74 research outputs found

    A eficácia da teleorientação na resolução das queixas oftalmológicas em pacientes em isolamento social devido a pandemia por Covid-19 / The effectiveness of teleorientation in resolving ophthalmic complaints in patients under social isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Determinar se a teleorientação oftalmológica é efetiva em resolver a queixa dos pacientes e manter o isolamento social na pandemia do COVID-19. Usando dados da plataforma, avaliou-se a capacidade de resolução das queixas oftalmológicas e a capacidade de manter a população em casa. Todos tiveram o atendimento finalizado, ou seja, o programa foi eficaz. Em relação ao perfil da população, a faixa etária prevalente foi entre 19 e 65 anos, sexo feminino e moradores da região metropolitana de BH.   

    Hormonal induction of ovulation and early weaning in postpartum fertility of homozigous and heterozigous beef cows for the microsatellite BMS3004

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar a eficiência de um programa hormonal associado ao desmame temporário por 96 horas na indução do estro e ovulação com o desmame definitivo aos 60 dias em vacas de corte. Foram utilizadas 183 vacas de corte amamentando, das raças Charolês (C), Nelore (N) e suas cruzas recíprocas, as quais foram genotipadas como homozigotas (HOM) ou heterozigotas (HET) para o microssatélite (STR) BMS3004, que está localizado no mesmo cromossomo do gene da cadeia do LH. Entre 60 e 80 dias pós-parto (dia 0), as vacas foram distribuídas em dois grupos. No grupo indução hormonal (IH), as vacas (n=87) receberam (dia 0) 250 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona por 8 dias, 2,5 mg de benzoato de estradiol (dia 1) e 500 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina (dia 7). No dia 8, os bezerros foram desmamados por 96 horas. No mesmo dia (dia 8), as vacas (n=96) do outro grupo apenas foram submetidas ao desmame definitivo (grupo DP). Após, procedeu-se 4 dias de inseminação artificial (IA) e, passado esse período, foram entouradas. O primeiro diagnóstico de gestação (DG) foi realizado 60 dias após o período de IA e, o segundo, 60 dias após o final do entoure. As taxas de estro foram maiores nas vacas do grupo IH em relação as do grupo DP. As vacas com condição corporal 2,5 e 3,0 apresentaram menores percentuais de prenhez ao 1ºDG no grupo IH (29,6 e 46,4%) em relação ao grupo DP (56,0 e 72,2%). Os percentuais de prenhez das vacas com índice corporal 65-73 não diferiram entre os grupos IH e DP. As vacas N do grupo IH, apresentaram menor percentual de prenhez ao 1ºDG que as F1 (27,7 vs. 64,2%), mas não diferiram em relação às C (40,0%). No grupo IH, o percentual de prenhez ao 2ºDG foi menor nas vacas HOM do que nas HET. O desmame definitivo precoce mostrou-se mais eficaz no incremento dos percentuais de prenhez em vacas de corte. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this experiment was to compare the efficiency of a hormonal protocol, associated to the temporary weaning for 96 hours, with the definitive weaning at 60 days in beef cows, for the induction of estrus and ovulation. One hundred and eightythree suckled beef cows were used. The breeds of the cows were Charolais (C) and Nellore (N) and their crosses. The animals were genotyped as homozygous (HOM) and heterozigous (HET) for the microsatellite BMS3004, that is localized in the same chromossome of the LH chain gene. The cows were distributed in two groups between 60 and 80 days postpartum (day 0). In the hormonal induction group (HI), the cows (n=87) received (day 0) 250 mg of medroxiprogesteron acetate for 8 days, 2.5 mg of estradiol benzoate (day 1) and 500 UI of eCG (day 7). On day 8, the calves were weaned for 96 hours. In the same day (day 8), the cows (n=96) of the other group were just submitted to early weaning (group EW). Twelve hours after weaning, artificial insemination (AI) was done during four days. After this period, they were mated. The first diagnosis of pregnancy (DP) was performed 60 days after the AI period and, the second, 60 days after the end of mating. The estrus rates were higher in cows from HI group than in those of EW group. In the HI group, the cows with body condition 2.5 and 3.0 presented lower pregnancy rates at the 1st DP (29.6 and 46.4%) than in the EW group (56.0 and 72.2%). The rates of pregnancy in cows with body index 65-73 did not differ between the HI and EW groups. The N cows of HI group presented lower pregnancy rate at 1st DP than the F1 (27.7 vs. 64.2%), but was not different than the C cows (40.0%). In the HI group, the pregnancy rate at the 2nd DP was lower in HOM cows than in the HET ones. The cows in the early definitive weaning group showed to be more efficient than in the hormonal induction group to improve the pregnancy rate

    Community Mental Health Nursing consultation in a public bathhouse: a spiritual coping resource

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    (1) Background: The spiritual dimension’s importance in health/disease processes is widely recognized, also being demonstrated by scientific evidence. Hence, its study is crucial, particularly with respect to a Mental health nursing consultation occurring in a community resource, such as a public bathhouse. This study aims to identify the nursing interventions of spiritual nature developed over 5 years in the abovementioned setting, thus characterizing the Portuguese reality; (2) Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study, based on a sample comprising all users who attended a community Mental health nursing consultation, from March 2015, to 31 December 2019; (3) Results: A total of 205 nursing appointments were performed, from which emerged a set of 346 diagnoses, resulting in 455 nursing interventions. Of the latter, some deserve to be highlighted, due to a greater prevalence: “listening” (61; 13%), “supporting” (38; 8%), “promoting self-esteem” (37; 8%), “monitoring vital signs” (31; 7%), and “identifying attitude towards care” (25; 5%); (4) Conclusions: even though some of the interventions performed during the consultations were associated with the spiritual dimension, the collected data points towards a need for new diagnoses and nursing interventions, namely, those which may help mitigate spiritual distress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrating factors associated with complex wound healing into a mobile application: findings from a cohort study

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    Complex, chronic or hard-to-heal wounds are a prevalent health problem worldwide, with significant physical, psychological and social consequences. This study aims to identify factors associated with the healing process of these wounds and develop a mobile application for wound care that incorporates these factors. A prospective multicentre cohort study was conducted in nine health units in Portugal, involving data collection through a mobile application by nurses from April to October 2022. The study followed 46 patients with 57 wounds for up to 5 weeks, conducting six evaluations. Healing time was the main outcome measure, analysed using the Mann–Whitney test and three Cox regression models to calculate risk ratios. The study sample comprised various wound types, with pressure ulcers being the most common (61.4%), followed by venous leg ulcers (17.5%) and diabetic foot ulcers (8.8%). Factors that were found to impair the wound healing process included chronic kidney disease (U = 13.50; p = 0.046), obesity (U = 18.0; p = 0.021), non-adherence to treatment (U = 1.0; p = 0.029) and interference of the wound with daily routines (U = 11.0; p = 0.028). Risk factors for delayed healing over time were identified as bone involvement (RR 3.91; p < 0.001), presence of odour (RR 3.36; p = 0.007), presence of neuropathy (RR 2.49; p = 0.002), use of anti-inflammatory drugs (RR 2.45; p = 0.011), stalled wound (RR 2.26; p = 0.022), greater width (RR 2.03; p = 0.002), greater depth (RR 1.72; p = 0.036) and a high score on the healing scale (RR 1.21; p = 0.001). Integrating the identified risk factors for delayed healing into the assessment of patients and incorporating them into a mobile application can enhance decision-making in wound care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Déficits funcionais em pacientes com Artrite Reumatoide em decorrência da pandemia de COVID-19

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    A reflexão acerca da Artrite Reumatoide, doença crônica, inflamatória e autoimune, dentro do contexto histórico pandêmico devido a COVID-19 gera questionamentos tangentes às consequências no quadro clínico dos portadores dessa patologia.&nbsp; O acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes com Artrite Reumatoide frente à pandemia, devido à situação do isolamento social, é fundamental para avaliar a descontinuidade do tratamento e, sobretudo, em pacientes com testagem positiva para o coronavírus, que pode refletir na evolução de dor ou outros agravos da doença em questão. A partir da análise dos fatores desencadeados e/ou intensificados pela pandemia de coronavírus como a redução de atividades físicas durante o período de quarentena, o isolamento social, a interrupção do uso de medicamentos de controle da Artrite Reumatoide ou ainda por outras questões no âmbito psicossocial em pacientes com Artrite Reumatoide, foi proposto investigar possíveis déficits funcionais ocasionados nesse contexto da pandemia através de uma pesquisa feita com grupos de pacientes com Artrite Reumatoide nas redes sociais (Facebook ®️) utilizando um questionário Google Forms ®️. Foi identificado que 69% dos participantes da pesquisa encontram-se na faixa etária de 40 a 59 anos, majoritariamente autodeclarados brancos. Em relação a outras possíveis doenças que acometem os pacientes portadores de AR, cerca de 37,9% não possuem outras patologias, enquanto 3% também têm diabetes, 16,7% possuem hipertensão e 42,4% possuem outras doenças. Quando analisada a piora dos sintomas durante o isolamento social, 57,6% dos entrevistados relatam que notaram piora. Entre os que contraíram COVID-19, 33% responderam que perceberam aumento de dores relacionadas a AR

    Comparative Study of the Vertebral Heart Scale (VHS) and the Cardiothoracic Ratio (CTR) in Healthy Poodle Breed dogs

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    Background: Veterinary cardiology has been widely divulged, especially because of the search for diagnostic methods that allow early identification of heart disease in companion animals. Several techniques are available, such as digital radiography (DR), computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) that are being applied to patients with various diseases. VHS has been widely used in clinical practice in veterinary medicine as a way to diagnose heart size increases in lateral thoracic radiography in small animals. Cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) is a predictive factor for cardiac insufficiency in humans. In veterinary medicine, this index is still little used. The objective of the present study was to compare the vertebral heart scale (VHS) and cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) to assess changes in the size of the cardiac silhouette dogs in thoracic radiographs.Materials, Methods & Results: The VHS and CTR of forty healthy poodle breed dogs (20 males and 20 females) from University Veterinary Hospital at the Federal University of Piauí were assessed. The animals were placed in supine and lateral decubitus, to obtain radiographic images in dorsoventral (DV) and right and left laterolateral projections of the thoracic region. The images acquired on the photosensitive radiographic chassis were analyzed by digital radiographic image system installed in the Image Diagnosis Service of the University Veterinary Hospital -HVU/UFPI. VHS (Vertebral Heart Scale) measurements were taken using the sum of the heart length and heart width at its greatest diameter, comparing with the vertebral bodies from the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4). The CTR was assessed by comparing the greatest width of the heart silhouette and the distance between the thoracic walls at height T8. The heart width was measured from the two greatest distances (ML and MR), from the vertical line that divides the limit between the right and left sides of the heart, at the point of its greatest diameter. Similarly, the thoracic width was measured at the point of greatest thoracic diameter (MTD). The mean of the VHS and CTR in the males was 9.83 ± 0.85v and 0.48 ± 0.05, respectively. The females showed values of 9.65 ± 0.65v and 0.50 ± 0.03, respectively (P > 0.05). The mean of the VHS and CTR, considering males and females, was 9.72 ± 0.73v and 0.48 ± 0.04, respectively. VHS and weight correlated positively (r = 0.96), as the CTR and weight (r = 0.94). VHS and age showed high correlation (r = 0.96) as CTR and age (r = 0.93). VHS and CTR showed high correlation (r = 0.96).Discussion: Although congenital malformations and genetic diseases can occur, the acquired heart diseases correspond to most of the complications found in dogs. VHS increases considerably 6 to 12 months before the development of congestive heart failure (CHF). The poodles studied, considering the universe of males and females (P < 0.05), presented mean VHS values of 9.72 ± 0.73v. Similarly, there was no significant difference between genders for VHS measured in right and left decubitus in normal dogs. The cardiothoracic ratio measured for the poodles studied showed mean values of 0.48 ± 0.05. In humans, values below 0.5 are considered normal, while values above this may indicate the presence of cardiomegaly. The CTR is intimately related to the volume of the left ventricle and CTR values above 0.5 in humans are pathological. Our results demonstrated that VHS and CTR showed strong correlation in their measurements, suggesting that CTR, constantly used in humans, could be considered as a tool to assess the size of the heart silhouette in dogs of the poodle breed

    Study of the Activity of 3-benzyl-5-(4-chloro-arylazo)-4-thioxo-imidazolidin-2-one against Schistosomiasis Mansoni in Mice

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    Previous studies conducted with the imidazolidinic derivative 3-benzyl-5-(4-chloro-arylazo)-4-thioxo-imidazolidin-2-one (LPSF-PT05) show outstanding activity against adult Schistosoma mansoni worms in vitro. In the first phase of this study, S. mansoni-infected mice were treated, orally, with 100 mg/Kg of the LPSF-PT05 in three formulations: Tween 80 and saline solution, oil/water (70 : 30) emulsion, and solid dispersion with polyethylene glycol (PEG). In the second phase, three other doses of the LPSF-PT05 in PEG were tested: 3, 10, 30 mg/kg. These treatment regimens significantly reduced the number of recovered worms due to increases in the solubility of the compound in this formulation; the greatest reduction (70.5%) was observed at the dose of 100 mg/kg. There was no changes in the pattern of mature egg compared to immature eggs; however there was a significant increase in the number of dead eggs. Histopathological analysis of liver tissue showed changes in morphological aspects of the hepatic parenchyma with decrease exudative-productive hepatic granuloma stages, although we found no significant differences in IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-10, or NO production in response to the specific antigen SEA. The results show the derivative LPSF-PT05 to be a potential candidate in the etiological treatment of schistosomiasis with a possible dampening effect of the granulomatous process