22 research outputs found

    The role of subglacial hydrology in ice streams with elevated geothermal heat flux

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    The spatial distribution of geothermal heat flux (GHF) under ice sheets is largely unknown. Nonetheless, it is an important boundary condition in ice-sheet models, and suggested to control part of the complex surface velocity patterns observed in some regions. Here we investigate the effect of including subglacial hydrology when modelling ice streams with elevated GHF. We use an idealised ice stream geometry and a thermomechanical ice flow model coupled to subglacial hydrology in the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM). Our results show that the dynamic response of the ice stream to elevated GHF is greatly enhanced when including the interactive subglacial hydrology. On the other hand, the impact of GHF on ice temperature is reduced when subglacial hydrology is included. In conclusion, the sensitivity of ice stream dynamics to GHF is likely to be underestimated in studies neglecting subglacial hydrology.publishedVersio

    Impact of seasonal fluctuations of ice velocity on decadal trends observed in Southwest Greenland

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    By tracking the feature displacement between satellite images spaced approximately one year apart, surface runoff has been shown to have a long-term impact on the average ice flow of a land-terminating sector of Greenland. In this study, we revisit the multi-year trends in ice flow by assessing more carefully the impact of seasonal fluctuation in velocity on the annual mean ice velocity. We find that, depending on the length and period used to measure displacement, seasonal fluctuations do have an impact on observed velocities on up to 15%, and can affect decadal trends. Nevertheless, the magnitude of this fluctuation is small enough to confirm the general slowdown observed during the 2000–2012 period. Between 2012 and 2019, we find significant re-acceleration of low-lying glaciers tongue but velocity trends elsewhere are generally insignificant and not spatially consistent. Finally, we propose a more selective approach to recovering velocity trends using satellite imagery that involves using only measurements where the image pair starting date is before summer, in order to have comparable measurements for every year, sampling a melt season and the following winter.publishedVersio

    Exceptionally high heat flux needed to sustain the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) currently drains more than 10 % of the Greenland Ice Sheet area and has recently undergone significant dynamic changes. It is therefore critical to accurately represent this feature when assessing the future contribution of Greenland to sea level rise. At present, NEGIS is reproduced in ice sheet models by inferring basal conditions using observed surface velocities. This approach helps estimate conditions at the base of the ice sheet but cannot be used to estimate the evolution of basal drag in time, so it is not a good representation of the evolution of the ice sheet in future climate warming scenarios. NEGIS is suggested to be initiated by a geothermal heat flux anomaly close to the ice divide, left behind by the movement of Greenland over the Icelandic plume. However, the heat flux underneath the ice sheet is largely unknown, except for a few direct measurements from deep ice core drill sites. Using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), with ice dynamics coupled to a subglacial hydrology model, we investigate the possibility of initiating NEGIS by inserting heat flux anomalies with various locations and intensities. In our model experiment, a minimum heat flux value of 970 mW m−2 located close to the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EGRIP) is required locally to reproduce the observed NEGIS velocities, giving basal melt rates consistent with previous estimates. The value cannot be attributed to geothermal heat flux alone and we suggest hydrothermal circulation as a potential explanation for the high local heat flux. By including high heat flux and the effect of water on sliding, we successfully reproduce the main characteristics of NEGIS in an ice sheet model without using data assimilation.publishedVersio

    Non-linear retreat of Jakobshavn Isbræ since the Little Ice Age controlled by geometry

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    Rapid acceleration and retreat of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers during the last two decades have initiated questions on the trigger and processes governing observed changes. Destabilization of these glaciers coincides with atmosphere and ocean warming, which broadly has been used to explain the rapid changes. To assess the relative role of external forcing versus fjord geometry, we investigate the retreat of Jakobshavn Isbræ in West Greenland, where margin positions exist since the Little Ice Age maximum in 1850. We use a one-dimensional ice flow model and isolate geometric effects on the retreat using a linear increase in external forcing. We find that the observed retreat of 43 km from 1850 until 2014 can only be simulated when multiple forcing parameters – such as hydrofracturing, submarine melt and frontal buttressing by sea ice – are changed simultaneously. Surface mass balance, in contrast, has a negligible effect. While changing external forcing initiates retreat, fjord geometry controls the retreat pattern. Basal and lateral topography govern shifts from temporary stabilization to rapid retreat, resulting in a highly non-linear glacier response. For example, we simulate a disintegration of a 15 km long floating tongue within one model year, which dislodges the grounding line onto the next pinning point. The retreat pattern loses complexity and becomes linear when we artificially straighten the glacier walls and bed, confirming the topographic controls. For real complex fjord systems such as Jakobshavn Isbræ, geometric pinning points predetermine grounding line stabilization and may therefore be used as a proxy for moraine build-up. Also, we find that after decades of stability and with constant external forcing, grounding lines may retreat rapidly without any trigger. This means that past changes may precondition marine-terminating glaciers to reach tipping-points, and that retreat can occur without additional climate warming. Present-day changes and future projections can therefore not be viewed in isolation of historic retreat.submittedVersio

    Développement d'un modèle d'hydrologie sous-glaciaire dédié à la simulation du glissement basal des glaciers.

