28 research outputs found
Barcelona, a Society and its Law: 11th-13th Centuries
The legal system in Barcelona in the Lower Middle Ages - which we regard as a synthesis of rights (usages, customs, privileges, laws, and so on) and organization (municipality, universitat de prohoms, consulates, etc.)- had already attained maturity in the 13th century. It was first and foremost the outcome of the self-interested wishes of its leaders, the prohoms, or patricians, who directed the growth of Barcelona society, a development which was of clear benefit to them and enabled them to consolidate and perpetuate themselves as a social group by means of legal forms and formulas, relating to the individual, family and society, which were suitable for and orientated towards their aim of assuming the political and financial leadership of the city.
The considerable degree of autonomy achieved by Barcelona society in the 13th century thanks to its public and private legal institutions endured until the 18th century, when the new Bourbon dynasty abolished the municipal self-governing institutions
Pactism in Catalonia : a dual conception of the political community
Altres ajuts: Project IEC PRO2018-S05This article offers a historiographic definition of 'pactism', i.e. the pact-based model institutional doctrine and practice held in Europe from the High-Middle Ages onwards, until the emergence of the modern concept of sovereignty in the absolutist state of the 16th and 17th centuries. As institutional doctrine, pactism found in Catalonia one of its most elaborate formulations. This article defines the constitutive elements of Catalan legal pactism, stemming from the Romanist concept of ius com mune and the conceptual work on interpretation and early public law carried out by legal scholars. It distinguishes different kinds and degrees of jurisdictio (senyoria, in Catalan language)-universals, generals and speciales-and it defines populus, constitutio populi, imperium and contrafaccions. Cata lan legal instruments related to the enactment of laws by the General Courts-Constitucions, Capítols i Actes de Cort-and the limited power of the King, the composition of Generalitat (the General of Catalonia), and the role of the three Catalan branches (braços, estaments) are also elucidated. It al so delves into the procedure for establishing constitutions which was followed by the Cort General of Montsó of 1585. The 15th c. legal compilation called Llibre dels Quatre Senyals and the recent discovery of the Llibre dels Vuit Senyals allow a more accurate dating of origins (1289, 1291, 1359, 1376), and a better understanding of its financial objectives, procedures and protections. Finally, this article introduces the notion of a dual conception of the political community as a suitable interpretative thesis to make sense of the whole process of the development of public law in Medieval Cataloni
La Societat de Barcelona i el seu dret : segles XI-XIII
L'ordenament jurídic de la Barcelona baixmedieval, que trobem ja ben madur en el segle xiii i que entenem com una síntesi
de drets (usos, costums, privilegis, lleis, etc.) i d'organització (municipi, universitat de prohoms, consolats, etc.) és
fruit primordial de la voluntat interessada dels seus dirigents: uns prohoms o patricis que dirigiran una expansió urbana
de la societat barcelonina que clarament els beneficia i que els permetrà la consolidació i perpetuació com a grup social, a
través d'unes formes i d'unes figures jurídiques individuals, familiars i socials adequades i orientades als seus propòsits de
lideratge polític i econòmic de Barcelona.
L'elevat grau d'autonomia que la societat barcelonina aconseguirà en el segle xiii a través de les seves institucions de
dret públic i privat és mantindrà estable fins al segle xviii, quan la nova dinastia borbònica derogarà les institucions pròpies
d'autogovern municipal
Barcelona, a Society and its Law: 11th-13th Centuries
The legal system in Barcelona in the Lower Middle Ages - which we regard as a synthesis of rights (usages, customs, privileges, laws, and so on) and organization (municipality, universitat de prohoms, consulates, etc.)- had already attained maturity in the 13th century. It was first and foremost the outcome of the self-interested wishes of its leaders, the prohoms, or patricians, who directed the growth of Barcelona society, a development which was of clear benefit to them and enabled them to consolidate and perpetuate themselves as a social group by means of legal forms and formulas, relating to the individual, family and society, which were suitable for and orientated towards their aim of assuming the political and financial leadership of the city.
The considerable degree of autonomy achieved by Barcelona society in the 13th century thanks to its public and private legal institutions endured until the 18th century, when the new Bourbon dynasty abolished the municipal self-governing institutions
La Societat de Barcelona i el seu dret : segles XI-XIII
L'ordenament jurídic de la Barcelona baixmedieval, que trobem ja ben madur en el segle xiii i que entenem com una síntesi
de drets (usos, costums, privilegis, lleis, etc.) i d'organització (municipi, universitat de prohoms, consolats, etc.) és
fruit primordial de la voluntat interessada dels seus dirigents: uns prohoms o patricis que dirigiran una expansió urbana
de la societat barcelonina que clarament els beneficia i que els permetrà la consolidació i perpetuació com a grup social, a
través d'unes formes i d'unes figures jurídiques individuals, familiars i socials adequades i orientades als seus propòsits de
lideratge polític i econòmic de Barcelona.
L'elevat grau d'autonomia que la societat barcelonina aconseguirà en el segle xiii a través de les seves institucions de
dret públic i privat és mantindrà estable fins al segle xviii, quan la nova dinastia borbònica derogarà les institucions pròpies
d'autogovern municipal