29,695 research outputs found

    XTE J1550-564: INTEGRAL Observations of a Failed Outburst

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    The well known black-hole X-ray binary transient XTE J1550-564 underwent an outburst during the spring of 2003 which was substantially underluminous in comparison to previous periods of peak activity in that source. In addition, our analysis shows that it apparently remained in the hard spectral state over the duration of that outburst. This is again in sharp contrast to major outbursts of that source in 1998/1999 during which it exhibited an irregular light curve, multiple state changes and collimated outflows. This leads us to classify it as a "failed outburst." We present the results of our study of the spring 2003 event including light curves based on observations from both INTEGRAL and RXTE. In addition, we studied the evolution of the high-energy 3-300 keV continuum spectrum using data obtained with three main instruments on INTEGRAL. These spectra are consistent with typical low-hard-state thermal Comptonization emission. We also consider the 2003 event in the context of a multi-source, multi-event period-peak luminosity diagram in which it is a clear outlyer. We then consider the possibility that the 2003 event was due to a discrete accretion event rather than a limit-cycle instablility. In that context, we apply model fitting to derive the timescale for viscous propagation in the disk, and infer some physical characteristics.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Optical Spectroscopy of the Surface Population of the rho Ophiuchi Molecular Cloud: The First Wave of Star Formation

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    We present the results of optical spectroscopy of 139 stars obtained with the Hydra multi-object spectrograph. The objects extend over a 1.3 square degree area surrounding the main cloud of the rho Oph complex. The objects were selected from narrowband images to have H alpha in emission. Using the presence of strong H alpha emission, lithium absorption, location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, or previously reported x-ray emission, we were able to identify 88 objects as young stars associated with the cloud. Strong H alpha emission was confirmed in 39 objects with line widths consistent with their origin in magnetospheric accretion columns. Two of the strongest emission-line objects are young, x-ray emitting brown dwarf candidates with M8 spectral types. Comparisons of the bolometric luminosities and effective temperatures with theoretical models suggest a medianage for this population of 2.1 Myr which is signifcantly older than the ages derived for objects in the cloud core. It appears that these stars formed contemporaneously with low mass stars in the Upper Scorpius subgroup, likely triggered by massive stars in the Upper-Centaurus subgroup.Comment: 35 pages of postscript which includes seven figures (some of which are multi-panel) and four postscript tables. Astronomical Journal (in press

    Spacecraft charging and ion wake formation in the near-Sun environment

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    A three-dimensional (3-D), self-consistent code is employed to solve for the static potential structure surrounding a spacecraft in a high photoelectron environment. The numerical solutions show that, under certain conditions, a spacecraft can take on a negative potential in spite of strong photoelectron currents. The negative potential is due to an electrostatic barrier near the surface of the spacecraft that can reflect a large fraction of the photoelectron flux back to the spacecraft. This electrostatic barrier forms if (1) the photoelectron density at the surface of the spacecraft greatly exceeds the ambient plasma density, (2) the spacecraft size is significantly larger than local Debye length of the photoelectrons, and (3) the thermal electron energy is much larger than the characteristic energy of the escaping photoelectrons. All of these conditions are present near the Sun. The numerical solutions also show that the spacecraft's negative potential can be amplified by an ion wake. The negative potential of the ion wake prevents secondary electrons from escaping the part of spacecraft in contact with the wake. These findings may be important for future spacecraft missions that go nearer to the Sun, such as Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Interactions of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) with a Si(100) surface at velocities near the image acceleration limit

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    Auger LMM spectra and preliminary model simulations of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) ions interacting with a clean monocrystalline n-doped Si(100) surface are presented. By varying the experimental parameters, several yet undiscovered spectroscopic features have been observed providing valuable hints for the development of an adequate interaction model. On our apparatus the ion beam energy can be lowered to almost mere image charge attraction. High data acquisition rates could still be maintained yielding an unprecedented statistical quality of the Auger spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, http://pikp28.uni-muenster.de/~ducree

    The Structure and X-ray Recombination Emission of a Centrally Illuminated Accretion Disk Atmosphere and Corona

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    We model an accretion disk atmosphere and corona photoionized by a central X-ray continuum source. We calculate the opacity and radiation transfer for an array of disk radii, to obtain the two-dimensional structure of the disk and its X-ray recombination emission. The atmospheric structure is insensitive to the viscosity alpha. We find a feedback mechanism between the disk structure and the central illumination, which expands the disk and increases the solid angle subtended by the atmosphere. We model the disk of a neutron star X-ray binary. We map the temperature, density, and ionization structure of the disk, and we simulate the high resolution spectra observable with the Chandra and XMM-Newton grating spectrometers. The X-ray emission lines from the disk atmosphere are detectable, especially for high-inclination binary systems. The grating observations of two classes of X-ray binaries already reveal important spectral similarities with our models. The line spectrum is very sensitive to the structure of each atmospheric layer, and it probes the heating mechanisms in the disk. The model spectrum is dominated by double-peaked lines of H-like and He-like ions, plus weak Fe L. Species with a broad range of ionization levels coexist at each radius: from Fe XXVI in the hot corona, to C VI at the base of the atmosphere. The choice of stable solutions affects the spectrum, since a thermal instability is present in the regime where the X-ray recombination emission is most intense.Comment: 32 pages, incl. 26 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Limit-(quasi)periodic point sets as quasicrystals with p-adic internal spaces

