes in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 and acquired inflammatory neuropathies