5,398 research outputs found

    The Ontological Import of Adding Proper Classes

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    In this article, we analyse the ontological import of adding classes to set theories. We assume that this increment is well represented by going from ZF system to NBG. We thus consider the standard techniques of reducing one system to the other. Novak proved that from a model of ZF we can build a model of NBG (and vice versa), while Shoenfield have shown that from a proof in NBG of a set-sentence we can generate a proof in ZF of the same formula. We argue that the first makes use of a too strong metatheory. Although meaningful, this symmetrical reduction does not equate the ontological content of the theories. The strong metatheory levels the two theories. Moreover, we will modernize Shoenfields proof, emphasizing its relation to Herbrands theorem and that it can only be seen as a partial type of reduction. In contrast with symmetrical reductions, we believe that asymmetrical relations are powerful tools for comparing ontological content. In virtue of this, we prove that there is no interpretation of NBG in ZF, while NBG trivially interprets ZF. This challenges the standard view that the two systems have the same ontological content

    Lignin engineering in forest trees

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    Wood is a renewable resource that is mainly composed of lignin and cell wall polysaccharides. The polysaccharide fraction is valuable as it can be converted into pulp and paper, or into fermentable sugars. On the other hand, the lignin fraction is increasingly being considered a valuable source of aromatic building blocks for the chemical industry. The presence of lignin in wood is one of the major recalcitrance factors in woody biomass processing, necessitating the need for harsh chemical treatments to degrade and extract it prior to the valorization of the cell wall polysaccharides, cellulose and hemicellulose. Over the past years, large research efforts have been devoted to engineering lignin amount and composition to reduce biomass recalcitrance toward chemical processing. We review the efforts made in forest trees, and compare results from greenhouse and field trials. Furthermore, we address the value and potential of CRISPR-based gene editing in lignin engineering and its integration in tree breeding programs

    Quality of life in Anemic Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Qualidade de vida em pacientes anêmicos com doença inflamatória intestinal

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    INTRODUCTION: Anemia is a common complication in inflammatory disease bowel (IBD). Many patients have this comorbidity ignored during clinical follow-up. Nonetheless, studies of anemic patients have a significant relationship between anemia and low quality of life. This study evaluated the quality of life before and after treatment for anemia in mild anemic, IBD patients from the IBD Center of the UFJF University Hospital. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to investigate the improvement of quality of life after treatment of anemia in IBD patients. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 100 patients with CD (Crohn's disease) and 100 with RCUI (ulcerative colitis) were screened for anemia. For evaluation of anemia, complete blood count, ferritin, saturation index transferrin, serum levels of folic acid, serum iron and vitamin B12 was performed. In anemic patients, was evaluated and compared the levels of quality of life before and after anemia treatment. For the evaluation of quality of life, the disease-specific quality of life (QOL) was acessed. RESULTS: The baseline IBDQ score for the cohort was 157 (±37) with a mean increase in the score by 26.4 (P <0.001) at week 8 compared to the baseline. CONCLUSION: Treatment with oral liposomal iron was effective in improving the treatment of anemia in IBD Brazilian outpatients showed statistically significant improvement in quality of life of patients with inactive or mildly active IBD

    Characterization and Properties of Chitosan

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    Improvement of Anxiety, Depression and fatigue after treatment of Anemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease patients: Melhora da Ansiedade, Depressão e fadiga após tratamento de Anemia em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal

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    INTRODUCTION: Anemia is a common complication in inflammatory disease bowel (IBD). Many patients have this comorbidity ignored during clinical follow-up. Nonetheless, studies of anemic patients have a significant relationship between anemia and higher anxiety, depression and fatigue. This study evaluated the level of anxiety, depression and fatigue before and after treatment for anemia in mild anemic, IBD patients from the IBD Center of the UFJF University Hospital. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to investigate the improvement of anxiety, depression and fatigue after treatment of anemia in IBD patients. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 100 patients with CD (Crohn's disease) and 100 with RCUI (ulcerative colitis) were screened for anemia. For evaluation of anemia, complete blood count, ferritin, saturation index transferrin, serum levels of folic acid, serum iron and vitamin B12 was performed. In anemic patients, was evaluated and compared the levels of anxiety, depression and fatigue before and after anemia treatment. For the evaluation of anxiety was applied the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS), to assess fatigue was applied Chalder`s questionnaire. RESULTS: The evaluation average for anxiety before anemia treatment was 7.3 ± 4.3 and after treatment it was 5.3 ± 4.8 (p=0.0.08), the average of depression before treatment was 6.2 ± 5.2 and after treatment it was 4.9 ± 4.8 (p=0.08) and the average of fatigue before anemia treatment was 30.9 ± 8.7 and after treatment it was 21.6 ± 8.4 (p<0.001). Treatment with oral liposomal iron was effective in improving mild IDA and quality of life, as well as in decreasing fatigue in patients with inactive or mildly active IBD. CONCLUSION: The treatment of anemia in patients with IBD Brazilian outpatients showed statistically significant improvement in cases of anxiety and fatigue, although did not demonstrate a significant improvement in depression

    The immediate effects of lumbar spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) in terms of kinetic and kinematic symmetry of functional performance tests on asymptomatic participants

