126 research outputs found

    Recent advances in understanding the roles of hypocretin/orexin in arousal, affect, and motivation [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    The hypocretins (Hcrts) are two alternatively spliced neuropeptides (Hcrt1/Ox-A and Hcrt2/Ox-B) that are synthesized exclusively in the hypothalamus. Data collected in the 20 years since their discovery have supported the view that the Hcrts play a broad role in the control of arousal with a particularly important role in the maintenance of wakefulness and sleep-to-wake transitions. While this latter point has received an overwhelming amount of research attention, a growing literature has begun to broaden our understanding of the many diverse roles that the Hcrts play in physiology and behavior. Here, we review recent advances in the neurobiology of Hcrt in three sections. We begin by surveying findings on Hcrt function within normal sleep/wake states as well as situations of aberrant sleep (that is, narcolepsy). In the second section, we discuss research establishing a role for Hcrt in mood and affect (that is, anxiety, stress, and motivation). Finally, in the third section, we briefly discuss future directions for the field and place an emphasis on analytical modeling of Hcrt neural activity. We hope that the data discussed here provide a broad overview of recent progress in the field and make clear the diversity of roles played by these neuromodulators

    Peripheral Lipopolyssacharide Rapidly Silences REM-Active LHGABA Neurons.

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    Immune factors (e.g., cytokines, chemokines) can alter the activity of neuronal circuits to promote "sickness behavior," a suite of adaptive actions that organisms exhibit in response to infection/injury in order to maximize their chances of recovery (i.e., return to homeostasis). This includes drastic alterations in sleep/wake states, locomotor activity, and food intake, among other behaviors. Despite the ample evidence highlighting interactions between the brain and systemic immunity, studies on how immune challenges alter the activity of genetically defined cell populations controlling arousal states are scarce. As the lateral hypothalamus (LH) serves a major integrative function in behavioral arousal, food intake, and monitoring and responding to changes in systemic physiology, we investigated how GABAergic neurons within this brain region alter their activity across normal sleep/wake states and in response to a peripheral immune challenge with bacterial endotoxin [lipopolysaccharides (LPS)]. Using fiber photometry (GCaMP6s Ca2+ signal) in tandem with electroencephalogram (EEG)/EMG recordings to determine arousal states, we observed that population activity of GABAergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LHGABA) is highest during rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM), and this activity changes drastically across spontaneous arousal state transitions, with the lowest activity observed during non-REM sleep. Upon intraperitoneal LPS challenge, LHGABA neurons rapidly decrease their activity in tandem with elimination of REM sleep behavior (characteristic of cytokine-induced sickness). Together, these data suggest that peripheral immune challenges can rapidly (in < 40 min) alter subcortical neuronal circuits controlling arousal states. Additionally, we demonstrate that fiber photometry offers a sensitive and cell-type specific tool that can be applied to study the neuronal substrates of sickness behavior

    Adam Smith Revisited: Moral Leadership for Global Recovery and Restoration

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    OUR WORLD IN TURMOIL AND TRANSITION “As our own species is in the process of proving, one cannot have superior science and inferior morals. The combination is unstable and self-destroying” Arthur C. Clarke (1965). The 2020’s have already revealed exceptional and pervasive interruptions to business and life as usual. From Covid-19 to bio-diversity collapse and climate change, many species, including our own, require unprecedented responses to the existential threats prematurely killing us, nature and livelihoods. Commentators expect the way we see our future on the planet to have permanently changed. Most are grappling with what this will or should be like and who might take us on the journey there, whilst we also have the emergence of AI, hacking of the brain and emotions, quantum computing, and the accompanying rise of ‘educated’ machines and devices

    Functional wiring of hypocretin and LC-NE neurons: implications for arousal.

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    To survive in a rapidly changing environment, animals must sense their external world and internal physiological state and properly regulate levels of arousal. Levels of arousal that are abnormally high may result in inefficient use of internal energy stores and unfocused attention to salient environmental stimuli. Alternatively, levels of arousal that are abnormally low may result in the inability to properly seek food, water, sexual partners, and other factors necessary for life. In the brain, neurons that express hypocretin neuropeptides may be uniquely posed to sense the external and internal state of the animal and tune arousal state according to behavioral needs. In recent years, we have applied temporally precise optogenetic techniques to study the role of these neurons and their downstream connections in regulating arousal. In particular, we have found that noradrenergic neurons in the brainstem locus coeruleus (LC) are particularly important for mediating the effects of hypocretin neurons on arousal. Here, we discuss our recent results and consider the implications of the anatomical connectivity of these neurons in regulating the arousal state of an organism across various states of sleep and wakefulness

    Cortistain is expressed in a distinct subset of cortical interneurons

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    Cortistatin is a presumptive neuropeptide that shares 11 of its 14 amino acids with somatostatin. In contrast to somatostatin, administration of cortistatin into the rat brain ventricles specifically enhances slow wave sleep, apparently by antagonizing the effects of acetylcholine on cortical excitability. Here we show that preprocortistatin mRNA is expressed in a subset of GABAergic cells in the cortex and hippocampus that partially overlap with those containing somatostatin. A significant percentage of cortistatin-positive neurons is also positive for parvalbumin. In contrast, no colocalization was found between cortistatin and calretinin, cholecystokinin, or vasoactive intestinal peptide. During development there is a transient increase in cortistatin-expressing cells in the second postnatal week in all cortical areas and in the dentate gyrus. A transient expression of preprocortistatin mRNA in the hilar region at P16 is paralleled by electrophysiological changes in dentate granule cells. Together, these observations suggest mechanisms by which cortistatin may regulate cortical activity

    Urotensin II Modulates Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Through Activation of Brainstem Cholinergic Neurons

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    Urotensin II (UII) is a cyclic neuropeptide with strong vasoconstrictive activity in the peripheral vasculature. UII receptor mRNA is also expressed in the CNS, in particular in cholinergic neurons located in the mesopontine tegmental area, including the pedunculopontine tegmental (PPT) and lateral dorsal tegmental nuclei. This distribution suggests that the UII system is involved in functions regulated by acetylcholine, such as the sleep-wake cycle. Here, we tested the hypothesis that UII influences cholinergic PPT neuron activity and alters rapid eye movement (REM) sleep patterns in rats. Local administration of UII into the PPT nucleus increases REM sleep without inducing changes in the cortical blood flow. Intracerebroventricular injection of UII enhances both REM sleep and wakefulness and reduces slow-wave sleep 2. Intracerebroventricular, but not local, administration of UII increases cortical blood flow. Moreover, whole-cell recordings from rat-brain slices show that UII selectively excites cholinergic PPT neurons via an inward current and membrane depolarization that were accompanied by membrane conductance decreases. This effect does not depend on action potential generation or fast synaptic transmission because it persisted in the presence of TTX and antagonists of ionotropic glutamate, GABA, and glycine receptors. Collectively, these results suggest that UII plays a role in the regulation of REM sleep independently of its cerebrovascular actions by directly activating cholinergic brainstem neurons

    Obesity- and gender-dependent role of endogenous somatostatin and cortistatin in the regulation of endocrine and metabolic homeostasis in mice

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    Somatostatin (SST) and cortistatin (CORT) regulate numerous endocrine secretions and their absence [knockout (KO)-models] causes important endocrine-metabolic alterations, including pituitary dysregulations. We have demonstrated that the metabolic phenotype of single or combined SST/CORT KO-models is not drastically altered under normal conditions. However, the biological actions of SST/CORT are conditioned by the metabolic-status (e.g. obesity). Therefore, we used male/female SST- and CORT-KO mice fed low-fat (LF) or high-fat (HF) diet to explore the interplay between SST/CORT and obesity in the control of relevant pituitary-axes and whole-body metabolism. Our results showed that the SST/CORT role in the control of GH/prolactin secretions is maintained under LF- and HF-diet conditions as SST-KOs presented higher GH/prolactin-levels, while CORT-KOs displayed higher GH- and lower prolactin-levels than controls under both diets. Moreover, the impact of lack of SST/CORT on the metabolic-function was gender- and diet-dependent. Particularly, SST-KOs were more sensitive to HF-diet, exhibiting altered growth and body-composition (fat/lean percentage) and impaired glucose/insulin-metabolism, especially in males. Conversely, only males CORT-KO under LF-diet conditions exhibited significant alterations, displaying higher glucose-levels and insulin-resistance. Altogether, these data demonstrate a tight interplay between SST/CORT-axis and the metabolic status in the control of endocrine/metabolic functions and unveil a clear dissociation of SST/CORT rolesThis work was supported by the following grants: Junta de Andalucía (CTS-1406, BIO-0139), ISCIII-FIS [PI13/00651 and PIE14/00005 (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund “Investing in your future”)], MINECO (BFU2013–43282-R), “Miguel Servet” Program, CIBERobn and Ayuda Merck Serono 2013S

    Hypothalamic circuitry underlying stress-induced insomnia and peripheral immunosuppression.

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    The neural substrates of insomnia/hyperarousal induced by stress remain unknown. Here, we show that restraint stress leads to hyperarousal associated with strong activation of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (CRHPVN) and hypocretin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (HcrtLH). CRHPVN neurons directly innervate HcrtLH neurons, and optogenetic stimulation of LH-projecting CRHPVN neurons elicits hyperarousal. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockdown of the crh gene in CRHPVN neurons abolishes hyperarousal induced by stimulating LH-projecting CRHPVN neurons. Genetic ablation of Hcrt neurons or crh gene knockdown significantly counteracts restraint stress-induced hyperarousal. Single-cell mass cytometry by time of flight (CyTOF) revealed extensive changes to immune cell distribution and functional responses in peripheral blood during hyperarousal upon optogenetic stimulation of CRHPVN neurons simulating stress-induced insomnia. Our findings suggest both central and peripheral systems are synergistically engaged in the response to stress via CRHPVN circuitry
