1,126 research outputs found

    O dualismo da crítica

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    Diderot e as mulheres: um debate do século XVIII

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    Investiga-se a convergência de alguns textos redigidos no curso do século XVIII em torno da ideia de que a França moderna se efeminou. Detemo-nos no papel exercido neste debate pelo Diderot sallonier, em especial nas objeções que ele endereça a Watteau e ao rococó nos Ensaios sobre a pintura

    Seria Nietzsche um kantiano?

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    Através da discussão do livro de Fernando Mattos sobre o perspectivismo e a democracia em Nietzsche, examina-se a tese conforme a qual o perspectivismo nietzscheano representa o aprofundamento da subjetividade crítica de Kant. A noção de “indivíduo” possui papel decisivo para esse argumento, assim como para a tese, também subscrita por Mattos, de que o pensamento de Nietzsche se coaduna com a democracia. É para as premissas, implicações e limites da hipótese do Nietzsche kantiano que se quer aqui chamar a atenção.Reading the book of Fernando Mattos on perspectivism and democracy on Nietzsche, we shall consider the thesis that Nietzsche’s perspectivism is the development of Kant’s critical subjectivity. The concept of “individual” is essential for this thesis and also for the idea (also subscribed by Mattos) that Nietzsche’s thought is consistent with democracy. We shall discuss the presuppositions, the consequences and the limits of the hypothesis of the kantian influence over Nietzsche

    Crítica e crise

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    Note sur deux moments de la finalité de la nature chez Kant

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    En dépit de ce qu'affirme Kant dans la dernière partie de l'"Introduction à la Logique transdendantale" de la Critique de la raison pure (KrV A 62-64/ B 87/88), la Dialectique Transcendantale investit les idées de la métaphysique spéciale d'une valeur positive, bien que non constitutive, concernant la connaissance empirique. Sans ces idées, il n'y a pas d'unité systématique possible de la nature et donc pas de connaissance empirique. De son coté, la Critique du Jugement (1790) à la fois rejette et approfondit cette solution. En radicalisant son cí´té critico-idéaliste, Kant redéfinit le statut du travail de la pensée sur les données, ce qui aboutit à un nouveau modí'le, "horizontal", de la réflexion

    Reflection from Kant to Fichte through Marx

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    My objective in this article is to discuss the interpretation on Fichte proposed by Rubens Torres Filho in his doctoral thesis, entitled O Espírito e a Letra (The Spirit and the Letter) (1975), in which the author took a different stance from those taken by M. Gueroult, R. Lauth and A. Philonenko. I attempt to reconstruct the intelectual constellation in which Rubens Torres Filho`s reading was carried out, pointing to its debt with the ongoing debate at the University of São Paulo in the 60s, concerning Gérard Lebrun, José A. Giannotti and Bento Prado Jr

    A classificação de livros na Capes: uma contribuição da Filosofia (2014-2017)

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    The article deals with aspects of book evaluation. I first discuss the relevance of the book as an item of the evaluation of the intellectual production of the areas of knowledge gathered under the college of the humanities. Then I report to foreign models of book evaluation and pass to the examination of its implementation by the Technical Scientific Council (CTC-ES) of CAPES. Finally, I present the model of book classification followed in the area of Philosophy in the last CAPES evaluation (2017).O artigo versa sobre aspectos da avaliação de livros. Preliminarmente, discuto a relevância do livro como item da avaliação da produção intelectual nas áreas do conhecimento reunidas sob o colégio das humanidades. Em seguida, reporto-me a modelos estrangeiros de avaliação de livros para, em seguida, passar ao exame de sua implementação pelo Conselho Técnico Científico da CAPES. Por fim, apresento de modo sucinto o modelo de classificação de livros na área de Filosofia, utilizado na avaliação quadrienal de 2017

    Breves considerações sobre medida socioeducativa e formação de professores

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    The article briefly discusses the policy of socio-educational assistance since the implementation of the National System of Social-Educacional Service (Law 12.594/12) and the centrality of education in socio-educational action. It adopts as methodology a review of the literature and emphasizes the directing of schooling as structuring of the socio-educational system. It concludes by the importance of the initial and continuous training of professionals of basic education to work in the socio-educational system.O artigo aborda, sucintamente, a política de atendimento socioeducativo desde a implantação do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Lei 12.594/12) e a centralidade da educação na ação socioeducativa. Adota como metodologia revisão da literatura e ressalta a diretriz da escolarização como estruturante do sistema socioeducativo. Conclui pela importância da formação inicial e continuada de profissionais da educação básica para atuação no sistema socioeducativo

    A new focus of spotted fever caused by Rickettsia parkeri in Brazil

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    Spotted fever (SF) is a tick-borne zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Rickettsia . The disease varies in severity from mild clinical forms to severe cases. In Brazil, Rickettsia rickettsii SF is the most serious rickettsiosis and can result in death if not diagnosed and treated at the onset of symptoms. The SF mild form is caused by Rickettsia parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest, and this etiological agent has been reported in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions of the country, in areas of preserved or little antropized Atlantic Rainforest. Amblyomma ovale is the proven vector and dogs are the hosts associated with the bioagent cycle. During a SF case investigation in Paraty municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, an Atlantic Rainforest biome area in Southeastern Brazil, the human pathogen R. parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest was detected by PCR in a sample of human skin inoculation eschar and in a female A. ovale tick collected from a dog. These results expand the known area of occurrence of this mild form rickettsiosis in Brazil. In addition, the results of the present study indicate the importance of implementing programs to control canine ectoparasites and to raise awareness of the risks of infection, signs and symptoms of SF caused by R. parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest