1,038 research outputs found

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    Modeling the individual height and volume of two integrated crop-livestock-forest systems of Eucalyptus spp. in the Brazilian Savannah.

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    The aim of this study was to model the individual height and volume of eucalyptus wood in two integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (ICLF1 and ICLF2) in Campo Grande, a city in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Classic nonlinear growth models were adjusted for height (Logistic, Gompertz, Richards, Weibull, Van Bertalanffy, Brody, Mitscherlich, and Chapman and Richards) and volume (Shumacher-hall nonlinear, Takata, Honner, Logistic, Gompertz, and Weibull) in two structural arrangements: ICLF1, with a spacing of 14 x 2 m and density of 357 trees ha-1, and ICLF2, with a spacing of 22 x 2 m and density of 227 trees ha-1. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) measurements were performed in 100% of trees, with measurements of the total height of some individuals and a rigorous scaling procedure in diameter classes. According to the calculated value of Student's t-test, there was no significant evidence that DBH and the average height of the trees were different between ICLF1 and ICLF2. Based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the Richards model was selected to estimate heights and the Takata model was selected to estimate the volume

    Late Pleistocene climate of the northern Iberian Peninsula: New insights from palaeoglaciers at Fuentes Carrionas (Cantabrian Mountains)

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    Producción CientíficaNew Be dates for glacial landforms in the Fuentes Carrionas area (Cantabrian Mountains, nothern Spain) are presented. Mapped and dated landforms in Fuentes Carrionas made possible a palaeoglacier reconstruction for four glacial stages. Results were compared to other nearby palaeoenvironmental proxies, so a final approximation on the mean annual temperature and annual precipitation that caused the four glacial advance stages is proposed. Glaciers reached their maximum extension at 36 ka, in a cold and dry environment. A second advance stage took place between 18.5 and 19.5 ka, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), when glaciers advanced in a wet environment, with positive rainfall anomalies. A third glacial advance was dated during the Oldest Dryas, in which climate shifted to extremely cold and dry conditions. Finally, a last stage has been identified and proposed to the Younger Dryas, in which precipitation anomalies are negligible. Our results confirm some of the previously made palaeoglacial and palaeoenvironmental inferences for the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide Q4 valuable and accurate anomalies, which are useful for climate modelling.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project CGL2015-68144-R

    Laimaphelenchus suberensis sp. nov. associated with Quercus suber in Portugal

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    Laimaphelenchus suberensis sp. nov. obtained from declining Quercus suber trees of Herdade da Gouveia de Baixo, Alentejo, Portugal, is described and illustrated based on morphological, biometrical and molecular characters. The diagnosis of Laimaphelenchus species has been commonly based on the presence or absence of a vulval flap and on the shape structure of the tail tip. The species described here has been included in the Laimaphelenchus group without vulval flap, and can be distinguished from morphologically similar species by its tail tip shape structure that has a stalk-like terminus and three diffuse tubercles with 4–6 finger-like protrusions. For the molecular analyses, the mitochondrial DNA region from the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI), the D2-D3 expansion segments of the large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) of rRNA gene were amplified and sequenced. Sequences of L. suberensis sp. nov. clustered separately from all Laimaphelenchus spp. with available sequences in Genbank, confirming its identification as a new species. This is the second report of the genus Laimaphelenchus in Portugal, associated with Q. suber: L. heidelbergi and L. suberensis sp. nov.This research was supported by CFE, CIEPQPF and FEDER funds through the ‘Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade – COMPETE’ and by national funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the projects UID/BIA/04004/2013, PEst-C/EQB/UI0102/2013 and FCOMP-01-0124-008937 (Ref. PTDC/BIA–BEC/102834/2008) and by Instituto do Ambiente, Tecnologia e Vida (IATV). Carla Maleita (SFRH/BPD/85736/2012) and Sofia Costa (SFRH/BPD/ 102438/2014) were financed by MEC National funding and The European Social Fund through POCH (Programa Operacional Capital Humano).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Endometrial Cancer Spheres Show Cancer Stem Cells Phenotype and Preference for Oxidative Metabolism

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    This study aimed to characterize endometrial cancer regarding cancer stem cells (CSC) markers, regulatory and differentiation pathways, tumorigenicity and glucose metabolism. Endometrial cancer cell line ECC1 was submitted to sphere forming protocols. The first spheres generation (ES1) was cultured in adherent conditions (G1). This procedure was repeated and was obtained generations of spheres (ES1, ES2 and ES3) and spheres-derived cells in adherent conditions (G1, G2 and G3). Populations were characterized regarding CD133, CD24, CD44, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), hormonal receptors, HER2, P53 and β-catenin, fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) uptake and metabolism by NMR spectroscopy. An heterotopic model evaluated differential tumor growth. The spheres self-renewal was higher in ES3. The putative CSC markers CD133, CD44 and ALDH expression were higher in spheres. The expression of estrogen receptor (ER)α and P53 decreased in spheres, ERβ and progesterone receptor had no significant changes and β-catenin showed a tendency to increase. There was a higher 18F-FDG uptake in spheres, which also showed a lower lactate production and an oxidative cytosol status. The tumorigenesis in vivo showed an earlier growth of tumours derived from ES3. Endometrial spheres presented self-renewal and differentiation capacity, expressed CSC markers and an undifferentiated phenotype, showing preference for oxidative metabolism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio