5,792 research outputs found

    Effects of the Tax on Retail Sales of Some Fuels on a regional economy: a computable general equilibrium approach

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    This paper simulates the effects on the economy of Extremadura that are produced by a new tax on retail sales of some fuels. A computable general equilibrium model involving various labour market scenarios is employed as a modelling framework. Model parameters are obtained by calibration, using a social accounting matrix for Extremadura updated to the year 2000. Further, we also include an additional simulation in which a hypothetical regional tax rate, to finance environmental policies, is considered. This second simulation assumes constant fiscal revenues. The results of the first simulation show that the effects of this tax are modest. The simulation shows household welfare losses, decreasing activity levels and generalised price reductions, except in production sectors more directly linked to the oil products sector. In addition, we also observe that this hypothetical additional regional fuel tax rate would reinforce the effects produced by the national tax rate.Tax on retail sales of some fuels, computable general equilibrium models, social accounting matrices, fiscal policy.

    Experiencias en el PARTNeR – ASAAF--UCM

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    Presentación de programa de formacion de ASAAF utilizando el proyecto PARTNeR

    Proyectos de ASAAF-UCM observando con PARTNeR

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    Conjunto de actividades formativas realizadas desde la Asociación ASAAF-UCM con el radiotelescopio del Proyecto PARTNeR, entre las que se incluyen: Elaboración de un proyecto científico propio, creación de un software propio de reducción automática de datos, presentación de resultados en congresos temáticos y revistas de divulgación

    Light pollution in Spain. An european perspective

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    Using DMPS satellite night images taken in 2000 we have estimated the saturated surface in many European countries. The objective of this study is to compare the illumination conditions and its effects in light pollution. We have measured the surface of the saturated zone. We compare this parameter with the ratio of population density of the country. To avoid bias, normalize by dividing the area built in each country prior to the comparison. In this way only takes into account the surface that really makes sense to illuminate. We have gathered the official data on energy consumption in public lighting in Spain. After plotting the evolution along the years we found changes in the way this value is obtained in different provinces of Spain and we made a more pessimistic prediction for the present energy consumption

    Diseño de un software de intermediación de comunicación para sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real críticos en Java

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    Las facilidades e independencia de plataforma de Java han generado un gran interés en la comunidad de tiempo real. Dicho interés se ha reflejado en la especificación RTSJ (Real-Time Specification for Java), que extiende y adapta el lenguaje Java para permitir el desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real. Adicionalmente, se han desarrollado perfiles de RTSJ para garantizar la predecibilidad en sistemas de tiempo real críticos. Sin embargo, RTSJ y sus perfiles no proporcionan facilidades para sistemas distribuidos. El objetivo de este trabajo es afrontar dicha limitación definiendo un nuevo modelo de RMI (Remote Method Invocation) basado en los principales perfiles de RTSJ para sistemas de tiempo real crítico. Este trabajo presenta el diseño y la implementación de RMI-HRT (RMI-Hard Real-Time) que está enfocado a sistemas de tiempo real crítico con requisitos de alta integridad

    Evaluaciones intermedias de proyectos del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

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    Presentación que da a conocer las evaluaciones intermedias realizadas a Solución, calidad y medioambiente; metodología. Así como los resultados de evaluación del Programa PAAM (México), Programa Cadena (Perú), programa 200 Pymes (Uruguay), así como los resultados generales de argentinaMedio ambiente y recursos naturales, PYME, bancos, proyectos, evaluaciones

    A toolset for the development of mixed-criticality partitioned systems

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    The development of mixed-criticality virtualized multi-core systems poses new challenges that are being subject of active research work. There is an additional complexity: it is now required to identify a set of partitions, and allocate applications to partitions. In this job, a number of issues have to be considered, such as the criticality level of the application, security and dependability requirements, time requirements granularity, etc. MultiPARTES [11] toolset relies on Model Driven Engineering (MDE), which is a suitable approach in this setting, as it helps to bridge the gap between design issues and partitioning concerns. MDE is changing the way systems are developed nowadays, reducing development time. In general, modelling approaches have shown their benefits when applied to embedded systems. These benefits have been achieved by fostering reuse with an intensive use of abstractions, or automating the generation of boiler-plate code

    Immune complexes in chronic Chagas disease patients are formed by exovesicles from Trypanosoma cruzi carrying the conserved MASP N-terminal region

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    The exovesicles (EVs) are involved in pathologic host-parasite immune associations and have been recently used as biomarkers for diagnosis of infectious diseases. The release of EVs by Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, has recently been described, with different protein cargoes including the MASP multigene family of proteins MASPs are specific to this parasite and characterized by a conserved C-terminal (C-term) region and an N-terminal codifying for a signal peptide (SP). In this investigation, we identified immature MASP proteins containing the MASP SP in EVs secreted by the infective forms of the parasite. Those EVs are responsible for the formation of immune complexes (ICs) containing anti-MASP SP IgGs in patients with different (cardiac, digestive and asymptomatic) chronic Chagas disease manifestations. Moreover, purified EVs as well as the MASP SP inhibit the action of the complement system and also show a significant association with the humoral response in patients with digestive pathologies. These findings reveal a new route for the secretion of MASP proteins in T. cruzi, which uses EVs as vehicles for immature and misfolded proteins, forming circulating immune complexes. Such complexes could be used in the prognosis of digestive pathologies of clinical forms of Chagas disease.Fil: Díaz Lozano, Isabel María. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: De Pablos, Luis Miguel. Universidad de Granada; España. University Of York;Fil: Longhi, Silvia Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Zago, María Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Patología Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Instituto de Patología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Schijman, Alejandro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Osuna, Antonio. Universidad de Granada; Españ

    Processing and characterisation of Calcium SulfoAluminate (CSA) eco-cements coated with a hybrid organo-inorganic material for photocatalytic applications

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    On the one hand, Calcium SulfoAluminate (CSA) eco-cements are receiving increasing attention since their manufacture produces up to 40% less CO2 than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). In addition, they show interesting properties such as high early-age strengths, short setting times, impermeability, sulfate and chloride corrosion resistance and low alkalinity. On the other hand, water treatment is a key issue and it will become much more important in the decades ahead. We have developed a photocatalytic material capable to degrade contaminants in water, under both UVA and visible radiations. In both cases, it works more effectively than nano-TiO2 (Evonik P25). The environmental benefits of the use of CSA eco-cements with a photocatalyst are two folds: the photocatalytic treatment of contaminated water, and lower CO2 emissions because of the use of eco-cements rather than OPC. However, before preparing the coating, different parameters need to be under control. This includes the effect of the photocatalyst onto the eco-cement (setting time, phase assemblage, and so on), and the effect of the eco-cement on the photocatalyst. This work deals with the processing and characterisation of coatings onto CSA eco-cement pastes, including rheological behaviour, setting time, adhesion, and so on.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucía (Spain) through P11-FQM-7517 and P12-FQM-1656 research grants and FEDER/University of Málaga (FC14-MAT-23). Dr. I. Santacruz thanks a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, RYC-2008-03523