84 research outputs found

    Minichromosome maintenance 2 and 5 expressions are increased in the epithelium of hereditary gingival fibromatosis associated with dental abnormalities

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    INTRODUCTION: Gingiva fibromatosis is a relatively rare condition characterized by diffuse enlargement of the gingiva, which is caused by expansion and accumulation of the connective tissue. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate proliferative and apoptotic biomarker expression in normal gingiva and two forms of gingival fibromatosis. METHODS: Archived tissue specimens of hereditary gingival fibromatosis, gingival fibromatosis and dental abnormality syndrome and normal gingiva were subject to morphological analysis and immunohistochemical staining. The results were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: Proteins associated with proliferation were found in the nuclei of epithelial cells from the basal and suprabasal layers, whereas apoptotic proteins were detected in the cytoplasm of the upper layers of the epithelium. Increased expressions of minichromosome maintenance proteins 2 and 5 were observed in the gingival fibromatosis and dental abnormality syndrome samples. In contrast, geminin expression was higher in normal gingiva samples. No difference in the expression of apoptotic proteins was observed among the groups. CONCLUSION: Our findings support a role for augmented proliferation of epithelial cells within the overgrown tissues associated with gingival fibromatosis or dental abnormality syndrome. However, our data suggest that different biological mechanisms may account for the pathogenesis of different types of gingival fibromatosis

    Avante, soldados: para trás, metaficção historiográfica sobre a Guerra do Paraguai

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos uma leitura de Avante, soldados: para trás, do catarinense Deonísio da Silva. Romance ambientado na guerra do Paraguai que projeta um olhar crítico deste episódio cruel e significativo para as nações envolvidas, foi vencedor do prêmio Casa de Las Américas de 1992. A análise destaca alguns aspectos da construção formal da narrativa: apresentação, escolha temática, criação das personagens, a posição do narrador, o diálogo e a polêmica intertextual com A Retirada da Laguna, do Visconde de Taunay, e outras fontes históricas e/ou literárias. Ao final, nos dedicaremos à reflexão sobre as possibilidades de classificação genérica desta obra: romance histórico x metaficção historiográfica

    Production of Formosa papaya seedlings irrigated with wastewater and application of biostimulant

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    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the leading fruit trees in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast region. However, some regions suffer from water scarcity, making wastewater reuse a viable alternative for crop production. Also, biostimulants may be used to maximize papaya growth and development. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the use of Acadian® biostimulant in the growth of Formosa papaya seedlings irrigated with different concentrations of fish-farming wastewater. The experiment was block randomized in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, use and non-use of biostimulant and five concentrations of wastewater (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40%) diluted in potable water, with four replicates. Qualitative data were compared by t-test at 5% probability, and quantitative data were submitted to regression analysis. Results showed that high concentrations of wastewater negatively affect the production of Formosa papaya seedlings. Acadian® negatively influences plant height, number of leaves, and the ratio between shoot and root. However, the seaweed biostimulant positively influenced the chlorophyll content index.Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the leading fruit trees in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast region. However, some regions suffer from water scarcity, making wastewater reuse a viable alternative for crop production. Also, biostimulants may be used to maximize papaya growth and development. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the use of Acadian® biostimulant in the growth of Formosa papaya seedlings irrigated with different concentrations of fish-farming wastewater. The experiment was block randomized in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, use and non-use of biostimulant and five concentrations of wastewater (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40%) diluted in potable water, with four replicates. Qualitative data were compared by t-test at 5% probability, and quantitative data were submitted to regression analysis. Results showed that high concentrations of wastewater negatively affect the production of Formosa papaya seedlings. Acadian® negatively influences plant height, number of leaves, and the ratio between shoot and root. However, the seaweed biostimulant positively influenced the chlorophyll content index


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    Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICs) emerge as a set of approaches that record and value traditional knowledge, traditions and ways of life of quilombola communities, presenting themselves as a possible strategy for promoting health and confronting inequalities in care in health Therefore, define as a general objective to identify the usual Integrative and Complementary Practices in quilombola communities in the semi-arid region of Piauí, as well as to investigate access to these practices and the care provided in the communities in the context of the health-disease process. The study was carried out through field research, concluding that integrative and complementary practices are notable in quilombola communities, where the population often resorts to traditional knowledge, rather than conventional medicine. The use of several medicinal plants was identified in the research, just as religion is also used in the search for health.Las Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias (PIC) surgen como un conjunto de enfoques que registran y valoran los conocimientos, tradiciones y formas de vida tradicionales de las comunidades quilombolas, presentándose como una posible estrategia para promover la salud y enfrentar las desigualdades en la atención en salud. Por lo tanto, las define como un objetivo general identificar las Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias habituales en las comunidades quilombolas de la región semiárida de Piauí, así como investigar el acceso a esas prácticas y los cuidados brindados en las comunidades en el contexto del proceso salud-enfermedad. El estudio se realizó a través de una investigación de campo y concluyó que las prácticas integradoras y complementarias son notables en las comunidades quilombolas, donde la población suele recurrir a los conocimientos tradicionales, más que a la medicina convencional. En la investigación se identificó el uso de varias plantas medicinales, así como también se utiliza la religión en la búsqueda de la salud.As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PICs) emergem como um conjunto de abordagens que reconhecem e valorizam saberes tradicionais, tradições e modos de vida das comunidades quilombolas, apresentando-se como uma possível estratégia para a promoção da saúde e o enfrentamento das desigualdades no cuidado em saúde Assim, define como objetivo geral identificar as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares usuais em comunidades quilombolas do semiárido Piauiense, bem como investigar o acesso a essas práticas e os cuidados dispensados nas comunidades no contexto do processo saúde-doença. O estudo foi realizado através de pesquisa de campo, podendo concluir que práticas integrativas e complementares são marcantes nas comunidades quilombolas, em que a população recorre muitas vezes aos conhecimentos tradicionais, ao invés da medicina convencional. O uso de diversas plantas medicinais foi identificado na pesquisa, assim como a religião também é utilizada em busca de saúde.  &nbsp

    MRSA outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a developed country: importance of rapid detection of reservoirs and implementation of intervention measures

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    We described a MRSA bloodstream infection outbreak that was rapidly identified and controlled in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit after implementation of a bundle of measures, including PCR-screening and HCW decolonization. We found 35% of healthcare workers(HCW) colonized with S. aureus by PCR, one of them that presented skin lesion positive for MSSA (same clone and spa type than two patients). Our findings raise the hypothesis that the outbreak could be related to HCW colonization