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    Modeling glacier dynamics needs proper knowledge of a number of processes which are responsible for the displacement observed at the surface of glaciers. Some of these mechanisms are well known and yet implemented into ice-flow models. On the other hand, processes that work at the base of the glaciers are much less controlled. Thus, even if glacier sliding has been observed since the early twentieth century its accurate modeling is still a current issue. In order to determine glacier sliding, friction laws that are currently used in ice flow models are only depending upon the basal shear stress. This simple relationship needs a precise fitting of the parameters which vary both in time and space so as to yield surface velocities compatible with data. Field observations also show that subglacial water pressure plays a crucial role in glacier dynamics. Furthermore, water pressure is closely related to the volume of water present at the bed of the glacier and, therefore to the production of water. The objective of this thesis is to develop a subglacial hydrological model which enables the computation of water pressure at the base of glaciers and to couple it to an ice flow model through a friction law. We choose to implement an equivalent porous media which, according to the choose parameters, features both efficient and inefficient components of the system. The sensitivity experiments show that the proposed method can reproduce the characteristics of a subglacial drainage system. Finally, the robustness of the model arose from its ability to qualitatively reproduce an extreme glaciological phenomenon under the form of a jökulhlaup.La modélisation de la dynamique glaciaire passe par la compréhension et la reproduction des processus physiques responsables des déplacements observés à la surface des glaciers. Certains de ces processus, et en particuliers ceux qui oeuvrent à la base des glaciers, sont moins bien maîtrisés. Ainsi, même si le glissement à la base des glaciers à été observé dès le début du XXe siècle sa modélisation reste un problème actuel. La majorité des modèles de dynamiques glaciaires utilisent des lois de frottement uniquement basées sur la contrainte basale tangentielle pour déterminer les vitesses de glissement. Il est alors nécessaire de faire varier en temps et en espace le paramètre de la loi de frottement pour obtenir un champ de vitesse comparable aux données mesurées. Par ailleurs, de nombreuses études ont montré que la pression et donc le volume d'eau à la base des glaciers jouait un rôle important sur la vitesse de glissement des glaciers. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en place un modèle capable de calculer la pression d'eau à la base des glaciers et de le coupler à un modèle d'écoulement glaciaire par l'intermédiaire d'une loi de frottement. On utilise pour cela une approche utilisant des milieux poreux analogues représentant les deux composantes (inefficace et efficace) du système de drainage. Les expériences de sensibilité présentées montrent que cette méthode permet de reproduire les spécificités d'un système de drainage sous-glaciaire. Enfin, la reproduction qualitative d'un phénomène glaciologique extrême de jökulhlaup (vidange de lac sous-glaciaire) a permis de vérifier la robustesse du modèle

    Impact of runoff temporal distribution on ice dynamics

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    Record highs of meltwater production at the surface of the Greenland ice sheet have been recorded with a high recurrence over the last decades. Those melt seasons with longer durations, larger intensities, or with both increased length and melt intensity have a direct impact on the surface mass balance of the ice sheet and on its contribution to sea level rise. Moreover, the surface melt also affects the ice dynamics through the meltwater lubrication feedback. It is still not clear how the meltwater lubrication feedback impacts the long-term ice velocities on the Greenland ice sheet. Here we take a modeling approach with simplified ice sheet geometry and climate forcings to investigate in more detail the impacts of the changing characteristics of the melt season on ice dynamics. We model the ice dynamics through the coupling of the Double Continuum (DoCo) subglacial hydrology model with a shallow shelf approximation for the ice dynamics in the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM). The climate forcing is generated from the ERA5 dataset to allow the length and intensity of the melt season to be varied in a comparable range of values. Our simulations present different behaviors between the lower and higher part of the glacier, but overall, a longer melt season will yield a faster glacier for a given runoff value. However, an increase in the intensity of the melt season, even under increasing runoff, tends to reduce glacier velocities. Those results emphasize the complexity of the meltwater lubrication feedback and urge us to use subglacial drainage models with both inefficient and efficient drainage components to give an accurate assessment of its impact on the overall dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet.publishedVersio

