465 research outputs found
The code of conduct analysis of financial companies listed on the BM&FBovespa based on recommendations issued by the Brazilian institute of corporate governance
The organizations’ code of conduct and ethics is an instrument with the purpose of structuring internal policies and clear rules in regards to the commitment with all stakeholders. In this context, the objective of this research is to analyze the structure and content of the themes of the codes of conduct for financial companies listed on the Brazilian stock market, the BM&FBovespa, based on recommendations issued by the IBGC. Regarding the methodological procedures, the research is classified as qualitative and quantitative, descriptive and documentary. In April of 2016, the codes of conduct published by the main 20 listed banks of the BM&FBovespa were gathered from their websites. Obtained results demonstrate the adherence to the codes. Banks that were the subject of this study have an average adherence rate of 62% in regards to the recommendations made by the IBGC. Data analysis confirms the hypothesis of an adhesion increase over the last years
Sitio web educativo en salud sobre cuidados domiciliarios del recién nacido: construcción, validación y evaluación
Objetivo: construir, validar y evaluar un sitio web educativo en salud sobre cuidados domiciliarios del recién nacido para uso de mujeres embarazadas, puérperas y sus familias. Método: estudio metodológico desarrollado según el modelo Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate . Luego de su construcción, el sitio web fue validado por 20 expertos y evaluado por 20 personas del público objetivo, y los datos analizados según el Índice de Concordancia con un punto de corte igual o superior a 0,7 (70%). Resultados: en la validación, el Índice de Concordancia para todas las cuestiones fue superior a 0,7 (70%), con una variación entre 0,75 (75%) y 1 (100%), alcanzando un valor promedio general de 0,91 (91%). En la evaluación, todos los ítems obtuvieron la máxima puntuación, con un valor medio global de 1 (100%). Conclusión: el sitio web educativo fue construido, validado y evaluado de manera satisfactoria y puede ser considerado una herramienta adecuada para su objetivo, aportando beneficios al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las familias sobre el cuidado domiciliario posparto del recién nacido por medio de su uso. Además, también se puede aplicar a la educación de estudiantes y profesionales de la salud. El sitio web está disponible para acceso libre y gratuito por medio de notebooks, computadoras, smartphones o tablets.Objective: to build, validate, and evaluate an educational health website on home care for newborns for use by pregnant women, postpartum women, and family members. Method: methodological study developed according to the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate model. After construction, the website was validated by 20 experts and evaluated by 20 individuals from the target audience, and the data wasanalyzed according to the Concordance Index with a cut-off point equal to or greater than 0.7 (70%). Results: in the validation, the Concordance Index for all the items was higher than 0.7 (70%), with a variation between 0.75 (75%) and 1 (100%), reaching an overall average value of 0.91 (91%). In the evaluation, all the items got top marks, with anoverall average value of 1 (100%). Conclusion: the educational website was built, validated, and evaluated in a satisfactory manner. It can be considered an appropriate tool for its purpose, with benefits in the teaching-learning process for families regarding postnatal home care fornewborns through its use. It can also be used to educate students and health professionals. The website is available for free access via laptops, computers, smartphones, or tablets.Objetivo: construir, validar e avaliar um website educacional em saúde sobre os cuidados domiciliares com os recém-nascidos para uso de gestantes, puérperas e familiares. Método: estudo metodológico desenvolvido conforme o modelo Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate . Após a construção, o website foi validado por 20 experts e avaliado por 20 indivíduos do público-alvo e os dados analisados conforme Índice de Concordância com ponto de corte igual ou maior a 0,7 (70%). Resultados: na validação, o Índice de Concordância de todos os quesitos foi maior do que 0,7 (70%), com variação entre 0,75 (75%) e 1 (100%), alcançando valor médio global de 0,91 (91%). Na avaliação, todos os itens obtiveram nota máxima, com valor médio global de 1 (100%). Conclusão: o website educacional foi construído, validado e avaliado de maneira satisfatória, pode ser considerado uma ferramenta adequada ao seu objetivo, com benefícios no processo de ensino-aprendizagem das famílias, quanto ao cuidado pós-natal domiciliar com os recém-nascidos mediante sua utilização. Além disso, também pode ser aplicada na educação de estudantes e profissionais de saúde. O website encontra-se disponível para o acesso livre e gratuito por meio de notebooks, computadores, smartphones ou tablets
Estratégias de promoção à saúde mental no trabalho de enfermagem hospitalar: revisão integrativa
Objective: identify strategies for promoting the mental health of hospital nursing workers available in the literature. Method: integrative review developed through access to online information sources. Studies available entirely between 2012 and 2022 in Portuguese, English or Spanish were included. Double-blind selection was carried out, as well as descriptive presentation of results and interpretation in light of the theoretical-conceptual framework. Results: eleven articles point to individual strategies focused on skills training, teleassistance and resilience-building programs that reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and turnover, and increased job satisfaction, healthy lifestyles, well-being and general health. Conclusion: strategies for promoting mental health at work maintain their focus on the individual, and do not involve organizational and collective aspects of work, denoting insufficiency by not concentrating on the central causes of the problem. Interventions should be aimed at closing this gap to promote healthier work environmentsObjetivo: identificar estrategias de promoción de la salud mental para trabajadores de enfermería hospitalaria disponibles en la literatura. Método: revisión integrativa de la literatura en las bases de datos Lilacs, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library y Medline. Se incluyeron en la muestra estudios primarios publicados en portugués, inglés o español, disponibles en su totalidad en los últimos diez años (2012 - 2022). La selección se realizó de manera doble ciego, y los resultados se presentan de forma descriptiva e interpretados a la luz del marco teórico-conceptual adoptado. Resultados: once artículos señalan estrategias individuales centradas en la formación de habilidades, la teleasistencia y los programas de desarrollo de la resiliencia, que redujeron los síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, estrés, agotamiento y rotación, y aumentaron la satisfacción laboral, los estilos de vida saludables, el bienestar y la salud general. Conclusión: las estrategias de promoción de la salud mental en el trabajo mantienen su enfoque en lo individual, y no involucran aspectos organizativos y colectivos del trabajo, denotando insuficiencia al no concentrarse en las causas centrales del problema. Las intervenciones deberían estar encaminadas a cerrar esta brecha para promover entornos de trabajo más saludables.Objetivo: identificar estratégias de promoção à saúde mental dos trabalhadores de enfermagem hospitalar disponíveis na literatura. Método: revisão integrativa desenvolvida por meio de acesso a fontes de informação online. Foram incluídos estudos disponíveis na íntegra entre 2012 e 2022 em português, inglês ou espanhol. Realizada seleção em duplo-cego, apresentação descritiva dos resultados e interpretação à luz do referencial teórico-conceitual. Resultados: onze artigos apontam estratégias individuais focadas no treinamento de habilidades, teleassistência e programas de fortalecimento da resiliência que reduziram sintomas de depressão, ansiedade, estresse, burnout, rotatividade e elevaram satisfação no trabalho, estilos de vida saudáveis, bem-estar e saúde geral. Conclusão: as estratégias para promoção da saúde mental no trabalho mantêm o seu enfoque no indivíduo, e não envolvem aspectos organizacionais e coletivos do trabalho, denotando insuficiência ao não enfocar causas centrais do problema. As intervenções devem ser direcionadas a sanar tal lacuna para promover ambientes de trabalho mais saudáveis
IPSAL: Implementação do módulo para geração da sequência e índices de Sobol
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis hold significant importance across a range of applications, spanning from industrial problems to climate change, financial risk assessment, as well as mathematical and computational models. These analyses involve identifying influential input parameters in models to comprehend their impact on the output. Sensitivity analysis can be performed locally, examining parameter effects at a fixed value, or globally, evaluating the model across a range of parameter values. The Sobol method stands as a robust approach for global sensitivity analysis, employing a Sobol sequence to create samples more uniformly within the input parameter space, thus enabling efficient exploration of model inputs. This paper aims to introduce a computational implementation in Scilab to generate the Sobol sequence for utilization in sensitivity analysis through the Sobol method. A test case was applied to generate Sobol sequences and discuss the obtained results.A análise de sensibilidade e da incerteza tem uma importância significativa numa série de aplicações, abrangendo desde problemas industriais até alterações climáticas, avaliação de riscos financeiros, bem como modelos matemáticos e computacionais. Essas análises envolvem a identificação de parâmetros de entrada influentes nos modelos para compreender seu impacto na saída. A análise de sensibilidade pode ser realizada localmente, examinando os efeitos dos parâmetros em um valor fixo, ou globalmente, avaliando o modelo em uma faixa de valores de parâmetros. O método de Sobol apresenta uma abordagem robusta para análise de sensibilidade global, empregando uma sequência de Sobol para criar amostras de forma mais uniforme dentro do espaço de parâmetros de entrada, permitindo assim a exploração eficiente das entradas do modelo. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma implementação computacional no Scilab para gerar a sequência e os índices de Sobol para utilização em análise de sensibilidade através do método Sobol. Um caso de teste foi aplicado para gerar sequências de Sobol e discutir os resultados obtidos
Adverse events following immunization in pregnant women from Minas Gerais
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the distribution of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) in pregnant women in the state of Minas Gerais, between 2015 and 2019. METHODS: This is an epidemiological, descriptive study conducted with AEFI data from 2015 to 2019, recorded in the Adverse Events Surveillance Information System, in the state of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. A total of 670 AEFI were analyzed in pregnant women. The estimates were presented in proportions, according to the year of occurrence, health macro-region of Minas Gerais and immunobiological administered. RESULTS: The year in which there were the most records was 2017 (36.8%). Among the 14 macro-regions, the ones with the lowest and highest number of records were the Vale do Jequitinhonha (0.5%) and Center (31.8%), respectively. The vaccines contraindicated during pregnancy represented 27.6% of the total notifications. The total of 69.5% of the cases were considered immunization errors. In 75.9% of the records, the variable of medical care was ignored, and in 73.7% of the cases no information on the evolution was presented. CONCLUSION: This study shows the need for continuing education for the multidisciplinary team, in order to reduce cases of AEFI and ensure the adequate completion of notifications by health professionals.OBJETIVO: Analisar a distribuição dos eventos adversos pós-vacinação (EAPV) em gestantes do estado de Minas Gerais, entre 2015 e 2019. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, realizado com dados de EAPV, do período de 2015 a 2019, registrados no Sistema de Informação da Vigilância de Eventos Adversos, no estado de Minas Gerais (MG), Brasil. Foram analisados 670 EAPV em gestantes. As estimativas foram apresentadas em proporções, de acordo com o ano de ocorrência, macrorregião de saúde de Minas Gerais e imunobiológico administrado. RESULTADOS: O ano em que mais houve registros foi 2017 (36,8%). Entre as 14 macrorregiões, as com menor e maior número de registros foram o Vale do Jequitinhonha (0,5%) e o Centro (31,8%), respectivamente. As vacinas contraindicadas durante a gestação representaram 27,6% do total de notificações. Foram considerados como erros de imunização 69,5% dos casos. Em 75,9% dos registros, a variável de atendimento médico foi ignorada, e em 73,7% dos casos não foi apresentada informação sobre a evolução. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo expõe a necessidade da educação continuada para a equipe multidisciplinar, a fim de reduzir casos de EAPV e garantir o preenchimento adequado das notificações pelos profissionais de saúde
Effects of rice protein coating enriched with essential oils on internal quality and shelf life of eggs during room temperature storage
