4,108 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of Italian salami made of lamb and enriched with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense, Cambess)

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the inclusion of different levels of pequi (Caryocar Brasiliense, Cambess) pulp in the processing of Italian salami made of lamb for the evaluation of their physicochemical and microbiological characteristics. Six formulations of Italian salamis were processed: no pequi pulp (control - treatment 1); 4% pequi pulp (treatment 2); 8% pequi pulp (treatment 3), 12% pequi pulp (Treatment 4), 16% pequi pulp (treatment 5) and 20% pequi pulp (treatment 6). During the maturation period, all Italian salamis made of lamb enriched with pequi presented similar behaviors; and acidity (pH) and water activity (aw) results showed stable end values. For protein, the Italian salami made of lamb without pequi pump presented a higher content. For one of the lowest contents of fat, treatment 3 showed the highest content of humidity. The contents of fat and ashes did not present any significant difference when comparing the Italian salami formulations. A color tending to dark, yellowish and reddish shades was observed in the Italian salamis made of lamb and enriched with pequi. All Italian salamis were microbiologically satisfactory, showing ideal sanitary conditions for consumption. Pequi is a typical fruit from the Brazilian cerrado region, with characteristic color, odor and flavor, and it is an option for inclusion in Italian salamis, but additional studies should be conducted to inspect the sensory acceptability of these products.Keywords: Cerrado fruit, fermented stuffed meat sausages, physicochemical parameters, microbiological parameters

    Neoliberalismo e Cultura Política na América Latina: uma crítica a visão liberal de Estado, Democracia e Sociedade Civil

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    A persistência da relação imperialista na qual América Latina se encontra sustenta-se, entre outros elementos materiais e imateriais, na disseminação de uma cultura política que afirma e reproduz valores liberais. Neste sentido, esboçamos elementos para uma análise crítica das concepções hodiernamente hegemônicas de Estado, democracia e sociedade civil. Para tanto, discute a natureza e as características do imperialismo neoliberal e constata que, apesar de seu fracasso econômico evidenciado pelas crises do capitalismo central, sua vitalidade no plano ideológico-cultural continua determinando grande parte da ação política contemporânea, mantendo hegemônico. A partir disto, procura-se realizar um balanço crítico das concepções político-ideológicas do imperialismo e dos valores culturais e políticos produzidos e reproduzidos em torno da visão de Estado, Democracia e Sociedade Civil que o mesmo conseguiu implementar na América Latina no final do século XX. Mesmo hegemônicas, a análise demonstra que tais concepções mascaram a dominação do capital e que a crítica político-ideológica é fundamental para o desenvolvimento das lutas anti-capitalistas.Palavras-Chaves: Imperialismo Neoliberal; América Latina; Hegemonia Cultural; Democracia

    Preliminary Limits on the WIMP-Nucleon Cross Section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)

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    We are conducting an experiment to search for WIMPs, or weakly-interacting massive particles, in the galactic halo using terrestrial detectors. This generic class of hypothetical particles, whose properties are similar to those predicted by extensions of the standard model of particle physics, could comprise the cold component of non-baryonic dark matter. We describe our experiment, which is based on cooled germanium and silicon detectors in a shielded low-background cryostat. The detectors achieve a high degree of background rejection through the simultaneous measurement of the energy in phonons and ionization. Using exposures on the order of one kilogram-day from initial runs of our experiment, we have achieved (preliminary) upper limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section that are comparable to much longer runs of other experiments.Comment: 5 LaTex pages, 5 eps figs, epsf.sty, espcrc2dsa2.sty. Proceedings of TAUP97, Gran Sasso, Italy, 7-11 Sep 1997, Nucl. Phys. Suppl., A. Bottino, A. di Credico and P. Monacelli (eds.). See also http://cfpa.berkeley.ed

    Confirmation of low genetic diversity and multiple breeding females in a social group of Eurasian badgers from microsatellite and field data

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    The Eurasian badger ( Meles meles ) is a facultatively social carnivore that shows only rudimentary co-operative behaviour and a poorly defined social hierarchy. Behavioural evidence and limited genetic data have suggested that more than one female may breed in a social group. We combine pregnancy detection by ultrasound and microsatellite locus scores from a well-studied badger population from Wytham Woods, Oxfordshire, UK, to demonstrate that multiple females reproduce within a social group. We found that at least three of seven potential mothers reproduced in a group that contained 11 reproductive age females and nine offspring. Twelve primers showed variability across the species range and only five of these were variable in Wytham. The microsatellites showed a reduced repeat number, a significantly higher number of nonperfect repeats, and moderate heterozygosity levels in Wytham. The high frequency of imperfect repeats and demographic phenomena might be responsible for the reduced levels of variability observed in the badger

    Atenção básica e o uso de álcool e drogas por adolescentes:: prevenção e conduta

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    A adolescência é um período especial na vida do indivíduo, de transformação no âmbito emocional, psíquico, cognitivo e social. O adolescente muitas vezes é pressionado a iniciar consumo de álcool e drogas para aceitação coletiva. Nesse intuito, o presente trabalho aborda o tema: uso de álcool e drogas por adolescentes, bem como o papel da atenção básica. O trabalho se trata de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal, de uma população abrangida por uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Cuiabá. Fundamentado em ampla revisão bibliográfica, seguindo regulamentação do Ministério da Saúde, Código de Ética Médica, Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Tem-se dentre os resultados que 17% dos adolescentes afirmam já terem ficado embriagados; 12% dos adolescentes fez ingestão de bebida alcoólica no ultimo mês; dentre outros dados, 8% fazem uso de bebida alcoólica com o consentimento de seus pais ou responsáveis. Neste quadro, questiona-se o papel da atenção básica de saúde, com base na Estratégia de Saúde da Família, e sua necessidade de identificar adolescentes que estão vulneráveis, pois tendem a não procurarem auxílio por se sentirem criminalizados. Conclui-se que deve haver uma abordagem multiprofissional com base na Estratégia Saúde da Família, com o intuito de desenvolver a dinâmica do atendimento em saúde básica, voltada para a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de jovens em situação de risco para o uso de álcool e drogas

    In Vitro and In Vivo Investigation of the Efficacy of Arylimidamide DB1831 and Its Mesylated Salt Form - DB1965 - against Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

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    Chagas disease is caused by infection with the intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. At present, nifurtimox and benznidazole, both compounds developed empirically over four decades ago, represent the chemotherapeutic arsenal for treating this highly neglected disease. However, both drugs present variable efficacy depending on the geographical area and the occurrence of natural resistance, and are poorly effective against the later chronic stage. As a part of a search for new therapeutic opportunities to treat chagasic patients, pre-clinical studies were performed to characterize the activity of a novel arylimidamide (AIA - DB1831 (hydrochloride salt) and DB1965 (mesylate salt)) against T.cruzi. These AIAs displayed a high trypanocidal effect in vitro against both relevant forms in mammalian hosts, exhibiting a high selectivity index and a very high efficacy (IC50 value/48 h of 5–40 nM) against intracellular parasites. DB1965 shows high activity in vivo in acute experimental models (mouse) of T.cruzi, showing a similar effect to benznidazole (Bz) when compared under a scheme of 10 daily consecutive doses with 12.5 mg/kg. Although no parasitological cure was observed after treating with 20 daily consecutive doses, a combined dosage of DB1965 (5 mg/kg) with Bz (50 mg/kg) resulted in parasitaemia clearance and 100% animal survival. In summary, our present data confirmed that aryimidamides represent promising new chemical entities against T.cruzi in therapeutic schemes using the AIA alone or in combination with other drugs, like benznidazole