2,265 research outputs found
Os olhos e a rede
Globo.comUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
Sentencing in the age of artificial intelligence: possibilities, ethical issues, and the intrinsic human nature of the adjudication process
The world's technological advancement in times of big data, machine learning, the ‘Internet of Things’ and artificial intelligence (AI) has been remarkable in recent decades. In the ‘digital era’, technological innovations such as electronic petition systems (PJe, EPROC and PROJUD) are already part of the reality of the Judiciary branch in Brazil. Artificial intelligence systems are also beginning to be developed in many courts. The present study addresses the problem of using AI at sentencing, exploring the potential of algorithms and the main ethical issues involved: fairness, accountability, and transparency. The research problematizes the most common approach found in specialized literature on the subject, according to which the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in sentencing must be measured vis-à-vis decisions traditionally made by human judges. Despite acknowledging that computerized sentences can produce more precise, consistent, and predictable judgments (therefore, more objective), the study argues that sentencing is essentially a human task, involving sensitivity and interpretation. Transforming sentencing into a purely mechanical, even machine-automated task, is to remove its inherently human element
Periods Of Weed Interference In Maize Crops Cultivated In The First And Second Cycles
The interference of weeds in maize production may be reflected in grain yield losses that vary as a function of the density, stage and degree of aggressiveness of the species present. In the agricultural ecosystem, crops and weeds demand light, water, nutrients and space, which are frequently not available in sufficient quantities, leading to competition. The aim of this work was to determine the period of interference of weed plants, in particular of naked crabgrass (Digitaria nuda) on maize crop in the first and second harvest. The treatments were defined as increasing periods of coexistence and increasing control of weed community (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days), two more controls, a control including one with weed control until the end of the culture cycle and another with coexistence until the harvest. For each period, were evaluated the stand of maize plants, length of ear, number of grains per row, number of rows per ear, cob, 100-grain weight, and grain productivity. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance using the F test, with average treatments compared using Tukey's test at 5% probability. Crop productivity was evaluated by means of regressions, the critical periods of interference were estimated. The critical timing of weed removal was 25 days for both harvests. The critical weed free period was 54 and 27 days for the first and second harvest respectively. For the conditions of the first and second harvest, the critical period of weed control was of 29 and 2 days respectively.3752867287
Antagonic effect of the inhibition of inducible nitric oxide on the mortality of mice acutely infected with Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis
Sepsis, the leading cause of death in intensive care units, is associated with overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) due to inducible NO synthase (iNOS), responsible for some of the pathologic changes. Aminoguanidine (AG) is a selective iNOS inhibitor with reported inconsistent actions in sepsis. To investigate the influence of iNOS, we studied models of acute bacterial sepsis using acute challenges with aerobic (Escherichia coli) and anaerobic (Bacteroides fragilis) bacteria in the presence of AG. Six-week-old, 23 g, male and female BALB/c and C57Bl/6j mice, in equal proportions, were inoculated (ip) with bacteria in groups of 4 animals for each dose and each experiment in the absence or presence of AG (50 mg/kg, ip, starting 24 h before challenge and daily until day 6) and serum nitrate was measured by chemiluminescence. Both types of bacteria were lethal to mice, with an LD50 of 6 nephelometric units (U) for E. coli and 8 U for B. fragilis. Nitrate production peaked on the second day after E. coli inoculation with 8 and 6 U (P < 0.05), but was absent after non-lethal lower doses. After challenge with B. fragilis this early peak occurred at all tested doses after 24 h, including non-lethal ones (P < 0.05). AG-treated mice challenged with E. coli presented higher survival (P < 0.05) and increased LD50. AG-treated mice challenged with B. fragilis had lower LD50 and higher mortality. Control AG-treated animals presented no toxic effects. The opposite effect of iNOS blockade by AG in these models could be explained by restriction of oxygen for immune cells or an efficient action of NO in anaerobic localized infections. The antagonic role of NO production observed in our bacterial models could explain the reported discrepancy of NO action in sepsis
Concentrações foliares do porta-enxerto limoeiro 'cravo' em função da adubação N, P, K, Ca e S
A determinação das concentrações foliares representa o estado nutricional das plantas, identifica deficiências e/ou excessos e avalia a necessidade de ajustar as adubações. Este trabalho objetivou determinar a melhor combinação de doses NPKCa e S que proporcione a concentração foliar responsável pela maior quantidade de matéria seca total das plantas de porta-enxerto limoeiro `Cravo', em um experimento fatorial fracionário (¹/25) 5(4), com 25 tratamentos, repartidos em cinco blocos de cinco tratamentos. As mudas do limoeiro `Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osb.) foram transplantadas para recipientes (3,8 dm³) com substrato comercial, em viveiro telado, quando atingiram 10 cm. Os tratamentos consistiram de combinações das seguintes doses (g por planta): N = 0,31; 0,62; 1,25; 2,5 e 5; K = 0,4; 0,62; 1,25; 2,5 e 5; P = 0,35; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 e 4,0; e Ca = 3,5; 5,0; 6,0; 7,0 e 8,0. O P e o Ca foram misturados ao substrato de uma vez antes do transplantio e o N e o K após o transplantio, divididos em 20 aplicações semanais. As fontes utilizadas para os tratamentos foram superfosfato triplo, gesso, NH4NO3 e KCl. As concentrações foliares aos cinco meses de idade situaram-se na faixa alta, para os nutrientes N, P, K e S, e baixa para Ca e Mg. As doses que proporcionaram a maior produção de matéria seca e melhores concentrações foliares foram N = 3,5; P = 2,7; K = 2,0; e Ca = 6,5 g por planta.Analysis of leaf nutrient contents can demonstrate plant nutritional status, identify symptoms of deficiency and toxicity, and evaluate the need to adjust fertilization programs. This research determined N:P:K:Ca:S rates for optimal nutrition of Rangpur lime - RL (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock, in an experiment arranged in a fractional factorial design of the (¹/25) 5(4) type, with 25 treatments distributed within five blocks. Seedlings of RL were transplanted into 3.8-dm³ containers filled with commercial growing media, when plant height = 10 cm, in a nursery. Treatments consisted of the following nutrient rates (g per plant): N = 0.31, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; K = 0.4, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; P = 0.35, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0; and Ca = 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. Phosphorus and Ca were applied to the compost before transplant of seedlings, while N and K were applied later and total amounts were split into 20 weekly applications via fertigation. Nutrient sources were triple super phosphate, gypsum, NH4NO3 and KCl. Leaf nutrient concentrations of five-mo-old plants were high or in excess for N, P, K and S. Calcium and Mg concentrations were low. Greater dry mass of plants were observed at nutrient rates of N = 3.5, P = 2.7, K = 2.0, and Ca = 6.5 g per plant
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