1,152 research outputs found

    Reducing russeting of organically grown Elstar to increase quality

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    Sales organisations indicated that opportunities for organic apples sales can increase when quality increases, in particular reducing the amount of russeting. The use of copper is probably the most important factor for russeting. Therefore a worst case scheme was compared with a scheme with reduced copper application. Furthermore, there was a particular interest in the effects on russeting of potassium bicarbonate (Armicarb) because this product might be an important element in a copper free fungicide scheme. Application of Armicarb was investigated on wet or dry canopy and effects of two different dosages were studied. All the schemes were compared with a worst case organic fungicide scheme with copper. The experiment was done on two year old Elstar trees because Elstar is the most important organically grown cultivar in the Netherlands. Effects of the schedules on russet and scab control were evaluated. At harvest no effects were found on scab. Between the different schemes with copper no differences were found in amount of russet. Only the highest dosage of Armicarb (10 kg/ha) and the schedules with Armicarb on a wet canopy gave more russet compared with the worst case scheme. Also effects on fruit rot were evaluated

    Laat klanten vaker kopen

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    Consumenten kopen meestal niet bij een boerderijwinkel. Dit geldt ook voor de meeste klanten van boerderijwinkels. Om mensen te verleiden om vaker te kopen, kunnen boerenwinkels het assortiment uitbreiden en zorgen voor een betere bereikbaarheid

    Поняття "термін-фразема” у лінгвістиці

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    Закцентовано увагу на проблемі визначення лексичних одиниць, які інтегрують ознаки терміна й фраземи. Систематизовано погляди мовознавців на цей феномен.The paper is about a special group of lexical units which belong both terminology and phraseology, the ideas of linguists are analyzed in relation to the noted problem

    Scanning tunnelling miscroscopy/spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of Co adatoms and anoislands on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

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    In this paper, the scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning tunneling spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cobalt adatoms and nanoislands were studied on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Local electronic structure were observed by STS.\ud \u

    Magnetism and heterogeneity of Co in anatase Co:TiO<sub>2</sub> magnetic semiconductor

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    Using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism XMCD, x-ray absorption spectroscopy XAS, and energy filtered transmission electron microscopy, we provide evidence for a heterogeneous Co distribution in anatase Co:TiO2 magnetic semiconductor having a low Co concentration 1.4 at. %. Multiplet structure due to Co2+ is observed in XAS spectra, but suppressed due to the coexistence of metallic Co clusters and substitutional Co ions, whereas XMCD spectra resemble metallic Co. The presence of Co2+ can be correlated with earlier observations of impurity band conduction and Kondo behavior, whereas metallic Co clusters contribute to the ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect