1,868 research outputs found

    Dos textos teóricos

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    Acteur actif et également un des fondateurs de la "poésie concrète" (Brésil, années 50), Campos étudie et démasque les facteurs qui caractérisent ce mouvement -ainsi que ses adeptes-, dont la perspective nous montre l'alliance du technologique, du visuel et du sonore. Dans ce contexte, naissent des poèmes matérialisés par recours informatiques, sous la forme de structures "verbicovisuelles": des nouveaux messages qui, inspirés par les nouveaux moyens techno-logiques, représentent un mot en typographie électronique (le vidéo-gramme) laissant ainsi de côté la tradicionnelle virtualité du mot im-primé (l'idéogramme).As active participant and one of the founders of the so-called "concrete poetry (in Brazil during the fifties), Campos unmasks and reflects on the characteristic features of this movement and its followers, whose perspective demonstrates the blending of the technological, visual, and aural. In this context emerge poems with "verbo-visual" structures realized with the resources of the computer: new messages inspired by new technological media that show the world of electronic typography (the videogram) leaving behind the traditional virtuality of the printed word (the ideogram).Publicad

    Traces of Lorentz symmetry breaking in a Hydrogen atom at ground state

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    Some traces of a specific Lorentz symmetry breaking scenario in the ground state of the Hydrogen atom are investigated. It is used standard Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory in order to obtain the corrections to the the ground state energy and wave function. It is shown that an induced four-pole moment arises, due to the Lorentz symmetry breaking. The model considered is the one studied in reference Eur. Phys. J. C {\bf 74}, 2937 (2014), where the Lorentz symmetry is broken in the electromagnetic sector.Comment: 8 Latex pages, 2 figure


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    "Augusto de Campos (Sao Paulo, 1931) es poeta, traductor, crítico y ensayista. Promotor de la poesía concreta desde los años cincuenta, junto con Haroldo de Campos y Décio Pignatari, ha sido precursor, desde los años ochenta, del uso de la informática y las nuevas tecnológias en la composición poética. Ha llevado a cabo una labor de traducción (o transcreación) prodigiosa, vertiendo al portugués, entre otros, a Mallarmé, Joyce, Pound, Rilke, Arnaut Daniel y Mayakovski. Ha recibido, entre otros galardones, el Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía Pablo Neruda (2015) y el Gran Premio de Poesía Janus Pannonius (2017). Con la publicación de "PRESSAURO", poema en que se cruzan y encabalgan los tiempos, Augusto de Campos rinde homenaje a Larva y a la escritura de Julián Ríos.""Augusto de Campos (Sao Paulo, 1931) es poeta, traductor, crítico y ensayista. Promotor de la poesía concreta desde los años cincuenta, junto con Haroldo de Campos y Décio Pignatari, ha sido precursor, desde los años ochenta, del uso de la informática y las nuevas tecnológias en la composición poética. Ha llevado a cabo una labor de traducción (o transcreación) prodigiosa, vertiendo al portugués, entre otros, a Mallarmé, Joyce, Pound, Rilke, Arnaut Daniel y Mayakovski. Ha recibido, entre otros galardones, el Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía Pablo Neruda (2015) y el Gran Premio de Poesía Janus Pannonius (2017). Con la publicación de "PRESSAURO", poema en que se cruzan y encabalgan los tiempos, Augusto de Campos rinde homenaje a Larva y a la escritura de Julián Ríos.


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    "Augusto de Campos (Sao Paulo, 1931) es poeta, traductor, crítico y ensayista. Promotor de la poesía concreta desde los años cincuenta, junto con Haroldo de Campos y Décio Pignatari, ha sido precursor, desde los años ochenta, del uso de la informática y las nuevas tecnológias en la composición poética. Ha llevado a cabo una labor de traducción (o transcreación) prodigiosa, vertiendo al portugués, entre otros, a Mallarmé, Joyce, Pound, Rilke, Arnaut Daniel y Mayakovski. Ha recibido, entre otros galardones, el Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía Pablo Neruda (2015) y el Gran Premio de Poesía Janus Pannonius (2017). Con la publicación de "PRESSAURO", poema en que se cruzan y encabalgan los tiempos, Augusto de Campos rinde homenaje a Larva y a la escritura de Julián Ríos.""Augusto de Campos (Sao Paulo, 1931) es poeta, traductor, crítico y ensayista. Promotor de la poesía concreta desde los años cincuenta, junto con Haroldo de Campos y Décio Pignatari, ha sido precursor, desde los años ochenta, del uso de la informática y las nuevas tecnológias en la composición poética. Ha llevado a cabo una labor de traducción (o transcreación) prodigiosa, vertiendo al portugués, entre otros, a Mallarmé, Joyce, Pound, Rilke, Arnaut Daniel y Mayakovski. Ha recibido, entre otros galardones, el Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía Pablo Neruda (2015) y el Gran Premio de Poesía Janus Pannonius (2017). Con la publicación de "PRESSAURO", poema en que se cruzan y encabalgan los tiempos, Augusto de Campos rinde homenaje a Larva y a la escritura de Julián Ríos.


