82 research outputs found

    Factors associated with functional capacity of elderly registered in the Family Health Strategy

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    The objective of this study was to verify the level of functional capacity in subjects aged 60 years or older from the Family Health Strategy "Vila São Paulo", in Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil, and its association with the sociodemographic, behavioral, ergonomic, and referred health variables. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 363 elderly selected by the two-stage cluster technique, who were interviewed at home using the multidimensional instrument (sociodemographic, behavioral, ergonomic, referred health information), the Nordic questionnaire, and Katz and Lawton scales. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses by logistic regression were used. Results showed that 36.9% of elderly were dependent on daily life activities, whereas 51.0% were on instrumental daily life activities. It also indicated that functional disability in daily life activities was associated with age range, repetitive movements, sedentary lifestyle, number of diseases, and musculoskeletal pain, while years of study, repetitive movements, number of diseases and physical inactivity showed an association with decreased instrumental daily life activities. The identified characteristics that are related to disability for daily life activities and instrumental daily life activities suggest a complex causal network; therefore, preventive actions directed specifically to some factors are needed, providing benefits to the quality of life of elderly.El objetivo del estudio fue verificar lo nivel de la capacidad funcional en sujetos con 60 años o más pertenecientes a la Estrategia Salud de la Familia "Vila São Paulo", en Bauru, San Pablo, Brasil, y su asociación con variables sociodemográficas, comportamentales, ergonómicas y de salud referida. Se realizó un estudio trasversal con 363 ancianos muestreados en la región del análisis por la técnica de conglomerado en dos estadios, entrevistados en sus casas utilizándose el instrumento multidimensional (sociodemográficas, comportamentales, ergonómicas y de salud referida); el cuestionario nórdico y las escalas de Katz y Lawton. Fueron aplicadas las evaluaciones descriptiva, bivariada y multivariada por regresión logística. Se observó que un 36,9% de los ancianos dependían de actividades de vida diaria y un 51,0% de actividades instrumentales de vida diaria; la incapacidad funcional para actividades de vida diaria fue asociada a la edad, a los movimientos repetitivos, al sedentarismo, al número de enfermedades mencionadas y al dolor musculoesquelético, mientras que los años de escolaridad, los movimientos repetitivos, el número de enfermedades mencionadas y el sedentarismo mostraron asociación con diminución de las actividades instrumentales de vida diaria. Las características identificadas que se asociaran a la incapacidad para actividades de vida diaria e instrumentales de vida diaria sugieren una compleja red causal, con la necesidad de acciones preventivas direccionadas para algunos factores, promoviendo beneficios a la cualidad de vida de los ancianos.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o nível de capacidade funcional em indivíduos de 60 anos ou mais da Estratégia Saúde da Família "Vila São Paulo", em Bauru, São Paulo, e sua associação com as variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais, ergonômicas e de saúde referidas. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 363 idosos amostrados no local da análise, pela técnica de conglomerado em dois estágios, entrevistados nos domicílios pelo instrumento multidimensional (sóciodemográficos, comportamentais, ergonômicas e de saúde referida); pelo questionário Nórdico e pelas escalas de Katz e Lawton. Análises descritiva, bivariada e multivariada por regressão logística foram utilizadas. Notou-se que 36,9% dos idosos eram dependentes nas atividades de vida diária e 51,0% nas atividades instrumentais de vida diária; a incapacidade funcional para as atividades de vida diária foi associada à faixa etária, aos movimentos repetitivos, ao sedentarismo, ao número de doenças referidas e à dor musculoesquelética, enquanto que anos de estudo, movimentos repetitivos, número de doenças referidas e sedentarismo mostraram associação com a diminuição das atividades instrumentais de vida diária. As características identificadas que se relacionaram à incapacidade para as atividades de vida diária e instrumentais de vida diária sugerem uma complexa rede causal, sendo necessárias ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores, propiciando benefícios à qualidade de vida dos idosos


