10,588 research outputs found

    Novel signaling pathways in pulmonary arterial hypertension (2015 Grover Conference Series)

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    The proliferative endothelial and smooth muscle cell phenotype, inflammation, and pulmonary vascular remodeling are prominent features of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Mutations in bone morphogenetic protein type 2 receptor (BMPR2) have been identified as the most common genetic cause of PAH and females with BMPR2 mutations are 2.5 times as likely to develop heritable forms of PAH than males. Higher levels of estrogen have also been observed in males with PAH, implicating sex hormones in PAH pathogenesis. Recently, the estrogen metabolite 16α-OHE1 (hydroxyestrone) was implicated in the regulation of miR29, a microRNA involved in modulating energy metabolism. In females, decreased miR96 enhances serotonin’s effect by upregulating the 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B (5HT1B) receptor. Because PAH is characterized as a quasi-malignant disease, likely due to BMPR2 loss of function, altered signaling pathways that sustain this cancer-like phenotype are being explored. Extracellular signal–regulated kinases 1 and 2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) play a critical role in proliferation and cell motility, and dysregulated MAPK signaling is observed in various experimental models of PAH. Wnt signaling pathways preserve pulmonary vascular homeostasis, and dysregulation of this pathway could contribute to limited vascular regeneration in response to injury. In this review, we take a closer look at sex, sex hormones, and the interplay between sex hormones and microRNA regulation. We also focus on MAPK and Wnt signaling pathways in the emergence of a proproliferative, antiapoptotic endothelial phenotype, which then orchestrates an angioproliferative process of vascular remodeling, with the hope of developing novel therapies that could reverse the phenotype

    Clinkering and hydration study of non-active and active Belite-Alite-Ye'elimite (BAY) cements

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    The aim of AIM is to promote industry-driven, interdisciplinary research in material science and engineering in order to provide leading-edge, sustainable solutions to the challenges facing engineers in today’s changing society and environment. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/aim/conference-info/37ccsThe manufacturing process of ye'elimite rich cements emit about 15-37% less CO2 to the atmosphere than OPC. Cements that contain belite, ye’elimite and ferrite, known as BYF cements, are promising eco-friendly binders. However, belite, their main phase, shows a slow hydrating behaviour; therefore the corresponding mortars present lower mechanical strengths than OPC at early ages. To solve this problem, BYF clinkers can be activated by: i) forming alite jointly with belite and ye’elimite during clinkering, known as BAY clinkers. The alite and ye’elimite reaction with water should develop high mechanical strengths at early ages, besides, belite contributes to later curing times. ii) A second activation is based on the stabilisation of alpha forms of belite by dopants. The objective of this work is to obtain two types of BAY clinkers (standard and active BAY) using CaF2 as mineraliser and borax as dopant agent to stabilize alpha forms of belite phase. After that, anhydrite was added as sulphate source to obtain the corresponding cements. The hydration behaviour of these cements has been studied through rheological and x-ray diffraction measurements, the latter combined with Rietveld quantitative phase analysis. In addition, mechanical and dimensional properties of BAY mortars are also presented and discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optically Active Coordination Compounds. Part 50. 4-Fold Symmetry Axes in Optically Active Complex Ions from Natural Nicotine

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    The synthesis, characterization and circular dichroism under varied conditions (notably pR) of trans-dichloro-tetrakis-(S)-(-)- nicotiniumrhodium(III) salts are described, to illustrate the interplay of chirality of the metal ion (D4) and at carbon centres (C1)

    GMP- RAM V1.1: Uma proposta de software como sistema de suporte à decisão para avaliação de risco de plantas geneticamente modificadas.

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    Um passo essencial no desenvolvimento de produtos baseados em plantas geneticamente modificadas (PGM) é a avaliação da sua segurança, incluindo a avaliação do seu impacto potencial, e das práticas relacionadas ao seu cultivo, no meio ambiente, na saúde humana e animal, de modo comparativo com variedades convencionais, sem a modificação genética. Apesar da importância da avaliação de risco, o GMP-RAM é a primeira ferramenta eletrônica de suporte à decisão para a avaliação do risco relacionado ao uso dos transgênicos. Comparado com a siatuação atual de análise dos transgênicos, o uso deste software pode resultar num processo menos subjetivo e mais transparente para a avaliação de risco como apoio a tomada de decisão

    Role of production engineers in the public sector.

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of production engineers in the public sector. In the past, engineers used to be hired in the public sector only to work with technical issues in some departments. But nowadays, technical competency is not the only issue an engineer must have, and at the same time, there are some other approaches than technical ones that demand the presence of engineers in the government. In this scenario, production engineers rise as an important player on public affairs. It is explored in this paper the role of production engineers in public policies, technology and innovation issues, integration between technical and management approaches, and the holistic and systemic view that drives the career. This paper is constructed under some bibliographic information, as well as some empiric data and case studies. At the end of the work, one can conclude that as well as in the whole society, engineers? role in the public sector and government has been increasing and being crucial to build and sustain the competitiveness of the municipality / region / country and the effectiveness of the public services delivered to citizens

    First records of 13 echinoderm species on the southwest coast of Portugal

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    En el ámbito de un análisis de caracterización del área marina adyacente al Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano y Costa Vicentina (PNSACV) se ha estudiado material biológico diverso proveniente de campañas del programa SEPLAT (SEdimentos de la PLATaforma), del que es responsable el Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina Portuguesa. Las muestras se obtuvieron en el área de plataforma continental adyacente al PNSACV, entre Sines y el cabo de San Vicente, a profundidades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 387 metros. Los equinodermos constituyeron, en esas campañas, un grupo bien representativo de la fauna marina presente en esta área de la plataforma continental. Se recogieron 60 especies de equinodermos distribuidos en las clases siguientes: 2 Crinoidea, 2 Asteroidea, 32 Ophiuroidea, 12 Echinoidea y 12 Holothurioidea. Trece de las 60 especies tienen aquí su primera cita para la costa portuguesa.As part of a characterisation study of the marine area contiguous to the Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Natural Park (PNSACV), biological material proceeding from cruises of the SEPLAT (PLATform SEdiments) programme (Portuguese Navy's Hydrographic Institute) has been studied. The sampling took place on the continental shelf contiguous to the PNSACV, between Sines and Cape St Vicente, at water depths ranging from 15-387 m. During these cruises, equinoderms were found to be a well-represented faunal group. Sixty echinoderm species were identified, distributed as follows, by classes: 2 crinoids, 2 asteroids, 32 ophiuroids, 12 equinoids and 12 holothuroids. Thirteen of the 60 species are first records on the Portuguese coast.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Influence of the external pressure on the quantum correlations of molecular magnets

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    The study of quantum correlations in solid state systems is a large avenue for research and their detection and manipulation are an actual challenge to overcome. In this context, we show by using first-principles calculations on the prototype material KNaCuSi4_{4}O10_{10} that the degree of quantum correlations in this spin cluster system can be managed by external hydrostatic pressure. Our results open the doors for research in detection and manipulation of quantum correlations in magnetic systems with promising applications in quantum information science