11,173 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of stationary states for singular Keller–Segel type models

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    We consider a generalised Keller–Segel model with non-linear porous medium type diffusion and non-local attractive power law interaction, focusing on potentials that are more singular than Newtonian interaction. We show uniqueness of stationary states (if they exist) in any dimension both in the diffusion-dominated regime and in the fair-competition regime when attraction and repulsion are in balance. As stationary states are radially symmetric decreasing, the question of uniqueness reduces to the radial setting. Our key result is a sharp generalised Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev type functional inequality in the radial setting

    Aplicabilidade de marcadores SSR em estudos genéticos em Gossypium Mustelinun Miers.

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    A new doubly discrete analogue of smoke ring flow and the real time simulation of fluid flow

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    Modelling incompressible ideal fluids as a finite collection of vortex filaments is important in physics (super-fluidity, models for the onset of turbulence) as well as for numerical algorithms used in computer graphics for the real time simulation of smoke. Here we introduce a time-discrete evolution equation for arbitrary closed polygons in 3-space that is a discretisation of the localised induction approximation of filament motion. This discretisation shares with its continuum limit the property that it is a completely integrable system. We apply this polygon evolution to a significant improvement of the numerical algorithms used in Computer Graphics.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Biodiversity measures in agriculture using DNA.

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    Introduction; From nature to agriculture: why we need diversity?; Microrganisms and pests associated to plants; Genetic markers and molecular markers; How measures are taken: a brief review on the simplest and most popular tools; Random amplified DNA reveals polymorphism; Repetitive sequences can be especially polymorphic; Sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism; Markers may help to understand evolution; The gains in plant breeding depends of variance; Conclusion

    Comparação entre protocolos de extração de DNA para Ramularia areola.

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    A structural basis for IκB kinase 2 activation via oligomerization-dependent trans auto-phosphorylation.

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    Activation of the IκB kinase (IKK) is central to NF-κB signaling. However, the precise activation mechanism by which catalytic IKK subunits gain the ability to induce NF-κB transcriptional activity is not well understood. Here we report a 4 Å x-ray crystal structure of human IKK2 (hIKK2) in its catalytically active conformation. The hIKK2 domain architecture closely resembles that of Xenopus IKK2 (xIKK2). However, whereas inactivated xIKK2 displays a closed dimeric structure, hIKK2 dimers adopt open conformations that permit higher order oligomerization within the crystal. Reversible oligomerization of hIKK2 dimers is observed in solution. Mutagenesis confirms that two of the surfaces that mediate oligomerization within the crystal are also critical for the process of hIKK2 activation in cells. We propose that IKK2 dimers transiently associate with one another through these interaction surfaces to promote trans auto-phosphorylation as part of their mechanism of activation. This structure-based model supports recently published structural data that implicate strand exchange as part of a mechanism for IKK2 activation via trans auto-phosphorylation. Moreover, oligomerization through the interfaces identified in this study and subsequent trans auto-phosphorylation account for the rapid amplification of IKK2 phosphorylation observed even in the absence of any upstream kinase

    Genetic diversity of arboreal cotton populations of the Brazilian semiarid: a remnant primary gene pool for cotton cultivars.

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    Mocó cotton belong to the same species as the cultivated species, Gossypium hirsutum, and cultivated forms were mainly landraces but also developed as cultivars, bearing good fiber quality and drought tolerant when cropped as a perennial species. The northeast Brazil crop system based on this cotton type is finished, with a few small area planted in the three main States, where it was previously cultivated (Ceará, Paraíba, and Rio Grande do Norte), but in others, maintenance is accomplished by single dooryard plants. Plants were found in all visited Northeast Brazil municipalities, sometimes in the North of the country, and were collected for ex situ preservation and evaluation. Most of seeds had no fuzz (62.2%) and 94.6% of the genotypes presented spot in flowers. Seventy-one alleles were revealed in 12 loci. The genetic structure of the population evaluated by microsatellite markers shows two main groups, one comprising the Seridó region where landraces were originated and other comprising the state of Ceará, where a specific breeding program was developed. Genotypes collected in North Brazil States as well as those collected in Bahia, Alagoas, and Sergipe grouped with those collected in Ceará. The Mantel correlogram indicates a significant (P < 0.05) correlation between genetic and geographical distances up to 77 km. The ex situ maintenance and agronomical evaluation are the main concerns for mocó, as the use of the agricultural interesting traits, possibly introgressed to other genotypes, is predicted. The in situ preservation is still of interest since there is more diversity there than in the collected plants and some should be continued due to use as medicinal plant

    Seleção de matrizes e tipo de propágulo na enxertia de substituição de copa em Ilex paraguariensis.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a técnica da sobreenxertia em Ilex paraguariensis, visando a substituição de copas. Para tanto, foi avaliada a influência da posição do enxerto na planta matriz, a idade e a matriz, bem como, a definição da melhor época para avaliação do pegamento e vigor dos enxertos. Árvores com 13 anos de idade localizadas em Colombo ? PR, foram submetidas ao corte a 10 cm do solo para indução de brotações, sobre as quais foi realizada a enxertia por garfagem no topo em fenda cheia. Os enxertos foram coletados de sete árvores matrizes com idade de 10 anos e sete árvores com idade acima de 80 anos. Das matrizes selecionadas foram retirados enxertos observando-se a posição apical, mediana e basal dentro da planta matriz. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições e 42 tratamentos, no esquema fatorial hierárquico 2 x 7 x 3 (duas idades; 7 matrizes, para cada idade; e 3 posições de coleta). A variável resposta de interesse foi proporção de pegamentos e número e comprimento de brotos. Obteve-se um comportamento diferenciado das matrizes quando amostradas em diferentes posições de coleta. A herdabilidade individual dos efeitos genotípicos, estimada para o pegamento dos enxertos, foi superior a 74%, para todos os períodos de avaliação, cujo valor é considerado alto. O coeficiente de variação genética foi da ordem de 34%, para os períodos de acompanhamento iguais ou superiores a 90 dias, indicando boas perspectivas de ganho no melhoramento do material genético. O coeficiente de variação experimental, nesse mesmo período, ficou entre 78% e 94%. Não houve diferenças entre os parâmetros genéticos a partir dos 90 dias. Pode-se concluir que a sobreenxertia de erva-mate diretamente a campo é tecnicamente viável; melhores taxas de pegamento são obtidas em árvores mais novas e com brotações apicais; e as matrizes apresentam respostas diferenciadas quanto ao pegamento na enxertia