703 research outputs found

    Infecção pelo vírus HIV

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    Esse seminário aborda os métodos de prevenção do contágio pelo HIV e o seguimento de indivíduos infectados.Versão em H

    Performance of healthcare organizations: contributing variables to efficiency and quality

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    The transition from volume-based healthcare to value-based healthcare has been the major challenge of National Health Systems. Nevertheless, some variables that might contribute to bring together healthcare professionals and healthcare challenges have been overlooked. Study A, the first of three studies, conducted in a primary healthcare setting, revealed that perceived and objective organizational performance is predicted by sense of community, which simultaneously mediates the relationship between workgroup and performance. Study B provides a definition of hospital organizational integration (HOI) by exploring which change initiatives undertaken by hospitals are contributing to healthcare integration and by explaining how these initiatives are connecting and bringing together different levels of healthcare. Study C concludes that HOI increases both sides of organizational outcomes: efficiency and quality. The study also revealed that relational coordination (RC) only produces a positive impact on quality (perceived performance) and that the influence of HOI and RC on performance is mediated by workplace spirituality and work engagement

    Indicadores Derivados de Agregados Monetários

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    This work has objective to verify, from causality and cointegration tests, if monetary aggregates can anticipate fluctuations in by products and prices in Brazil. Monthly data, for monetary aggregates, IPCA and real GDP, from jan/95 to mar/02 have been used. The broad money supply were evaluated in their original form in order to represent financial wealth, weighed by the Divisia index, as an attempt for estimating better measures of macroeconomic liquidity, and adjusted for gathering of the Net Domestic Credit in primary terms. The results do not indicate that the balance found using the Divisia index has contributed to improving the performance of primary aggregates for the purposes of the experiment. The broader concepts, stemming from the M3 and M4, mainly the Net Domestic Credit gathered from the M3, had shown time antecedence with the real product. Fluctuations in the prices, in turn, can be anticipated mostly the financial wealth and liquidity indicators.

    problemática dos paradigmas de higiene e saúde pública na junta de freguesia de Agualva, Cacém, Cascais e Estoril

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    O devir dos padrões sociais e das famílias com permanente vínculo aos animais de estimação, esta a ampliar na cultura de consumo a indústria dos produtos pet’ e consequente I&D destes. A presente monografia pretende aferir na domesticação do cão e/ou gato (AE), a realidade concreta nas estruturas familiares urbanas, hábitos sanitários dos AE e saúde pública. Identificar fatores caracterizadores de sensibilidade. Sugerir uma plataforma de união com o bem-estar, nos direitos, deveres, com obrigações reguladas pela legislação, na coabitação de humanos com AE. Constata-se o desenvolvimento de esforços comerciais, legislativos, tecnológicos e associativos que, entre outros, caminham para mitigar os novos paradigmas de higiene e saúde pública. Este estudo assenta num problema difícil de mitigar, nas atitudes da coabitação com os AE e densidade populacional dos mesmos em espaços urbanos. Ou seja o problema do ponto de vista dos munícipes do fim a dar aos excrementos deixadas involuntariamente pelos AE nas habitações urbanas e nos espaços públicos, na ótica da higiene e saúde pública. Com intuito de alertar para o problema e minimizar as zoonoses. Beneficiando as famílias, os AE (e.g. abandonos) e a comunidade em geral. Menos dispendiosa para o governo, para a sociedade, que ajude na organização jurídica e que permita enraizar uma nova cultura de hábitos de higiene na coabitação com cão e/ou gato, conduzida por uma patente registada. Toda esta solução coliga em si, numa forte gestão comercial e de I&D de produtos Pet’s. A metodologia da investigação quantitativa, efetivada com a análise estatística no SPSS, ao questionário divulgado entre o fim de 2012 e 1ºtrimestre de 2013, da qual resultou uma amostra aleatória de 1180 munícipes na junta de freguesia de Agualva, Cacém, Cascais e Estoril. Aferiu-se pelos resultados que os munícipes com ou sem AE reivindicam uma legislação mais atuante que controlo e mitigue os excrementos dos AE, deixados involuntariamente nas habitações e espaços públicos. Incentivam uma nova cultura que mitigue zoonoses e melhore hábitos de saúde pública. Os munícipes manifestaram sensibilidade antropomórfica e assumem que colaboram com as obrigações legais. A presente dissertação está organizada em cinco capítulos: o Capitulo I, introduz a espectativa da investigação; o Capitulo II trata a revisão da literatura; o capítulo III apresenta a investigação metodológica; o Capitulo IV apresenta os resultados da metodologia aplicada; e o Capitulo V encerra o estudo com conclusões, contribuições esperadas e sugestões para futuras investigações.Becoming social standards and families with permanent bond to pets, this broadens consumer culture industry of pet products' R & D and consequently these. This monograph aims to gauge the domestication of the dog and cat (AE), the reality in family structures urban sanitary habits of AE and public health. Identify factors that characterize sensitivity. Suggest a platform for union with the welfare, rights, duties and obligations, with matters regulated by legislation and the cohabitation of humans with AE. Notes for the development of commercial, legislative, technological and association’s efforts that, among others, aim to mitigate the new paradigms of public health and hygiene. This study is based on a complex problem to mitigate the attitudes of cohabitation with the AE and the same population density in urban areas. From the point of view of the citizens there is a problem about the droppings left unintentionally by AE in urban dwellings and public spaces, from the perspective of public health and hygiene. In order to raise awareness of the problem and minimize zoonosis, benefiting families, AE (e.g. dropouts) and the wider community. Less costly for the government, to society, to assist in organizing legal and allows root a new culture of hygiene in cohabitation with dog and / or cat, conducted by a registered patent. All this solutions coalition itself with strong commercial management and Pet Product’s R & D. The methodology of quantitative research, carried out with the statistical analysis in SPSS. The questionnaire circulated between the end of 2012 and 1st quarter of 2013, which resulted in a random sample of 1180 residents in the parish of Agualva, Cacém, Cascais and Estoril. Be gauged by the results that citizens with or without AE claim legislation more active than control and mitigate the droppings of AE, unintentionally left in homes and public spaces. Encourage a new culture that mitigates zoonosis habits and improve public health. Residents expressed sensitivity anthropomorphic and declare that collaborate with legal obligations. This dissertation is organized into five chapters: o Chapter I introduces the expectation of research; Chapter II deals with the Literature Review, Chapter III presents a Research Methodology, Chapter IV presents the results of the applied methodology, and Chapter V contains the study findings, expected contributions and suggestions for future research

    Guerra fiscal no âmbito do ICMS: breve análise sob a perspectiva de introdução do Imposto sobre Valor Agregado Federal no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

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    The present investigation aims to study the Brazilian phenomenon of "Tax War" under the ICMS context, and the need to promote the amendment of our legislation in order to improve our indirect taxes. There is no denying the importance that the tax on the circulation of goods and services of transportation involving multiple states e cities and communication has in our legal system, as well as its importance for the states revenue. From this perspective, the deductive method of research will be used, observing the Federal Constitution and its fundamental objective of harmony between the federated entities, in opposition to the current conjuncture. Thus, considering the above, it was analyzed the possibility of establishing the Federal Value Added Tax as a form of simplification of the tax system, based on an analysis of the European and South American experience, also passing through the Brazilian’s Constitutional Amendment Projects who have already addressed this theme. Although the introduction of VAT represents several good points, it will be possible to verify that the solution is not so simple, since our federation has three levels of government, without the presence of any hierarchical degree between them, since they have autonomy.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o fenômeno da “Guerra Fiscal” brasileira sob o contexto do ICMS, e a necessidade de que seja promovida a alteração da nossa legislação a fim de aperfeiçoar os nossos impostos indiretos. É inegável a relevância que o imposto incidente sobre circulação de mercadorias e serviços de transporte interestadual, intermunicipal e de comunicação possui no nosso ordenamento jurídico, bem como a sua importância para a receita estadual. Nesse sentido, utilizar-se-á o método dedutivo de pesquisa, observando a Constituição Federal e o seu objetivo fundamental de solidariedade, em contraposição à atual conjuntura de conflitos fiscais. Destarte, levando em consideração o exposto, visou-se a possibilidade de instituição do Imposto sobre Valor Agregado Federal como forma de simplificação do sistema tributário, a partir de análise da experiência europeia e sul-americana, perpassando, também, pelos Projetos de Emenda Constitucionais brasileiros que já abordaram esta temática. Não obstante a introdução do IVA represente diversos pontos positivos, será possível constatar que a solução não é tão simples, uma vez que a nossa federação possui três níveis de governo, sem a presença de qualquer grau hierárquico entre eles, visto que que estes possuem autonomia

    Lean business system application in process industries - food business

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    Orientador: Paulo Correa LimaDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecanicaResumo: Diversos negócios, sobretudo os do ramo automobilísticos e seus derivados (sistemistas), vêm se destacando pelas grandes inovações em forma de sistema de manufatura que, ultimamente, vem sendo transformado em filosofia corporativa de negócio, motivados pelo imenso sucesso da Toyota Motor Corporation. Não obstante, raras iniciativas vêm sendo aplicadas em indústrias de processos contínuas, mais especificamente, indústrias do ramo alimentício. Este trabalho apresenta implantações completas, coordenadas pelo autor, em duas indústrias alimentícias distintas, mostrando as diferenças e a metodologia aplicada em ambas às indústrias. É demonstrada a aplicação da gestão de negócios baseada na filosofia do Sistema Enxuto (Pensamento Enxuto) na empresa Masterfoods South America ¿ MFSA, divisão de Petfood (alimentos para animais de estimação) e Snackfood (chocolates), além da utilização de algumas ferramentas do sistema para a busca contínua da perfeição em ambos os negócios. Grandes resultados são apresentados nestes dois negócios completamente divergentes, apesar de serem indústrias alimentícias, tais como redução de tempo de atravessamento (lead time) de 114 dias para 24 dias e tempo de trocas de 4 horas para ZERO na linha de chocolates e para o caso da linha de alimentos para animais domésticos o resultado é da mesma forma animador reduzindo o tempo de atravessamento de 75 dias para 14 dias e trocas de 2 horas para menos de 20 minutosAbstract: Several business, specially automobile companies and theirs ramification, have been exceeding due to their great innovations related to the manufacturing system which, lately, have been converted to a corporate business philosophy, motivated by the unlimited success from Toyota Motor Corporation. However, seldom initiatives have been taken place into continuous process industries, more precisely, food segments. This work presents an entire implementation, coordinated by the author, in two distinguished food business, indicating the differences and the methodology applied in both industries. It is demonstrated the application of a business management based on the Lean Philosophy (Lean Thinking) in the Masterfoods South America ¿ MFSA, Snack food and Pet food division, moreover the application of some tools from this system continuously seeking for the perfection in both segments. Great results are presented in these two considerably divergent business, despite they belong to the food segment, such as lead time reduction from 114 days to 24 days and change over time reduced from 4 hours to ZERO in the chocolate line as well as petfood case the results are in the same perspective reducing the leadtime from 75 days to 14 days and change over time from 2 horas to less than 20 minutesMestradoPlanejamento e Gestão Estrategica da ManufaturaMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    2019/2020 drought impacts on South America and atmospheric and oceanic influences

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    The 2019/2020 drought in South America caused many impacts on several sectors, as agriculture, water resources and environment, which are reported here. Besides, there is a discussion about anomalies in the atmosphere and ocean during the analyzed period. In a regional scale, there was a reduction of humidity flux over the continent, and in a large scale, the occurrence of different processes could have contributed to the dry conditions. There was a persistent pattern of west-east convection anomalies in the tropical Pacific that could be related to the steady conditions observed over South America and southeast South Atlantic from September 2019 to March 2020. The extreme positive phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole during 2019 austral spring was another event that could have influenced temperature and precipitation in South America through a wavetrain from the Indian Ocean to the South American continent. The Sudden Stratospheric Warming that occurred in September 2019 induced the negative phase of the Southern Annular Mode in December, which generated subsidence over the subtropics and affected the precipitation over South America. In addition, from September 2019 to March 2020, the heating observed in the stratosphere propagated to the troposphere over South America. Ocean indices from 1982 to 2020 are analyzed in the context of dry conditions in the continent and it was observed the relations with AMO, PDO, IOD and El Niño 3.4. From September 2019 to March 2020, there were positive SST anomalies in all oceans, mainly in the North Atlantic Ocean, which could have contributed also to subsidence over South America through a meridional circulation, as seen in other cases. At the end of the studied period, the development of La Niña extended the situation of reduced precipitation in Southern Brazil.Fil: Gomes, Mariah Souza. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Muller, Gabriela Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas. Centro de Estudios de Variabilidad y Cambio Climatico.; Argentin

    Dynamics of heavy metals in the waters of Igarape do Quarenta: The water body that crosses the industrial hub in the brazilian amazon

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    This study aimed to characterize an important body of water that crosses the industrial pole of Manaus – Igarapé do Quarenta, in Amazonas, and to evaluate possible sources of heavy metals in these waters. It is known that the anthropic and industrial influence is very intense in these waters, which significantly increases the levels of heavy metals. Thus, six water collections were carried out in the Quarenta creek, between the months of September and November 2019, every two weeks. Samples were collected near the surface, in the middle of the stream. A metalon stick was used to aid in water collection. The samples were collected in polyethylene bottles, conditioned and transported to INPA's Environmental Chemistry laboratory, where pH and electrical conductivity were determined by potentiometry. Samples for metal analysis were acidified with nitric acid. The samples were then transported to the Water Reuse Research Laboratory at Samsung da Amazônia. The results showed that the waters of the Quarenta stream are close to neutrality (pH from 6.87 to 7.03), which contradicts the acid values characteristic of the region. The electrical conductivity values exceeded 300 µS cm 1, which places the electrolyte charge of these waters almost 20 times higher than the natural values. Among the heavy metals studied, the highest contents were for Fe and Mn, whose concentrations were higher than those established by legislation. Along the Quarenta stream, sinks of heavy metals can be seen, probably due to the phenomenon of dilution or precipitation of these materials. The PLI demonstrated that there is a large polluting load of Pb, Cd, Cu and Mn. The HCA study showed associations between Mn – Fe, Cu – Cd, Ni -Pb and Cr – Zn, which reflect biogeochemical processes being altered by anthropogenic factors. Finally, PCA informs that pH and electrical conductivity inversely influence the concentrations of Zn and Cd and that Ni is the most representative metal in the dataset