41 research outputs found

    O papel da literacia em saúde como fator associado às perdas dentárias

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    OBJECTIVE The objective was to analyze the role of health literacy (HL) as a factor associated with tooth loss among users of the Brazilian Health System with chronic non-communicable diseases. METHODS The cross-sectional analytical study was conducted with adult and elderly users chosen at ten Family Health Clinics in a draw in the town of Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. A questionnaire was applied with sociodemographic data (sex, age, skin color and education), behavioral data (brushing and flossing), determinants in health (type of dental health services and how often) and clinical data (pain). Mouth conditions were collected by intraoral examination of visible dental biofilm and community Pediodontal Index. The systemic clinical conditions (blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and blood pressure) were extracted from the medical records. The explanatory variable was HL (low, medium and high), measured with the Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14). RESULTS The outcome was tooth loss measured by the index of decayed, missing and filled teeth. Logistic regression was performed using a conceptual model for HL (p < 0.05). For the 238 subjects, the mean age was 62.7 years (± 10.55). Tooth loss was associated with HL in regression models adjusted by type of dental service, dental frequency, and dental floss. In the final model, the factors associated with tooth loss are older age (OR = 1,12; 95%CI: 1,07–1,17), a lower education (OR = 3,43; 95%CI: 1,17–10,10), irregular use of dental floss (OR = 4,58; 95%CI: 1.75 in–7,31), irregular use of dental services (n = 2,60; 95% 1,32–5,12), periodontal pocket (> 4 mm) (n = 0,31; 95%CI: 0,01–0,08), having visible dental biofilm (OR = 7,23; 95%CI: 3,19–16,41) and a higher level of blood sugar (glucose) (n = 1,98; 95%CI: 1.00–3,92). CONCLUSIONS tooth loss was associated with HL when adjusted by health behaviors; when sociodemographic variables and clinical conditions were included, it was less significant. In the final model, behaviors, determinants in health and clinical conditions were risk indicators of tooth loss, showing the multifactorial nature of this phenomenon.OBJETIVO O objetivo foi analisar o papel da Literacia em Saúde (LS) como fator associado às perdas dentárias entre usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. MÉTODOS O estudo transversal e analítico foi conduzido com usuários adultos e idosos selecionados em dez Unidades de Saúde da Família sorteadas, em Piracicaba – SP, Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário com dados sociodemográficos (sexo, idade, cor da pele e escolaridade), comportamentais (escovação e uso de fio dental), determinantes em saúde (tipo e frequência de uso de serviço de saúde médico e odontológico) e clínica (dor). As condições bucais foram coletadas por exame intrabucal do biofilme dental visível e Índice Pediodontal Comunitário. As condições clínicas sistêmicas (glicemia, hemoglobina glicada e pressóricas) foram extraídas dos prontuários. A variável explanatória foi a LS (baixa, média e alta), medida pelo Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14). RESULTADOS O desfecho foi à perda dentária medida pelo Índice de dentes permanentes cariados, perdidos e obturados. Foi realizada regressão logística com uso de um modelo conceitual para a LS (p < 0,05). Para os 238 indivíduos, a média de idade foi 62,7 anos (± 10,55). A perda dentária esteve associada à LS nos modelos de regressão ajustados por tipo de serviço odontológico, frequência odontológica e uso de fio dental. No modelo final, a perda dentária teve como fatores associados a maior idade (OR = 1,12; IC95% 1,07–1,17), menor escolaridade (OR = 3,43; IC95% 1,17–10,10), ao uso irregular de fio dental (OR = 4,58; IC95% 1,75–7,31), uso irregular do serviço odontológico (OR = 2,60; IC95% 1,32–5,12), bolsa periodontal (> 4mm) (OR = 0,31; IC95% 0,01–0,08), ter biofilme dental visível (OR = 7,23; IC95% 3,19–16,41) e maior índice de glicemia (OR = 1,98; IC95% 1,00–3,92). CONCLUSÕES A perda dentária esteve associada à LS quando ajustada por comportamentos em saúde, a partir da inclusão das variáveis sociodemográficas e condições clínicas ela perdeu a significância. No modelo final, comportamentos, determinantes em saúde e condições clínicas foram indicadores de risco da perda dentária, demonstrando a multifatorialidade envolvida neste fenômeno

    The Role of an Individual’s Perception of their Partner’s Oral Health in Heterosexual Couples

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    Objective: To analyze the role of an individual’s perception of their partner’s oral health in heterosexual couples. Material and Methods: The exploratory study with a qualitative and quantitative approach and data were collected in households in 2015. The quantitative data were analyzed using simple and multivariate binary logistic regression (p<0.05), and the qualitative using Thematic Content Analysis. Results: Of 143 participants, 113 (79.0%) were in a relationship and made up the final sample of the present study. Both women and men reported a small percentage of discomfort in relation to their partners’ oral health (23.1% vs. 14.8%; p=0.199), and only a few had received complaints about their own oral health (20.7% vs. 10.7%; p=0.179). However, almost half of the sample had been told by their partner to see the dentist (47.6% vs. 31.0%; p=0.156), and of these, most were men (48.3% vs. 25.0%; p=0.022). The men that were more likely to be told by their partners to see the dentist (OR=5.82; 95% CI: 1.71-19.80) were upper-class (OR=3.35; 95% CI: 1.05-10.67), workers (OR=7.45; 95% CI: 1.62-34.20) who were dissatisfied with their oral health (OR=3.45; 95% CI: 1.13-10.51). The participants’ reasons for complaining of their partners’ oral health or for telling them to see the dentist were related to physiopathological clinical aspects and healthcare habits. Conclusion: The women told their male partners to seek dental services more often, and future studies should explore whether women are predictors of care and the validity of this information as an indicator of the oral health condition of their male partners


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    Objetivo: compreender o processo de passagem de plantão das enfermeiras nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Adulto. Método: estudo com abordagem qualitativa, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada entre outubro e dezembro de 2020, por meio de observação não participativa e entrevista semiestruturada realizada em cinco unidades intensivas de hospital público do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias principais: Práxis da passagem de plantão para melhoria do cuidado e Barreiras que prejudicam a comunicação durante a passagem de plantão. Foi possível compreender o processo de passagem de plantão, com base nos olhares das enfermeiras intensivistas, as quais dispõem de elementos estruturais para comunicação efetiva que reverberam na continuidade da assistência. Considerações finais: no processo de passagem de plantão das enfermeiras, condições estruturais e ambientais, tais como conversas paralelas, dispersão, falta de atenção, interrupções, saídas antecipadas e ruídos foram caracterizadas como barreiras que causavam falhas e interferiam no processo de comunicação. Descritores: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Comunicação em Saúde. Enfermeiras. Jornada de Trabalho em Turnos

    Efetividade de um programa educativo-preventivo de saúde bucal em condições bucais entre escolares

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    Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational-preventive program for the improvement of oral conditions among students from two public schools in Piracicaba / SP. Methods: This is a controlled intervention study. The sample consisted of 213 children, distributed between the school of the test group (n = 109) and the control group (n = 104). The program lasted 18 months (2013 to 2015). Educational activities and clinical examinations were performed before and after the intervention. At baseline, questionnaires were applied. Results: The test group initially presented a biofilm index of 23.5 and at the end an average of 18.7, in the control group the initial average went from 23.93 to 22.01 at the end of the program. There was reduction of surfaces with white spots in the test group (p <0.01), but not for the control group (p = 0.110). For the gingival condition, the test group also improved, with a reduction in prevalence (p <0.05). Conclusion: The strategies of the program were effective and can be reproduced in other groups of students.Objetivo: O estudo buscou avaliar a efetividade de um programa educativo-preventivo para a melhoria das condições bucais entre escolares, de duas escolas públicas de Piracicaba/SP. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de intervenção, controlado. A amostra foi constituída por 213 crianças, distribuída entre uma escola do grupo teste (n=109) e do grupo controle (n=104). O programa teve duração de 18 meses (2013 a 2015). Foram realizadas atividades educativas e exames clínicos antes e após a intervenção. No baseline, houve a aplicação de questionários. Resultado: O grupo teste apresentou inicialmente índice de biofilme de 23,5 e ao final uma média de 18,7, no grupo controle a média inicial foi de 23,93 para 22,01 ao final do programa. Houve redução de superfícies com manchas brancas no grupo teste (p<0,01), mas não para o grupo controle (p=0,110). Para a condição gengival o grupo teste também apresentou melhora, com redução da prevalência (p<0,05). Conclusão: As estratégias do programa foram efetivas, podendo ser reproduzidas em outros grupos de escolares

    Avaliação Preliminar da Fauna Silvestre Terrestre do Vale do Rio Caiapó, Goiás: implicações para a conservação da biodiversidade regional

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    Esse trabalho apresenta a listagem preliminar da fauna terrestre da bacia do rio Caiapó, no Estado de Goiás. Após a combinação de dados dos programas ambientais faunísticos das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas (PCHs) de Piranhas e Mosquitão os resultados foram 4 classes, 37 ordens, 130 famílias, 361 gêneros, e 485 espécies. Os dados também foram comparados com outras localidades do Cerrado e a bacia foi avaliada com os projetos de áreas de proteção ambiental


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    Environmental contamination by hydrocarbons resulting from activities related to the oil sector is one of the great problems of our time and with the growth of production, distribution and consumption in recent years accidents involving oil or its derivatives have been increasingly steady. This environmental problems and frequent have become increasingly critical, since as can reach the soil, air and bodies of surface and underground water. Besides that, contain compounds with high level of toxicity, mobility and persistence in the environment, and generate a major ecological impact, these pollutants hinder the treatment of contaminated areas. The objective this work is to analyze from the law involved in the prevention of environmental damage this work also sought to introduce control measures and repair of the impacts caused by the oil industry, with emphasis on bioremediation technology as a mitigation measure, working in the recovery of degraded areas. Several studies developed in Brazil and the world has shown good results in restoring environments that have been polluted by hydrocarbons. It was also demonstrated the importance of the choice of technique bioremediation that followed the most used techniques for the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, both in situ and ex situ, as well as the processes involved for the bioremediation occurs effectively and safely. The development of studies like this can help generate new technologies or improve those that already exist, which is fundamental for the enrichment of new environmental decontamination projects.Environmental contamination by hydrocarbons resulting from activities related to the oil sector is one of the great problems of our time and with the growth of production, distribution and consumption in recent years accidents involving oil or its derivatives have been increasingly steady. This environmental problems and frequent have become increasingly critical, since as can reach the soil, air and bodies of surface and underground water. Besides that, contain compounds with high level of toxicity, mobility and persistence in the environment, and generate a major ecological impact, these pollutants hinder the treatment of contaminated areas. The objective this work is to analyze from the law involved in the prevention of environmental damage this work also sought to introduce control measures and repair of the impacts caused by the oil industry, with emphasis on bioremediation technology as a mitigation measure, working in the recovery of degraded areas. Several studies developed in Brazil and the world has shown good results in restoring environments that have been polluted by hydrocarbons. It was also demonstrated the importance of the choice of technique bioremediation that followed the most used techniques for the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, both in situ and ex situ, as well as the processes involved for the bioremediation occurs effectively and safely. The development of studies like this can help generate new technologies or improve those that already exist, which is fundamental for the enrichment of new environmental decontamination projects