The effectiveness of rice protein coatings enriched with essential oils on maintaining interior quality of fresh eggs was evaluated during storage at 20°C for 6 wk. Egg quality was assessed by weight loss, Haugh unit (HU), albumen pH, and yolk index (YI) in uncoated eggs (control treatment) and eggs coated with rice protein concentrate at 8% enriched or not with different essential oils (1%): tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii), or thymo (Thymus vulgaris). The HU and YI were higher in coated eggs (P < 0.001). Data were submitted to variance analysis, and the statistical models included the effects of treatments (coating types), storage periods (weeks), and interaction (treatments by storage periods). Weight loss increased (P < 0.001) during long-term storage. Uncoated eggs showed the highest weight loss (5.43%), whereas coatings of rice protein alone (4.23%) or enriched with tea tree (4.10%), copaiba (3.90%), and thymo (4.08%) solutions were effective in preventing weight lost (P < 0.001). The coating use preserved the internal quality of the eggs for up to 3 wk longer than uncoated eggs in terms of HU, YI, and pH. Uncoated eggs had the worst (P < 0.001) HU (58.46), albumen pH (9.48), and YI (0.33) after 6 wk of storage. In conclusion, the use of coatings based on rice protein concentrate enriched with different essential oils influences the internal quality of eggs during storage and may be an effective alternative for increasing the shelf life of commercial eggs
Sex Differences in Vitamin D Status as a Risk Factor for Incidence of Disability in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: Evidence from the ELSA Cohort Study
Vitamin D deficiency compromises elements underlying the disability process; however, there is no evidence demonstrating the association between vitamin D deficiency and the incidence of disability in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). We investigated the association between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of incidence of IADL disability separately in men and women. A total of 4768 individuals aged ≥50 years from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) and without IADL disability according to the Lawton scale were available. Vitamin D was evaluated at baseline by serum 25(OH)D concentrations and classified as sufficient (>50 nmol/L), insufficient (>30 to ≤50 nmol/L) or deficient serum (≤30 nmol/L). IADL were reassessed after 4 years. Poisson models stratified by sex and controlled by covariates demonstrated that deficient serum 25(OH)D was a risk factor for the incidence of IADL disability in men (IRR: 1.43; 95% CI 1.02, 2.00), but not in women (IRR: 1.23; 95% CI 0.94, 1.62). Men appear to be more susceptible to the effect of vitamin D deficiency on the incidence of IADL disability, demonstrating the importance of early clinical investigation of serum 25(OH)D concentrations to prevent the onset of disability
Is dynapenic abdominal obesity a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality? A competing risk analysis
BACKGROUND: Dynapenic abdominal obesity has been shown as a risk factor for all-cause mortality in older adults. However, there is no evidence on the association between this condition and cardiovascular mortality. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate whether dynapenic abdominal obesity is associated with cardiovascular mortality in individuals aged 50 and older. METHODS: A longitudinal study with an 8-year follow-up was conducted involving 7,030 participants of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing study. Abdominal obesity and dynapenia were respectively defined based on waist circumference (> 102 cm for men and > 88 cm for women) and grip strength (< 26 kg for men and < 16 kg for women). The sample was divided into four groups: non-dynapenic/non-abdominal obesity (ND/NAO), non-dynapenic/abdominal obesity (ND/AO), dynapenic/non-abdominal obesity (D/NAO) and dynapenic/abdominal obesity (D/AO). The outcome was cardiovascular mortality. The Fine-Grey regression model was used to estimate the risk of cardiovascular mortality as a function of abdominal obesity and dynapenia status in the presence of competing events controlled by socio-demographic, behavioural and clinical variables. RESULTS: The risk of cardiovascular mortality was significantly higher in individuals with D/AO compared with ND/NAO (SHR 1.85; 95% CI: 1.15-2.97). D/NAO was also associated with cardiovascular mortality (SHR: 1.62; 95% CI: 1.08-2.44). CONCLUSION: Dynapenic abdominal obesity is associated with cardiovascular mortality, with a larger effect size compared to dynapenia alone in individuals older than 50 years. Thus, prevention strategies and clinical interventions that enable mitigating the harmful effects of these conditions should be adopted to diminish such risk
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