11,542 research outputs found

    Solid State Analog for He-McKellar-Wilkens Quantum Phase

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    In this letter we investigate the quantum dynamics of a quasiparticle in the presence of a charged screw dislocation submitted to a uniform magnetic field. Analysing the quantum scattering for this quasiparticle we observed the appearance of a topological quantum phase in the solution and demonstrate that this phenomenon is the solid state analog of the He-McKeller-Wilkens effect.Comment: 7 pages, epl styl

    Probing the Cosmic Distance Duality Relation with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect, X-rays Observations and Supernovae Ia

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    The angular diameter distances toward galaxy clusters can be determined with measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and X-ray surface brightness combined with the validity of the distance-duality relation, DL(z)(1+z)2/DA(z)=1D_L(z) (1 + z)^{2}/D_{A}(z) = 1, where DL(z)D_L(z) and DA(z)D_A(z) are, respectively, the luminosity and angular diameter distances. This combination enables us to probe galaxy cluster physics or even to test the validity of the distance-duality relation itself. We explore these possibilities based on two different, but complementary approaches. Firstly, in order to constrain the possible galaxy cluster morphologies, the validity of the distance-duality relation (DD relation) is assumed in the Λ\LambdaCDM framework (WMAP7). Secondly, by adopting a cosmological-model-independent test, we directly confront the angular diameters from galaxy clusters with two supernovae Ia (SNe Ia) subsamples (carefully chosen to coincide with the cluster positions). The influence of the different SNe Ia light-curve fitters in the previous analysis are also discussed. We assumed that η\eta is a function of the redshift parametrized by two different relations: η(z)=1+η0z\eta(z) = 1 + \eta_{0}z, and η(z)=1+η0z/(1+z)\eta(z)=1 + \eta_{0}z/(1+z), where η0\eta_0 is a constant parameter quantifying the possible departure from the strict validity of the DD relation. The statistical analysis presented here provides new evidence that the true geometry of clusters is elliptical. We find that the two-light curve fitters (SALT2 and MLCS2K2) present a statistically significant conflict, and a joint analysis involving the different approaches suggests that clusters are endowed with an elliptical geometry as previously assumed.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, some typos corrected, accepted for publication in the Astronomy \& Astrophysic

    Diplomacia em Saúde e Saúde Global: perspectivas latino-americanas

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    We will analyze and comment on the book Health Diplomacy and Global Health: Latin American Perspectives, edited by Paulo Marchiori Buss and Sebastián Tobar and published by Editora Fiocruz. Throughout its 653 pages, the book brings prominent national and foreign authors in the field of Health Diplomacy and Global Health, depicting a decade in which Brazil had great international protagonism in the field of Public Health, especially in South-South cooperation, in an innovative and structuring manner. Furthermore, the chapters present theoretical aspects and basic principles of Global Health as a new field of knowledge, in which the country has been developing and sharing scientific production with a Latin American perspective, focused on the pursuit of equity and health for all peoples of the world.Analisa-se e comenta-se a obra Diplomacia em Saúde e Saúde Global: perspectivas latino-americanas, editada por Paulo Marchiori Buss e Sebastián Tobar, publicado pela Editora Fiocruz. O livro, em 653 páginas, traz contribuições de destacados autores nacionais e estrangeiros no campo da diplomacia em saúde e da saúde global, retratando uma década em que o Brasil teve grande protagonismo internacional no campo da saúde pública, sobretudo na cooperação Sul-Sul, de forma inovadora e estruturante. Ademais, os capítulos apresentam aspectos teóricos e princípios básicos da saúde global como novo campo de conhecimento, no qual o país vem desenvolvendo e compartilhando uma produção científica com uma perspectiva latino-americana, voltada para a busca da equidade e da saúde para todos os povos do mundo

    Profile of State and Municipal Schools in the Municipality of Itacoatiara: Environmental Education Context

