530 research outputs found

    Narratives of Loss: Exploring Grief through Photography

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    Grief is not an exclusively private and intrapsychic phenomenon but a dynamic process whereby the bereaved negotiates the meaning of the loss in a way that may challenge his/her personal self-narrative. Drawing on a social constructionist model of grief, this paper features a case study where we analyse narratives of mourning elicited through a personal photographic project. The visual-based narrative methodology used in our study (photo-production) not only allows for multi-modal forms of expression and communication in the study of grief, but it also serves as an aid for individuals to scaffold further meaning-making processes which cannot be conveyed through narrative alone. The paper concludes with an invitation to reflect on the use of photography as both a possible methodological tool to explore narratives of grief and a therapeutic tool for the construction of meanings and continuing bonds with the deceased

    Producción de composta mediante descomposición aeróbica de residuos orgánicos en huertos de guayaba

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    La investigación se realizó en 2016, en Calvillo, Aguascalientes, con el propósito de elaborar abono orgánico a partir del compostaje de los residuos orgánicos producidos en las huertas de guayabo, mediante distintas proporciones de poda (ramas molidas), estiércol de bovino; fruta de desecho y zacate nativo, se elaboraron seis compostas. Los porcentajes más altos de MO, CO y N, se obtuvieron en la composta 4 (P (33.3%) + Z (33.3%) + E (33.3%)). La CE dSm-1  y los porcentajes de K y Mg fueron mayores en composta 1 (F (50%) + E (50%)). El porcentaje de Ca resulto elevado en la composta 5 (P (50%) + E (50%)). El contenido más grande de Zn mg kg-1 y Mn mg kg-1 se registró en la composta 6 (Z  (50%)  +  E  (50%)).  Se  concluye  que  el  compostaje  produce  un  abono  orgánico  de  calidad agronómica y puede utilizarse como mejorador físico-químico del suelo

    Efecto Antimicrobiano del Jugo de Chile Jalapeño (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) en Queso Sopero

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    Los antimicrobianos son aditivos alimentarios importantes en la conservación de alimentos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del jugo de chile jalapeño en la calidad mcirobiológica de queso crema tropical. Se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos mediante un diseño experimental completamente al azar de un factor, con cuatro niveles de jugo (0, 20, 30 y 40 %), tres repeticiones y tres variables de respuestas (coliformes totales, levaduras y Staphylococcus aureus) mantenidos durante dos días a temperatura ambiente (22 - 28° C). No se encontró diferencia significativa entre las concentraciones de 20 y 30 % con el tratamiento control, mientras que el efecto inhibitorio de la concentración de 40 % contra S. aureus y levaduras fue estadísticamente significativo (p < 0.05). Sin embargo, aunque se logró disminuir la concentración de estos microorganismos, no se alcanzó la concentración permitida por la norma oficial mexicana. El jugo de chile jalapeño puede ser un conservador natural que ayude a disminuir el deterioro de productos de buena calidad microbiológica, apoyando su vida de anaquel. Antimicrobials are important food additives in food preservation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of jalapeño chili juice on the microbiological quality of tropical cream cheese. Four treatments were evaluated by a completely randomized one-factor experimental design, with four juice levels (0, 20, 30 and 40%), three repetitions and three response variables (total coliforms, yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus) maintained for two days at room temperature (22-28 ° C). No significant difference was found between the concentrations of 20 and 30% with the control treatment, while the inhibitory effect of the concentration of 40% against S. aureus and yeasts was statistically significant (p <0.05). However, although the concentration of these microorganisms was reduced, the concentration allowed by the official Mexican standard was not reached. Jalapeño chili juice can be a natural preservative that helps reduce the deterioration of products of good microbiological quality, supporting your shelf life

    Propagación clonal de guayabo en distintos medios de enraizamiento

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    Existen registros del cultivo de guayaba en Calvillo desde 1824; actualmente se dedican al cultivo 2500 productores y se cosechan 95 mil toneladas anuales lo que generan una importante derrama económica. Con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto de seis sustratos solos (100%) y mezclados con arena en proporciones iguales (50% y 50%), en el enraizamiento de estacas, en el Centro de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la UAA, se realizó durante 2017-18, la investigación. Las estacas se obtuvieron de árboles elite del Banco de Germoplasma de la UAA, se utilizaron macetas de plástico de 29 cm de alto y 30 cm de ancho, las que se llenaron dejando 3 cm de borde para el riego, las estacas, se impregnaron en la base con el enraizador radix 10,000 ppm y se cubrieron con bolsa plástica para crear una cámara húmeda. Se tuvieron dentro de un invernadero, se colocó sobre el techo una malla media sombra para reducir la luz, se regaron 3 veces por semana. Se registró la temperatura y humedad relativa a las 8:00 am, 12:00 pm y 16:00 pm, durante los meses de junio a octubre, se calculó para cada hora el promedio mensual. A los cinco meses se evaluaron las variables: número total de raíces (NTR), número de raíces por estaca (NRE), porcentaje de estacas enraizadas (%EE) y longitud de la raíz más grande (LR+G cm). Los tratamientos con el mayor NTR, NRE, %EE y LR+G, fueron Fibra de coco (100%) (24.4 raíces, 4.889 raíces por estaca, 98 % y 10.1 cm), aserrín de mezquite + arena (50% + 50%), (24.1 raíces, 4.83 raíces por estaca, 97 %, 2.8 cm) y paja de cereales (100%) (22.8 raíces, 4.56 raíces por estaca, 91%, 7.2 cm)

    Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline ZnO Doped with Al3+ and Ni2+ by a Sol-Gel Method Coupled with Ultrasound Irradiation

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    Zinc oxide is one of the most important semiconducting metal oxides and one of the most promising n-type materials, but its practical use is limited because of both its high thermal conductivity and its low electrical conductivity. Numerous studies have shown that doping with metals in ZnO structures leads to the modification of the band gap energy. In this work, Al-doped ZnO, Ni-doped ZnO, and undoped ZnO nanocrystalline powders were prepared by a sol&-gel method coupled with ultrasound irradiation, and the results show the influence of Al3+ and Ni2+ ions in the ZnO network. The doping concentrations in ZnO of 0.99 atom % for ZnO&-Al and 0.80 atom % for ZnO&-Ni were obtained by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Raman Spectroscopy showed a decreased intensity and broadening of main peaks, indicating metallic ions. The crystallite size of the sample was decreased from 24.5 nm (ZnO) to 22.0 nm (ZnO&-Al) and 21 nm (ZnO&-Ni). The textural and morphological properties were analyzed via Nitrogen Adsorption (BET method) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM).The authors of this paper wish to thank Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Applications Network for its support via Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP)

    Instruments for assessing the risk of falls in acute hospitalized patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Falls are a serious problem for hospitalized patients, reducing the duration and quality of life. It is estimated that over 84% of all adverse events in hospitalized patients are related to falls. Some fall risk assessment tools have been developed and tested in environments other than those for which they were developed with serious validity discrepancies. The aim of this review is to determine the accuracy of instruments for detecting fall risk and predicting falls in acute hospitalized patients. Methods Systematic review and meta-analysis. Main databases, related websites and grey literature were searched. Two blinded reviewers evaluated title and abstracts of the selected articles and, if they met inclusion criteria, methodological quality was assessed in a new blinded process. Meta-analyses of diagnostic ORs (DOR) and likelihood (LH) coefficients were performed with the random effects method. Forest plots were calculated for sensitivity and specificity, DOR and LH. Additionally, summary ROC (SROC) curves were calculated for every analysis. Results Fourteen studies were selected for the review. The meta-analysis was performed with the Morse (MFS), STRATIFY and Hendrich II Fall Risk Model scales. The STRATIFY tool provided greater diagnostic validity, with a DOR value of 7.64 (4.86 - 12.00). A meta-regression was performed to assess the effect of average patient age over 65 years and the performance or otherwise of risk reassessments during the patient’s stay. The reassessment showed a significant reduction in the DOR on the MFS (rDOR 0.75, 95% CI: 0.64 - 0.89, p = 0.017). Conclusions The STRATIFY scale was found to be the best tool for assessing the risk of falls by hospitalized acutely-ill adults. However, the behaviour of these instruments varies considerably depending on the population and the environment, and so their operation should be tested prior to implementation. Further studies are needed to investigate the effect of the reassessment of these instruments with respect to hospitalized adult patients, and to consider the real compliance by healthcare personnel with procedures related to patient safety, and in particular concerning the prevention of falls

    Estudio sobre la inteligencia emocional y los factores contextuales en estudiantes de cuarto de educación primaria de la provincia de Granada

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    This paper presents a study on emotional intelligence and contextual factors of students of 4th grade of elementary school of different places of the province of Granada, having 230 participants. The main purpose of it is to check whether there is any relationship between these contextual variables and emotional intelligence, understood contextual factors family structure and environment, social origin and socio-cultural environment and place of residence of these subjects. This research is based on a methodology supported by the survey technique. Therefore, we used a validated both Family Climate Scale (FES) of Moos, Moos and Tricket (1995) and Emotional Intelligence Scale validated by Chiriboga and Franco (2001). The results indicate that there is no significant link between emotional intelligence and contextual factors in general, and specifically, with the place of residence. However, we have found a relationship between the economic situation of the family and school resources and number of books available at home with emotional intelligence. This linkage indicates that the higher economic level and the existence of books at home, the greater emotional intelligence of the students as indicate Browning y Hohenstein (2015).En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la inteligencia emocional y los factores contextuales del alumnado de 4º de Educación Primaria procedentes de diversas zonas de la provincia de Granada, sumando un total de 230 participantes. El propósito fundamental del mismo es comprobar si existe alguna relación entre estas variables de contexto y la inteligencia emocional, entendiendo por factores contextuales la estructura y el clima familiar, el origen social y el medio sociocultural y el lugar de residencia de estos sujetos. Esta investigación se basa en una metodología apoyada por la técnica de encuesta. Asimismo, se ha utilizado una versión validada tanto de la Escala de Clima Familiar (FES) de Moos, Moos y Tricket (1995) como de la Escala de inteligencia emocional validada por Chiriboga y Franco (2001).Los resultados obtenidos indican que no existe un vínculo significativo entre la inteligencia emocional y los factores contextuales entendidos estos de modo general, y de manera específica, con el lugar de residencia. Sin embargo, se ha hallado una relación entre la situación económica de la familia, los recursos escolares y número de libros disponibles en el hogar con la inteligencia emocional. Esta vinculación indica que a mayor nivel económico y de libros existentes en el hogar, mayor es la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes tal y como indican Browning y Hohenstein (2015)

    Prevalence & Characteristics of Bullying & Cyberbullying among Adolescents

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    En el presente artículo, se analizan experiencias de acoso y ciberacoso con el propósito de conocer tanto las características que las envuelven como su prevalencia. Participaron 220 estudiantes desde sexto de educación primaria a primero de bachillerato, escolarizados en centros educativos de la provincia de Granada, seleccionados mediante un muestreo incidental no probabilístico. Para el diseño de la investigación, se optó por un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo no experimental, amparado bajo la técnica de encuesta, utilizando una versión adaptada del cuestionario Ciberbull, utilizado por Giménez et al. (2015). Los resultados mostraron una propensión elevada en ambas manifestaciones de acoso (23.6 % acosadores y 14.1 % victimas), detectando que estas situaciones tendían a disminuir conforme al aumento de la edad del alumnado. Además, se hallaron diferencias, por un lado, en el sexode los sujetos que perpetran acoso (Mhombres = 1.2; DE = 0.4 vs. Mmujeres = 1.09; DE = 0.29) y, por otra parte, en la prevalencia de victimización (β = 0.542, p < 0.05), poniéndose de manifiesto que el hecho de ser acosado, puede ser un valor predictivo de ser víctima de ciberacoso. Por último, se recomienda continuar el estudio, realizando un análisis factorial exploratorio del instrumento, así como ampliando la muestra de participantes.In this article we analyse experiences of bullying and cyberbullying to know the characteristics that surround them and their prevalence. The participants were 220 students from the sixth year of primary education to first year of high school education schooled in the province of Granada, selected through an incidental or non-probabilistic sampling. For the design of the research, a non-experimental quantitative methodological approach, supported under the survey technique, was chosen using an adapted version of the Ciberbull questionnaire by Giménez et al. (2015). The results showed a high propensity in both manifestations of bullying (23.6% aggressors and 14.1% victims), detecting that these situations tended to decrease as the students’ age increases. In addition, differences were found, on the one hand, in the gender of the perpetrators of bullying (Mboy = 1.2; SD = 0.4 versus Mgirl = 1.09; SD = 0,29) and, on the other hand, in the prevalence of victimization (β = 0.0542, p < 0.05), showing that being harassed may be a predictive value of being a cyberbullying victim. Finally, it is recommended to continue the study, carrying out an exploratory factor analysis of the instrument, as well as expanding the sample of participants

    HR Gene Variants Identified in Mexican Patients with Alopecia Areata

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    Alopecia Areata (AA) is a multifactorial, dermatological disease characterized by non-scarring hair loss. Alterations in candidate genes, such as HR (Hairless), could represent a risk factor for its development. The aim of this study was to search for and analyze variants in exons 3, 15 and 17 of the HR gene in Mexican patients with AA. A total of 30 samples from both AA patients and healthy donors were analyzed in this study. Exons were amplified and sequenced using the Sanger method. Descriptive statistics and χ2 tests were used in the analysis of clinical–demographic characteristics and the comparison of allelic/genotypical frequencies between groups, respectively. The effect on protein function for the non-synonymous variants was determined with three bioinformatics servers. Three gene variants were identified in the HR gene of the evaluated patients. The benign polymorphism c.1010G \u3e A p.(Gly337Asp) (rs12675375) had been previously reported, whereas the variants c.750G \u3e A p.(Gln250Gln) and c.3215T \u3e A (Val1072AGlu) have not been described in other world populations. Both non-synonymous variants proved to be significant (p ≤ 0.05). The variant c.3215T \u3e A p.(Val1072Glu) is of particular interest due to its deleterious effect on the structure and function of the protein; therefore, it could be considered a risk factor for the development of AA