141 research outputs found

    A sociedade em foco: globalização, questões políticas e desafios societais

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    "Revista comunicando, vol. 4, 2015"(Excertos) Com o intuito de se constituir como um amplo espaço de discussão das distintas abordagens teórico-metodológicas que versam sobre o campo das Ciências da Comunicação, o mais recente volume da revista Comunicando pretende focar o olhar sobre questões relacionadas com a comunicação e a sociedade. Intitulado “A Sociedade em foco: questões políticas e desafios societais”, o volume 4 da Comunicando oferece ao leitor artigos e ensaios de investigadores provenientes de prestigiadas Universidades nacionais e internacionais, tal como, de resto, sucedeu nas edições anteriores, cumprindo-se o objectivo da internacionalização como um marco importante da Comunicando. Uma vez mais, a revista do Grupo de Trabalho de Jovens Investigadores da Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação recebeu um número considerável de trabalhos de elevado nível académico científico, sendo que todos os textos foram avaliados pelos membros do Conselho Editorial que colaboraram para que esta edição fosse possível

    How Do We Like to Learn Qualitative Data Analysis Software?

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    The learning of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) can represent a great challenge and obstacle to the adoption of these tools in support of research. Thus, it seems imperative that CAQDAS developers devise strategies and tools that stimulate and support researchers in the learning process of their applications. To this end, this study focuses on the learning preferences of CAQDAS users. A focus group was conducted with experienced CAQDAS users and an online questionnaire was administered to 232 users from 29 different countries and representing a diversity of 26 CAQDAS. The obtained data allow to infer that the users privilege the learning in context of training, but, when it comes to self-learning, they tend to opt for interactive tools and to resort to tutorial videos. These results seem to indicate that users are looking for solutions that provide them with a learning experience that is more adapted to their style and in the shortest time possible

    Evidence of the association between endodontic infections and heart diseases: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the scenario of heart diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases (CVD), there are several predictors of these diseases, including diseases related to oral health. Objective: It was to analyze through clinical studies the association of diseases of the oral cavity with cardiovascular diseases, to point out the main causes and treatments for future clinical studies. Methods: The rules of the Systematic Review-PRISMA Platform were followed. The research was carried out from January 2022 to April 2022 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: In line with the objective proposed in the present study, the results concluded that the association between chronic endodontic infection and CVD cannot be disregarded, although it is of limited quality evidence at the moment. Thus, clinical studies observed that the risk of diagnosing CVD in patients with chronic endodontic infection was 1.38 times those without infection. Furthermore, early childhood caries showed that the microbiome profile composed of Fusobacterium, Prevotella, Capnocytophaga, and Oribacterium were more abundant in the group with congenital heart disease than in the group without congenital heart disease. Also, the greater number of missing teeth was associated with an increased risk of a first acute myocardial infarction, and endodontic inflammatory disease may contribute as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases

    Learn for Yourself: The Self-Learning Tools for Qualitative Analysis Software Packages

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    Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are tools that help researchers to develop qualitative research projects. These software packages help the users with tasks such as transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, writing and annotation, content search and analysis, recursive abstraction, grounded theory methodology, discourse analysis, data mapping, among several other types of analysis. This paper analyses the new paradigm of self-learning that presents itself increasingly as a competence to support learning in a proactive way. It further analyses education and CAQDAS with emphasis on the use of CAQDAS in educational research and the self-learning of CAQDAS. The study conducted had two main goals: analyse the self-learning tools of CAQDAS and identify CAQDAS's users profile regarding learning. Six software packages were selected: NVivo, Atlas.ti, Dedoose, webQDA, MAXQDA, and QDA Miner. They were then reviewed, taking into account their transversality, language, (self-learning) tools, among several other factors. The results show that there is a considerable demand for information from users regarding the execution of processes in CAQDAS, and that the packages analysed do not guide the user towards the self-learning tools that best fit their learning style

    Os desafios da investigação em Ciências da Comunicação: debates e perspetivas de futuro

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    "Revista comunicando, vol. 3, 2014"(Excerto) É com grande prazer que anunciamos mais uma edição da Revista Comunicando, revista científica do Grupo de Trabalho de Jovens Investigadores da Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação (SOPCOM). Neste terceiro número, dedicado ao tema “Os desafios da investigação em Ciências da Comunicação: debates e perspetivas de futuro”, o leitor tem à sua disposição artigos e ensaios escritos por investigadores de várias Universidades e Centros de Investigação de excelência. Como resultado da chamada de trabalhos, a Comunicando recebeu uma quantidade assinalável de artigos de elevado nível académico e científico. Todos os textos foram avaliados pelos professores que compõem o Conselho Editorial de forma rigorosa, segundo critérios de referencial teórico apropriado, metodologia, adequação ao tema e originalidade. Tendo em conta os pareceres do Conselho Editorial, foram selecionados os artigos que obtiveram as melhores classificações, compondo um interessante catálogo de temas sobre o estado da arte, a atualidade e o futuro das Ciências da Comunicação

    Learn by yourself: The Self-Learning Tools for Qualitative Analysis Software Packages

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    Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are tools that help researchers to develop qualitative research projects. These software packages help the users with tasks such as transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, writing and annotation, content search and analysis, recursive abstraction, grounded theory methodology, discourse analysis, data mapping, and several other types of analysis. This paper focus the new paradigm of self-learning, that presents itself increasingly as a competence to support learning in a proactive way. It further analyses education and CAQDAS with emphasis on the use of CAQDAS in educational research and the self-learning of CAQDAS. The study conducted had two main goals: (1) analyse the self-learning tools of CAQDAS and (2) identify CAQDAS's users learning profile. Six software packages were selected: NVivo, Atlas.ti, Dedoose, webQDA, MAXQDA, and QDA Miner. They were reviewed, taking into account their transversality, language, (self-learning) tools, among other criteria. The results show that there is a considerable demand for information from users regarding the execution of processes in CAQDAS, and that the packages analysed do not guide users towards the self-learning tools that best fit their learning style

    Lesão Medular por Traumatismo Raquimedular e Malformação de Chiari tipo I: Uma Comparação de Características Clínicas

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    Foram comparadas características clínicas e epidemiológicas de pacientes com tetraplegia traumática e Malformação de Chiari tipo I, atendidos em centro de neurorreabilitação através de estudo observacional analítico e retrospectivo, realizado por meio de análise de prontuário eletrônico. No grupo de pacientes com Malformação de Chiari tipo I predominaram mulheres, com marcha e queapresentavam transtornos de ansiedade e a presença de siringomielia. No grupo com tetraplegia traumática predominaram os homens, com locomoção em cadeira de rodas e maior presença de espasticidade e disfunções neurogênicas do intestino e do trato urinário inferior. Os pacientes com Malformação de Chiari tipo I representam um grupo com diferentes características clínicas e epidemiológicas em relação aos pacientes com sequelas de traumatismo raquimedular, tradicionalmente o principal grupo atendido dentro dos programas de neurorreabilitação. Desta forma, os pacientes com Malformação de Chiari tipo I necessitam de uma abordagem diferenciada que contemplem suas necessidades nos programas de neurorreabilitação

    Callogénesis in vitro para la inducción de embriogénesis somática y producción de antioxidantes en Eugenia uniflora

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    Eugenia uniflora is an American tree species with ecological, agronomical and medicinal importance. However, just few studies have focused on the in vitro propagation and production of secondary metabolites. This study investigated the explant sources and culture conditions for the in vitro callogenesis in E. uniflora towards induction of somatic embryogenesis and production of antioxidant compounds. Nodal segments, leaf sections and root segments from in vitro germinated seeds were used as explants and eight different combinations of auxins (2,4-D or NAA) and cytokinins (BAP or TDZ) were tested for the callus induction. The best callogenic response was observed in nodal segments, followed by leaf sections. Root segments presented comparatively poorer callogenic performance. Calli from nodal segments cultivated in MS medium with NAA (10 mM) + TDZ (5 mM) originated putative pro-embryogenic structures, while the culture in liquid medium using MS supplemented with NAA (10 mM) + TDZ (5 mM) revealed significantly higher content of phenols and flavonoids, as well as higher reducing capacity than the tested treatments and the control (fresh leaves). In summary, the calli obtained from nodal segments revealed competence for somatic embryogenesis induction and development as well as the production of secondary metabolites with pharmaceutical potential.Eugenia uniflora es una especie arbórea americana de importancia ecológica, agronómica y medicinal. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han centrado en la propagación y producción in vitro de metabolitos secundarios. Este estudio investigó las fuentes de explantes y las condiciones de cultivo para la callogénesis in vitro en E. uniflora para la inducción de embriogénesis somática y la producción de compuestos antioxidantes. Se utilizaron segmentos nodales, secciones de hojas y segmentos de raíz de semillas germinadas in vitro como explantes y se probaron ocho combinaciones diferentes de auxinas (2,4-D o ANA) y citoquininas (BAP o TDZ) para la formación de callos. La mejor respuesta callogénica se observó en segmentos nodales, seguidos de secciones foliares. Los segmentos de raíz presentaron un rendimiento callogénico comparativamente menor. Los callos de segmentos nodales cultivados en medio de cultivo MS con ANA (10 mM) + TDZ (5 mM) originaron estructuras proembriogénicas putativas, mientras que el cultivo en MS medio líquido con ANA (10 mM) + TDZ (5 mM) reveló un contenido significativamente mayor de fenoles y flavonoides, así como una mayor capacidad reductora que los tratamientos probados y el control (hojas frescas). En resumen, los callos obtenidos de segmentos nodales revelaron competencia para la inducción y el desarrollo de embriogénesis somática, así como para la producción de metabolitos secundarios con potencial farmacéutico