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    Atualmente a natureza competitiva da prática esportiva cria demandas constantes de tecnologias e opções terapêuticas que possam influenciar o desempenho desportivo. De acordo com a literatura, observa se um crescente interesse sobre os efeitos da Terapia de Manipulação Vertebral (TMV) no desempenho desportivo. O foco é melhorar as capacidades individuais em termos de proficiência e consistência de técnicas, especialmente em relação à simetria na performance física. Este foco contribui para melhorar o conhecimento sobre as capacidades individuais, através da triagem de condições músculo-esqueléticas, nomeadamente nas assimetrias bilaterais, que podem influenciar negativamente parâmetros mecânicos e fisiológicos, afetando potencialmente o desempenho esportivo. Isso requer uma avaliação precisa e confiável de simetria em termos de testes de desempenho físico em ações estáticas, dinâmicas e explosivas. Para atingir esses objetivos na concretização desta dissertação foram realizados três estudos. No primeiro estudo, o estudo preliminar, a simetria de atletas assintomáticos foi medida através de testes de desempenho sobre plataforma de força e com instrumentos de captura de movimento, para avaliar a viabilidade do estudo em medir as mudanças imediatas da terapia de manipulação lombar na simetria, através dos testes: postura estática, agachamento e salto vertical contramovimento. O segundo estudo, estudo prospetivo teste e re-teste foi desenvolvido para estabelecer a fiabilidade intra-avaliador, intra-sessão das medidas de simetria entre a intervenção experimental lombar TMV. Através de dois índices de simetria e de cálculos estatísticos aprofundados, a fiabilidade e reprodutibilidade das medidas foram avaliados neste estudo. O estudo final, o ensaio clínico randomizado controlado, avaliou os efeitos imediatos de uma única sessão de intervenção terapêutica, na simetria de atletas assintomáticos. Os parâmetros biomecânicos cinéticos e cinemáticos foram medidos através de duas plataformas de força, instrumentos de captura de movimento e softwares de processamento e análise dos dados. Neste estudo foram aplicados dois índices de simetria para obter valores globais de simetria nos testes de desempenho, pré e pós as intervenções experimentais TMV e SHAM. Com base nos resultados obtidos desses estudos, o protocolo metodológico demonstrou ser viável e fiável em medir os efeitos da manipulação lombar na simetria cinética e cinemática, antes e depois das intervenções terapêuticas. Em 90% das variáveis do estudo, os resultados apresentaram boa e excelente confiabilidade absoluta e relativa, e uma pequena manifestação dos erros das medidas, confirmando a assim confiabilidade, reprodutibilidade e a precisão das medidas, em relação às variáveis propostas na nossa investigação. x Nossos achados sugerem que a estratégia terapêutica de correção das disfunções vertebrais lombares através da terapia de manipulação vertebral, produz efeitos imediatos na simetria estática em postura ortostática bipedal. Em relação às ações dinâmicas, a intervenção lombar TMV não apresentou efeito imediato significativo na simetria em ambos os grupos de atletas assintomáticos. Portanto, nossos resultados demonstram uma melhoria imediata somente na simetria cinética bilateral em postura estática, nomeadamente nas forças de reação ao solo bilateral. Esses achados sugerem que este protocolo metodológico apresentado nesta tese, apresenta informações relevantes e fidedignas e pode servir como uma ferramenta útil para medir, tratar e avaliar os padrões de simetria cinética no desempenho de atletas assintomáticos, podendo assim também ser significativo no contexto clínico, desportivo e de investigação científica.The competitive nature of sports practice creates constant demands for technologies and therapeutic options that could influence sports performance. An increasing interest on this theme have been found on literature interventional between sports professionals, clinicians and athletes regarding SMT effects on sports performance. The focus is to enhance individual capabilities in terms of proficiency and consistency of techniques, especially relative to physical performance. This focus contributes to improve knowledge about individual capabilities, through screening of musculoskeletal conditions, such bilateral asymmetries, that could negatively influence a range of mechanical and physiological parameters and consequently athlete’s performance. This requires an accurate and reliable assessment of symmetry in terms of overall functional performance tests. In this stand, to achieve this goals, three studies were conducted. In the first study, the preliminary feasibility study, were measure kinetic symmetry by index with asymptomatic athletes over force platform, and motion capture instrument, to quantitatively evaluated the feasibility of the study to measure the immediate effects of lumbar SMT on symmetry in asymptomatic athletes, through use of physical performance tests: static posture, squat movement, and countermovement. The second study, prospective intra-rater, test-retest reliability study, were applied to establish the physical performance tests reliability, reproducibility of kinetic and kinematic symmetry measurements between lumbar SMT intervention through deep statistics evaluations. The final study, randomized controlled trial with two groups of asymptomatic athletes and two symmetry indexes were utilized to measure the kinematic and kinematic biomechanical parameters by force platform, and motion capture instruments, performing physical performance tests: static posture, squat movement, and countermovement. Based on the obtained results of these studies, our findings suggest that a therapeutic strategy of correcting the lumbar vertebral dysfunctions through lumbar spinal manipulation produce immediately changes of neuro-musculoskeletal system, namely in kinetic symmetry (bilateral lower limbs reaction forces) in static posture. Relative to dynamic trials, lumbar intervention not presented significant immediate effect on symmetry in both group of asymptomatic athlete’s participants. Good to excellent relative reliability were found in 90% of the variables and small manifestation of measurements errors, in all verified variables, confirming study confidence relative to the variables. Thus, our results demonstrated immediate improvement of bilateral kinetic symmetry in static posture trials, thus appear to be clinically and sportive meaningful. XII These findings suggest that this methodological protocol may be a useful tool to assess physical performance by kinetic and kinematic symmetry in a clinical and sportive context. Keyword

    Translations: a Movement Towards Reconciliation

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    This article proposes a postcolonial reading of Brian Friel’s Translations, understanding it as piece of work that presents a way out for Ireland to reconcile with England, its colonizer. It has taken the major theoreticians in postcolonial studies as premise to read the play as a place of hybridity.Keywords: Brian Friel; Translations; hybridity

    Abordagem nutrológica do transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade em crianças

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    The aim of this study was to conduct a non-systematic literature review on the nutrological approach to the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. The numerous nutrological treatments that have been proposed include restriction and elimination diets (REDs), supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and magnesium