264 research outputs found

    First record of Eunotosaurus (Amniota: Parareptilia) from the Eastern Cape.

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    Main articleEunotosaurus is a rare tetrapod fossil until recently known only from the Tapinocephaluszone of the main Karoo basin of Cape Province. A single specimen has recently been collected in the Free State (Weiman, pers. com.). This paper describes a new find from the Eastern Cape, where outcrops of Karoo rocks are scarce. The new specimen adds previously unknown morphological detail, particularly about the limbs. Phylogenetic affinities are clearly with the Parareptilia. particularly about the limbs. Phy logene tic affinities are clearly with the Parareptilia.Non

    Integration of multiple platforms for the analysis of multifluorescent marking technology applied to pediatric GBM and dipg

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    The intratumor heterogeneity represents one of the most difficult challenges for the development of effective therapies to treat pediatric glioblastoma (pGBM) and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). These brain tumors are composed of heterogeneous cell subpopulations that coexist and cooperate to build a functional network responsible for their aggressive phenotype. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms sustaining such network will be crucial for the identification of new therapeutic strategies. To study more in-depth these mechanisms, we sought to apply the Multifluorescent Marking Technology. We generated multifluorescent pGBM and DIPG bulk cell lines randomly expressing six different fluorescent proteins and from which we derived stable optical barcoded single cell-derived clones. In this study, we focused on the application of the Multifluorescent Marking Technology in 2D and 3D in vitro/ex vivo culture systems. We discuss how we integrated different multimodal fluorescence analysis platforms, identifying their strengths and limitations, to establish the tools that will enable further studies on the intratumor heterogeneity and interclonal interactions in pGBM and DIPG

    Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical disordered potential

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    We report a study of three-dimensional (3D) localization of ultracold atoms suspended against gravity, and released in a 3D optical disordered potential with short correlation lengths in all directions. We observe density profiles composed of a steady localized part and a diffusive part. Our observations are compatible with the self-consistent theory of Anderson localization, taking into account the specific features of the experiment, and in particular the broad energy distribution of the atoms placed in the disordered potential. The localization we observe cannot be interpreted as trapping of particles with energy below the classical percolation threshold.Comment: published in Nature Physics; The present version is the initial manuscript (unchanged compared to version 1); The published version is available online at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys2256.htm

    Anderson localization in Bragg-guiding arrays with negative defects

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    We show that Anderson localization is possible in waveguide arrays with periodically-spaced defect waveguides having lower refractive index. Such localization is mediated by Bragg reflection, and it takes place even if diagonal or off-diagonal disorder affects only defect waveguides. For off-diagonal disorder the localization degree of the intensity distributions monotonically grows with increasing disorder. In contrast, under appropriate conditions, increasing diagonal disorder may result in weaker localization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Optics Letter

    Fractal superconductivity near localization threshold

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    We develop a semi-quantitative theory of electron pairing and resulting superconductivity in bulk "poor conductors" in which Fermi energy EFE_F is located in the region of localized states not so far from the Anderson mobility edge EcE_c. We review the existing theories and experimental data and argue that a large class of disordered films is described by this model. Our theoretical analysis is based on the analytical treatment of pairing correlations, described in the basis of the exact single-particle eigenstates of the 3D Anderson model, which we combine with numerical data on eigenfunction correlations. Fractal nature of critical wavefunction's correlations is shown to be crucial for the physics of these systems. We identify three distinct phases: 'critical' superconductive state formed at EF=EcE_F=E_c, superconducting state with a strong pseudogap, realized due to pairing of weakly localized electrons and insulating state realized at EFE_F still deeper inside localized band. The 'critical' superconducting phase is characterized by the enhancement of the transition temperature with respect to BCS result, by the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of superconductive order parameter and local density of states. The major new feature of the pseudo-gaped state is the presence of two independent energy scales: superconducting gap Δ\Delta, that is due to many-body correlations and a new "pseudogap" energy scale ΔP\Delta_P which characterizes typical binding energy of localized electron pairs and leads to the insulating behavior of the resistivity as a function of temperature above superconductive TcT_c. Two gap nature of the "pseudo-gaped superconductor" is shown to lead to a number of unusual physical properties.Comment: 110 pages, 39 figures. The revised version corrects a number of typos, adds references and discussion of recent result

    A Green's function approach to transmission of massless Dirac fermions in graphene through an array of random scatterers

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    We consider the transmission of massless Dirac fermions through an array of short range scatterers which are modeled as randomly positioned δ\delta- function like potentials along the x-axis. We particularly discuss the interplay between disorder-induced localization that is the hallmark of a non-relativistic system and two important properties of such massless Dirac fermions, namely, complete transmission at normal incidence and periodic dependence of transmission coefficient on the strength of the barrier that leads to a periodic resonant transmission. This leads to two different types of conductance behavior as a function of the system size at the resonant and the off-resonance strengths of the delta function potential. We explain this behavior of the conductance in terms of the transmission through a pair of such barriers using a Green's function based approach. The method helps to understand such disordered transport in terms of well known optical phenomena such as Fabry Perot resonances.Comment: 22 double spaced single column pages. 15 .eps figure

    Localization of ultrasound in a three-dimensional elastic network

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    After exactly half a century of Anderson localization, the subject is more alive than ever. Direct observation of Anderson localization of electrons was always hampered by interactions and finite temperatures. Yet, many theoretical breakthroughs were made, highlighted by finite-size scaling, the self-consistent theory and the numerical solution of the Anderson tight-binding model. Theoretical understanding is based on simplified models or approximations and comparison with experiment is crucial. Despite a wealth of new experimental data, with microwaves, light, ultrasound and cold atoms, many questions remain, especially for three dimensions. Here we report the first observation of sound localization in a random three-dimensional elastic network. We study the time-dependent transmission below the mobility edge, and report ``transverse localization'' in three dimensions, which has never been observed previously with any wave. The data are well described by the self-consistent theory of localization. The transmission reveals non-Gaussian statistics, consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: Final published version, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Contribution of NFP LysM Domains to the Recognition of Nod Factors during the Medicago truncatula/Sinorhizobium meliloti Symbiosis

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    The root nodule nitrogen fixing symbiosis between legume plants and soil bacteria called rhizobia is of great agronomical and ecological interest since it provides the plant with fixed atmospheric nitrogen. The establishment of this symbiosis is mediated by the recognition by the host plant of lipo-chitooligosaccharides called Nod Factors (NFs), produced by the rhizobia. This recognition is highly specific, as precise NF structures are required depending on the host plant. Here, we study the importance of different LysM domains of a LysM-Receptor Like Kinase (LysM-RLK) from Medicago truncatula called Nod factor perception (NFP) in the recognition of different substitutions of NFs produced by its symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. These substitutions are a sulphate group at the reducing end, which is essential for host specificity, and a specific acyl chain at the non-reducing end, that is critical for the infection process. The NFP extracellular domain (ECD) contains 3 LysM domains that are predicted to bind NFs. By swapping the whole ECD or individual LysM domains of NFP for those of its orthologous gene from pea, SYM10 (a legume plant that interacts with another strain of rhizobium producing NFs with different substitutions), we showed that NFP is not directly responsible for specific recognition of the sulphate substitution of S. meliloti NFs, but probably interacts with the acyl substitution. Moreover, we have demonstrated the importance of the NFP LysM2 domain for rhizobial infection and we have pinpointed the importance of a single leucine residue of LysM2 in that step of the symbiosis. Together, our data put into new perspective the recognition of NFs in the different steps of symbiosis in M. truncatula, emphasising the probable existence of a missing component for early NF recognition and reinforcing the important role of NFP for NF recognition during rhizobial infection

    Patient Selection in One Anastomosis/Mini Gastric Bypass—an Expert Modified Delphi Consensus

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    Purpose: One anastomosis/mini gastric bypass (OAGB/MGB) is up to date the third most performed obesity and metabolic procedure worldwide, which recently has been endorsed by ASMBS. The main criticisms are the risk of bile reflux, esophageal cancer, and malnutrition. Although IFSO has recognized this procedure, guidance is needed regarding selection criteria. To give clinicians a daily support in performing the right patient selection in OAGB/MGB, the aim of this paper is to generate clinical guidelines based on an expert modified Delphi consensus. Methods: A committee of 57 recognized bariatric surgeons from 24 countries created 69 statements. Modified Delphi consensus voting was performed in two rounds. An agreement/disagreement among ≥ 70.0% of the experts was considered to indicate a consensus. Results: Consensus was achieved for 56 statements. Remarkably, ≥ 90.0% of the experts felt that OAGB/MGB is an acceptable and suitable option "in patients with Body mass index (BMI) > 70, BMI > 60, BMI > 50 kg/m2 as a one-stage procedure," "as the second stage of a two-stage bariatric surgery after Sleeve Gastrectomy for BMI > 50 kg/m2 (instead of BPD/DS)," and "in patients with weight regain after restrictive procedures. No consensus was reached on the statement that OAGB/MGB is a suitable option in case of resistant Helicobacter pylori. This is likely as there is a concern that this procedure is associated with reflux and its related long-term complications including risk of cancer in the esophagus or stomach. Also no consensus reached on OAGB/MGB as conversional surgery in patients with GERD after restrictive procedures. Consensus for disagreement was predominantly achieved "in case of intestinal metaplasia of the stomach" (74.55%), "in patients with severe Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)(C,D)" (75.44%), "in patients with Barrett's metaplasia" (89.29%), and "in documented insulinoma" (89.47%). Conclusion: Patient selection in OAGB/MGB is still a point of discussion among experts. There was consensus that OAGB/MGB is a suitable option in elderly patients, patients with low BMI (30-35 kg/m2) with associated metabolic problems, and patients with BMIs more than 50 kg/m2 as one-stage procedure. OAGB/MGB can also be a safe procedure in vegetarian and vegan patients. Although OAGB/MGB can be a suitable procedure in patients with large hiatal hernia with concurrent hiatal hernia, it should not be offered to patients with grade C or D esophagitis or Barrett's metaplasia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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