    Versatility and reliability of the Keystone flap in oncological reconstructions

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    Introduction: The Keystone flap is an island flap with reliable vascularization and simple dissection, first described in 2003. Despite its distinct advantages, there are few scientific publications on this matter, and it is not a common option in the clinical practice of reconstructive surgery. This article aims to report the experience of a cancer referral center with Keystone flaps in oncological reconstructions. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out data from medical records of patients who performed oncological plastic reconstruction with keystone flaps, operated by the Surgery team of the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo, in addition to the analysis of pre, intra and postoperative photographic records. Results: Nine patients were identified, all with comorbidities and a mean age of 52.7. Skin defects followed after oncological resections: five in the lower extremities, three in the trunk and one in the face. The mean of the skin resected area was 52.6cm2. The reconstructions were performed under shortened surgical time. There were no postoperative complications or flap losses. The average hospital stay was 2.2 days. Conclusion: The Keystone flap is technically simple and a reproducible option for covering wounds of different sizes and locations. Due to its reliability, simple and quick dissection, shortened hospital stay and low morbidity in the donor area, it should be considered for reconstructing cancer wounds from different locations in patients of all ages


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    The North Coast, has high biological productivity and áreas with a muddy substrate, suitable for trawling. This modality, there is trawling for various fishes. This fishery despite the denomination, acts on a target specie. Pescada gó, but it captures various species. This study aimed to characterize the faunistic associations in the structure of the main community of this fishry, and to determine the environmental facotrs, which may be related to temporal and spatial variations of this community. The data were acquired through the monitoring of 227 trawls, in six distinct periods, between 2013 and 2014, by on board observers in a detained vessel. The species caught were identified on board. Twenty six species were captured, but for the subsequente analyzes, only eleven species were used, which represented 95% of the caught production. For the associations between species, the grouping analysis was applied, using CPUE data standardizing in ranging and the Ward algorithm to the formation of theses faunistic groups, to the grouping of trawls, gross CPUE data were used in order to group the trawls in relation to their composition and catch periods. For the factors that correlate with the community distribution, redundancy analysis was usedm using environmmental, temporal and spatial variables. Three distinct groups with faunal associations were found, in relation to the trawls, two large grupos with differentss behavior. Regarding correlation facotrs, the set of temporal variables was more influential to this community, followed by environmental varaibles and a few influence by spatial variables.Keywords: Trawling; estuary; shelf; variation; ecology.A Costa Norte, possui alta produtividade biológica e áreas com substrato lamoso, propício a pesca de arrasto. Nesta modalidade, encontra-se a pesca de arrasto para peixes diversos. Essa pescaria, apesar da denominação, atua sobre uma espécie alvo, a pescada gó, porém captura várias espécies. Esse trabalho objetivou caracterizar as associações faunísticas na estrutura da comunidade principal dessa pescaria, e determinar os fatores ambientais, que podem estar relacionados com variações temporais e espaciais desta comunidade. Os dados foram adquiridos através do acompanhamento de 227 arrastos, em seis períodos distintos, entre 2013 e 2014, por observadores de bordo em uma embarcação permissionada. As espécies capturadas foram identificadas à bordo. Foram capturadas vinte e seis espécies, porém para as análises posteriores, utilizou-se apenas onze espécies, as quais representaram 95% da produção capturada. Para as associações entre espécies, aplicou-se a análise de agrupamento, utilizando os dados de CPUE padronizados em ranging e o algorítimo de Ward para formação desses grupos faunísticos, para agrupamento dos arrastos, utilizou-se dados brutos de CPUE, no intuito de agrupar os arrastos em relação a sua composição e períodos da captura. Para os fatores que se correlacionam com a distribuição da comunidade empregou-se a análise de redundância, utilizando variáveis ambientais, temporais e espaciais. Foram encontrados três grupos distintos com associações faunísticas, em relação aos arrastos, dois grandes grupos com comportamento diferente. Em relação aos fatores de correlação, o conjunto de variáveis temporais se mostrou mais influenciador para esta comunidade, seguido pelas variáveis ambientais e pouco influenciado pelas variáveis espaciais.Palavras-chave: Arrasto, estuário, plataforma, variação, ecologia