    Impact of runoff temporal distribution on ice dynamics

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    Record highs of meltwater production at the surface of the Greenland ice sheet have been recorded with a high recurrence over the last decades. Those melt seasons with longer durations, larger intensities, or with both increased length and melt intensity have a direct impact on the surface mass balance of the ice sheet and on its contribution to sea level rise. Moreover, the surface melt also affects the ice dynamics through the meltwater lubrication feedback. It is still not clear how the meltwater lubrication feedback impacts the long-term ice velocities on the Greenland ice sheet. Here we take a modeling approach with simplified ice sheet geometry and climate forcings to investigate in more detail the impacts of the changing characteristics of the melt season on ice dynamics. We model the ice dynamics through the coupling of the Double Continuum (DoCo) subglacial hydrology model with a shallow shelf approximation for the ice dynamics in the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM). The climate forcing is generated from the ERA5 dataset to allow the length and intensity of the melt season to be varied in a comparable range of values. Our simulations present different behaviors between the lower and higher part of the glacier, but overall, a longer melt season will yield a faster glacier for a given runoff value. However, an increase in the intensity of the melt season, even under increasing runoff, tends to reduce glacier velocities. Those results emphasize the complexity of the meltwater lubrication feedback and urge us to use subglacial drainage models with both inefficient and efficient drainage components to give an accurate assessment of its impact on the overall dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet

    Impact of runoff temporal distribution on ice dynamics

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    Record highs of meltwater production at the surface of the Greenland ice sheet have been recorded with a high recurrence over the last decades. Those melt seasons with longer durations, larger intensities, or with both increased length and melt intensity have a direct impact on the surface mass balance of the ice sheet and on its contribution to sea level rise. Moreover, the surface melt also affects the ice dynamics through the meltwater lubrication feedback. It is still not clear how the meltwater lubrication feedback impacts the long-term ice velocities on the Greenland ice sheet. Here we take a modeling approach with simplified ice sheet geometry and climate forcings to investigate in more detail the impacts of the changing characteristics of the melt season on ice dynamics. We model the ice dynamics through the coupling of the Double Continuum (DoCo) subglacial hydrology model with a shallow shelf approximation for the ice dynamics in the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM). The climate forcing is generated from the ERA5 dataset to allow the length and intensity of the melt season to be varied in a comparable range of values. Our simulations present different behaviors between the lower and higher part of the glacier, but overall, a longer melt season will yield a faster glacier for a given runoff value. However, an increase in the intensity of the melt season, even under increasing runoff, tends to reduce glacier velocities. Those results emphasize the complexity of the meltwater lubrication feedback and urge us to use subglacial drainage models with both inefficient and efficient drainage components to give an accurate assessment of its impact on the overall dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet

    Present day Jakobshavn Isbræ close to the Holocene minimum extent

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    Marine terminating glaciers evolve on millenial timescales in response to changes in oceanic and atmospheric conditions. However, the relative role of oceanic and atmospheric drivers remains uncertain. The evolution of marine terminating glaciers under the warmer than present Holocene Climate Optimum climate can give important insights into the dynamics of ice streams as the climate evolves. The early Holocene evolution of Jakobshavn Isbræ, from the Last Glacial Maximum extent up to 8.2 ka BP is well constrained by geomorphological studies in the area. However, the Holocene minimum extent of the glacier is unknown. Here, we use a high-resolution regional ice sheet model to study the retreat and readvance of Jakobshavn Isbræ from the Mid-Holocene to the Little Ice Age. This model of Jakobshavn Isbræ accurately tracks the terrestrial ice margin and agrees with available estimates of marine grounding line evolution. We find that the Holocene minimum extent of both the terrestrial ice margin and the grounding line, reached at 6–5 ka BP, is close to the present day extent of the glacier. We also find that the glacier is currently located close to a tipping point, from beyond which readvance would require a longer and more significant cooling than the Little Ice Age. We assess the importance of the ocean forcing in explaining the Holocene evolution of Jakobshavn, and find that cooling within the fjord during the Mid-Holocene is critical for the glacier to readvance. This finding emphasizes the role of ocean forcing when trying to understand the millenial scale evolution of marine terminating glaciers

    Sensitivity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream to Geothermal Heat

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    Recent observations of ice flow surface velocities have helped improve our understanding of basal processes on Greenland and Antarctica, though these processes still constitute some of the largest uncertainties driving ice flow change today. The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream is driven largely by basal sliding, believed to be related to subglacial hydrology and the availability of heat. Characterization of the uncertainties associated with Northeast Greenland Ice Stream is crucial for constraining Greenland's potential contribution to sea level rise in the upcoming centuries. Here, we expand upon past work using the Ice Sheet System Model to quantify the uncertainties in models of the ice flow in the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream by perturbing the geothermal heat flux. Utilizing a subglacial hydrology model simulating sliding beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet, we investigate the sensitivity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream ice flow to various estimates of geothermal heat flux, and implications of basal heat flux uncertainties on modeling the hydrological processes beneath Greenland's major ice stream. We find that the uncertainty due to sliding at the bed is 10 times greater than the uncertainty associated with internal ice viscosity. Geothermal heat flux dictates the size of the area of the subglacial drainage system and its efficiency. The uncertainty of ice discharge from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream to the ocean due to uncertainties in the geothermal heat flux is estimated at 2.10 Gt/yr. This highlights the urgency in obtaining better constraints on the highly uncertain subglacial hydrology parameters