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    The adoption of appropriate strategies for the conservation and management of forest ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest depends on understanding the pattern of spatial distribution of forest species, mainly in protected areas. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the geospatial distribution of forest species in a fragment of Atlantic Forest (Lowland Dense Ombrophilous Forest) in the Botanical Garden of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The phytosociological study was carried out by the plot method, with 40 plots of 10 m x 25 m, systematically distributed, where all living individuals that showed circumference at 1.3 m above the ground ≥ 15 cm were identified and georeferenced. To identify the existence of floristic similarity between the plots, the obtained data were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis. The spatial variability of forest species was characterized using geostatistical analysis. The data were interpolated by kriging, followed by the construction of thematic maps of spatial distribution. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed the formation of two groups of plots. The forest species Artocarpus heterophyllus, Dialium guianense, Helicostylis tomentosa, Hevea brasiliensis, Pouteria durlandii and Thyrsordium spruceanum showed spatial dependence. The use of geostatistics allowed visualizing the spatial distribution arrangements and identifying the concentration sites of these species. Information on the geospatial distribution of forest species can be used for the preservation, conservation and management of forest remnants

    Abundance and diversity of vectors (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an old transmission area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the new world after Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline construction

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    The objective of this study was to determine the abundance and diversity of the species and their presumed vectorial role in the transmission of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL). Research on sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) was carried out in two municipalities in the Ribeira River Valley in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. One, Adrianópolis, is an endemic area of CL and the other is a recent outbreak area (Cerro Azul). A total of 432 specimens were collected from residential, peri-domestic and wild environments. According to the data obtained, for each ecotope studied, the statistical analysis has shown that two lines of the Lutzomyia intermedia population coexist and that the quantity of specimens from L. intermedia s.l. is significantly different from L. intermedia s.s. in all environments (χ2=9.943; DF=2; p=0.07). The prevalence of L. intermedia (93.28%) in the ecotopes studied suggests that it is the main vector of leishmaniasis. The succession of vector species and their involvement in the epidemiological cycle of L. braziliensis is discussed in this article

    Compatibility of Dicyma pulvinata with pesticides and biocontrol efficiency of South American leaf blight of rubber tree under field conditions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quatro isolados do fungo antagonista Dicyma pulvinata quanto à compatibilidade com defensivos agrícolas e adjuvantes, e a eficiência desses isolados no controle do mal-das-folhas (Microcyclus ulei) da seringueira (Hevea sp.) em campo. A compatibilidade dos isolados com defensivos e adjuvantes foi avaliada com base no crescimento micelial e na esporulação do fungo, em testes conduzidos in vitro. Para avaliação da eficiência do antagonista contra M. ulei, em campo, os quatros isolados do antagonista foram comparados ao controle exercido pelo tratamento com os fungicidas propiconazol + mancozeb. Os ensaios conduzidos em laboratório indicaram a incompatibilidade de D. pulvinata com os fungicidas benomyl, carbendazim, mancozeb, propiconazol e, ainda, com o inseticida acaricida endosulfan. Dois dos adjuvantes testados (Tween 20 e Tween 80) não afetaram o desenvolvimento do fungo. Foi comprovada a ação do antagonista D. pulvinata sobre M. ulei, em campo, com destaque para os isolados CEN 62 e CEN 93, que apresentaram eficiência de controle semelhante ao tratamento fungicida padrão.The objective of this work was to evaluate four isolates of the antagonist fungus Dicyma pulvinata in terms of its compatibility with chemical pesticides and adjuvants products, and the efficiency of these isolates as biocontrol agent against South American leaf blight (Microcyclus ulei) of rubber tree (Hevea sp.) under field conditions. Isolates compatibility with chemical pesticides and adjuvants was evaluated on mycelial growth and fungus sporulation in vitro. To assess the efficiency of the antagonist against M. ulei under field conditions, the four isolates were compared to the control by the fungicide mixture propiconazol + mancozeb. The assays showed incompatibility of the antagonistic fungus with the fungicides benomyl, carbendazim, mancozeb, propiconazol, besides the insecticide-acaricide endosulfan. Two of the adjuvants tested did not affect the fungus development. It was demonstrated the action of D. pulvinata against M. ulei, in the field, especially for the isolates CEN 62 and CEN 93, which showed control levels similar to the fungicide standard treatment

    Prática docente e ensino: o uso do espaço de memória do Campus dianópolis para ensinar história / Teaching practice and teaching: the use of the Campus dianópolis memory space for the teaching history

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    A proposta ora apresentada visa o desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógicas dentro da disciplina de História no recém-criado espaço de memória do Campus Dianópolis, uma vez que esse espaço viabilizara aos discentes um ressignificar na aprendizagem histórica, pois o espaço de memória além de ser um espaço para rememoração dos aspectos culturais locais através dos objetos que são referenciais da memória, destina-se também a aprendizagem fora das quatro paredes da sala de aula. Sendo também um espaço aberto à comunidade geral, pois uma das propostas do projeto e resgatar aspectos da cultura local e apresenta-las a comunidade local

    Delimitation of water areas using remote sensing in Brazil’s semiarid region

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    Remote sensing techniques are of fundamental importance to investigate the changes occurred in the terrestrial mosaic over the years and contribute to the decision-making by increasing efficient environmental and water management. This article aimed to detect, demarcate and quantify the hydric area of Poço da Cruz reservoir, located in Ibimirim, Pernambuco, semiarid region of Brazil, with modeling based on Landsat 8/OLI satellite multispectral images from 2015 to 2020, and to relate it with data from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) satellites average rainfall. For this purpose, the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) was modeled, being produced georeferenced theme maps and extracted only the pixels represented by positive spectral values, which represent water targets. The open-access software Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS, version 2.18.16) was used for all stages of digital image processing and connection with complementary databases on the theme maps elaboration. In the results, changes in the spatial distribution of Poço da Cruz were evidenced and analyzed using precipitation data from the CHIRPS product, allowing a better understanding of the rainfall behavior in the region and its influence. The MNDWI was lined with the CHIRPS product, in which the spatial correlation between the rainy event and the water area’s delimitation is documented, especially in October 2017 (minimum values) and October 2020 (maximum values).As técnicas de sensoriamento remoto são de fundamental importância para investigar as alterações ocorridas no mosaico terrestre ao longo dos anos e contribuir para tomadas de decisão cada vez mais eficientes em gestão ambiental e hídrica. Os objetivos deste artigo foram detectar, delimitar e quantificar a área hídrica do reservatório Poço da Cruz, localizado em Ibimirim, Pernambuco, Semiárido do Brasil, com modelagem baseada em imagens multiespectrais do satélite Landsat 8/OLI datadas de 2015 a 2020, bem como relacioná-la com dados de precipitação pluvial média do produto CHIRPS. Para tanto, foi modelado o Índice de Água por Diferença Normalizada Modificado (MNDWI), com o qual se geraram os mapas temáticos georreferenciados e extraíram-se apenas os pixels representados por valores espectrais positivos, que representam alvos hídricos. Utilizou-se o software de livre acesso QGIS 2.18.16 para todas as etapas de processamento digital de imagens e conexão com bancos de dados complementares para a elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Nos resultados foram evidenciadas as mudanças na distribuição espacial do Poço da Cruz, analisadas com a utilização de dados de precipitação com base no produto CHIRPS, permitindo melhor compreensão do comportamento da pluviometria na região e sua influência. O MNDWI foi condizente com o produto de precipitação do CHIRPS, e ficou evidente a variação área hídrica do reservatório com relação à ocorrência de eventos chuvosos, especialmente em outubro/2017 (mínimos valores) e outubro/2020 (máximos valores)

    Análisis fitoquímico, actividad antibacteriana y acción moduladora de antibióticos de Jatropha mollissima (Pohl.) Baill. (Euphorbia­ceae)

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    The emergence of resistant bacterial strains and the significant increase in side effects of currently available antibacterial drugs have made it urgent to develop research to identify new bioactives antibacterial compounds. Jatropha mollissima is a plant endemic to the Caatinga biome, Brazil and this species has antioxidant, antibacterial and antiproliferative action. The present study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial and modulatory potentials of J. mollissima against multiresistant bacterial strains. The phytochemical profile was obtained from gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. J. mollissima presented moderate antibacterial activity and modulated the activity of the antibiotic Norfloxacin, promoting an antagonistic relationship. This was the first study of this nature carried out with J. mollissima.La aparición de cepas bacterianas resistentes y los efectos secundarios de sus fármacos disponibles han hecho investigar nuevos compuestos antibacterianos bioactivos. Jatropha mollissima es una planta endémica del bioma Caatinga, Brasil. Existen informes en la literatura de que esta especie tiene acción antioxidante, antibacteriana y antiproliferativa. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el potencial antibacteriano y modulador de J. mollissima contra cepas bacterianas multirresistentes. El perfil fitoquímico se obtuvo por cromatografía de gases junto con espectrometría de masas. J. mollissima mostró actividad antibacteriana moderada y moduló la actividad del antibiótico Norfloxacino, promoviendo una relación antagonista. Este fue el primer estudio de este tipo realizado con J. mollissima

    Qualitative Analysis of Baltic Amber Resin by Gas Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry and the Therapeutic Potential of this Fossil Resin

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    Objective: To analyze the molecular composition of a sample of Baltic amber taken from an amber bracelet, verify the presence or absence of compounds beneficial to human health, and discuss the therapeutic potential of this fossil resin. Material and Methods: For this, a qualitative analysis was performed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS system), which can perform an automated separation into individual components of amber. Results: The samples comprised terpenes and terpenoids: monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, hydronaphthalene, succinic acid, and isopimaric acid. These have therapeutic potential for several diseases, inhibit several stages of the inflammatory process, and improve the symptoms caused by it. Conclusion: The amber of this sample tested is formed by terpenes and terpenoids, substances with anti-inflammatory and analgesic. However, an in-depth study is needed on the release and absorption of substances in human skin or their actual effectiveness


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    Dificuldades relativas à aquisição e à utilização de hipsômetros contribuem para o uso da estimativa visual da altura de árvores em florestas nativas. Diante disso, este trabalho objetivou comparar o método da estimativa visual com balizamento com o hipsômetro digital Haglof na medição de altura de árvores em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Decidual. A coleta de dados compreendeu 187 árvores contidas em quatro parcelas permanentes. Para as análises comparativas, os dados foram distribuídos em classes de altura e de diâmetro. A estimativa visual com balizamento apresentou confiabilidade na medição da altura de árvores de até 11 m, não diferindo estatisticamente do hipsômetro digital. Entretanto, observou-se uma tendência de subestimação da altura de árvores maiores. Para árvores com altura superior a 11 m, o hipsômetro digital mostrou-se mais confiável.  Palavras-chave: inventário florestal; mensuração florestal; hipsômetro.   METHODS OF MEASUREMENT OF HEIGHT IN FRAGMENT OF DECIDUAL STATE FOREST   ABSTRACT: Difficulties related to the acquisition and use of hypsometers contribute to the use of the visual estimate of the height of trees in native forests. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the method of visual estimation with beaconing with the Haglof digital hypsometer to measure the height of trees in a fragment of Seasonal Deciduous Forest. The data collection comprised 187 trees contained in four permanent plots. For comparative analysis, the data were distributed in height and diameter classes. The visual estimation with beacon showed reliability in measuring the height of trees up to 11 m, not differing statistically from the digital hypsometer. However, there was a tendency to underestimate the height of larger trees. For trees higher than 11 m, the digital hypsometer was more reliable. Keywords: forest inventory; forest measurement; hypsometer