219 research outputs found

    Three Jet Events and New Strong Couplings at LEP and NLC

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    We study the effects of new dimension--6 operators, resulting from a general SU(3)C⊗SU(2)L⊗U(1)YSU(3)_C \otimes SU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y invariant effective Lagrangian, on three jet production at LEP and at the Next Linear Collider. Contributions to the total event rate and to some event shape variables are analysed in order to establish bounds on these operators.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 1 Figur

    The Ontology for the Telehealth Domain – TEON

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    Information about telehealth is distributed over many systems, generating content overlap and heterogeneity. As a way to standardize nomenclatures and organize content in telehealth systems and applications, the use of standardized vocabularies is recommended. However, most of them rely on informal text-free definitions that bring confusion. Together with this limitation, and due to recent Brazilian regulations concerning the delivery of telehealth services, a Telehealth Ontology (TEON) was developed. This study describes and presents TEON, elucidating its main use-case, its applicability and potential to improve information exchange, interoperability and decision support. TEON was developed based on the upper-domain ontology BioTopLite2 (BTL2) and Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI). The scope of the work includes a set of competency questions to guide the domain modelling. TEON was formalized with Description Logics (DL) and the Web Ontology Language v.2 (OWL2). The telehealth services are composed of three main components: actors, the service itself and temporal-location barriers. The main roles are identified as the requestor, the teleconsultant and the manager. With TEON, we are able to specify if services are synchronous or not. Services are described by means of participants in the process, i.e. by specifying the agents and patients according to their roles. The envisioned use of TEON is to enable the integration of heterogeneous databases from different telehealth systems, considering the formal perspective embedded in ontologies. Currently, TEON is being included in HealthNet (teleconsultation), INDU (tele-education), dataNUTES (management), and SMART (monitoring) through as an integration interface, in order to generate indicators and reports to support telehealth manager’s decision-making and to facilitate providing indicators to the system for monitoring and results evaluation of the National Brazilian Telehealth Program of the Ministry of Health

    Cria e recria de fêmeas leiteiras: passo a passo.

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    A presente pesquisa verificou se a legislação surgida após a Segunda Guerra\ud Mundial foi apta a inibir o comportamento maleficente de médicos no auxílio em\ud especializar, dissimular e acobertar a tortura. Foi demonstrado o envolvimento\ud médico com experimentos em seres humanos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial\ud e corroborou-se que a maleficência médica ainda é usada nos dias de hoje na\ud sociedade contemporânea, permitindo aos profissionais de saúde, desde o período da\ud Guerra Fria, o envolvimento com a tortura e a consequente violação dos princípios\ud da Bioética, especialmente, na conjuntura atualíssima da guerra norte-americana\ud contra o terrorismo. Ao final foram propostas soluções, tendo em vista as noções de\ud Bioética, as normas de Direito Internacional e os Direitos HumanosThe present research verified if legislation created after World War II was able to\ud inhibit maleficent behavior from medical doctors in the improvement and cover-up\ud of torture. It was demonstrated the medical involvement in experiments with human\ud beings during World War II and it was confirmed that medical maleficence was and\ud still is part of our reality, allowing doctors to involve with torture since the Cold War\ud until current days, especially in the United States’ war on terrorism, violating the\ud basic principles of Bioethics. In the end the objective was to propose solutions, in\ud light of notions of Bioethics, rules of International Law and Human Right

    Testing Anomalous Higgs Couplings in Triple Photon Production at the Tevatron Collider

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    We derive bounds on Higgs and gauge--boson anomalous interactions using the CDF data for the process ppˉ→γγγ+Xp \bar{p} \to \gamma\gamma\gamma + X. We use a linearly realized SUL(2)×UY(1)SU_L(2) \times U_Y(1) invariant effective Lagrangian to describe the bosonic sector of the Standard Model, keeping the fermionic couplings unchanged. All dimension--six operators that lead to anomalous Higgs interactions involving γ\gamma and ZZ are considered. We also show the sensitivity that can be achieved for these couplings at Fermilab Tevatron upgrades.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures included using epsfi

    Influence of examiners’ experience on the reproducibility of different gold standard techniques and histological criteria for validation of the diagnosis of occlusal caries lesions

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the influence (1) of the examiner experience and (2) three histological classification criteria on the reproducibility of two gold standard techniques (non-dye or dye) for validation of the diagnosis of occlusal caries. This study comprised a sample of 210 digital images of 105 permanent teeth (105 rhodamine B dyed and 105 dyefree hemisections) and six examiners. Images were evaluated on a laptop computer and categorised according to three different histological classification criteria (proposed by Ekstrand, Lussi or Downer) and repeated in order to allow reproducibility calculation. For data analysis, the six participants were divided into two groups: G1: examiners with previous experience in histological evaluation and G2: examiners with no experience in histological evaluation. Statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results. The mean intraexaminer reproducibility values in G1 were higher than G2 in all variables. Intra-examiner reproducibility was lower for the dye-free technique in both groups. The mean values of inter-examiner reproducibility in G1 ranged from 0.60 to 0.68, and in G2 values ranged from 0.34 to 0.69. Conclusion. It can be concluded that: (1) the examiners’ experience seems to influence the reproducibility of the two gold standard techniques studied and reproducibility tends to be lower when the dye-free technique is used, and (2) the histological classification criterion does not appear to influence the reproducibility for validation of the diagnosis of occlusal caries

    Optical magnification has no benefits on the detection of occlusal caries lesions in permanent molars using different visual scoring systems : an in vitro study

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    Some studies have addressed the influence of optical magnification on the detection of caries lesions using a visual scoring system. However, there is a lack of research related to the use of the CAST and ADA-CCS visual scoring systems. In addition, the reliability and accuracy of ADA-CCS index in permanent teeth were not studied yet. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the influence of different levels of optical magnification on the detection of occlusal caries lesions in permanent molars using three visual scoring systems. One occlusal site per tooth was analyzed in 120 extracted permanent molars. Two trained examiners inspected the teeth using ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System), CAST (Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment), and ADA-CCS (American Dental Association-Caries Classification System) visual criteria, twice with each scoring system, with a one-week interval between examinations. The study was conducted in three phases: (A) without optical magnification, (B) using a binocular lens (3.5× magnification), and (C) using an operating microscope (16× magnification). Then, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally through the center of the selected site and the section with the more severe lesion was histological evaluated considering the D1 (lesions in enamel and dentin) and D3 (dentin lesions) thresholds. Kappa values for intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility were good to excellent for all systems. At the D1 threshold, sensitivity, accuracy, and area under the ROC curve were high for ICDAS and CAST in all phases. However, this was not the case for the ADA-CCS in phase C (0.05). The magnification does not improve the accuracy of the visual scoring systems in the detection of occlusal caries lesions in permanent molars

    Protocol for Low-level laser therapy in traumatic ulcer after troncular anesthesia : case report in pediatric dentistry

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    The aim of this study was to report a protocol of use for low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in traumatic ulcer in the lower lip after inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia (IANBA). A 3-year-old patient, male, undergoing treatment of carious lesions was submitted to an indirect pulp capping in tooth 74 under IANBA. The procedure was completed without intercurrences, but on next day, the child presented extensive traumatic ulcer in the left lower lip, with complaint of pain. Two sequential applications with LLLT were applied in punctual mode under pressure around the lesion. After 1 week, the mother reported significant improvement. After 30 days, the lesion was fully healed. In conclusion, LLLT promoted rapid analgesia and healing, being a good treatment alternative for traumatic ulcer after troncular anesthesia

    Dinâmica fermentativa, qualidade nutricional e capacidade de aquecimento de silagens mistas de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) e leucena (Leucaena leucocephala)

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    Leucaena has been used to make mixed silages to obtain nutritional enrichment of the silages. Thus, the inclusion of Leucaena as an additive in mixed elephant grass silages can reduce fermentation losses, and increase the nutritional value and aerobic stability of the mixed silage without changing the fermentation profile. This study evaluated the fermentation profile, nutritional composition, and aerobic stability of elephant grass silages combined with different levels of Leucaena. A total of five inclusion levels of Leucaena (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80% on a dry matter basis) were added to elephant grass silages. A completely randomized design was adopted, with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions, totaling 15 experimental silos that were opened after 30 days of sealing. Fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability were analyzed. A descriptive analysis of temperature and pH peaks during aerobic stability was performed. The increase in the inclusion of Leucaena in the composition of silages reduced gas and effluent losses, neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total and fiber carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrients, and resulted in increased dry matter, ether extract, and crude protein. A quadratic effect of treatments was found for the temperature to reach the maximum pH (P=0.009). Aerobic stability remained constant after 40% Leucaena inclusion in the composition of elephant grass silages. The inclusion of Leucaena up to 80% in the composition of elephant grass silages reduces fermentation losses, promotes a nutritional increase, and increases the aerobic stability of the silages.A leucena tem sido utilizada para a confecção de silagens mistas para o enriquecimento nutricional das silagens. Assim, a inclusão da leucena como aditivo em silagens mistas de capim-elefante pode reduzir as perdas fermentativas e aumentar o valor nutricional e a estabilidade aeróbia das silagens, sem alterar o seu perfil fermentativo. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, composição nutricional e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de capim elefante associadas com níveis crescentes de leucena. Um total de cinco níveis de leucena (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em base da matéria seca) foram incluídos em silagens de capim elefante. Adotou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições, totalizando 15 silos experimentais, os quais foram abertos após 30 dias de ensilagem. Foram analisados o perfil fermentativo, a composição química e a estabilidade aeróbica. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos picos de temperatura e pH durante a estabilidade aeróbia. O aumento da inclusão da leucena na composição das silagens reduziu as perdas por gases, perdas por efluentes, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose, lignina, carboidratos totais, carboidratos fibrosos e nutrientes digestíveis totais e aumentou os de teores de matéria seca, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta. Foi observado efeito quadrático dos tratamentos sobre a temperatura para atingir o pH máximo (P=0.009). A estabilidade aeróbia permaneceu constante a partir de 40% de inclusão de leucena na composição das silagens de capim elefante. A inclusão da leucena em até 80% na composição de silagens de capim elefante reduz as perdas fermentativas, promove incremento nutricional e aumento da estabilidade aeróbia das silagens.
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