103 research outputs found

    Écriture, théâtre et neurologie

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    Design, Interactivity and the Production of Meaning

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    McLuhan and the "Toronto School of Communication"

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    Redes tejidas en tiempo real

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    Entrevistado por: Elizabeth Saad CorrêaEntrevistado por: Elizabeth Saad Corrê

    Babel and Jericho: Architectural Myths for Technological and Psychological Catastrophes

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    We live in mythical times when the consequences of human social behavior find an expression in large events that mark the century, from the Fall of the Berlin Wall, to that of the towers of the World Trade Centre. Our public figures such as Putin, Erdogan, Bush, both Clintons or Trump are tragic figures occupying the world stage and deciding its destiny. We can seek a pattern in ancient myths to tell modern stories. This paper takes the architectural approach regarding the building or the tearing down of walls, specifically those of Babel, Jericho and the Berlin Wall in order to assess their deeper meaning in terms of the larger picture

    E-motivity: the social impact of the Internet as a limbic system

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    The article metaphorically uses the human limbic system to describe the new system of social interaction created by social networks, exploring the conditions involved in the creation and development of emotions on the Internet, in such a way as to reveal the relation between technology and psychology. In defence of the argument that the immediacy of social media favours reactions to public events, it presents examples such as the individual responses to the financial global crisis and the demand for more transparency in the governments and financial institutions, in cases like WikiLeaks and the Arab Spring. It concludes that the Internet allows individuals to extend their action, that now have a global reach, with possible effects upon citizenship.O texto utiliza a metáfora do sistema límbico humano para descrever o novo sistema de interação criado pelas redes sociais, explorando as condições envolvidas na criação e no desenvolvimento de emoções na Internet, de modo a esclarecer a relação entre a tecnologia e a psicologia. Para defender o argumento de que a imediaticidade da mídia social favorece reações a eventos públicos, apresenta exemplos, como as respostas dos indivíduos à crise financeira global e as demandas por mais transparência nos governos e instituições financeiras, em casos como o do WikiLeaks e da Primavera Árabe. Conclui-se que a Internet permite que os indivíduos ampliem sua ação, que agora pode ter um alcance global, com possíveis efeitos sobre a cidadani

    Digital Transformation

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    The amount of literature on Digital Transformation is staggering—and it keeps growing. Why, then, come out with yet another such document? Moreover, any text aiming at explaining the Digital Transformation by presenting a snapshot is going to become obsolete in a blink of an eye, most likely to be already obsolete at the time it is first published. The FDC Initiative on Digital Reality felt there is a need to look at the Digital Transformation from the point of view of a profound change that is pervading the entire society—a change made possible by technology and that keeps changing due to technology evolution opening new possibilities but is also a change happening because it has strong economic reasons. The direction of this change is not easy to predict because it is steered by a cultural evolution of society, an evolution that is happening in niches and that may expand rapidly to larger constituencies and as rapidly may fade away. This creation, selection by experimentation, adoption, and sudden disappearance, is what makes the whole scenario so unpredictable and continuously changing.The amount of literature on Digital Transformation is staggering—and it keeps growing. Why, then, come out with yet another such document? Moreover, any text aiming at explaining the Digital Transformation by presenting a snapshot is going to become obsolete in a blink of an eye, most likely to be already obsolete at the time it is first published. The FDC Initiative on Digital Reality felt there is a need to look at the Digital Transformation from the point of view of a profound change that is pervading the entire society—a change made possible by technology and that keeps changing due to technology evolution opening new possibilities but is also a change happening because it has strong economic reasons. The direction of this change is not easy to predict because it is steered by a cultural evolution of society, an evolution that is happening in niches and that may expand rapidly to larger constituencies and as rapidly may fade away. This creation, selection by experimentation, adoption, and sudden disappearance, is what makes the whole scenario so unpredictable and continuously changing

    The maintenance of genetic variation due to asymmetric gene flow in dendritic metapopulations

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    Dendritic landscapes can have ecological properties that differ importantly from simpler spatial arrangements of habitats. Most dendritic landscapes are structured by elevation, and therefore, migration is likely to be directionally biased. While the population‐genetic consequences of both dendritic landscape arrangements and asymmetric migration have begun to be studied, these processes have not been considered together. Simple conceptual models predict that if migration into branch (headwater) populations is limited, such populations can act as reservoirs for potentially unique alleles. As a consequence of the fact that dendritic landscapes have, by definition, more branches than internal habitat patches, this process may lead to the maintenance of higher overall genetic diversities in metapopulations inhabiting dendritic networks where migration is directionally biased. Here we begin to address the generality of these simple predictions using genetic models and a review of empirical literature. We show, for a range of demographic parameters, that dendritic systems with asymmetric migration can maintain levels of genetic variation that are very different, sometimes very elevated, compared with more classical models of geographical population structure. Furthermore, predicted patterns of genetic variation within metapopulations—that is, stepwise increases in genetic diversity at nodes—do occur in some empirical data.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Avatar = Pinocho 2.0 o «El fin de la sociedad del espectáculo»

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    Peer reviewedA partir de la pel·lícula Avatar, s'analitza el concepte que titula la pel·lícula com a part d'un imaginari objectiu i compartit i com una forma al·legòrica de la lluita del bé contra el mal. A aquesta anàlisi se li suma un repàs de les pel·lícules més recents de la història del cinema que tracten aquesta dimensió i es fa una analogia de l'avatar com el Pinotxo reinventat per a l'era electrònica. Alhora, s'analitza la nova experiència participativa del públic davant de la tecnologia 3D i d'una nova realitat virtual, amb plataformes com Second Life.The article analyses the concept that deems the film Avatar part of a shared and objective imaginary, and an allegory for the struggle between good and evil. Alongside this analysis, there is a review of recent films in the history of cinema that have handled these issues, analogising the avatar as a reinvention of Pinocchio for the electronic age. Likewise, there is analysis of the new participatory experience for audiences provided by 3D technology, and of the new virtual reality through platforms such as Second Life.A partir de la película Avatar, se analiza el concepto que titula la película como parte de un imaginario compartido y como una forma alegórica de la lucha del bien contra el mal. A este análisis se le suma un repaso de las películas más recientes que tratan esta dimensión y se hace una analogía del avatar como el Pinocho reinventado para la era electrónica. Asimismo, se analiza la nueva experiencia participativa del público ante la tecnología 3D y una nueva realidad virtual, con plataformas como Second Life