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    Model sets (or cut and project sets) provide a familiar and commonly used method of constructing and studying nonperiodic point sets. Here we extend this method to situations where the internal spaces are no longer Euclidean, but instead spaces with p-adic topologies or even with mixed Euclidean/p-adic topologies. We show that a number of well known tilings precisely fit this form, including the chair tiling and the Robinson square tilings. Thus the scope of the cut and project formalism is considerably larger than is usually supposed. Applying the powerful consequences of model sets we derive the diffractive nature of these tilings.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; dedicated to Peter Kramer on the occasion of his 65th birthda

    The pressure of strong coupling lattice QCD with heavy quarks, the hadron resonance gas model and the large N limit

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    In this paper we calculate the pressure of pure lattice Yang-Mills theories and lattice QCD with heavy quarks by means of strong coupling expansions. Dynamical fermions are introduced with a hopping parameter expansion, which also allows for the incorporation of finite quark chemical potential. We show that in leading orders the results are in full agreement with expectations from the hadron resonance gas model, thus validating it with a first principles calculation. For pure Yang-Mills theories we obtain the corresponding ideal glueball gas, in QCD with heavy quarks our result equals that of an ideal gas of mesons and baryons. Another finding is that the Yang-Mills pressure in the large N limit is of order ∌N0\sim N^0 to the calculated orders, when the inverse 't Hooft coupling is used as expansion parameter. This property is expected in the confined phase, where our calculations take place.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring dust around HD142527 down to 0.025" / 4au using SPHERE/ZIMPOL

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    We have observed the protoplanetary disk of the well-known young Herbig star HD 142527 using ZIMPOL Polarimetric Differential Imaging with the VBB (Very Broad Band, ~600-900nm) filter. We obtained two datasets in May 2015 and March 2016. Our data allow us to explore dust scattering around the star down to a radius of ~0.025" (~4au). The well-known outer disk is clearly detected, at higher resolution than before, and shows previously unknown sub-structures, including spirals going inwards into the cavity. Close to the star, dust scattering is detected at high signal-to-noise ratio, but it is unclear whether the signal represents the inner disk, which has been linked to the two prominent local minima in the scattering of the outer disk, interpreted as shadows. An interpretation of an inclined inner disk combined with a dust halo is compatible with both our and previous observations, but other arrangements of the dust cannot be ruled out. Dust scattering is also present within the large gap between ~30 and ~140au. The comparison of the two datasets suggests rapid evolution of the inner regions of the disk, potentially driven by the interaction with the close-in M-dwarf companion, around which no polarimetric signal is detected.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Ten-Micron Observations of Nearby Young Stars

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    (abridged) We present new 10-micron photometry of 21 nearby young stars obtained at the Palomar 5-meter and at the Keck I 10-meter telescopes as part of a program to search for dust in the habitable zone of young stars. Thirteen of the stars are in the F-K spectral type range ("solar analogs"), 4 have B or A spectral types, and 4 have spectral type M. We confirm existing IRAS 12-micron and ground-based 10-micron photometry for 10 of the stars, and present new insight into this spectral regime for the rest. Excess emission at 10 micron is not found in any of the young solar analogs, except for a possible 2.4-sigma detection in the G5V star HD 88638. The G2V star HD 107146, which does not display a 10-micron excess, is identified as a new Vega-like candidate, based on our 10-micron photospheric detection, combined with previously unidentified 60-micron and 100-micron IRAS excesses. Among the early-type stars, a 10-micron excess is detected only in HD 109573A (HR 4796A), confirming prior observations; among the M dwarfs, excesses are confirmed in AA Tau, CD -40 8434, and Hen 3-600A. A previously suggested N band excess in the M3 dwarf CD -33 7795 is shown to be consistent with photospheric emission.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. To appear in the January 1, 2004 issue of Ap

    The effect of ketamine and D-cycloserine on the high frequency resting EEG spectrum in humans

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    Rationale Preclinical studies indicate that high-frequency oscillations, above 100 Hz (HFO:100–170 Hz), are a potential translatable biomarker for pharmacological studies, with the rapid acting antidepressant ketamine increasing both gamma (40–100 Hz) and HFO. Objectives To assess the effect of the uncompetitive NMDA antagonist ketamine, and of D-cycloserine (DCS), which acts at the glycine site on NMDA receptors on HFO in humans. Methods We carried out a partially double-blind, 4-way crossover study in 24 healthy male volunteers. Each participant received an oral tablet and an intravenous infusion on each of four study days. The oral treatment was either DCS (250 mg or 1000 mg) or placebo. The infusion contained 0.5 mg/kg ketamine or saline placebo. The four study conditions were therefore placebo-placebo, 250 mg DCS-placebo, 1000 mg DCS-placebo, or placebo-ketamine. Results Compared with placebo, frontal midline HFO magnitude was increased by ketamine (p = 0.00014) and 1000 mg DCS (p = 0.013). Frontal gamma magnitude was also increased by both these treatments. However, at a midline parietal location, only HFO were increased by DCS, and not gamma, whilst ketamine increased both gamma and HFO at this location. Ketamine induced psychomimetic effects, as measured by the PSI scale, whereas DCS did not increase the total PSI score. The perceptual distortion subscale scores correlated with the posterior low gamma to frontal high beta ratio. Conclusions Our results suggest that, at high doses, a partial NMDA agonist (DCS) has similar effects on fast neural oscillations as an NMDA antagonist (ketamine). As HFO were induced without psychomimetic effects, they may prove a useful drug development target