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    Boris e o curso livre de russo

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    Clippings of Augusto de Campos. Recortes de Augusto de Campos.&nbsp

    A Neurogenetic Algorithm Based on Rational Agents

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    Lately, a lot of research has been conducted on the automatic design of artificial neural networks (ADANNs) using evolutionary algorithms, in the so-called neuro-evolutive algorithms (NEAs). Many of the presented proposals are not biologically inspired and are not able to generate modular, hierarchical and recurrent neural structures, such as those often found in living beings capable of solving intricate survival problems. Bearing in mind the idea that a nervous system's design and organization is a constructive process carried out by genetic information encoded in DNA, this paper proposes a biologically inspired NEA that evolves ANNs using these ideas as computational design techniques. In order to do this, we propose a Lindenmayer System with memory that implements the principles of organization, modularity, repetition (multiple use of the same sub-structure), hierarchy (recursive composition of sub-structures), minimizing the scalability problem of other methods. In our method, the basic neural codification is integrated to a genetic algorithm (GA) that implements the constructive approach found in the evolutionary process, making it closest to biological processes. Thus, the proposed method is a decision-making (DM) process, the fitness function of the NEA rewards economical artificial neural networks (ANNs) that are easily implemented. In other words, the penalty approach implemented through the fitness function automatically rewards the economical ANNs with stronger generalization and extrapolation capacities. Our method was initially tested on a simple, but non-trivial, XOR problem. We also submit our method to two other problems of increasing complexity: time series prediction that represents consumer price index and prediction of the effect of a new drug on breast cancer. In most cases, our NEA outperformed the other methods, delivering the most accurate classification. These superior results are attributed to the improved effectiveness and efficiency of NEA in the decision-making process. The result is an optimized neural network architecture for solving classification problems

    March 8th in Brazilian Congress : representations of the female condition in parliamentary speeches

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    Estudar as representações sobre as questões de gênero no parlamento é observar um espaço fundamental para as lutas políticas feministas, mas onde são poucas as vozes femininas. É também buscar entender os limites impostos pelas próprias dinâmicas do campo político a determinadas pautas, dentre as quais podemos incluir as questões de gênero. Este artigo pretende discutir as representações dos deputados e das deputadas brasileiras em relação à mulher, através da análise das representações da condição feminina nos discursos proferidos no plenário da Câmara dos Deputados durante as sessões dedicadas ao Dia Internacional da Mulher entre 1975 e 2006. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTCongress and its current representations about gender are crucial spaces in feminist political struggles, but where there are few female voices. In these spaces, we can observe the limitations that the dynamics of the political field impose on certain issues, including gender. This paper discusses how female and male members of congress make their representations about women, analyzing the representations of the female condition present in speeches made in the plenary assembly of Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, in the course of the sessions held on International Women's Day (March 8th), between 1975 and 2006

    Cobertura do risco financeiro nas empresas do PSI 20

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade - FiscalidadeNa presente dissertação pretende-se estudar a cobertura do risco financeiro nas empresas do PSI 20. O conceito de risco e os instrumentos para a sua cobertura são temas essenciais na era global em que vivemos, pois cada vez mais o dia a dia é pautado por céleres mudanças e constantes incertezas, onde os investidores são cada vez mais exigentes. Assim, torna-se fundamental estudar todos os temas relacionados com o risco e de que forma se adaptam e protegem as empresas. Neste âmbito foi efetuada uma análise aos relatórios e contas (individuais e consolidadas) das empresas que compõem o PSI 20, entre 2008 e 2012, de forma a identificar os riscos financeiros a que estavam as empresas sujeitas, bem como os instrumentos de cobertura utilizados. Foi, ainda, feita uma comparação entre setores típicos da atividade económica o que permitiu a identificação de diferenças a nível do tipo de risco financeiro a que cada setor estava mais sujeito, bem como distintas formas de cobertura e utilização de instrumentos para cobertura desses mesmos riscos. No que se refere à identificação do risco financeiro, verificámos que os riscos presentes nas empresas do PSI 20 são: o risco de crédito, o risco de câmbio, o risco de taxa de juro, o risco e liquidez e o risco de preço. Quanto aos instrumentos utilizados para a sua cobertura, constatamos que a maioria das empresas escolhe o instrumento que mais de adequa às suas necessidades. À exceção de determinados produtos, tais como os swaps ou os forwards para cobertura do risco de câmbio e de taxa de juro, não se identificou preferência por nenhum instrumento de cobertura em particular.This thesis intends to study financial risk’s hedge in the PSI 20 companies. The concept of risk and instruments for determining their hedges are key issues in the global era which we live in as our days are marked, more and more, by rapid financial changes, uncertainties and increasingly demanding investors. Thus, it becomes essential to study all risk related issues and how businesses adapt and protect themselves against it. In this context it was performed an analysis on the annual individual and consolidated financial statements and balance sheets of all PSI 20 companies, between 2008 and 2012. The aim of this analysis was to identify to what type of risks were these firms were subject to and what type of hedging instruments were used. With this study, we were also able to compare between national key sectors of economic activity allowing us to identify what risks are associated to which financial sector, as well as which form of instrumental hedges are used to minimize risk. Regarding financial risks we identified the following in PSI 20 firms: credit risk, currency risk, interest rate risk, liquidity and price risk. As counter measures we found that these firms use as hedge the instruments that best suits their needs. In this aspect no preference on any particular hedging instrument was found, except in the case of swaps and forwards products, as hedge for currency risk and interest rates