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    The natural environment is essential to life because it is through it that it is possible to extract resources for living beings that are inserted in it. For this, a balance of living beings and the environment is necessary through environmental awareness. The research objectives are to obtain the profile of the analyzed schools, observing how EE is applied in the public network of the municipality, in order to create a manual of practices of applicability of Environmental Education in schools. The research was carried out in thirteen public schools in the city of Itacoatiara/Am. Authorizations were obtained for the visits, observing how the theme is applied in schools and whether they have environmental projects. After the visits, an online questionnaire was applied to teachers and students to detect the qualities and deficiencies of the schools. Finally, the profile of the schools was obtained in order to develop an interdisciplinary application manual in schools in the Amazon. As a result, it was found that public schools are more prepared to work on these themes, and in support of pedagogical resources, given the lack of municipal schools, which, in addition to the lack of material, do not have the application of environmental projects as in state schools in that all apply at least one. All teachers are interested in working in an interdisciplinary way, as the topics are only worked in the classroom and according to the students\u27 results, they are not attractive. It is concluded that there are many deficiencies that need to be corrected, be they structural, pedagogical and material that could benefit the teaching of EE, and thus, make the practices more attractive to the students


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    Objetivo: Discurrir sobre la fisiopatogénesis del COVID-19 y la vulnerabilidad clínica delanciano, además de aspectos relevantes para promoción de salud y autocuidado del anciano.Desarrollo: Temas investigados en plataformas científicas de búsqueda y en documentos oficiales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y del Ministerio de Salud. El virus que provoca el COVID-19 presenta, principalmente, complicaciones respiratorias. El proceso de senescencia del aparato respitatorio hace al anciano vulnerable a la infección y a su agravamiento y letalidad. Actividad física, nutrición adecuada, calidad del sueño, exposición al sol, salud mental y espiritualidad permiten la preservación y promoción de salud de los sistemas inmunológicos y respiratorios, y deben estimularse para el autocuidado del anciano.Conclusión: Esta reflexión contibuye a orientar a profesionales de salud en el cuidadogerontológico de enfermería, en educación en salud sobre aspectos referentes a prevención y autocuidado del anciano como población de riesgo de COVID-19.Objetivo: discorrer sobre a fisiopatogênese da COVID-19 e vulnerabilidade clínica do indivíduo idoso, além de aspectos relevantes para promoção da saúde e do autocuidado da pessoa idosa.Desenvolvimento: realizou-se investigação dos temas em plataformas científicas de busca, além de documentos oficiais da Organização Mundial de Saúde e do Ministério da Saúde. O vírus causador da COVID-19 apresenta, fundamentalmente, complicações respiratórias. O processo de senescência do aparelho respiratório torna o idoso vulnerável tanto para infecção, como para agravamento e letalidade. Atividade física, nutrição adequada, qualidade do sono, exposição ao sol, saúde mental e espiritualidade permitem a preservação e promoção da saúde dos sistemasimunológicos e respiratórios, e devem ser estimuladas para o autocuidado do idoso.Conclusão: esta reflexão contribui para orientação de profissionais de saúde no cuidadogerontológico de enfermagem, no procedimento de educação em saúde dos aspectos referentes à prevenção e autocuidado dos idosos, como população de risco paraC OVID-19.Objective: discuss the physiopathogenesis of COVID-19 and the clinical vulnerability of the elderly person, in addition to relevant aspects for promoting health and self-care for the elderly.Development: research on the themes was carried out on scientific search platforms, added to official documents from the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health. The virus that causes COVID-19 basically presents respiratory complications. The senescence process of the respiratory system makes the elderly vulnerable both to infection, as well as to worsening and lethality. Physical activity, adequate nutrition, quality sleep, sun exposure, mental health and spirituality allow the maintenance and promotion of the immune and respiratory systems’ health and should be encouraged for the elderly self-care.Conclusion: this reflection contributes to the guidance of health professionals in gerontological nursing care, in the health education procedure of aspects related to the prevention and selfcare of the elderly, as a population at risk for COVID-19

    Cálculo de sobrepreço em cartéis: Teoria e prática

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    O sucesso na aplicação da lei de defesa da concorrência no que diz respeito à punição de cartéis depende de procedimentos sólidos de investigação e punição eficaz. No entanto, a legislação existente apenas fornece direção para o cálculo das multas de cartel com base na receita de vendas, ainda que tais multas não possam ser inferiores ao ganho de cartel. Usando dados de um caso real, temos dois objetivos no presente artigo: (i) revisar os desafios associados com o cálculo de estimativas de sobrepreço de cartel e (ii) investigar se as multas aplicadas à firma estavam de acordo com o valor do sobrepreço de cartel. Utilizamos três metodologias para estimar estes sobrepreços. Os resultados indicam que as estimativas são sensíveis às hipóteses utilizadas, mas exceto por modelos diferenças em diferenças com tendências quadráticas ou cúbicas, as multas estão aproximadamente no ponto médio das estimativas. Isso indica que as multas estão em linha com os sobrepreços de cartel, mas se recomenda o uso de um conjunto de estimativas produzidas por diferentes métodos para se ter maior segurança de sua adequação.Success in law enforcement of cartel cases hinges on solid investigation procedures and effective punishment. However, the existing legal framework provides guidance on computing fines based on sales revenue, even though it mentions such fines must be no lower than cartel gains. Using data from a real case in Brazil, this paper has two aims: (i) reviewing the difficulties associated with computing cartel overcharges and (ii) checking whether the fines levied on convicted firms are in line with these overcharges. We employ three methodologies to compute these overcharges. We find cartel overcharges estimates might be quite sensitive to its assumptions, but apart from differences in differences models with quadratic and cubictrends the fines are in the middle of the range of cartel overcharge estimates. This indicates that the fines are in line with cartel overcharges, but it is recommended to use a set of estimates produced by different methods to ensure their adequacy

    Bound states in disclinated graphene with Coulomb impurities in the presence of a uniform magnetic field

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    AbstractIn this contribution, we study the effects caused by an impurity on the quantum dynamics of massive excitations in a disclinated graphene in the presence of an external magnetic field. Within a continuum approach, the problem is mathematically modeled by the definition of a special vector potential containing all the information about the topology and the interacting fields. The presence of disclination is introduced by a term in the Dirac equation that translates the appearance of a phase associated with the transport of the spinor around the apex of the cone. We solve exactly the Dirac equation for this problem and the eigenvalues are obtained. We observe the influence of the disclination on the spectrum of energy and the allowed values of magnetic field

    An overview of machine learning in health related areas: pitfalls and opportunities / Uma visão geral do aprendizado de máquina em áreas relacionadas à saúde: armadilhas e oportunidades

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    Machine learning techniques are on the spotlight in current scientific literature and these methods are gaining prominence in the health field. However, there are a few considerations that must be taken before conducting a study with machine learning techniques. This paper aims to provide an overview of machine learning methods applied to studies of health related areas. Additionally, this article will discuss important points about data preparation that may influence on the prediction outcome; comparison with statistical analysis; and potential applications. A literature search was carried out, using IEEE xplore and Pubmed, of publications from the last 10 years. Undoubtedly machine learning is becoming more and more present in science. However, the unfamiliarity with this technology may hinder or jeopardize its application. As any scientific tool, machine learning presents positive points along with limitations and both aspects should be considered in every analysis. The researcher must select the most adequate method and consider all repercussions of data preparation on the predictive model. A special attention should be given towards distance based techniques. ML techniques are full with potential applications; however these methods did not replace classical statistical analysis and, yet, they will continue to be an important tool to in health areas

    Criação de um Programa de Reconhecimento e Participação nos Resultados em Instituições de Ensino Superior com base no BSC

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), percebendo o acirramento da concorrência, reconhecem a importância de repensar sua forma de gestão, buscando uma visão mais competitiva e continuada, bem como instrumentos que mobilizem e motivem todos os colaboradores. Nesse ambiente, a tarefa de criar um sistema de reconhecimento e premiação que possibilite a equalização dos interesses dos funcionários com os interesses da organização, de forma clara e objetiva, com objetivo de elevar o desempenho organizacional, torna-se uma tarefa de grande complexidade. Assim, com o intuito de contribuir para a gestão estratégica dessas instituições, especificamente as pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE), utilizou-se nesse estudo a ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como peça essencial para a criação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação nos resultados. Foram apresentadas questões importantes que devem ser levadas em consideração para a implantação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação bem como a proposta de etapas para o mesmo fim